Hui, Wang. Guard at Shang's Orion Lake facility.

  Hung-chang, Captain Li. Captain of the Sung Lien Star. In his lateforties. His hair is gleaming salt-and pepper, though his narrowmustache is still black.

  Has kindly-grandfather dark-amber eyes. After the Sung Lien Star, he isassigned to captain the S.S.

  United States.

  Hunt, Captain Leigh. Captain of the Princess Dou Wan. Described as athin man with graying hair and sad, vacant eyes. Served eighteen yearswith the Royal Navy and eighteen more as an officer with three differentshipping companies. Originally from Bridlington, England.

  Dies aboard the Princess Dou Wan when the vessel sinks.

  Indigo Star. Vessel that has the appearance of a typical cruise shipbut is instead used to smuggle twelve hundred illegal aliens to theUnited States. Her hull is painted white from the waterline to thefunnel.

  Jade Adventurer. Shang-owned research vessel constructed in hisshipyards at Hong Kong. A marvel of undersea technology. Has a sleeksuperstructure and twin catamaran hulls that give her the look of anexpensive yacht. Has an A-frame crane on her stern.

  Her hulls are painted blue with a red stripe running around her leadingedges. The upperworks are painted white. She measures 325 feet inlength. At the site of the wreck of the Princess Dou Wan.

  James, Pete. One of the Oregon crewmen. Diver and former Navy SEALShot in the legs when the Oregon attacks the Chengdo.

  Jiang, Chen. Captain of the Jade Adventurer. Has worked for Qin ShangMaritime for twenty of his thirty years at sea. Described as tall andthin with straight white hair, he is quiet and efficient in theoperation of his ship.

  Jingzi International Passages. Shang front company located in Beijing,China, that Lee pays thirty thousand dollars to be smuggled to theUnited States.

  Kai-shek, Generalissimo Chiang. Head of the Nation aust Chinese Armyand leader of Nationalist China.

  Orders the artwork and the Peking Man to be loaded aboard the PrincessDou Wan.

  Kalashnikov AKM rifle. Used by the Chinese on the S.S. United States.

  Kasini, Hah. The Oregon's vice president in charge of communications.

  IGein & Associates Systems 2000 Sonar. Sonar unit on the Divercity usedto locate the Princess Dou Wan.

  Has a high-resolution color video display unit mounted in the sameconsole as a thermal unit that records the ocean floor in 256 shades ofgray. Kwan, Zhu. Seventy-year-old scholar who is one of Clima's mostrespected historians. Described as a little man with a smiling face andsmall, heavy-lidded brown eyes. He is helping Shang search for the arttreasures that disappeared on the Princess Dou Wan. Perlmutter leaksinformation to Kwan about the wreck of the Princess Dou Wan being foundto lure Shang to the site.

  Kwong, Wu. Premier of China. Contributes to President Wallace'scampaign.

  Laird, Morton. The U.S. president's chief of staff. Described as atall, balding man with rimless spectacles.

  Has fox-brown eyes with heavily thicketed eyebrows.

  Formerly a professor of communications at Stanford.

  Wears three-piece suits with vests and has a pocket watch with a goldchain. After Shang meets with the president in the White House, Lairdresigns in disgust.

  He moves to an island off the Great Barrier Reef in Australia and beginsto write his memoirs.

  Lampack School of Oceanography. Where the Marine Denizen is to bedonated. Clive is having fun here; Peter Lampack is Clive's longtimeagent.

  Lee, Julia Marie. Special undercover agent with the Internal AffairsDivision of the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service. Born inSan Francisco, California. Her father had been an American financialanalyst based in Hong Kong who married the daughter of a wealthy Chinesebanker. Has dove-gray eyes, beautiful blue-black hair and Asianfeatures. Books passage on the Indigo Star to investigate the smugglingof illegal aliens. When her true identity is discovered, she is boundand tossed into Orion Lake to drown before being rescued by Pitt. Laterattends Shang's party with Pitt and is nearly killed in the Duesenbergchase. Then she sneaks aboard the Sung Lien Star and is captured.

  At the end of the book, Pitt invites her to Mazatlan, Mexico, for aromantic vacation.

  Lewis, Captain Duane. Captain of the Weehawken.

  Has deep-set brown eyes.

  Lin, Ming. First officer on the S.S. United States. Lin pilots theship up the Mississippi River after training on a computer simulator.

  Loo, Jack. Chief executive officer for the Dragon Triad. Eurasian,suntanned, with vapid black eyes. His hair is long and black and tiedin a ponytail. His face looks like that of a party animal, and he hashad more than one facelift. Hit by Pitt in the head, he dies atBartholomeaux Sugar.

  Lotus H. Code name for the person Han calls in Hong Kong after the INSraid begins at Orion Lake.

  Louisiana & Southern Railroad. Name on the diesel electric locomotiveinside Bartholomeaux Sugar.

  Loyang, Lin. President of China.

  MlAl tanks. Tanks used by the Louisiana National Guard. Mounted with105-millimeter guns.

  Malder, Karl. One of the fake identities used by Pitt and Giordino whenthey search the S.S. United States at the dock. Said to work for theGerman shipbuilding firm of Voss and Heibert.

  Manitowoc, Wisconsin. Town where the Gallagers retired. Locatedthirty-five miles south of Green Bay.

  Marchand, Sheriff Louis. Sheriff of lberville Parish.

  Described as trim and smartly dressed in a tailored uniform. He ispolished, urbane and extremely street-smart.

  Marine Denizen. NUMA research vessel. The oldest ship in the NUMAfleet and soon to be retired. Assigned to the Mississippi Riverproject.

  Mazatlan. Mexican resort town where Pitt invites Lee for a romanticvacation.

  McDonnell-Douglas Explorer. Fast, no-tail rotor, twin-enginedhelicopter with a top speed of 170 miles an hour. Giordino and Gunn usethe helicopter toattack the ultralights and help Pitt and the immigrants aboard theChris-Craft escape.

  Meadows, Bob. One of the Oregon crewmen. Diver and former Navy SEAL.

  Shot in the legs when the Oregon attacks the Chengdo.

  Mercado, Juan. A naval archivist from Panama whom Perlmutter asks tosearch the Panama Canal records for ships passing through the canal fromNovember 28 through December 5, 1948. He finds that the Princess YungT'ai passed December 1, 1948.

  Nbang, Qian. China's ambassador to the United States.

  A portly man with short hair styled in a crew cut whose face is fixed ina constant little grin. Was schooled for three years at Cambridge.

  Monroe, Duncan. Commissioner of the Immigration and NaturalizationService.

  Montaigne, Major General Frank. President of the Mississippi RiverCommission and head of the Army Corps of Engineers for the entireMississippi Valley from the Gulf up to where the Missouri River joinsthe Nfississippi near St. Louis. Described as late-fiftyish with steelgray hair. His eyebrows stayed black and sat on top of gray-bluecolored eyes. Born below New Orleans to a fisherman father, Montaignehas served a distinguished career in both Vietnam and the Gulf War andhas a Ph.D. in hydrology. Married, with three daughters. Present whenthe S.S. United States runs upriver.

  Morgan City, Louisiana. Town closest to Sungari.

  With a population of fifteen thousand, the city is the largest in St.Mary Parish. The city faces west, overlooking a wide stretch of theAtchafalaya River called Berwick Bay.

  Mosby underwater rifles. An underwater weapon that fires a missile witha small explosive head through water. Used by the Chinese who attackthe Sea DogMystic Canal. Dredged by Shang to divert the Mississippi River.

  Nanchang Investments. Holding company based in Vancouver, BritishColumbia, that Shang hides behind when he purchases the Orion Lakeproperty.

  National Gallery of Art Where the artifacts removed from the PrincessDou Wan are to be exhibited.

  Newt suits. Deep-water atmospheric diving system that enables the diverinside to work for long periods of time at the four-hundred-plus depthwithout concerns over decompression. B
ulbous, constructed of fiberglassand magnesium and self-propelled.

  NUMA Marine Science Center. NUMA facility at Bremerton, Washington,where Giordino and Gunn borrow the helicopter used to help Pitt on theOrion River.

  Ocean Retriever. NUMA vessel that was working off the coast of Mainebut was diverted to Lake Michiganto help with the recovery of the artifacts from the Princess Dou Wan.

  Olson, General Oskar. Commander of the Louisiana National Guard.

  Attended West Point. Old friend of Montaigne's. A man in his latefifties, youthful-looking, confident and buoyant. He is about the samesize as Pitt but has a slight paunch at the waist. Has olive browneyes.

  Operation lberville. The operation at Morgan City.

  Operation Orion. The operation at Orion Lake.

  Oregon. Formerly a Pacific Coast lumber hauler, the vessel sailedbetween Vancouver and San Francisco for close to twenty-five yearsbefore being retired.

  When Pitt boards her in Manila, he guesses her length at just underthree hundred feet, with a forty-five-foot beam, and figures the vesseldisplaces between four and five thousand tons. Flies an Iranian flag.

  Powered by twin diesel turbine engines; her twin screws can push theship past forty knots. For armaments, the vessel features sea-to-seaand sea-to-air missile launchers along with Harpoon surface-to-surfacemissiles and Mark 46 torpedoes. Owned by the covert intelligencecorporation that helps Pitt search the S.S. United States.

  Oregon's launch. A big, double-ender powered by a 539-cubic-inch,1,500-horsepower engine.

  Orion Lake. Lake on the Olympic Peninsula where Shang's compound islocated. Shaped like a slenderteardrop whose lower end gently tapers into a small river.

  Orion River. Starts at Orion Lake. Runs sixteen miles through a canyonbefore emptying into the upper end of a fjord like inlet calledGrapevine Bay. Grapevine Bay opens into the Pacific Ocean.

  Paladin Self-Propelled Howitzer. Used by the Louisiana National Guardto attack the S.S. United States.

  Shoot a 155-millimeter high-explosive fragmentation shell.

  Pecorelli, Harold. President Wallace's new chief of staff after Lairdresigns. Peking Man. Sinanthropus pekinensis. A very ancient and primitive manwho walked upright on two feet.

  His skull was discovered in 1929 by Canadian anatomist Charles Blackdigging in a quarry that had once been a hill with limestone caves nearthe village of Choukoutien. In December 1941, when invading Japanesetroops were closing in on Peking, officials at the Peking Union MedicalCollege, where the bones were stored, decided they should be moved to aplace of safety. The bones were packed in two Marine Corps footlockersand put aboard a train bound for the port city of Tientsin, where theywere to be placed aboard the S.S. President Harrison, an American shipbelonging to the American President Line. They never arrived.

  Recovered from the wreck of the Princess Dou Wan.

  People's Republic Ministry of Internal Affairs. Obscure Chinesegovernment agency that is involved in everything from foreign espionageof scientific technology to the international smuggling of immigrants torelieve population overcrowding.

  Po, Li. Second mate on the Princess Dou Wan.

  Princess Dou Wan. Carries the treasures ordered removed from China byChiang Kai-shek. Launched in 1913 by shipbuilders Harland & Wolff.

  Gross tonnage of 10,758. Length of 497 feet with 60-foot beam. Theship had triple expansion engines that could generate 5,000 horsepower.

  Her twin screws could power her to seventeen knots. Her accommodationswere designed to carry 55 first-class passengers, 85 second class and370 third-class. She was normally crewed by 190 officers and men, buton her final voyage she was manned by only 38.

  Originally named Lanai.

  Princess Yung Tai. Sister ship of the Princess Dou Wan. Launched intoservice the year after the Princess Dou Wan. According to records, thePrincess Yung T'ai was broken up six months before the Princess Dou Wanwas due to be scrapped.

  Project Pacifica. Chinese government plan to split the United Statesinto three countries. Pacifica would stretch from Alaska to SanFrancisco.

  Qin Shang Maritime Lindted. Shang-owned shipping company based in HongKong. Operates a fleet of more than a hundred cargo ships, oil tankersand cruise ships.

  Qingdao, China. Port from which the Indigo Star left.

  Reflecting Pool. 160-foot-long pool in Washington, D.C that Pitt drivesthe Duesenberg through to elude Shang's assassins.

  Rolls-Royce. Cabrillo borrows a 1955 Silver Dawn with Hooper coachworkand has Seng drive Pitt and Giordino to where the S.S. United States isdocked for an inspection.

  Romberg. Fish-eating bloodhound the Bayou Kid loans to Pitt andGiordino. Described as incredibly lazy with floppy ears. Enjoyssniffing.

  Ross, Linda. Surveillance analyst on the Oregon. Had been chieffire-control officer on board a U.S. Navy Aegis guided-missile cruiser.

  Russell, Arthur. Director of the INS's San Francisco office and Lee'sboss. Described as gray-haired and reasonably trim from daily workouts.

  SA-7 missile. Russian-made, man-portable infrared homing antiaircraftmissile used by one of the Chinese Special Forces commandos on the S.S.

  United States to shoot down the helicopters.

  San, Li. Guard at Shang's Orion Lake facility.

  Sappho IV submersible. NUMA submersible Pitt and Giordino use forrecovering artifacts from the Princess Dou Wan.

  Sea Dog II. NUMA submersible used to survey the hull of the S.S.

  United States at Kwai Chung north of Kowloon. Has the appearance of afat Siamese cigar with stubby wings on each side that curve to verticalon the tips. The twenty-three-foot long, eight-foot wide, 3,200-poundvehicle may look ungainly on the surface, but she dives with the graceof a baby whale.

  Three thrusters in the twin tail section impel water through the frontintakes and expel it out the rear.

  Can dive to a depth of two thousand feet.

  Sea Jasmine. Shang-designed submersible built as a backup to Sea Lotus.

  Sea Lotus. Shang-designed submersible. Built at a company in Francethat [email protected] in deep-undersea vehicles.

  Selby, Norman. Colburn tells Pitt he is the real estate agent who soldShang the old fish cannery he converted to his compound on Orion Lake.

  Seng, Eddie. Part of the crew of the Oregon. Was the CIA's agent inBeijing for almost twenty years until he was forced to return to theUnited States and retire. Shot twice in the right arm when the Oregonattacks the Chengdo.

  Shang, Qin. A Chinese shipping magnate who operates out of Hong Kong.

  Owns the compound on Orion Lake. Born on the same day in the same yearas Pitt.

  President Wallace's chief fund-raiser in Asia. Described as taR formost Asian men at five feet, eleven inches. Heavy around the waist,chubby, he weighs210 pounds. His black hair is thick and cut short with a part down themiddle. His head and face are not round but narrow and almost feline,and match his long and slender hands. His mouth, oddly and deceptively,seems fixed in a permanent grin. His eyes are the color of the purestgreen jade. As an orphan, he begged on the streets of Kowloon acrossVictoria Harbor from the island of Hong Kong. By age ten, he had savedenough money to buy a sampan; two years later, he operated a fleet often. Before he was eighteen, he sold the sampans, bought an ancientintercoastal tramp steamer and built his fleet from there.

  Likes to drink American coffee with chicory. Owns an island near HongKong as well as a house in Chevy Chase, Maryland. Orders Pitt killed,but the assassins are foiled. Dies aboard the Sea Lotus on the site ofthe Princess Dou Wan when he encounters Pitt and Giordino.

  Shanty boat. Also called camp boats. 'the Bayou Kid loans one to Pittand Giordino to use. Described as broad and flat Iiie a barge. Asquare box atop the deck with windows and doors is the house. Inside isa wood-burning potbellied stove. The vessel is powered by a427-cubic-inch Ford V-8 engine, with dual carburetors that producesclose to 425 horsepower.

  Sikorsky S-76 Eagle. Type of helicopter that attacks the S.S. UnitedStates.

p; Simmons, George. Assistant district director of the Immigration andNaturalization Service who meets the Chris-Craft when it reaches safety.A tall, jovial-looking man with twinkling eyes.

  Sky fox Flying Boat. Built by Lockheed, the two-seater jet aircraftwere originally designed as jet trainers.

  Modified by NUMA, the plane can make water landings, Has twin jetengines mounted on the fuselage behind the wings and cockpit.

  Smith & Wesson First Response knife. Brand of knife Lee straps to herleg before going aboard the Sung Lien Star.