Toft, Jason. The Glomar Explorer's chief engineer.

  Described as a man with a huge stomach and short legs. He isresponsible for repairing the Glomar Explorer's engines in record timeso she can be deployed to drop the deflector.

  Tucson. U.S. Navy missile cruiser that was Sandecker's last command.

  Tzu-hsi. Ningpo-design Chinese junk named after the last Chinesedowager empress and owned by Converse. Twenty-four meters in lengthwith a beam of six meters and built from top to bottom of cedar andteakwood. Converse is sailing the ship on an around the-world cruisewhen it is hit by an acoustic wave.

  Ultrasonic drilling equipment. Used by Dorsett Consolidated. Usessound pulses with acoustic frequencies of sixty thousand to eightythousand Hertz or cycles per second.

  Underwriting Room of Lloyd's of London. Area in the famous ship insurerwhere lost ships are recorded.

  U.S. Navy F-22A. Type of jet fighter that transports Sandecker fromHawaii to Tasmania. A two-place jet that can operate at Mach 3+ speeds.

  U.S. Navy SH-60B Sea Hawk. Helicopter with NUMA markings that Ameslands on the Glomar Explorer.

  Van Fleet, Robin. Wife of Roy Van Fleet.

  Van Fleet, Roy. NUMA marine biologist who is aboard the helicopterpiloted by Giordino when Pitt visits Seymour Island. Married, he hasthree children.

  Vega Island. Location mentioned by Pitt as the site where fifty or moredead seals washed ashore.

  Weddell Sea. Location mentioned by Pitt as site of a huge school ofdead dolphins.

  Wellington, New Zealand. Capital city of New Zealand.

  Enclosed by a huge bay and a maze of islands, along with low mountainswith Mount Victoria the highest peak. Lush, green vegetation surroundsthe port, which boasts one of the finest harbors in the world. Pitt,Fletcher and Giordino land there with the intention of boarding theOcean Angler but are kidnapped by Dorsett security forces and takenaboard the Dorsett yacht.

  Wilbanks, Wes. Marine architect in Miami, Florida, who helps Giordinoidentify the yacht seen leaving the area near the Mentawai. Describedas in his early thirties and quite tall. Has a soft Southern drawl.

  His handsome face is framed by an abundance of fashionably slicked-backhair that is graying at the temples.

  Winkleman, John. A convict and one of the survivors of the raft fromthe Gladiator. Murders Reed in a dispute over Marion Adams, then latermarries her.

  Goes mad when Adams dies giving birth to a daughter and tries to killthe baby. Later gets hold of his senses but is never the same again.

  Winkleman, Mary. Daughter of Marion Adams and John Winkleman.

  Educated at a proper girls' school in England. Later marries CharlesDorsett.

  York, Rodney. Yachtsman who entered a solo around the-world sailboatrace that began in Portsmouth, England. The race was sponsored by aLondon newspaper, and the prize was twenty thousand pounds for thewinner. He left Portsmouth April 24, 1962. Lived in Falmouth inCornwall. Survived on the Tits for onehundred thirty-six days before dying. Had a wife and three daughters.

  York's widow is still living in Falmouth Bay, a sweet little lady in herlate seventies.

  Giordino has York's log books delivered to her by courier.

  Zodiac. A versatile rubber craft designed by the late Jacques Cousteauand used by the passengers of the Polar Queen to visit Seymour Island.

  Flood TideAserms Bulldog. Twelve-gauge self-ejecting shotgun Pitt uses againstassassins inside his aircraft hangar.

  Bamboo VI. Code name Han uses when he calls Hong Kong during the INSraid on Orion Lake. Bartholomeaux Landing. The area where the sugar mill is located.

  Bayou Kid. Name Cussler uses for his appearance.

  Described as an older man, in his mid-sixties. Plays the role of theloner but has a humorous and friendly grin in his blue-green eyes. Hishair is gray, and it matches a mustache that falls and meets a beardaround his chin. Said to own a fleet of fishing boats and a big catfishfarm. You wouldn't know to look at him, but he's a wealthy man.

  Benthos A.U.V Used in Louisiana, it is three times the size of the onePitt used in Orion Lake. Features twin horizontal thrusters and imageryequipment thatincludes a video camera with low-light sensitivity and high resolution,a video still camera and a ground penetrating radar unit.

  Benthos Inc. A.U.V. Autonomous Underwater Vehicle that has ahigh-resolution underwater camera. Remotely operated. Pitt uses it tosearch Orion Lake.

  He controls the A.U.V by means of a joystick mounted on a small remotehand box. After Pitt views the videotape shot by the A.U.V, he seesbodies strewn on the bottom of Orion Lake.

  Black, Charles. Canadian anatomist who discovered the Peking Man.

  Boone, Sam. Mississippi River pilot assigned to navigate the S.S.

  United States upriver. Described as a heavy man with a beer belly.

  Hung-chang orders him taken prisoner and locked up below decks.

  Butterfield Freight Corporation. Company the guard at the BartholomeauxSugar plant claims he works for.

  Most likely a Shang-owned front company.

  Cabrillo, Chairman Juan Rodriguez. Leader of the group that operatesthe Oregon. Described as a handsome man in his mid-forties with blueeyes and blond hair in a crew cut. His parents immigrated from Mexicoin 1931 and became American citizens five years later. His leg isamputated after the battle with the Chengdo.

  Campbeltown. British World War II vessel loaded with explosives andrammed into the drydock at SaintNazaire to thwart the Nazis.

  Carr, Robin. Receptionist in the West Wing of the White House.

  Described as an attractive lady in her late thirties with auburn hairtied in an old-fashioned bow.

  Charlie's Fish Dock, Seafood and Booze. Location in Louisiana wherePitt and Giordino meet the Bayou Kid. The inside is described as likewalking back in time. The ancient air conditioning long ago lost itswar with human sweat and tobacco smoke. The wooden floor is worn smoothand scarred by hundreds of cigarette burns. The tables are cut andvarnished from the hatch covers of old boats. 'the tired captain'schairs look patched and glued. The walls feature rusty advertisingsigns.

  Chan, Lei. Deputy minister of internal affairs who succeeds Tsang.

  Chengdo. Chinese Luhu Type 052 Class destroyer that orders the Oregonto stop. ID number 116. Launched in the late 1990s, the vesseldisplaces forty-two hundred tons and features two gas turbine enginesrated at 45,000 horsepower. Carries two Harbine helicopters and has acomplement of two hundred thirty men, forty of them officers. Herarmaments include eight sea-skimming missiles and a surface-to-airoctuble launcher, twin 100-milimeter guns in a turret aft of the bow,eight 37-millimeters mounted in pairs along with six torpedoes in twotriple tubes and twelve antisubmarine mortar launchers. Sunk by theOregon.

  Cherokee OH Company. Oil company based in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, thatowns the concrete pier where Pitt and Giordino stop the shanty boat.

  There they are accosted by a security force from Sungari that arrives ina Hovercraft and films them.

  China Maritime. Chinese government-owned shipping company Miang tellsShang will replace Qin Shang Maritime.

  Ching, May. Works for the Dragon Triad and is with Loo at BartholomeauxSugar. Described as looking Eurasian. Her shiny black hair falls in along cascade down her back. Her shoulders are broad, her breasts nicelyrounded, and her slim waist neatly merges with her trim legs. She wearsmakeup with skill, and her nails are incredibly long. Her eyes areunusual, one nearly black and the other light gray.

  Her father was British. Held by Pitt for the INS a ents.

  Chong, Kung. Han's second-in-command. Has a quiet, competent voice.

  Formerly an agent with the People's Republic of China's intelligenceservice.

  Chris-Craft Runabout. Boat owned by Foley. A 1933 twenty-one-footerthat features a gleaming mahogany hull and double cockpits. The boathas a tumble-home stern, curved gracefully from the transom forward tothe engine compartment, which sits between the forward and aft cockpits.Powered by a big, straight-eight, 125-horse
power Chrysler marine engine.

  Chu, Lin Wan. Cook on the Sung Lien Star whom Lee impersonates. Thereal Lin grew up on a farm inJiangsu Province, then ran away to sea. She is drugged with a shot froma hypodermic needle and taken aboard the Weehawken.

  Cochran, Chief Mickey. Chief aboard the Weehawken who helps Lee makethe identity switch. A burly man with a walrus mustache and deep-setgray eyes.

  Colburn, Dick. The owner of the general store at Orion Lake. SellsPitt provisions. Explains that Shang has bought most of the propertysurrounding Orion Lake.

  Crabtree, Monica. Supply and logistics coordinator on the Oregon.

  Described as six feet tall and weighing two hundred pounds.

  Daniels, Harry. Colburn tells Pitt that Daniels hunts and camps alongthe Orion River and has seen a strange work boat traveling the lakeafter midnight and never under a moon.

  Davis, Charles. Special assistant to the director of the Federal Bureauof Investigation. Davis is present after Pitt and Lee escape Shang'sassassins and are debriefed. Described as a tall man with the look of aSaint Bernard coming across a garbage can at a barbecue restaurant.

  Dean Hawes. U.S. Navy salvage vessel that assists in the recovery ofthe artifacts from the Princess Dou Wan. Described as new, only twoyears from her launch date, and constructed especially for deep-waterwork, particularly the recovery of submarines.

  Deng, Chu. Captain of the black catamaran that dumps the bodies inOrion Lake. Also supervisor in charge of transporting illegalimmigrants from the mother ship and responsible for the execution ofthose who are unfit for slave labor.

  Divercity. Boat Pitt hires to search for the Princess Dou Wan on LakeMichigan. Described as a twenty-five-foot Parker with a cabin andpowered by a 250 horsepower Yamaha outboard. Electronics includeNavStar differential global-positioning system interfaced with a 486computer, a Geometries 866 marine magnetometer, a Klein side-scan sonarand a Benthos MiniRover MKII underwater robotic vehicle.

  Dragon Lady. Code name Lee uses over the radio to the security teamwhen she attends the party at Shang's home in Chevy Chase with Pitt.

  Dragon Triad. Qin Shang's partner. They buy what Shang imports:people, drugs, weapons. Loo from the Triad meets with Wong atBartholomeaux Sugar.

  Du Gard, Marie. Chef on the Oregon. From Belgium, she plans to open arestaurant in Midtown Manhattan after two more undercover operations.

  Duesenberg. One of Pitt's cars. His is a 1929 convertible sedan withorange body and brown fenders. The Model J Duesenbergs were the finestexamples of American auto making. Produced from 1928 until 1936, theyare considered by many collectors as the handsomest cars ever built.

  Pitt's car was custom-bodied by Walter M. Murphy Company in Pasadena,California. The straight eight-cylinder engine displaces for hundredtwenty cubic inches. The engine produced two hundred sixty-fivehorsepower. Under the right conditions, the car can reach speeds of onehundred forty miles an hour. Has big 750-by-17-inch tires.

  Elder, Cindy. Colburn tells Pitt she tends bar over at the SockeyeSaloon and gives a great massage.

  F Jack. The deputy director of the Immigration and NaturalizationService region that encompasses Orion Lake.

  Felix Bartholomeaux Sugar Processing Plant Number One. Established in1883, it is used in Shang's smuggling operation. Location where Lee istaken prisoner by Wong, who wants to trade her to Loo.

  Ferguson, Dale. Commandant of the Coast Guard.

  Described as a large, ruddy man with a ready smile.

  Married to Sally. Has boys in college.

  Foley, Sam. An old friend of the Pitt family. Loans his cabin on OrionLake to Pitt so he can relax and recuperate. The only person who hasnot sold Shang his cabin on Orion Lake.

  Fort McNair. Base in Washington, D.C where Sandecker and Gunn meet withPresident Wallace. Because of terrorist threats, the president and thefirst family only rarely visit the White House and live here.

  The dachshund dog owned by Katrina Garin.

  Drowns aboard the Princess Dou Wan. Pitt recovers the dog's bones andpresents them to the Gallagers for burial.

  Gailager, Ian "Hong Kong." Chief engineer on the Princess Dou Wan.

  Described at the time of the sinking as an ox-shouldered, red-faced,hard-drinking, heavily-moustached Irishman. Perlmutter finds accountsof Gallager rescuing the passengers and crew of a sinking tramp steameroff the Philippines in 1936.

  After 1948, he seemed to drop off the face of the earth. Yaeger learnshe became an American citizen in 1950. After that, he worked as a chiefengineer with the New York-based Ingram Line. Married Katrina Garin in1949 and raised five children. Later retired to a lakefront town namedManitowoc on the Wisconsin side of Lake Michigan. When Pitt and Leevisit him, he reveals the location of the Princess Dou WanGarin, Katrina (Gaflager). Girlfriend and later wife of Ian Gallager.

  Described at the time of the sinking as having long blond hair. Hercomplexion is smooth and flawless with high cheekbones. Her body islong and beautifully proportioned, and her eyes are the vivid blue of alate-morning sky.

  Gavrovich, Pavel. Shang's chief enforcer. Formerly one of the finestand most ruthless undercover agents in all of Russia. Described as atall, medium-built man with Slavic features. He has thick black hairthat he greases and combs back across the head with no part.

  Attempts to kill Pitt at his aircraft hangar/home but is killed instead.

  George B. Larson. Army Corps of Engineers survey boat that inspects theMississippi River.

  Gibbs, William Francis. Famed ship designer who designed the S.S.

  United States.

  Giraud, Lucas. Captain of the George B. Larson.

  Looks like one of the Three Musketeers with French hawk like featuresand flowing black mustache waxed and twisted at the ends. A big manwith a big belly.

  Greenberg, Sam. NUMA driver who drops Pitt off at his aircrafthangar/home after returning from searching the S.S. United States.

  Young, no more than twenty, a student studying oceanography at a localuniversity while earning extra money under a marine educational programcreated for NUMA by Sandecker. Pitt tells him to call Sandecker and asecurity force.

  Grosse, Erich. One of the fake identities used by Pitt and Giordinowhen they search the S.S. United States at the dock. Said to work forthe German shipbuilding firm of Voss and Heibert.

  Hall, Wes. One of the crew of the Divercity. Described as aneasygoing, soft-spoken and smoothly handsome man who could double forMel Gibson.

  Han, Lo. Chief of compound security for Shang's Orion Lake facility.

  Described as a big bull of a man built like a beer keg with a massive,square-jawed head and eyes that are always bloodshot. After Pittescapes on the Chris-Craft and the Orion Lake compound is raided, Hancommits suicide in his mobile security vehicle.

  Hanley, Max. Corporate vice president of operational systems aboard theOregon. Has a red face with no trace of a tan. Has alert brown eyes, abulbous nose and only a wisp of auburn hair splayed across his head.

  Harper, Peter. Executive associate commissioner for field operationsfor the Immigration and Naturalization Service. Has thinning blond hairand gray eyes and wears rimless spectacles.

  Mill, Wilbur. A director with the Central Intelligence Agency. Hill ispresent after Pitt and Lee esciipc iiuiii Shang's assassins and aredebriefed. A blond man with a mustache and pale blue eyes set wideapart.

  Hispania. A country of Spanish-speaking people that will spread fromSouthern California across Arizona, New Mexico and the lower half ofTexas.

  House of Tin Hau. Shang's mansion. Located on an island about a milein diameter in Repulse Bay near Hong Kong. Originally a Taoistmonastery built in 1789, it was abandoned in 1949 and purchased by Shangin 1990. Protected by a high wall and well-guarded gates, the enclosedgardens contain many rare trees and flowers. The inside is furnishedwith rare works of art, and the dining room is massive with a hugecircular table. Guests arrive by helicopter or aboard Shang's twohundred-foot ship.

  Hovercraft. Used by Shan
g's security force at Sungari.

  An amphibious craft that can ride on both water and land. Propelled bytwin aircraft engines with propellers at the stern. The Hovercraft issupported by a cushion of air contained within a heavy rubber structureand produced by a smaller encine attached to a horizontal fan.

  Hudson Bay. Canadian salvage ship owned by Deep Abyss Systems Limitedout of Montreal. An older vessel converted from a powerful oceangoingsalvage and tugboat. Assists in the recovery of artifacts from thePrincess Dou Wan.

  Hui, General Kung. General with the Nationalist Chinese Army whosupervises the hiding of the Peking Man and the priceless art treasuresaboard the Princess Dou Wan. During the sinking, he boards a life raftwith Gallager and Garin but dies before they reach land.