Page 18 of Lev

  I had secretly been going to Nastasia’s in the mornings and house hunting. There were a few good options, but I didn’t have enough saved in just over six weeks to warrant me blowing all my dough at once. I needed at least another two or three weeks to get into a comfortable position. I didn’t want to mooch off Lev. He had done nothing but support me since he found me, and I was beginning to think I was becoming a nuisance.

  Damned Anika and her comments from this morning!

  They were playing on me.

  When Lev and I walked into the bar and separated to head off in our designated areas, Nas stopped me before I headed behind the bar. “What did you do to my brother?” It was an accusation if I ever heard one.

  My brow creased. “What do you mean?”

  She turned, throwing her arms out in his direction. Then she leaned toward me and whisper-hissed, “He’s wearing jeans!” She shook her head, eyes wide. “What the fuck?”

  Oh, that. I rolled my eyes. “I asked him to wear them. I’d never seen him in jeans. He looks great in them, don’t you think? Much more approachable.” I turned to look over at him at the very same moment he turned to look at me. I smiled and lifted a hand in a timid wave. “That ass, though. Grrr.”

  Lev winked at me.

  He freaking winked at me.

  And my stomach flipped.

  “Ewww,” Nas muttered, then her voice gentled. “I can’t believe he’s wearing jeans. I don’t know what you’re doing with him, but keep doing it. He’s loosened up a whole lot since you got here, kukla.”

  I was too sad to register that she had paid me a major compliment. Instead, I pouted. “He said he would kiss me tonight.” I turned to look at her. “He hasn’t kissed me yet. I want it so bad it hurts.”

  Nas’s eyes widened. “I’m going to pretend we’re not talking about my brother here for a second and tell you that if you want something, you’re going to have to fight for it.” She leaned against the bar. “Those are the rules.”

  My mouth parted in shock as I glared at her. “There are rules? Why didn’t I know this?”

  She shrugged. “You were homeless. I don’t think homeless people are down on the rules.”

  I clicked my tongue and bit my thumbnail. “Damn being homeless to heck.”

  Nas nudged me with a chuckle. I liked when we joked around like this. It was soothing. It felt so normal to have a friend to kid around with, and yet, it was so foreign to me.

  I joined Birdie behind the bar and, with a quick hug in greeting, we started to work. It wasn’t long into my shift before Brick told me that Sasha wanted to see me in his office.

  Sasha made me nervous. He always looked as if he had an ulterior motive. Perhaps it was hidden to the general eye, but I’d known many people like that on the streets and could spot them a mile away.

  I knocked before stepping inside. “You wanted to see me?”

  He stood by the side of his desk, going over some paperwork. He was dressed in a black tailored suit and white shirt. Sasha was tall, and I was sure that whatever he was hiding under his suit was close to the perfection I had seen on Lev. His dark brown hair cut into a faux-hawk, his frosty brown eyes looked up at me. “Shut the door behind you.”

  He would be so handsome if only he smiled.

  I couldn’t help it. Sarcasm was the language I spoke with Sasha. “Yes, sir. Cap’n, sir.” I closed the door and sat on the guest chair.

  Sasha moved around the table and sat behind the desk, looking at me in the eye. “It’s been six weeks.”

  I nodded. “Yes, it has.”

  He tilted his head slightly and waited. When he realized I wasn’t going to add anything, he lifted his hands. “Don’t you think it was time you moved on?”

  My heart shrank three sizes. My throat seized in panic. I couldn’t speak for a long while. Finally, I found my voice, shaky as it was. “I wasn’t aware my position here was temporary.”

  “It’s not,” he said in complete calm. “But between you and me, it always was.” His eyes bore into me. “You knew that.” He searched my face, and whatever he found there, he wasn’t happy with it. He sighed, irritated. “You didn’t know that.”

  I shook my head.

  Sasha leaned back in his chair and I squeaked under his weight. “Lev likes pretty girls.” My eyes snapped up. “Extra points if they’re damaged.” His lip curled. “Like you.”

  “I’m not damaged,” I whispered.

  He smiled then, but it was harsh, cruel. “You’re a pretty girl, Mina. But Lev’s choices in women don’t lie. You might not be damaged, but you’re damaged goods.”

  He was being unnecessarily insensitive. This was all I knew of Sasha. Nasty looks and cruel taunts. It was tearing me down emotionally. And that stunk, because I was finally in a good place with myself. “Why are you being so mean to me?”

  At hearing my question, his brow furrowed in confusion. “You misunderstand me, Mina. I’m not being mean. I’m being honest. Sometimes the truth hurts.”

  My self-esteem had taken a major hit. I was about ready to burst into tears at the humiliation. “So, I’m fired then?”

  “No,” he uttered sincerely. “No. Not fired. But you’re going to leave us. Quit. You’re going to go far away and leave my brother alone.”

  No. I wouldn’t. “No. I won’t.”

  Sasha exhaled, long and slow. “I know you guys have some little flirtation happening. It’s cute. But you’re something he doesn’t need right now.”

  “Who are you to say that? Maybe you should ask him what he needs.”

  He scowled at me. “Listen to me. Irina will tear you apart, girl. She doesn’t want Lev, but she doesn’t want anyone else to have him. Her objective in life is to make him miserable. As long as you’re in the picture, he’ll never get Lidiya back. It’s her way or no way.”

  “I don’t believe you,” I told him, even though part of me did.

  He shook his head at me. “I didn’t want to insult you. You seem like the type of woman who would be insulted by an offer, but here.” He handed me a check. “A hundred grand. Two years of wages. You’ll be able to set yourself up from scratch, find a new job, and an apartment far, far away.”

  He knew it was coming. How could he not? I took the check between my fingers and tore it straight down the middle.

  Fuming, I stood and walked toward the door, pausing as I opened it. “How does it feel, Sasha? How does it feel that the homeless chick, the woman who has nothing, wouldn’t take your money?” I looked him up and down, shaking my head in revulsion. “Your brother is ten times the man you’ll ever be, and if you want me gone, you’ll have to take me away in a body bag.”

  He grinned, amused at my sudden stand. “Calm yourself, viper. That won’t be necessary.”

  I lifted my nose. “Is that all, Mr. Leokov?”

  He waved me off. “That will be all.”

  It was hard to concentrate after Sasha’s intervention on my relationship with his brother. Why was it any of his business anyway? What happened between Lev and me should stay between the two of us. It was none of his concern.

  As the night came to an end, Birdie and I finished loading up the dirty glasses onto trays and took them into the back area to load up the industrial dishwasher. We wiped down the countertops and tables and lifted the non-slip mats for the cleaners, who would come in after we had left. We chatted amongst ourselves and waited for the others to be done so we could leave as a group.

  Anika had disappeared halfway through service and I didn’t see her again. My guess was that she’d taken ill.

  Birdie and I chatted away. I laughed at something she’d said when I heard, “Mina?”

  Lev stood behind me. I smiled back at him. “Just a second, sweetie.”

  Birdie continued her story and I listened intently.


  I turned around and bunched my nose. “Hold on, Lev. The story’s almost done.”

  Birdie took me to the crescendo of her tale and
we both burst into laughter. Then suddenly I squeaked as I was being lifted off the ground and my ass hit the bar counter.

  I was quickly coming to realize that if Lev wanted your attention, he’d fight for it. I blinked, face-to-face with Lev, his hands on either side of my thighs. “Hi.”

  He winced. “Hello.”

  It was then that I noticed he was in pain and my heart panged. “What’s wrong?”

  He shook his head but spoke through gritted teeth. “Headache. I’d like to leave now.”

  “Okay.” I lifted my hands and touched his neck lightly while running the other over his forehead. He was a little warm. “But first, can I try something?” I ran my hands through his hair, gently using my thumbs to circle along his temples. He groaned out loud. When I thought he could stand more pressure, I pressed harder. His eyes closed and his lips parted as I massaged his temples.

  Without warning, he stepped closer, a frown at his brow, fitting himself into the space between my knees, snaking his arms around my waist and resting his forehead in the center of my chest, moaning as I went about my ministrations.

  He greedily snatched my attention, and I loved every moment of it. I loved that he took what he needed from me.

  I placed soft kisses at the crown of his head and held onto him, my legs wrapping around his waist. After five minutes of massage, I released his temples and wrapped my arms around his shoulders, trying not to think about his crotch being so close to mine.

  We stayed in that embrace for a long while after, just relishing in the warm glow we had created in each other.

  After a minute, Lev lifted his head, his arms still holding me. His eyes sleepy and his hair messy, I couldn’t wait anymore. There would be no other moment as perfect as now. “Better?”

  He grunted while nodding.

  I smiled, cupping his cheeks. “Good.” Then I drew his face toward me, meeting him halfway and pressing my lips to his in a soft but deep kiss.

  The arms around me tightened and pulled me closer. Our places of desire met full force.

  I moaned, sliding my arms around his neck and pressing myself up against him, needing more of him. My head was swimming. This was the kiss I was hoping for and so much more. It was Lev in his purest form.

  His hand came up and he gripped my chin between his thumb and forefinger, lifting my face to take more of my lips. His tongue, warm and sweet, dipped into my mouth and met mine in a delicious greeting.

  That was when the wolf whistle sounded, followed by a rowdy bunch of hoots and chuckles.

  We parted, looking around us, finding almost everyone looking over at us from all around the room, laughing at our private show. Including Anika. And she looked ready to burst into tears.

  My cheeks flamed and, burying my face into Lev’s collar, I groaned in discomfiture. Lev’s chest shook in what I did not believe to be silent laughter as he ran his large hands soothingly down my back. After all, Lev didn’t laugh.

  Hell, he barely smiled.

  “Can we go home yet?” I muffled into his shirt.

  Strong hands at my waist lifted me down to the ground, and I wrapped an arm around Lev’s waist, still embarrassed. We made our way to the car, saying goodbye to the people around us, when someone stepped out of the shadows.

  Lev pushed me behind him in a harsh way and it frightened me. “Laredo,” he growled.

  Sasha rushed forward, reaching into his pocket to retrieve a pistol. My eyes widened. Sasha barked, “You got some nerve, old man.”

  Vik came rushing over, ever the peacekeeper, throwing his arm in front of Sasha. “Put that away. You’re going to kill someone.”

  Nas came closer to stand beside me. She lifted her nose at the man who stood in front of Lev’s car. “Uncle Laredo.”

  The older man smiled at her. “You haven’t called me that in a long time, Nastasia.” He looked saddened. “I’ve missed you.” He looked around to Sasha and Lev. “All of you.”

  I peeked around Lev to the man named Laredo, and from the way he looked at me, he was as curious about me as I was about him. When his eyes met mine, I pulled back to hide behind Lev’s broad back before hissing to Nas, “Laredo is your uncle?”

  “By marriage,” she explained. “Laredo married my father’s sister, my Aunt Alina. She died young.” She grinned, but it was harsh. “Then he had an affair with my mother.”

  I peeked around Lev, gasped, and spoke to the man himself. “You did? That’s not cool!”

  He shrugged weakly. “We were both lonely.” He looked to Nas. “And if you’ll remember, I was the one who ended it and brought the matter to your father.” He shook his head. “I never meant to hurt anyone. Talya was there for me in the saddest time of my life. We both took advantage of the attention, and we both regretted it sorely. Your mother especially.”

  I stepped out from behind Lev and stood by his side. “She was an awful woman.”

  Laredo looked up at Lev and nodded compassionately. “Yes. She was deeply troubled.”

  Sasha had lowered the gun, but still held it in his hand. “Oh, boo-fucking-hoo. It’s your regular family reunion.” He sneered. “What do you want?”

  He lifted his hand and pointed to me. “To see her.”

  Shit. He knew. I reached up and held onto Lev’s hand. “I’m sorry. I won’t do it again.”

  Lev, thinking the same thing I was, gripped my hand tight. “It wasn’t her idea. You’re stealing our customers. We needed to know what we were up against. If you have an issue, take it up with me.”

  Laredo laughed then. “I see. That’s what you were doing at Aphrodite’s.” He took a step closer, but Lev pulled me away from him. Laredo shook his head but smiled. “I’m sorry. This is rather surreal.” He spoke directly to me. “You look like someone I used to know.”

  “I don’t know you.”

  He sighed gloomily. “No, I suppose you don’t.” He looked at me then, really looked at me, and whispered, “It’s like looking into the face of a ghost.” I wasn’t prepared for when his eyes took on a faraway look as he uttered a hushed, “Clara.”

  My lungs seized.

  My mother.

  He knew my mother.

  Nas was as shocked as I was. “Mina, wasn’t that your mother’s name?”

  I nodded, looking into Laredo’s astonished but hopeful face. “Yes. Clara was my mother.”

  Laredo stepped forward under the streetlight, and I had the opportunity to look at him. He was average height. Not very attractive, but his smile was lovely. He had average brown eyes with plain brown hair cut into a business do. He wore a nice suit, and had a gold tooth in the bottom right side of his smile.

  He looked me in the eye and said genuinely, “I loved your mother very much. She was my world. We were going to get married a few years after my Alina passed away, but…” He shook his head.

  Lev asked the question I had wanted to ask since my mother was mentioned. “Are you saying you’re Mina’s father?

  Sasha muttered an annoyed, “Figures.”

  Laredo chuckled, but shook his head. “No.” He looked me in the eye and he looked sad. “But I wanted to be. I would have given anything to be your father.”

  My throat was dry. I was parched. I licked my lips and stuttered, “D-do you know who my father is?”

  He smiled, and it looked like something a naughty schoolboy would pull off. “No more.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a business card. “No more. Not until you agree to have dinner with me.”

  Lev growled, pulling me to his side.

  Laredo’s brow rose as he handed me the card. I reached out and took it eagerly. He stated through a smirk, “You chose the right brother, Mina. Lev’s a good boy. Sasha…” He shrugged. “I don’t know Sasha. I thought I did, but…” He looked over at the angry brother. “No, I don’t. Not anymore.”

  He walked to stand in front of Nastasia and smiled down at her with fatherly grace. “I’ve missed my bella boo. May I have a hug?”

  She looked
like she would’ve given her right arm to throw herself into his embrace, but being the badass she was, she lowered her face and shook her head.

  “No?” He sounded disappointed, but smiled through it. “Perhaps next time then.”

  Laredo took my free hand and kissed the back of it before making his way to the street. Halfway there, he turned, snapping his fingers. “Wait, I forgot.” We all waited to hear what he had to say, unknowing that it would change my life forever. He grinned happily. “There’s someone you need to meet. I hope you change your mind and come see us.”

  I was confused. “See who?”

  His smile softened. “Your brother, of course.”

  Satisfied with my stunned silence, he turned around and went on his merry way, unaware that my world had just imploded around me, sucking me into a vortex of white noise.

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  “A brother, Lev,” I breathed as I slipped of my dress. “A brother.” Standing in the middle of our room, wearing panties and a strapless bra, I couldn’t hide my delight. “I have a brother.”

  Lev stepped out of the closet, wearing nothing but his dark grey boxers. “Brothers aren’t always a good thing.”

  I snorted, knowing full well he was speaking of experience with his own brother.

  He came to a halt, staring blatantly at my near naked body. I was too happy about the discovery of my long lost sibling to notice. “An hour ago, I was alone in the world.”

  “You had me an hour ago,” Lev cut in, sounding somewhat disgruntled.

  God, he was sweet. He was killing me with the sweet.

  I couldn’t deny it if I tried. I was so in love with Lev Leokov.

  I made my way over to him and took hold of his hands. “I know, sweetie. And I love that. But…” I shrugged. “This is family. I have family.” I could see that he wasn’t sure how to react to this news. I told him, “I’m excited about this. Can we go and see Laredo together, please?” I needed Lev to know that my plans included him. “I won’t go if you don’t come with me.” I squeezed his hands. “You’re important to me, Lev. I want to share this with you. Just you.”