Page 17

  Author: Bella Andre

  Even when she was doing dumb things like pretending to read a magazine upside down.

  “When are you due?”

  Sophie couldn’t believe the woman in the corner asked Jake the question instead of her, like they had some special bond just because he’d smiled at her and said she was pretty.

  Of course, it stung even more that Sophie hadn’t needed much more of a reason than his smile to fall in love with him so many years ago.

  “In the fall. ”

  No one could miss the possessive note in his voice, or his clear joy at the prospect of having a baby. Sophie felt her heart soften despite herself.

  Darn it, why couldn’t he be more of a jerk all the time? Why did he have to keep having these moments when he seemed like the perfect guy? It would make it so much easier to hate him if he would just behave like a self-absorbed imbecile, rather than a sweetly concerned, uber-sexy father-to-be.

  Then again, at least it helped her remember that the only thing he was really interested in was the baby. Not her. After all, he’d walked out on her without a second glance, but as soon as he’d heard about a child, he’d become the most possessive person on the planet.

  “Oh, that’s wonderful!” the woman exclaimed. “Congratulations. ”

  Jake squeezed Sophie’s thigh just above her knee and thrill bumps immediately ran up and down her legs at the intimate touch.

  “Thanks,” he replied. “We’re really excited about it. ”

  Amazingly, it was true. Despite the fact that she’d gotten pregnant by accident and the status of their relationship was completely up in the air, amazingly, both of them really were excited about having a child. Even if the whole co-parenting thing was going to be sticky from different households—especially if there was one of his playthings over when she went to pick up her kid at his house.

  At some point after she had the baby, they’d have to have a talk about what was and wasn’t appropriate for children to see. Yes, she’d be sure to let him know she expected him to keep all future dates and sexual partners away from their child, simply so he didn’t confuse their son or daughter. If it put a damper on his sex life, he’d just have to deal with that, wouldn’t he?

  A nurse popped her head out of the door that led back to the examination rooms. “Sophie Sullivan?”

  Sophie stood up and Jake moved with her, his hand on her lower back. The nurse looked between them, a question in her eyes.

  How many times, she wondered, would she see those same silent questions? This is the man you’re with? How did you possibly pull that off? And how can I get one just like him?

  At least, she thought with a small measure of gratitude, rather than barging in and taking over absolutely everything, Jake was waiting patiently for her to explain why he was there.

  Only, Sophie wasn’t sure she could explain any of it at all, not without using words like in love with him forever and never going to love me back. . . and, of course, crazy accident.

  Which was why all she said was, “He’ll be coming in with me. ”

  Without missing a beat, he held out his hand. “Jake McCann. ”

  The nurse’s eyes got big as she shook his hand. “I thought you looked familiar. You’re on those great ads for McCann’s Irish Pubs. Are you the owner?”

  He nodded, but amazingly, didn’t prolong the conversation about himself. Most of the guys Sophie had dated loved nothing better than to talk about themselves. Jake couldn’t possibly be the exception, could he?

  The nurse ushered them into the room and looked down at her chart. “Let’s see, you’re here to see the doctor about a possible pregnancy?” When Sophie nodded, the nurse asked, “When was the date of your last period?”

  Feeling more than a little embarrassed about discussing this kind of stuff in front of Jake, she quickly calculated the date and told the nurse.

  “Let’s get your weight. ”

  Great, just what every woman wanted, for the man she was sleeping with to see the number on the scale. She worked to keep her chin up as she slipped off her shoes and got on the scale.

  “Looks like you’ve put on about ten pounds already. ”

  Considering her stomach was still fairly flat, Sophie was pretty sure those extra pounds were all in her breasts and hips so far.

  Obviously seeing her disgruntled expression, the nurse said, “Eight to twelve pounds is really normal for this stage of the first trimester. Especially with the first pregnancy, when you’re not used to the changes in your body. ” She handed Sophie a plastic cup. “We’ll need you to give us a urine sample and then go ahead and put this gown on so you’re ready for the doctor. ”

  Through it all, Jake sat in the blue chair in the corner, looking perfectly comfortable with being in a gynecologist’s office. His dark eyes were tracking her every move, but she couldn’t read his expression. Frankly, she didn’t want to know what he was thinking. Because even though she was nervous about being here with him, she suddenly realized she was even more nervous about the pregnancy.

  Now that she’d started to get her head around being pregnant, she really wanted this baby. She prayed that the doctor would say everything was all right after her examination. A healthy baby was all she wanted now.

  You want Jake, too, she had to admit as she finished filling the cup and set it on the bathroom counter for the lab technician to take. It was why she’d agreed to give him seven days.

  But she wanted so much more than just his body. She wanted his heart. . . and for him to open up a window to his soul.

  Sophie sighed, knowing it was long past time to give up those dreams and focus on something real. Like the child inside her. And the fact that she and Jake were going to have to figure out a way to bump along together as parents during the next fifty years.

  Sixty seconds later, she had her clothes neatly folded up and the cloth hospital gown on. She held it tightly closed in the back as she exited the bathroom, which was ridiculous, since Jake had already seen her naked more than once.

  The doctor was already in the room chatting easily with Jake and Sophie’s heart skipped a beat as she watched him so easily charm the woman who had been her gynecologist since she was a teenager.

  “Sophie!” Marnie moved to fold her into a warm hug. “Well, isn’t this a wonderful surprise?”

  Sophie plastered a smile on her face. “Yes. Really wonderful. ”

  Her doctor patted the padded table. “Scoot on up here and we’ll do a quick exam to make sure everything is progressing well. ” She referenced Sophie’s chart. “The HCG levels in your urine sample concur with twelve weeks. ”

  Relieved that the tests she’d taken at home hadn’t been wrong about the pregnancy, Sophie slid onto the table and put her feet in the stirrups, trying not to think about how strange all of this must look to Jake.

  “Jake, why don’t you come stand over here. It will be easier for you to see the ultrasound monitor. ”

  He moved to her side and put his hand on her shoulder. He smiled down at her and Sophie was amazed to find herself more comforted by his presence than embarrassed. She’d been planning to come here alone. But she was—suddenly—incredibly glad she hadn’t had to.

  Marnie reached for something big and thick and light blue. It already had a condom over it, and acute embarrassment swept over Sophie at the thought of Jake watching her doctor slide that into her.

  “This shouldn’t hurt,” her doctor said, “although it may be a little cold at first. ”

  The lubricated ultrasound wand slid in easily and she could have sworn Jake’s eyes were twinkling at her predicament. The doctor typed in a password on the ultrasound machine and the monitor switched to a picture that looked like a night sky with faint clouds and stars.

  “Now, let’s see where the little guy—or girl—is hiding. ”

  Sophie’s heartbeat ratcheted up, but before she coul
d reach for Jake’s hand, he was sliding his over hers. They held onto each other tightly, neither of them breathing until Marnie smiled.

  “Ah, there it is. ” The doctor pointed to a faintly throbbing white light on the screen. “That’s the heartbeat. ”

  Sophie’s eyes filled with tears. There was a new heart beating inside of her, one that she and Jake had made together.

  “Wow. ” Jake’s hushed voice echoed her feelings exactly. “Amazing. ”

  Marnie smiled at him, then Sophie. “Always. The size of the fetus looks perfect for twelve weeks, too. ”

  Sophie assumed they’d be done now, but instead of pulling the wand from her body, her doctor said, “Twins usually skip a generation, but I’ll take a quick look to make sure there isn’t anyone else in here. ”

  “Twins?” Jake repeated.

  “Anyone else?” Sophie could hear how strangled her voice was.

  “While it’s not likely, it’s certainly not impossible that you’ve got—” The doctor gave a happy little shout. “Right here. There’s another heartbeat. ”

  Jake squeezed Sophie’s hand so hard, she almost yelped. But it was hard to register the pain when she was busy being totally shocked by what the doctor had just said. Marnie moved the wand around inside her some more. “Yes, looks like there are only two. ”

  Only two?

  Oh God, when she’d been making those proclamations to Jake and her sister about doing it all herself, she’d been assuming she was only in for one baby. Not two!

  Sophie shot a panicked glance up at Jake. His tanned skin was as pale as she’d ever seen it, even whiter than it had been right after she’d given him the news that she was pregnant.

  Marnie slid the wand out, then handed her the picture that she’d printed. “For your scrapbook. Have you been taking prenatal vitamins?”

  Sophie shook her head as she sat up, feeling lightheaded. She was so glad to have Jake standing strong behind her. “I wasn’t planning to get pregnant. ”

  Marnie’s expression didn’t betray any surprise or condemnation. “Okay, then. Here’s a prescription for the ones I like best for my patients. ” She handed Sophie a bag from inside one of the cupboards. “Here are a few other things you might find helpful. Although I have to warn you, please don’t freak out when you read the What To Expect When You’re Expecting book. I’m giving it to you to use as a resource, not to feed any fears you might have about pregnancy. ” She smiled at Sophie. “You’re a healthy young woman and if we look at your mother’s history, we can be pretty sure you’re going to have no problems at all. ”

  Sophie worked to find her breath as her doctor asked, “Now, do you two have any questions for me?”

  God, yes. Sophie had zillions of questions she needed answers to. Most of which started with, How could this have happened to me when other people have one-night stands all the time? But for now, she just shook her head and said, “I’ll probably have some once I read through these. ”

  Books had always made her feel better. She’d always thought that knowledge could cure practically any ill. This time, however, she wasn’t at all sure books could work that kind of magic.

  “What about you, Jake?”

  “Does she need to be extra careful? You know, should she be careful not to over-exert?”

  Marnie shook her head. “Sophie should be able to live pretty much as she is now. Good food, lots of rest, and exercise. ”

  “What about sex?”

  His question shook Sophie from her panicked state. Now she was mortified, instead.

  “I’m glad you asked that, Jake,” Marnie said. “It’s something that pretty much every newly pregnant couple wonders about. I promise you, intercourse isn’t going to hurt a thing. In fact, a lot of patients say it’s even better during pregnancy. ” She smiled at both of them. “Feel free to email the office with any questions. And I’ll see you again in four weeks. ”