Page 20 of Full Exposure

  Chapter Fourteen

  “Serena? What are you doing here?”

  She turned at the familiar voice, and watched in surprise as Assistant District Attorney Jack Rawlins strode across the battered police station toward her.

  He crouched down next to her. “Is everything all right? Did something happen?” Jack rested his hand over her clasped ones. “Can I help?”

  She felt Kevin stiffen behind her at Jack’s familiarity, heard the low rumble in his chest before he could stop it. She leaned back against him reassuringly. “I’m fine, Jack. Just dealing with an unfortunate incident that happened yesterday.”

  Kevin snorted at her “unfortunate incident” comment before saying, “Her car was vandalized.”

  “You’re kidding! Like you need more crap, right? Do they know who did it?”

  “We’ve got a good idea.” Once again, it was Kevin who answered.

  Jack turned to Kevin, eyebrows raised. “Who exactly are you?”

  “Oh, I’m sorry. Kevin, this is Jack Rawlins, the ADA who worked extremely hard to keep Damien in jail. Jack, this is Kevin Riley. He’s my …” Her voice trailed off as she tried to figure out what to say. Boyfriend seemed far too insipid for what they shared.

  “Lover.” Kevin supplied as he extended his hand. “I’m Serena’s lover. It’s good to meet you, Jack.”

  “Kevin!” Serena flushed bright red as she twisted in her seat to glare at him. His face was bland as he met her look with a smile.

  He shot her an innocent look. “Well, I am, cher. Aren’t I?”

  She was too mortified to answer so she simply glared at him. He winked, then turned back to Jack. “Maybe you can help us,” he commented.

  “Maybe I can.” Jack pulled up an available chair and sat with them as they waited for the detective in charge of Serena’s case to return. “Now why don’t you two tell me exactly what’s going on?”

  Kevin nodded, almost liking the quiet ADA, despite his overly friendly interest in Serena. But the hurt she’d inflicted the night before was still raw enough that his answer was abrupt. “Detective Grayson doesn’t seem to be taking our suspicions as seriously as I would like. Maybe you can speed him along.”

  Jack’s eyebrows rose questioningly as he pulled out a pen and a yellow legal pad. “We’ll just have to see, won’t we? Now, this is about your car, correct?” His tone grew serious.

  Serena related the details from the past few weeks, stopping only when Jack asked for clarification. Halfway through her story, Grayson returned, but was shushed by the ADA as he continued to question Serena.

  When she had finished her version of the events, Jack turned to Grayson, “I assume you’ve checked the prison phone logs?” he asked, his voice and eyes colder than Serena had ever seen them.

  “I’m working on it,” Grayson returned just as coldly. “How’d you get involved anyway? I’m not ready to call in the DA’s office yet.”

  “I’m a friend of Serena’s. And it sounds like she’s got a pretty good point.”

  “I’m not disagreeing. I’m just trying to check the facts out. I’m on my way to LaFleur’s house to check out his alibis for the dates and times we’ve discussed. That okay with you, boss?” The look he gave Jack was sarcastic in the extreme.

  “Good. Let me know if you find something.” Jack ignored the sarcasm, turning toward Serena and Kevin with his hand extended. “I’ll do some looking into this as well. Give me a call if anything else turns up.”

  He turned back to the detective. “Keep me posted about what’s going on, Pete. I’m extremely interested in this case.”

  “Then maybe you should’ve done a better job keeping the guy behind bars.” Grayson grabbed his jacket off the back of his chair and stalked out of the building without another word.

  Jack’s gaze was rueful when he looked back at Serena. “Pete and I don’t have the best relationship—a case that went bad a couple years ago. But he’s damn good at his job. He’ll find out what’s going on.”

  “I’m glad to hear that. Thanks for all your help, Jack.” Serena extended her hand.

  He took it, rubbing his thumb back and forth across the back of her hand. Kevin shifted warningly. If the ADA didn’t get his hands off Serena soon, he’d—

  “It’s nothing. And I expect to hear if anything else happens, understood?” His gaze encompassed both of them, and Kevin found himself staring into Jack’s amused eyes. Perhaps he wasn’t being as subtle as he’d imagined.

  But when Jack leaned over and brushed his lips over Serena’s cheek, he couldn’t stop the warning growl that started low in his chest. Fuck subtle, he’d rip the guy—

  Then Jack was extending his hand and grinning like a fool when he hesitated to take it. When he finally did reach forward and clasp the guy’s palm, he found Jack’s grip firm to the point of pain. He answered in kind, then felt ridiculous as he saw Serena’s gaze resting on their taut handshake.

  He dropped Rawlins’s hand immediately, but couldn’t help watching as the man strode down the hall away from them. What exactly was the ADA’s relationship with Serena? And why did it bug him so much to know that there was something more than her sister’s case between them?

  * * *

  Hours later, when they were only minutes away from Kevin’s house in the bayou, Serena finally asked, “What was going on back at the police station? Between you and Jack?”

  Kevin’s gaze slid to her face, a slight smile curling his full lips. “What do you mean?”

  “You know exactly what I mean!” She said in exasperation. “You told him we were lovers!”

  “We are lovers.”

  “Something I think he could have figured out, even without your advertising the fact.”

  Kevin shrugged. “I didn’t want him to get the wrong idea. He was interested and I wanted him to know you were taken.”

  Serena steadfastly ignored the warmth spreading through her at Kevin’s words, focusing instead on their utter absurdity. “What am I, your bone?”

  His smile turned wolfish. “I kind of thought it was the other way around.” He grabbed her hand, brought it to the erection currently squeezed behind the zipper of his jeans.

  “Kevin!” She tried to look horrified by his pun, but ended up laughing despite herself. “That’s terrible.”

  “That’s not what you were saying a few nights ago.” He thrust lightly against her palm.

  It was her turn to grin as she began stroking him through the denim. Lightly at first, and then with a little more pressure as he groaned in appreciation.

  She’d never been in a relationship this free before, had never felt comfortable enough with another human being to do and touch whatever she wanted. With Kevin, everything felt so natural that she often forgot to put a lid on her response to him.

  She loved his erection, loved the proof of his desire for her. But she wanted more. Much more than a quick feel in the car. Easing his button open and his zipper down, she was rewarded by Kevin’s harshly indrawn breath when her hand finally slipped inside and found him.

  “You’re not wearing underwear,” she accused, her breathing a little faster than normal, despite her resolve to stay in control of the situation.

  He winked at her. “Thought that was your own private domain, hmmm?”

  His words reminded her, as they were supposed to, of the last time she’d gone without underwear. In San Diego. At the museums. Her nipples peaked and she grew wet, suddenly as aroused and uncomfortable as she’d made Kevin.

  “I wasn’t complaining,” she murmured, her fingers gliding over and around his erection. He really was delightful, a mixture of incredible hardness and velvety softness. She loved the feel of him—in her hand, in her mouth, and most assuredly in her body.

  Squeezing her aching thighs together in defense, she murmured, “Hurry,” knowing that she sounded as breathless as she felt, but totally helpless to stop it.

  “Hurry what?” Kevin asked, his own voice raw with desire.
  “Hurry home. I want you.” Slipping out of her seat belt, Serena bent down and took him slowly into her mouth. She ran her tongue along the huge, hot, hard length of him, loving the faintly salty taste of sweat that clung to him.

  “Mon Dieu, bebe! You’ll kill us,” he protested, even as he thrust involuntarily against her mouth and hand.

  She delivered a long, leisurely lick down the length of his cock and stopped to suck on the head, before turning her face up to his. “Me?” she asked with false innocence. “You’re the one driving.”

  He glanced down at her incredulously. “You’re the one making me so hard I can barely see.”

  “I like that.” She grinned as she once again lowered her head. “Let’s see what I can do for your other senses while I’m at it.”

  Her mouth closed fully over him and he nearly lost it at the wet, sweet pressure of her. Her left hand reached lower, to cup his balls, and he gritted his teeth against the sudden, urgent need to orgasm blasting through him.

  He wanted to be inside her when he came. He wanted to prop her hot little ass down on the kitchen table and drive into her again and again. He wanted to kneel between her legs and lick her for hours. He wanted to fuck her—from the side, behind, standing up, sitting down. Every way he could think of. As long and as hard as possible, until she was so exhausted and so sated that she wouldn’t be able to think about leaving him.

  “Serena—” Her name was torn from him as she swirled her tongue around his cock, pulling him deep into her throat as she did so. She found the extremely sensitive spot on the underside of his tip and licked it delicately until he was nearly out of his mind.

  “Stop!” He took his right hand off the steering wheel, tangled it in her hair. “Serena, cher, you need to stop. Now.”

  “Mmmm,” she murmured deep in her throat as she ignored him.

  Kevin gritted his teeth and took the turn onto the private road leading to his house at nearly fifty miles an hour. He drove another minute, until he was sure that they were far enough away from the highway not to be seen. Then he jerked the car to a halt, lifting Serena onto his lap before he’d even managed to turn the engine off.

  Her smile was teasing and more than a little sensual as she asked, “Why are we stopping?”

  Kevin glared at her, even as he climbed from the car with her in his arms. “You know why.” He let her slide down his body, turning her so that she was facing the car, her hands planted firmly on the hood. He pushed her jeans down to her ankles with one hand while he pushed his own out of the way with the other.

  Leaning forward, he grazed her long, elegant neck with his lips, his hands reaching between her legs to test her readiness. She was hot, drenched with excitement and he couldn’t wait any longer. Bending her over the hood of the car, he surged inside of her with one powerful thrust of his hips.

  Serena whimpered deep in her throat. It had been a long few days and the relief of having Kevin inside of her was totally overwhelming. She tried to speak, but couldn’t form the words around the high, hungry sounds clawing their way out of her throat with each surge of Kevin’s cock inside of her.

  She reached behind her, raked her nails down his bare ass as she tried to pull him even closer. “Harder,” she finally managed to gasp. “Please. Harder.”

  He heard her strangled gasps and responded with even more pressure, even harder thrusts until he feared he would rip her apart. But being inside her felt so good and as she met him, thrust for thrust, hungry cries poured out of her throat. His left hand moved between her legs while his right one remained on the small of her back, keeping her bent forward for the best access. He spread her open, stroked the spot where they were joined as she pressed against him, desperate for release.

  “Come on, bebe. Come for me. Let me feel you.” He reached for her clit, stroked his thumb over it once, twice, a third time. She shattered, screaming his name as he rode her through her orgasm. Wave after wave of sensation crashed through her, weakening her knees and sending slivers of electricity to every part of her body.

  Her muscles clenched rhythmically, milking him with every contraction of her strong, young body. He clenched his jaw, fought his approaching orgasm with everything he had. He wasn’t done yet, wasn’t ready for this one, perfect moment in time to end.

  He took a couple of deep breaths through his mouth before reaching under her shirt to rub her hard nipples through her bra. “I can’t,” she gasped, pushing weakly against him. “No more, Kevin.”

  “More,” he said, squeezing her nipple between his thumb and index finger, feeling her muscles clench around his cock in response. “There’s always more, cher. I can’t get enough of you. More and more and more.”

  He continued his rhythmic thrusting, so deep inside of her he swore he could feel her womb. He moved his hand down and with his index finger gently tapped a pattern on her clit. She moaned his name, her head lolling forward even as her questing body arched into his caresses.

  “That’s it, bebe. That’s it.” He continued the pattern, loving how her hips moved more and more urgently against his hand. “I love it when you come. I love watching you and feeling you. I love being inside of you when your muscles clench around me again and again.”

  He bent his head to her neck, licked the line of sweat dotting her nape. “I love your hard nipples and your hot little clit.” He brushed his lips over her lobe, his tongue sweeping against the sensitive spot behind her ear as he whispered to her.

  Serena moaned deep in her throat, her body moving feverishly against his even as tears of need streamed down her face. His words were inflaming her, taking her closer and closer to another climax, something she would have sworn impossible only moments before.

  “I love that you’re always hot for me, always wet and willing. I love to fuck you, to thrust inside you and feel you clench around me.” He pulled out slowly, then slammed back into her, relishing the scream she couldn’t stop. “I love how you take all of me, how you always want more.” His mouth fastened on the juncture between her neck and her shoulder, sucking ravenously.

  “I love how you seduce me, with your wild ideas and your open, honest responses. I love how you let me fuck you anywhere. I love thinking of new places and new ways to fuck you.” He pinched her clit between his thumb and middle finger, leaving his index finger free to stroke the sweet bundle of nerves again and again.

  “I love your body.” He squeezed her clit a little harder and was rewarded by a high-pitched scream as she thrust her ass even harder against him. “I love your breasts—how your gorgeous little nipples always taste like raspberries.” His hands coasted up her stomach to her breasts even as he licked a fiery trail down her neck. “I love your legs and how they wrap so perfectly around my waist. I love your pussy”—He gave an extra hard thrust that had her screaming—“and how it hugs me so tightly.”

  “And I absolutely, positively love your ass.” One of his hands drifted down to caress the lush globes before he spread them open and thrust a long finger inside of her. She bucked against him, but he refused to be hurried. Refused to pick up his pace. “I love everything about you, Serena.” He slammed into her again and again. “I love the hell out of you.”

  “Kevin, stop!” she sobbed, her entire body shuddering as she pleaded for completion. “I can’t take it. I swear I can’t.”

  He nipped at her neck, her shoulder, the tender skin that covered her spine. “You can take it. And more. Can’t you, bebe?” His hips moved harder and faster against her as his control slipped a little more. “Can’t you?” He moved his right hand from her back to her nipple, flicking his thumb over the hard peak again and again. “Because you love fucking me as much as I love you.”

  “Yes! Yes! Kevin, please!” She was screaming, sobbing, wilder than he’d ever seen her and he loved it. Loved her. He thrust again and again, claiming her, branding her as his so that no matter how far she ran she would always remember that she belonged with him. So that she’d never for
get the feel of him pounding into her, seducing her with his body and his voice.

  He was killing her with his restraint. She couldn’t keep this up—she was going to die if he didn’t give in, if he didn’t come soon and stop this totally incredible, absolutely amazing torture. Desperate, she closed her legs, trapping Kevin between them and then clenched her vaginal muscles as tightly as she could.

  She was rewarded when Kevin groaned deep in his throat, thrusting against her one final time before spilling himself inside of her. His orgasm triggered her own and she screamed his name, again and again, totally caught up in the storm ripping her body apart.

  Kevin was lost in the feel of her body, lost in the insane pleasure rocketing through him as Serena’s orgasm milked him dry. “Mon coeur. Mon amour. Je t’aime.” His love spilled out of him as his body jerked spasmodically against hers.

  When the last contractions died away, Kevin collapsed against her, blind to everything but the incredible glory of holding the woman he loved, of being inside her as she recovered slowly from what they’d done together.

  Eventually Serena stirred, pushing against him as she reached down to pull up her jeans. Kevin released her, fastening his own pants even as he watched her wriggle her fantastic ass into hers.

  When she was once again neatly dressed—every button fastened and her shirt tucked sedately into her jeans—she turned to him, a shy smile on her face. He reached a hand to her face, cupped her cheek as he brushed his thumb lightly over her mouth.

  “I love you, Serena.”

  “I know.” She turned her head so that she could kiss the center of his palm.


  “Ssh, bebe. I know it’s too soon for you. That’s all right.” He focused on her, ignored the pain burning a slow hole in his stomach. He had no right to be upset. He’d known going into this thing how hard it would be to convince her to stay with him. Of course, going in, he hadn’t known that he would want to.

  But she was studying him carefully and saw the flash of pain in his eyes before he disguised it. “I’m sorry.”

  His smile was real, yet resigned. “Nothing to be sorry for, Serena. You’re magnificent and well worth waiting for.”