Costin rubbed his face and let out a deep breath. He looked back at Jen and a big grin spread across his face. "I'm so glad you're the Beta's mate.

  Jen cocked her head to the side. "Why do you say that?"

  "Because somebody needs to keep his head from getting any larger than it already is and I have a feeling you're just the wolf to do it. That, and you will keep him busy," Costin waggled his eyebrows suggestively, "and out of the rest of our hairs."

  "Huh, he does have ego-mania," Jen agreed. "Back to the issue at hand, are you in or out?"

  Costin's eyes softened. "I'm in. Someone has to make sure you girls come out of this alive. Aahh, this is such a bad idea." He groaned.

  Jen grinned. "So glad to see that you are seeing things our way. We would've hated to have to tie you up and stuff you in a closet somewhere."

  Costin's head snapped around to the other girls.

  "Once again," Sally said dryly, "yes, she's for real."

  Chapter 22

  Cynthia was sitting at her desk, continuing to search the archives for any documentation on the mating of dormant and full blooded Canis lupis. Her door suddenly opened.

  "Doc, we need your help," Jen announced as she and Sally walked in.

  Cynthia sat back in her chair and smiled. "How can I be of service, girls?"

  "First I need your word that you will keep an open mind and let me finish before you freak out." Jen held Cynthia's stare, waiting for the doctor to agree before she continued.

  "Alright, I'll go along. I promise to keep an open mind and not freak out until the appropriate time."

  "Great." Jen took a seat in one of the two chairs in front of the desk and Sally took the other. "I'm declaring war on the males who were stupid enough to provoke my mate."

  "Your mate?" Cynthia interrupted.

  "Ah ah, doc. You promised to keep a lid on it 'til I finished." Jen cocked an eyebrow at her.

  Cynthia held her hands up in surrender.

  "As I was saying, I'm declaring war. I don't want to hurt anyone but I do want to send a message that the females in this pack won't take crap from anyone, nor will we put up with them pissing our males off." Jen paused waiting to see if Cynthia was going to saying anything. She didn't. "So I've cooked up a plan, that although harmless, will be quite humiliating."

  She went on to explain the details of her plan. All the while, Cynthia's eyes kept getting wider and wider.

  "Now, one issue I was trying to figure out was how to make sure everyone gets to see the Chippendales. I think I've come up with the answer. Crina and I will be the ones to invite them to come play cards with us. We'll tell them that we need to play in the gym after everyone has left because we can't have their scent in our rooms or our males will freak. Then, after Jacque, Sally, and Costin do their part, they can take fliers – made by yours truly – and go door to door handing them out." Jen smiled, obviously pleased with herself.

  Sally looked at her, brow creased. "What exactly is the flier going to say?"

  "To come to the multi-pack after hours party in the gym. How you like them apples?" Jen held up her hand for Sally to high five.

  Sally gave her a reluctant slap to the hand. "But when they get to the gym instead of a party they're going to get an eyeful of -"

  Jen interrupted, "Bare ass were-wolves." Then she laughed.

  "You are really beginning to scare me," Sally said wearily.

  When Jen looked at Cynthia expectantly, she leaned forward and placed her elbows on her desk. Taking a deep breath, she asked, "And what exactly do you need me to do in this crazy, albeit somewhat ingenious, evil plan?"

  "We were hoping that maybe you knew of a way to keep the wolves from phasing," Jen explained. "It would be kind of pointless if they could phase into their wolf forms."

  "Wow. No pressure, huh?" Cynthia's smile was slight, but she wasn't kicking them out of her office…yet. "I don't know of any drug developed for this purpose. An Alpha can prevent their wolves from changing, but I take it you don't want any of the Alphas aware of this plan of yours?"

  "You would be correct."

  Cynthia tapped her chin as she thought about all the things she knew in regards to medicine and wolves. Suddenly, Sally jumped up.

  "Holy crap."

  "Uh, Sally dear, would you like to share your obvious epiphany?" Jen asked.

  "Nepeta," Sally whispered.


  "Nepeta," she repeated. "Don't ask me how I know this because I have no freaking clue. I'm just sitting here thinking about how crazy you are -"

  "Gee, thanks for the vote of confidence," Jen muttered.

  "- and then, BAM! It's just there in my brain. Nepeta. It keeps wolves from phasing."

  Cynthia was sitting with her mouth wide open, staring at Sally.

  Sally looked up at the doctor. She threw her hands in the air. "I'm telling you I don't know what the hell it's all about, but there it is."

  Jen got up and went around to the doctor's computer, pushing against Cynthia in order to get access to the mouse and keyboard. "Move your stunned butt over and let me do some research, doc."

  Cynthia absently rolled her chair out of Jen's way while she went to tapping on the keyboard.

  "What are you doing?"

  "Looking up Neptun," Jen answered.

  "Nepeta," Sally corrected. "N-e-p-e-t-a."

  She looked up. "You even know how to spell it?"

  Sally nodded and swallowed hard.

  Suddenly Jen laughed. "Oh, this is rich. The more common name for our little phase-freeze is cat nip." Sally actually let out a few chuckles while Jen slapped the desk. "I don't know if it gets much better than that."

  Cynthia was finally knocked out of her momentary shock when Jen jolted her with the slap to the desk. She looked over to Sally and smiled.

  "Uh, doc. You're kind of freaking me out," Sally admitted reluctantly.

  "I think you're a healer," Cynthia told her with awe. "A gypsy healer."

  Jen looked from Cynthia to Sally and back again. "Come again?"

  "Every century or so, a gypsy healer appears to a pack of Canis lupis. There's no rhyme or reason to it. But it's a huge honor and pushes the power scales majorly into that pack's corner," she explained.

  "What do you mean 'appears'?" Sally asked.

  "Just that whoever she is – and the healer is always female – wherever she is, fate brings her to the pack she is to serve. You were destined to be Jacque's friend because Jacque was the key to leading you to this pack. Just as Jen was destined to be Jacque's friend, because she too was to be a part of the Romanian pack."

  "How is that even possible?" Sally asked dubiously.

  "There's no explaining the Fates, Sally," Cynthia told her honestly. "Everyone has a destiny and no matter how many times they wander, they will always find their way back to the path that will fulfill their purpose."

  "So how do you know I'm a gypsy healer?" Sally sat back down in the chair she had bolted from.

  "We'll have to make sure you are, but gypsy healers are blessed supernaturally with the knowledge of herbs, medicine, healing arts, things you couldn't possibly know without years of studying."

  "How do you know all this?" Jen asked.

  "I didn't just study human medicine when I went to medical school. I learned as much as I could about how to care for Canis lupis as well. Although, I would never be able to learn all that the healers know. I studied the history of gypsy healers within the packs a few decades ago. There hasn't been a gypsy healer, at least documented, in nearly two centuries." Cynthia shook her head in disbelief and smiled. "Wow. If we confirm this, Vasile is going to be thrilled."

  "Okay, so congratulations are in order," Jen announced. "Sally, congratulations. Now we gotta move along and come back to this revelation at a later date and time."

  "By all means, Jen, I just find out I'm some sort of rare commodity, but please let us plan the demise of some perverted Canis lupis." Sally rolled her eyes at her snark
y best friend.

  "Outstanding." Jen nodded. "So, catnip. As I was saying, that rocks mega boulders, but where can we get some? It says here that it's commonly found in Europe. And we just happen to be in Europe. Coincidence?"

  "Yes," Sally interrupted.

  "I think not," Jen continued, undaunted. "Cynthia, I have a mission for you should you choose to accept it."

  "Oh, brother," Jacque muttered.

  "Let me guess. You want me to hunt down some catnip and figure out how to make the concoction?"

  "Preferably something liquid so we can spike their drinks," Jen said absently.

  Cynthia sat in silence, contemplating the ramifications of being party to Jen's little scheme. She wasn't going to lie and say she was above such pettiness, because honestly, she wanted to get those little punks for thinking they mess with their females. Vasile was most assuredly going to be pissed, but then again she was already in the proverbial dog house so what the hell.

  "Okay, I'm in." She clapped her hands eagerly, feeling younger than she had in a long time.

  Jen winked. "I love it when a plan begins to come together, especially one that involves strip poker, bonfires, and naked werewolves. Really, what more could a woman want?"

  Sally groaned as she slumped back in her chair. "This is going to be a disaster, I can feel it."

  Jen's head snapped around to Cynthia. "Can gypsy girl over there tell the future?"

  "No, they aren't clairvoyant."

  "In that case, no, Sally. What you are feeling is the exuberant joy that comes from being a participant in one of the life-changing Jen experiences."

  "Oh, is that what that is? I thought it was gas," Sally said wryly.

  Ignoring Sally's remark, Jen addressed Cynthia once again. "So you've got operation phase-freeze. It's," Jen looked at her watch, "nine o'clock now. We're going to need to test it before the op commences, so we need it to be ready by tomorrow night."

  "When are you planning to have this little party?" Cynthia asked.

  "Day after tomorrow. Fane mentioned to Jacque that the Alphas and their mates are having a private dinner then. With them distracted, I think it will be the most opportune time to get our revenge."

  "Okay," Cynthia said, standing. "I'm going to head out and see if I can't sniff out some catnip outside the estate grounds. You girls try to stay under the radar."

  "Will do, doc-a-roo." Jen gave her a thumbs up and left the office.

  Sally looked back at Cynthia, who smiled. "Don't worry, Sally. I'll do some research on the gypsy healers, and you and I will figure this out."

  Sally returned the smile. "Thanks, doc. I appreciate it."

  Chapter 23

  "So the Beta has been taken out of the picture," Damion told his four pack mates. "That means the blonde won't be as protected."

  "You really think she could be your mate?" Vilim asked.

  He narrowed his eyes. "I don’t know. I know that if she is, I'm going to rip your hands off for touching her the way you did during the training.

  "Like you wouldn't have taken the opportunity," Vilim accused. "It's not like they were easy to avoid. She's rather well endowed, in case you hadn't noticed."

  "Just keep your hands to yourself from now on," Damion growled

  "Yes, Beta," he conceded reluctantly.

  "Thad didn't say he was going to punish us for the video?" Sava asked.

  Damion shook his head. "He said he didn't feel like we did anything but show our interest in the Romanian females. None of those females in the video are mated. That makes them up for grabs."

  Marianna knocked on Jen's door and waited, looking around nervously. She'd gotten the information Jen asked for, although she had to make it appear that the girls weren't mad, but actually flattered by the attention from the video showing.

  The door opened and Sally smiled at her. "How'd it go?" she asked.

  Marianna walked in to find Jen, Jacque, Crina, and Costin all on the floor with paper spread out, holding markers. The only word she saw just at a glance was party.

  She held up a piece of paper she had been holding and smiled. "Got the names."

  Jen jumped up. "I knew you could do it!"

  Marianna grinned, glad to have been helpful in some way. She was surprised at how much the Americans had started to grow on her. She felt a sadness settle over her at that thought, but quickly shook it off as Jen read the names out loud.

  "So, Costin. You’re a guy,"

  "I'm glad you noticed." Costin grinned.

  Jen rolled her eyes. "Do you know who these guys are? Other than Damion and Adrian, we met them already."

  He growled. "They're all Serbian pack. Damion is the Beta. Vilim is the wolf who..." Costin paused uncomfortably.

  "Got a handful," Jen added helpfully.

  "You do have a way with words, Jen. I know what all of them look like."

  "Perfect," Jen breathed out. "Now, to invite them out to play."

  "That shouldn't be hard," Costin told her. "They're always together."

  "We could talk to them at breakfast tomorrow," Crina offered.

  "Good call, she-wolf," Jen praised, then looked down at the floor. "I think we've got enough fliers. Let's call it a night."

  They all let out a collective breath.

  "Oh, come on. Y'all act like I've just made you sign your souls over or something."

  "Might as well have," Jacque muttered.

  "I heard that, Jacque Pierce. Oh, and remember not to let your fur ball slip in and pick your brain, or our plan will go to sh -"

  "I've got this, Jen," Jacque interrupted as she headed to the door.

  Jen held up her hands and took a step back. "Alright, I know when to back off."

  "Since when?" Sally's mouth quirked up at her.

  Jen gave her the finger and started gathering up the scattered fliers. Everyone filed out one by one, muttering good nights.

  Costin was pulling the door closed when he stopped and turned back to Jen.

  "Hey, I wanted to let you know that I scoped the outside parameter of the mansion, and even found a wheelbarrow in one of the work buildings." He grinned. "I found kerosene as well. We're going to light up the night, little dormant."

  Jen laughed, "Man, when you go in, you go all in, don't you?"

  "I figure I'm probably going to die for helping you girls out, might as well go out with a bang."

  "A wolf after my own heart," she teased. "Thanks, Costin. Really. Decebel is going to be mad."

  "Understatement," Costin added quickly.

  "Of the millennium," she agreed. "But whether he's my mate or not, I don't take crap from anyone. I defend myself and those I love when I can. He'll throw a major hissy fit and beat his chest, but eventually he will understand why I had to do this."

  His face was serious, his voice thick with emotion. "He's blessed to have such a mate, and Alpha in every sense of the word."

  Jen grinned and winked. "Bet your hot, furry ass I am."

  Costin chuckled as he shut the door.

  Jacque opened the door to her and Fane's room to find him lying across their bed, reading.

  "You've been quiet today," he said, referring to their bond.

  Jacque hated the idea of lying to Fane, even if it was a lie of omission.

  "Just been with Jen and the girls. You know she's mentally exhausting. I missed you." Jacque climbed onto the bed and stretched out next to him. Hoping to distract him, she coyly added, "In more than one way."

  Fane chuckled. "You won't get off the hook that easy, Luna."

  Jacque nuzzled his neck as he continued to look at his book. Her hands began rubbing his back, moving up to his neck, then running through his thick dark hair.

  Fane let out a deep rumble in his chest.

  "Jacquelyn," he warned.

  "Yes, mate?" she asked innocently.

  Fane shut the book with a snap and set it aside. He rolled onto his side, propping himself up on one arm, effectively evading her roaming hands. Jac
que frowned at him.

  "I will admit that I am new to relationships, and obviously new to being mated. However, I've seen enough American television to understand that women think they can distract a man with sex when they are trying to avoid something."

  Jacque knew her face was turning red because she could feel the heat creeping up her neck.

  "So, as I spent most of the day in a semi-state of shock from the direction your thoughts have been going, which is normally not something you are super comfortable with, I came to the conclusion that you must not want me to know something." Fane narrowed his eyes. He wasn't angry, but he was slightly annoyed. "Is my assessment of the situation accurate, Jacquelyn?"