Jacque groaned and rolled onto her back, throwing her arm across her eyes.

  "Luna, what's going on?" Fane asked matter of factly.

  She took a deep breath and let it out. "I can't tell you."

  He growled."We are keeping secrets so soon?"

  Jacque's head whipped over to look at him. He saw the gleam in her emerald eyes and knew he had succeeded in ticking her off.

  "It's not really my secret to tell, Fane. I'm not trying to be sneaky." Okay, that wasn’t absolutely true. But still, she thought. "I promised not to tell you."

  Fane held her stare, frustrated, but also understanding of the fact that she didn't want to break her promise. He admired that quality.

  "Luna, I've let you -" He stopped and closed his eyes, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I mean, I've been willing to have you spend the majority of your time with your friends, while we've been here. Mainly because I know that I get you at night." Jacque blushed. "I understand that Jen needs you. I understand that they are very important to you. But just as my family and friends no longer come first in my life, yours do not in your life either." He reached across the space between them, hating the distance. He ran his fingers across her cheek, down her neck, shoulder, and arm, landing on her hip. He pulled her to him. "I don't mean for that to sound mean, or bossy, but your safety comes first. Jen has a tendency to throw safety out the window, along with her sense of survival."

  Jacque grinned at his words, but she knew that although he was teasing, he was also telling the truth.

  "I love you. I hate keeping something from you, but I need you to trust me." Jacque winced inwardly at her words, knowing she was asking him to give the trust she did not deserve at the moment.

  Fane brought his hand up to the nape of her neck and pulled her face to his. He pressed his lips firmly against hers and loved that she moaned and relaxed against him. He loved that he had that effect on her. He nearly growled when he felt her tongue sweep out, seeking entrance. He opened his mouth, deepening the kiss, and listened as her heart sped up – music to his ears.

  He slowed the kiss down and finally pulled away. He grazed her thoroughly loved lips with his thumb and chuckled when she nipped it. His breath caught when he saw that her canines, which only made an appearance at certain times, had descended. His eyes began to glow in reciprocation.

  Fane watched in fascination as Jacque flicked her tongue against one of the sharp canines and grinned wickedly at him.

  He was ready for the conversation to be finished, at least for the night. "I will trust you, love. But if something happens to you because of this secret -"

  "Shhh," Jacque cut him off as she nipped his bottom lip gently. Fane growled and pulled her impossibly closer.

  "Are you hungry, mate, or just happy to see me?" he teased, in regards to her canines making an appearance.

  "It's been a while since I've had your blood," she said in response to his jest.

  Fane's face sobered. "You know you don't even have to ask."

  "I know." She had dropped her eyes from his and was fidgeting with his shirt collar. "It's just...embarrassing."

  Fane let out a loud laugh, throwing his head back.

  Jacque looked at him, her eyes narrowed and mouth tight. "Why are you laughing at me?"

  Fane's laugh finally wound down. He tugged at her ponytail to pull her hair free. He ran his fingers through it and continued to grin at her. "After the thoughts you were sending me today, you little vixen, I don't see how anything can embarrass you."

  Jacque rolled her eyes. "Are you going to kiss me or tease me all night?'

  Fane grazed his teeth along the flesh of her neck where his mark was, his own canines descending. "Who said anything about kissing, Luna?"

  Decebel stood up after finishing several hundred crunches and pushups. He was restless; his wolf was getting very edgy. He paced around the room, flexing his hands as his claws kept descending and retracting. He had been in a state of partial phase all day and knew that at the moment, he was more dangerous than ever.

  All he could do was hope to the fates that Jennifer was staying out of trouble and that Vasile was keeping a close eye on her. Because he knew that when he got out of confinement, and found her in any less safety than being locked in her room with the door guarded, he was going to lose the minuscule amount of control he was grasping onto with both hands.

  He was still fuming over the wolf who had dared to touch what was his. Then his mate had pulled that little stunt in the hall for every one's enjoyment. He wasn't going to lie to himself, Jennifer had a beautiful body. He just hadn't planned on seeing it along with the rest of his pack. Maybe he needed to explain to her that the Blood Rites performed after the Bonding Ceremony was generally where the clothes came off – in private. He would make sure to emphasize the private.

  Her little exploit had allowed him to see the evidence of the wolf's hand on his mate's body. The bruises where his fingers had pressed hard, and the angry cuts where his claws had penetrated her flesh. To top off the day from hell, Decebel had watched – in a haze of red – a room full of unmated males lust after his mate and two of his pack mates. He snarled at all the memories, realizing that at that moment he would have killed any and all of the wolves responsible.

  There was only one thing that would calm him and his wolf – Jennifer.

  "Alpha," Decebel spoke into the open room. "I need to speak with you, please." His voice was guttural, so close to phasing.

  Less than a minute after he spoke, the door to his room opened.

  "Decebel," Vasile said his name as an Alpha in pain for one of his own's suffering.

  "I need her," Decebel said honestly.

  "I can't bring her to you."

  "Then at least give me a phone so I can talk to her." Decebel had never been one to beg, but he was on the verge of groveling just to hear her voice.

  "They will hear if you talk to her." Vasile's brow furrowed. "But...they wouldn't be able to see a text."

  Decebel felt a smile spread across his face – not really a happy one, more like a “I just got away with sneaking a cookie from the cookie jar” smile. Six months ago, he wouldn't even have considered texting, but since Fane and some of the other young wolves had started to, he had sort of been forced to, and learn the lingo on top of that.

  Turned out, Decebel preferred texting to talking any day. Except with his mate. But it will have to do for now, he thought.

  "I'll return in a moment. I will have to get Jen's number."

  "Hurry," Decebel growled, but added, "please."

  Decebel paced and paced as he waited for his lifeline to be brought to him. If he'd any doubts about Jennifer being his mate, they had been abolished while he felt his rage grow at being apart from her.

  Eventually Vasile walked in, holding out his phone. Decebel forced himself to retract his claws so he would be able to text unencumbered.

  He didn't acknowledge Vasile as he left.

  Decebel found her name in his contacts list and pressed the text button. A blank screen came up with a key board below it.

  Decebel txt: Jennifer

  He waited, growling when she didn't respond immediately. His phone finally vibrated as her text appeared.

  Jennifer txt: Fur ball

  Decebel growled, but grinned at her smart mouth. His phone vibrated again before he could respond.

  Jennifer txt: r u ok?

  She cared. His heart was in his throat as he read the simple text.

  Decebel txt: slightly grumpy

  Jennifer txt: so ur ok then

  Decebel laughed, feeling his wolf settle, if only a little. It was enough to keep him sane.

  Decebel txt: how r u?

  Jennifer txt: miss n u

  Decebel txt: I miss u 2 baby

  Jennifer txt : r we agreeing?

  Decebel txt: never

  Jennifer txt: r u mad at me?

  Decebel txt: idk

  Jennifer txt: :(

el txt: ur mine

  Jennifer txt: yes

  Decebel txt: only mine 2 c

  Jennifer txt: didn't know how 2 distract u

  Decebel txt: mission accomp

  Jennifer txt: lol

  Decebel txt: keep ur clothes on

  Jennifer txt: blunt much?

  Decebel txt: keep ur clothes on

  Jennifer txt: that can make things difficult

  Decebel txt: Jennifer. Keep. Ur. Clothes. On.

  Jennifer txt: fine, I'll keep some clothes on

  Decebel txt: I need u

  Jennifer txt: V said no

  Decebel txt: u asked him

  Jennifer txt: of course, ur mine

  Decebel txt: grrr

  Jennifer txt: a good grrr?

  Decebel txt: definitely

  Jennifer txt: excellent

  Decebel txt: r u bn good

  Jennifer txt: hmm more specific

  Decebel txt: Jennifer

  Jennifer txt: im always good at whatev I do

  Decebel txt: not reassuring

  Jennifer txt: do u disagree?

  Decebel txt: can't

  Jennifer txt: ?

  Decebel txt: been on the other end of ur good

  Jennifer txt: ur b n wicked bad

  Decebel txt: ur fault, I was innocent b 4 met u

  Jennifer txt: im sure u were squeaky clean

  Decebel txt: I shld let u sleep

  Jennifer txt: LET? really

  Decebel knew the only way he was going to get her to go to sleep would be reverse psychology. As much as he wanted to sit and text her all night, she needed her rest.

  Decebel txt: I need sleep baby

  Jennifer txt: ur a quik learnr

  Decebel txt: dream of me

  Jennifer txt: I'll think about it

  Decebel txt: mate, grrr

  Jennifer txt: hmmm yummy

  Decebel txt: Woman! Go 2 bed

  Jennifer txt: alone?

  Decebel txt: hell yes alone!

  Jennifer txt: such a big bed, lonely n it

  Decebel txt: Jennifer

  Jennifer txt: I evr told u ur sexy when ur bossy?

  Decebel txt: yes, u were drunk off ur cute ass

  Jennifer txt: blushing

  Decebel txt: u should b, go 2 bed

  Jennifer txt: can't txt u if asleep :(

  Decebel txt: ur kill n me

  Jennifer txt: assure u that's not what I want 2 do 2 u

  Decebel txt: blushing

  Jennifer txt: LMAO!

  Decebel txt: Go. To. Bed.

  Jennifer txt: join me?

  Decebel txt: phone will b by my heart

  Jennifer txt: tears

  Decebel txt: don't cry baby

  Jennifer txt: why here? why now?

  Decebel txt: don't know Jennifer

  Jennifer txt: sucks

  Decebel txt: I'm holding u

  Jennifer txt: more tears

  Decebel txt: wolf gettn restless

  Jennifer txt: sorry, I'm ok

  Decebel txt: hold me 2

  Jennifer txt: all nite long

  Decebel txt: nite baby xoxo

  Jennifer txt: nite

  Decebel txt: no lovin 4 me?

  Jennifer txt: didn't want 2 get u all worked up

  Decebel txt: thanks 4 ur concern

  Jennifer txt: nite, deep intense kiss, hands in your hair, bodies pressed together

  Decebel txt: GRRRRRRRRR

  Jennifer txt: what? 2 much?

  Decebel txt: i'll dream of u

  Jennifer txt: I bet u will, lol, nite B

  Decebel txt: nite baby

  Decebel scrolled through their texts, smiling at her playfulness. It wasn't enough, but it would get him through the night.

  Jennifer curled into a ball in the bed that she'd told Decebel was too big to be in by herself. All day she had kept herself busy. Now here, in the dark, she could feel the hole that was widening with every moment away from Decebel.

  She had been thrilled when Vasile had told her she could text him. She smiled to herself, remembering his texts. Decebel had a sweet, romantic side. And bloody hell if it wasn't the sexiest thing ever. She closed her eyes and thought of him. His handsome face, dark hair, amber eyes.... She fell asleep to the memories of her mate's deep, soothing voice and strong body holding her.

  Chapter 24

  Cynthia yawned as she sat at the table with her pack, eating breakfast. She'd been out searching until two in the morning. She had phased when she went out looking for it, knowing her wolf could move much faster. Finally, over ten miles away from the estate, she found the Nepeta, a.k.a. catnip. She was still working on perfecting it in liquid form – the hardest part was that it needed to be potent enough, but also dissolved so the plant's little particles weren't visible. People tend to get suspicious when there's stuff floating in their drinks.

  Cynthia caught Jen's eye across the table and nodded, a subtle motion for her to follow her out of the room.

  Cynthia was waiting in the hall when the five girls came out, Costin at their heels. Yeah, this doesn't look suspicious, she thought.

  "Whatchya got, doc?" Jen asked.

  "I found the Nepeta ten miles out. I've been working on it all morning, and the only thing I'm not sure about is its potency while making it undetectable in the drink."

  "You found something that will keep the guys from being able to phase?" Costin spoke low, so as not to be overheard.

  Cynthia, Jen, and Sally all nodded but didn't elaborate.

  He lifted his eyebrows. "Ooookay, how did you find out about it?"

  Sally looked over at Cynthia who gave a nearly imperceptible shake of her head.

  "We just did some digging and it sort of fell in our laps," Jen told him vaguely.

  "Uh-huh, just fell in your laps." Costin eyed them suspiciously. "Well, if that's your story..."

  "Finalized, illustrated, and edited." Jen gave him a sharp nod. "Alright. Moving along, people. Doc, we need test subjects for your mojo."

  "That would be the most accurate way to determine if it's effective," Cynthia agreed.

  Jen smiled sweetly at Costin.

  Costin watched the gleam in Jen's eyes as she smiled at him. Realizing what she was thinking, he put his hands up. "No way, Jen. Come on, you can't ask me to do that. I can't protect you guys if I can't phase. No. I'm putting my foot down."

  Jen didn't argue, realizing that no amount of flirting, groveling, pushing, or bribing was going to work on Costin. She watched each member of their group, all trying to think of a wolf to test this concoction on.

  Finally, Cynthia spoke up. "I'll do it. It's my creation, I should be the one to test it."

  "Are you sure you want to do that, Cynthia?" Sally asked.

  "Yes, definitely. I'll take Jacque, Sally, and Costin with me while you three go bait your prey."

  Jen held out her fist to Cynthia's. Cynthia picked up on what Jen was after and balled her fist and bumped it to Jen's.

  "Let's get this party started, ladies."

  Costin cleared his throat and look pointedly at the evil schemer.

  "Oh, for crying out loud. Let's get this party started, ladies and hot werewolf. Happy?" Jen asked.

  "You think I'm hot?" Costin grinned and winked.

  "You don't hold a candle to B, so don't get too excited."

  "Ouch. I'm hurt, Jen." Costin smiled, placing his hand over his heart.

  Jen shook her head and turned to Marianna and Crina, "You two ready?"

  "Totally." Crina smiled.

  Marianna gave a weak, "Yipee," her eyebrows raised as she made pom-pom motions with her hands.

  "That's the spirit." Jen laughed. "Let's go find the rat pack."

  Damion looked up from his table to see the blonde American and the two female Romanian wolves coming towards him. "This day is looking up boys."

  The other four turned in their seats to watch as the girls walked confidently to their table.

  They stopped a
foot away and looked each of them over.

  "I hear you boys are the ones who put that wicked cool video together." Jen smirked as she folded her arms across her chest – not by accident.

  Damion's eyes wandered south of her neck before returning to her face.