Henry VI’s Chapel, Westminster Abbey, 599
Henry VIII, King of England (1509-1547), 457
Hepat (hā-pät’), 286†
Heraclitus, Greek philosopher (576-480 B.C.), 434, 533, 622
Herat (hěr-ät’), 227
Hercules, 294
Herder, Johann Gottfried von, German philosopher and man of letters (1744-1803), 391*
Herding, in primitive societies, 8, 24, 34
in Egypt, 156
in India, 399
Here, 62
Hermes, 179*, 277*
Hermes Trismegistus, 179*;
see Thoth Herodotus, Greek historian (ca. 484-425 B.C.), 118*, 138, 139, 147-148, 150, 160, 184, 201-202, 204-205, 224, 244-245, 246, 248, 289-290, 292, 293, 350, 352, 353, 358, 369, 374, 478, 494, 578, 719
Hesiod, Greek poet (ca. 800 B.C.), 329‡
Hesiré , Egyptian prince, 189
Hetairai, 490, 862
Hezekiah , King of Judah (ca. 720 B.C.), 309, 317
Hidari Jingaro , Japanese sculptor (1594-1634), 893-894
Hidetada (hē-dā-tä-dä), Japanese shogun (1605-1623), 843
Hideyori (hē-dě-yôr-ē), Japanese shogun (ca. 1600), 841
Hideyoshi , Japanese shogun (1581-1598), 838-841, 889, 895, 898, 908, 914, 927
Hien-yang (hē-an-yäng’), 696
Hierapolis , 297
Hieroglyphics, 144-145, 172-173
Highways, in Egypt, 160
in Babylonia, 227, 228
in Persia, 358
in India, 444-445, 480, 778
Hilkiah , Hebrew religious teacher (ca. 620 B.C.), 320
Hillel , Jewish Rabbi and Talmudist (ca. 110 B.C.), 310, 670
Himalayas , 91, 392, 393, 454, 551, 576
Hinayana Buddhism, 503, 504, 597
Hincks, Edward, Irish Egyptologist (1791-1866), 118*
Hindi , 555
Hindu, meaning of, 392*
Hindu Kush , 392, 440
Hindu Manners, Customs, and Ceremonies, 199*
Hinduism, 507-525
Hindus, 193, 286*, 365, 366, 391-633
Hindustan , meaning of, 393
Hippocrates, Greek physician (460-357 B.C.), 287* 782
Hippocratic oath, 182
Hirado (hē-rä-dō), 901
Hiram, King of Tyre (fl. 950 B.C.), 294, 295, 306
Hirata (hē-rä-tä), Japanese scholar (ca. 1810), 875
Hiroshige , Japanese engraver 1797-1858), 907, 910
Hishikawa Moronobu , Japanese painter (1618-1694), 907
Historical Record, 718
History, in Sumeria, 132
in Egypt, 178
in Babylonia, 250
in Assyria, 277
in Judea, 339-340
in India, 578-579
in China, 718-719
in Japan, 885-887
History of Chinese Philosophy, 821
History of India, 579
History of the True Succession of the Divine Monarchs, 886
Hitomaro (hē-tō-mä-rō), Japanese poet (died 737), 878
Hitopadesha , 578
Hittites, 158, 212, 266, 286-287, 288, 310, 397†
Hiung-nu, see Hsiung-nu
Hivites, 310
Hizakurige , 885, 891
Hizen (hē-zěn), 900, 901
Ho Chi-chang (hō jē-jäng), Chinese statesman (fl. 725), 705
Hoang-ho (hwäng-hō) River, 641, 776
Hobbes, Thomas, English philosopher (1588-1679), 544*, 687, 874
Hojo (hō-jō) Regency (in Japan), 837-838
Hojoki (hō-jō-kē), 852-889
Hokkaido , 928
Hokku , 880, 881, 926
Hokusai, Katsuhika , Japanese engraver (1760-1849), 885, 902, 907, 908-910, 912
Holi (hō’-lē), 501
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, M.D., American writer (1809-1894), 81
Holy Family (Raphael), 759
Holy Sepulchre, 120
Homer, 16, 62, 106, 391, 400, 410, 712
Honan (hō-nän), 641, 642, 645, 698, 738, 739, 755, 772
Hongkong , 804, 805, 806, 809, 810
Honjo , 830
Honolulu, 809
Hor, Egyptian architect (ca. 1400 B.C.), 206*
Horiuji , 738, 833, 894-895, 897, 903
Horus (hôr-ŭs), 198, 200-201
Hosea , Hebrew prophet (ca. 785-725 B.C.), 317, 336
Hospitality, in primitive societies, 54
Hôtel-Dieu (Paris), 81
Hotoke (hō-tō-kā), 840
Hottentots, 6, 42, 43, 52, 65, 85
Hotto , Japanese statesman (died 1651), 847
Hoyshaleshwara Temple, 601
Hrozný, Frederic, 286
Hsia (shē-äh’) Dynasty, 644
Hsia Kuei (shē-äh’ gway), Chinese artist (1180-1230), 751
Hsianfu (shē-än’-foo), 808
Hsieh Ho (shē-ā-hō), art theorist (6th century), 592*, 752
Hsien Feng (shē-ăn fŭng), Chinese emperor (1851-1862), 806
Hsien Tsung , Chinese emperor (806-821), 779
Hsing-shan Temple, 750
Hsinking , 920†
Hsiung-nu , 701
Hsu Hsing , Chinese radical (ca. 300 B.C.), 685
Hsuan (shwän), King of Ch’i, 683, 685-686
Hsuan Tsung , see Ming Huang
Hsün-tze (shün-dzŭ), apostle of evil (ca. 305-235 B.C.), 687-688
Hu Shih , Chinese literary reformer (1891-), 821-822
Hua To (hwä dō), Chinese medical writer (3rd century,) 782
Huan (hwän), Duke of Ch’i (685-643 B.C.), 645-646
Huang Ti (hwäng dē), Chinese emperor (2697-2597 B.C.), 643, 659, 660-661
Huber, Sir William, British judge in India (early 19th century), 497
Huen (hwăn) Mountain, 717
Hughes, Charles Evans, American statesman and jurist (1862-), 929, 930
Hui Sze (whā-dzŭ), Chinese philosopher (3rd century), 677
Hui Tsung , Chinese emperor (1101-1125), 727, 750, 751, 752, 753, 795
Huldah , Hebrew prophetess (ca. 625 B.C.), 333
Human sacrifice, 66-67
in Sumeria, 128
in Assyria, 272
in Phoenicia, 295
in Syria, 297
in Judea, 311, 315
Humanism, 730
Humayun , Mogul emperor (1530-1542; 1555-1556), 464, 468, 472, 607
Humboldt, Friedrich Heinrich Alexander, Baron von, German scholar and traveler (1769-1859), 462
Humboldt, Karl Wilhelm, Baron von, German statesman and philologist (1767-1835), 565
Hume, David, Scotch philosopher and historian (1711-1776), 418, 434
Hung Hsiu-ch’üan , T’ai-p’ing leader (died 1864), 805
Hung Wu , Chinese emperor (1386-1399), 686
Huns, 152, 452, 454, 459, 591, 695, 701
Hunting, in primitive societies, 6-7, 24, 30, 33
in Babylonia, 226
in Assyria, 226, 229, 278, 279
in Persia, 378
in India, 477
Hyaku-nin-isshu , 879-880
Hydaspes (hī-dăs’-pēz) River, 440
Hyderabad , (city), 393
Hyderabad (state), 589, 600-601
Hygiene, in Egypt, 183-184
in Judea, 331
in Persia, 373-374
in India, 497, 498, 521
in China, 782, 855
Hyksos , the, 24*, 152, 154, 160, 166, 177, 223, 227, 300, 301
Hymn to the Sun, 178, 206-210
Hypatia, Greek philosopher and mathematician (?-415), 216
Hypnotism, 532
Hystaspes , father of Darius (ca. 550 B.C.), 364, 365*
Iamblichus , Syrian philosopher (fl. 325), 179*
Iberians, 10
Ibrahim II, Sultan of Delhi (1517-1526), 464
Ibsen, Henrik, Norwegian poet and dramatist (1828-1906), 58, 692
Ice Age, 91*
Iceland, 107
Ichikawa (ēch-ē-kä-wä),
Japanese philosopher (17th century), 865
l-Ching , 650-651, 665, 785
Ictinus, Greek architect (fl. 450 B.C.), 141, 895
Igorots, 45
Ikhnaton , see Amenhotep IV
Ili (ē-lē), 798
Iliad, 250, 310, 561, 564, 891
Imari-yaki (e-mä-rē-yä-kē), 900
Imhotep , Egyptian physician, architect, and statesman (ca. 3150 B.C.), 147, 192
Imitation of Christ, 570
In Memoriam, 878
Inana-yoga , 522
Inazo Nitobe (i-nä-tsō nē-tō-bē), Japanese publicist (died 1933), 847*
Incas, 41
Incest, in Egypt, 164
in Babylonia, 231
in India, 401
India, 34, 47, 60, 61, 93, 94, 99*, 103, 104, 108, 116, 117, 125, 144, 159, 199*, 206, 222*, 227, 247, 274*, 286, 292, 312*, 329, 353, 355, 358, 359*, 363, 372, 385, 391-633, 642, 651, 736, 744, 779, 786, 804, 805, 875, 892, 928
Indian, meaning of, 392*
Indian National Congress, 623, 625, 626
Indian Ocean, 703
Indians, American, 2, 5-6, 8, 9, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 22, 23, 27, 32, 33, 35, 41, 42, 45, 48, 49, 53, 54, 56, 60, 61, 73, 77, 83
Indo-China, 604, 698, 767, 806, 928
Indo-Europeans, 285, 286*, 291, 350, 397‡
Indra , 285, 397†, 402, 403, 507
Indus River, 355, 393, 397‡, 440, 463
Industrial Revolution, 20*, 70, 94, 96, 159, 274, 333, 478, 480, 516, 612, 623, 769, 803, 916-922
Industry, 11-16, 934
in Sumeria, 124-125
in Egypt, 157-161
in Babylonia, 227
in Assyria, 274
in Persia, 357-358
in India, 400, 479
in China, 776-778, 815;
in Japan, 919-920
Ineni , Egyptian architect (ca. 1530 B.C.), 192
Infant Jesus (Reni), 759
Infanticide, in primitive societies, 50
Initiation rites, 75
Ink, 171
Inkyo , Emperor of Japan (412-453), 892
Innini , 127
Inouye, Marquis Kaoru , Japanese statesman (1839-1915), 916, 930
Inquisition, Holy, 469, 524
Inro , 893
Instructions of Ptah-hotep, 193-194
Interglacial Stages, 91*
International Exposition of Persian Art, London (1931), 378*
Ionia, 264, 290, 355
Ionians, 479
Iphigenia, 66, 297
Ipuwer ,’194, 195
Iran , 356; see Persia
Iranian Plateau, 117
Iraq 117
Iraq Expedition of the University of Chicago, 274*
Iraq Museum, Baghdad, 134*
Ireland, 58
Irish, 10
Iron Age, 104
Iroquois Indians, 14, 22, 32, 62
Isaac, Hebrew patriarch, 66, 297, 337
Isaiah , Hebrew prophet (fl. 720 B.C.), 210, 235, 262, 301, 312, 317-320, 324, 325-327, 334*, 341 365, 422*
Ise (ī-sē), 880
Ishii, Viscount Kikujiro , Japanese statesman (1866-), 929
Ishtar , 60, 123, 127, 200, 234, 235-236, 238-239, 247, 251, 253, 256, 266, 294-295, 341
Ishvara , 548, 550
Ishvara Krishna , Indian religious teacher (5th century), 536*
Isin , 123
Isis , 185, 200-201
Islam , 35, 39, 247, 463, 469-470, 524
Israel , 315*
also see Jews
Issus , 373*, 383
Italians, 279, 397
Italy, 92, 97, 99*, 108, 152, 215, 293, 555, 695, 730, 821
Ito, Marquis Hirobumi a, Japanese statesman (1840-1909), 916,
Ito Jinsai , Japanese philosopher (1627-1705), 872-873
Ito Togai (ē-tō tō-gī), Japanese philosopher (1670-1736), 873
Ittagi , 600-601
Ius primœ noctis , 38, 245, 486*
Iwasa Matabei (ē-wä-sä mä-tä-bā), Japanese painter (1578-1650), 907
Iyemitsu , Japanese shogun (1623-1650, 843, 847, 895
Iyenari , Japanese shogun (1787-1836), 862
Iyenobu , Japanese shogun (1709-1712), 886
Iyesada , Japanese shogun (1853-1858), 915
Iyeyasu , Japanese shogun (1603-1616), 838, 841-843, 846-847, 849, 850, 866, 877, 886, 889, 894, 895, 905, 914
Iyeyoshi , Japanese shogun (1837-1852), 915
Izanagi , 829, 875, 892
Izanami (ē-zä-nä-mē), 829, 875, 892
Jabali , 461
Jacob, Hebrew patriarch, 41, 310, 314*, 334, 336, 340
Jacobi, H., 419*
Jacobins, 19*
Jade, 737
Jagannath Puri , 599
Jahanara , daughter of Shah Jehan (ca. 1658), 474
Jaimini , Indian religious teacher (4th century, B.C. ?), 545-546
Jainism (jīn’-ism), 419, 420-422, 459, 469, 471, 508*, 520, 529, 534, 597, 598, 599, 600, 601, 626
Jaipur , 393, 585
James I, King of England and VI of Scotland (1567[S], 1603[E]-1625), 317
James, William, American psychologist (1842-1910), 535
Jamsetpur , 622
Janak(a) , 414, 567-568
Japan, 3, 42, 98, 103, 162, 166, 184, 192, 312*, 449, 450, 501, 504, 506, 577, 594, 595, 596, 602, 626, 633, 646, 730, 736, 738, 752, 753, 757, 773, 799*, 806, 807, 808, 809, 810, 813, 814, 815*, 829-933
Japan, Emperor of, 59
Japanese, 53, 640
Jastrow, Morris, 343*
Jataka books, 423, 578
Java, 65, 92, 391, 451, 594, 595, 602, 603
Jaxartes (jăx-är’-tez) River, 353
Jayadeva , Indian poet 491, 580
Jefferson, Thomas, President of the United States (1743-1826), 304
Jehangir , Mogul emperor (1605-1627), 471-473, 480, 483*, 579, 591, 608, 609
Jehoiakim , King of Judah (608-597 B.C.), 321
Jehol , 806, 931
Jehovah , see Yahveh
Jenghiz Khan, see Genghis Khan
Jeremiah, Hebrew prophet (fl. 600), 312, 315, 322-324, 422*
Jericho, 300, 302*
Jerusalem, 267, 298, 305-306, 307, 314, 315, 316, 317, 321, 323, 324, 325, 326, 327-328, 334*, 348, 384, 606
Jesuits, 94, 469, 768, 788, 840, 877
Jewelry, in primitive societies, 86
in Sumeria, 119, 130
in Egypt, 169-170, 191-192
in Babylonia, 254
in Assyria, 265, 278
in Persia, 378
in India, 499, 585
in China, 736, 737
Jewish Encyclopedia, 306*
Jews, 62, 117, 118, 213, 217, 218, 234, 235, 236, 242, 245, 263, 267, 268, 284, 287, 297, 298, 299-349, 358, 367, 469, 508*
Jezebel , wife of King Ahab, (ca. 875-850 B.C.), 317*
Jimmu , emperor of Japan (660-585 B.C.), 873
Jinas , 420
Jintoshotoki , 886
Jippensha Ikku , Japanese novelist (died 1831), 885
Jizo (jē-zō), 864
Job (jōb), 259, 261, 343-346, 367
Joffe , A., Russian diplomat (died ca. 1928), 812
Johnson, Samuel, English author and lexicographer (1709-1784), 2*, 681
Johur , 456, 495
Jojaku , Japanese woodcarver (13th century), 897*
Jokai (jō-kī), Japanese woodcarver (13th century), 897*
Jonathan, son of King Saul (ca. 1010 B.C.), 304-305
Jones, Sir William, English Orientalist (1746-1794), 391*, 406, 574, 578*
Jonson, Ben, English poet and dramatist (1574-1637), 631
Jordan River, 298
Joseph, Hebrew patriarch (ca. 1900 B.C.), 340
Josephine, Empress of the French (1763-1814), 246
Josephus, Flavius, Jewish historian (37-96?), 179, 299, 301†, 307, 383
Joshua , Hebrew leader (died ca. 1425 B.C.), 302
Josiah , King of
the Jews (641-610 B.C.), 203*, 320-321, 328, 333, 364
Juangs, 8
Jubilee, 337-338
Judah (kingdom), 315, 317, 321, 322, 323, 329
Judea, 68, 218, 299-349, 422*, 640, 651
Judges (of Israel), 304
Juggernaut, 520*
Julian calendar, 181
Juma Masjid , 608
Jumna River, 393, 460, 474, 479 521
Jupiter, 402
Ka (kä), 148, 149, 150, 202
Kaapiru , Egyptian official, 186
also see Sheik-el-Beled
Kabir , Indian poet (1440-1518), 470, 523, 582-583
Kabuki Shibai , 890-891
Kabul , 227, 392, 450, 464
Kadesh (kā’-děsh), 213
Kaempfer, Engelbrecht, German botanist and traveler (1651-1716), 853, 862
Kaffirs, 35, 42, 45, 53, 64, 65, 75
Kaga , 900, 901
Kaga no-Chiyo , Lady, Japanese poet (1703-1775), 858, 880
Kagawa, Toyohiko , Japanese socialist, 921
K’aifeng (kī-fŭng), 727
Kaikeyi (kī’-kā-ē), 568
Kailasha Temple, 601
Kakiemon , Japanese potter (ca. 1650), 900
Kala-at-Sherghat , see Ashur (city)
Kalakh , 265, 266, 278, 279, 280
Kalgan , 931
Kalhana , Indian historian, 579
Kali (kä’-lē), 200, 499, 501, 509, 511, 519, 520, 617, 625
Kalidasa , Indian poet (ca. 400), 391*, 451, 45*, 572, 574-576, 578
Kalingas , 446
Kali-yuga , 513
Kallen, Horace M., 343*
Kalpa , 513
Kamakura , 450, 830, 837, 892, 894, 895, 898, 905
Kamakura Bakufu, 837
Kamasutra , 490
Kamatari , Japanese statesman (fl. 645), 833
Kambinana, 57
Kamchadals , 45, 50
Kamchatka , 896
Kami (kä-mē), 840
Kamo no-Chomei (kä-mö nō-chō-mā), Japanese essayist (1154-1216), 852, 888-889
Kamo (kä-mō) Temple, 888
Kanada , Indian philosopher (date unknown), 528, 529, 536, 546
Kanarak , 599
Kanarese , 555
Kanauj , 452, 453
Kandahar , 392
Kandy (kän’-dē), 450, 506, 585, 603
Kang Teh (käng dā), 931
also see P’u Yi
Kangakusha scholars, 874
K’ang-hsi (käng-shē), Chinese emperor (1662-1722), 736, 752, 758, 767-768, 771, 788*, 795
Kangra , 591
Kanishka , King of the Kushans (ca. 120), 450-451, 504, 506, 571, 594, 786
Kano Masanobu , Japanese painter (died 1490), 905
Kano Motonobu , Japanese painter (1476-1559), 905
Kano School (of Japanese painting), 843, 902*, 905-906
Kano Tanyu , Japanese painter 1602-1674), 905
Kano Yeitoku (yā-tō-koo), Japanese architect (1543-1590), 905