Kansu , 755
Kant, Immanuel, German philosopher (1724-1804), 346, 410, 510, 516*, 538, 547, 549, 551*, 552, 670
Kantara , 154
Kanthaka , 426
Kao Tsu (gou dzoo), Chinese emperor (206-194 B.C.), 698
Kao Tsu, Chinese Emperor (618-627), 702
Kapila , Indian Sankhya philosopher (ca. 500 B.C.), 536-541, 546, 547
Kapilavastu , 422, 423, 436
Karachi , 393, 594
Karakhan , Leo, Russian diplomat, 812
Karduniash , 223*
Karle , 597, 598
Karma , 427, 435, 509, 514-516, 550, 553
Karma-yoga , 522
Karnak , 140, 142-143, 144, 145, 152, 153, 185, 189, 191, 206, 214, 379, 744
buildings at: Festival Hall of Thutmose III, 143, 145
Hypostyle Hall, 143, 213
obelisks of Queen Hatshepsut, 143, 153
Promenade of Thutmose III, 143, 155
Temple of Amon, 142
Temple of Ptah, 143
Kartikeya , 507
Kashgar (käsh’-gär’), 761
Kashmir (kăsh’-mēr’), 392, 479, 585
Kassites (kăs’-sīts), 152, 222, 223, 227, 248, 257, 266, 397
Kasturbai , wife of M. K. Gandhi, 628
Katakana script, 876*
Katayama, Sen (kä-tä-yä-mä, sěn), Japanese communist (died 1933), 921
Katha Upanishad , 405
Kathæi , 495
Kathasaritzagara , 579
Kaushitaki Upanishad, 518
Kautilya Chanakya , Indian statesman (ca. 322-298 B.C.), 441, 443
Ke K’ang (kā käng), Confucian disciple (ca. 500 B.C.), 672
Ke Loo , Confucian disciple (ca. 500 B.C.), 667
Kea Kwei , Chinese scholar (1st century), 665
Keats, John, English poet (1795-1821), 611, 713
Keiki (kā-kē), last of the Tokugawa shoguns (1866-1868), 916
Keion , Japanese painter, (ca. 1250), 904
Keiser, Aabregt de, Dutch ceramic artist (17th century), 900
Keith, Sir Arthur, 99
Kenzan (kěn-zän), Japanese potter (1663-1743), 900
Kepler, Johann, German astronomer (1571-1630), 60
Keriya , see Peyn
Ket (kět), 201
Keyserling, Count Hermann, 455†, 534, 554*, 639
Khafre (kă’-frā), King of Egypt (3067-3011 B.C.), 148, 150, 186, 187
Kharosthi script, 556
Khekheperre-Sonbu , Egyptian scholar (ca. 2150 B.C.), 178
Khi-yüan , 688
Khmers (kmârz), 604-605, 606
Khnum , 185
Khnumhotep , King of Egypt (ca. 2180 B.C.), 185, 190
Khorassan , 761
Khordah Avesta , 365‡
Khorsabad , 266*, 279, 280
Khotan (kō-tän’), 594, 602, 761
Khu , 688-9
Khosrou II, King of Persia (590-628), 456
Khufu , King of Egypt (3098-3075 B.C.), 147, 149, 150, 291, 395
Khusru , son of Jehangir (ca. 1620), 472
Kiaochow (jyou-jō’), 806
Kimimaro (kē-mē-mä-rō), Japanese sculptor (fl. 747), 897-898
King James Version, 317, 341
Kings (book), 339
Kingship, 22
in Sumeria, 126
in Egypt, 163-164
in Babylonia, 230, 232-233, 234
in Assyria, 266, 273
in Persia, 360-361
in India, 442-443, 482-483
in China, 797-798
in Japan, 834
Kiritsubo , 882
Kirti Shri Raja Singha , King of Ceylon (18th century), 603
Kish , 118, 120, 125, 127, 221, 395*
Kitabatake , Japanese scholar and historian (fl. 1334), 886
Kitans , 721-722, 760*
Kitasato, Baron Shibasaburo , Japanese scientist (1856-), 924
Kitchen middens, 98, 101
Kiyonaga , Japanese engraver (1742-1814), 908
Knemhotep (kněm-hō’-těp), Egyptian dwarf, 187
Kobe (kō-bā), 920, 921
Kobo Daishi (kō-bō dī-shē), Japanese saint and artist, founder of Shintoism (9th century), 864, 897*, 903
Kohat (kō-hät), 624†
Koheleth (kō-hěl’-ěth), 346*
Kohl, 169
Kojiki (kō-jē-kē), 874-875, 885
Kokei (kō-kā), Japanese woodcarver (12th century), 897*
Koken (kō-kěn), Empress of Japan (749-759; 765-770), 861
Kokinshu , 878†, 879
Kolben, Peter, German naturalist (1675-1726), 52
Konin , Emperor of Japan (770-781), 850
Koran (kôr-än’), 463, 469, 470, 474, 476, 565, 609, 616
Korea , 506, 594, 602, 698, 705, 730, 767, 773, 806, 829, 831, 832, 833, 839, 853, 875, 877*, 892, 894, 899, 903, 918, 919, 923, 924, 927*
Korin, Ogata , Japanese painter (1661-1716), 900, 906
Korvouva, 57
Kosala , 567, 568, 569; also see Oudh
Kose no-Kanaoka , Japanese painter (ca. 950), 903
Kotsuke no Suké , Japanese noble (died 1703), 848-849
Kow-tow, 713
Koyetsu , Japanese painter (ca. 1600), 906
Koyetsu-Korin School (of Japanese painting), 906
Koyosan (kō-yō-sän), 864
Krishna (god), 403, 507-508, 511, 552, 564, 565-566, 570, 580, 617*, 625
Krishna (tribe), 403
Krishna deva Raya , King of Vijayanagar (1509-1529), 457, 458
Kroch, Adolf, 893*
Kshatriyas , 359*, 398, 399, 419, 424, 455, 487, 565, 567
Kuan Ching , Prime Minister of Ts’i (fl. 683-640 B.C.), 645-646, 790
Kuang Hsu , Chinese emperor (1875-1908), 807, 810
Kuan-yin , 740, 751, 786
Kublai Khan , Chinese emperor (1269-1295), 604, 606, 721, 742, 761, 763-766, 767, 777, 778, 779, 790, 837, 895
Kubus, 21
Kukis, 67
Kumara , King of Assam (ca. 630), 454
Kumazawa Banzan , Japanese philosopher (1619-1691), 871-872,
K’ung (family), 659
K’ung Chi , Chinese sage, grandson of Confucius (ca. 470 B.C.), 665-666, 676-677
K’ung Ch’iu , see Confucius
Kung Sun Lung , Chinese sage (ca. 425 B.C.), 677, 679
K’ung Tao-fu , Chinese diplomat (fl. 1031), 721-722
K’ung-fu-tze , see Confucius
Kuo Hsi (gwō-shē), Chinese painter (born 1100), 750
Kuo K’ai-chih , Chinese painter (fl. 364), 746-747
Kuo Tsi-i , Chinese general (fl. 755), 710
Kuomintang , 817
Kurdistan , 350
Kurds , 266
Kurna , 118
Kurral , 581-582
Kurus , 561-562, 565
Kushans , 450, 504
Kutani , 900, 901
Kutb-d Din Aibak , Sultan of Delhi (1206-1210), 461, 607
Kutb-Minar , 607
Kuyunjik , see Nineveh
Kuznetzk , 932
Kwannon , 833, 864
Kyogen (kyō-gěn), 889
Kyoto (kyō-tō), 749*, 834, 835, 840, 852-853, 855, 860, 865*, 866, 872, 877, 880, 888, 894, 895, 898, 900, 902, 903, 905, 906, 910
Kyoto, University of, 926
Kyushu , 928
La Fontaine , Jean de, French fabulist (1621-1695), 175
La Tène, 104
Laban (lā’-băn), Jacob’s father-in-law, 41, 310
Lacquer, 736-737, 894
Lagash (lä’-găsh), 118, 120, 121, 122, 127, 129
Lahore (lä-hor’), 392, 472, 594, 614
Lake dwellers, the, 98-99, 101, 103
Lake of the Deeds of Rama, 581
Lakshman , 569
Lakshmi , 509
Lalitavistara , 423*
Lamarck, Jean Baptiste de Monet, Chevalier de, French naturalist (1744-1829), 538
Lamentations, 324
Lancashire, 920
r />
Landecho, Spanish sailor (fl. 1596), 843*
Lander, Richard, English traveler (1804-1835), 43
Landor, Walter Savage, English man of letters (1775-1864), 683-684
Language, 72-73
in primitive societies, 743, in Sumeria, 118*
in Egypt, 145, 172-173
in Babylonia, 249-250
in Assyria, 266
in Judea, 303
in Persia, 356-357
in India, 391*, 405-406, 555-556
in China, 74, 771-773
in Japan, 876-877
Lansing, Robert, American statesman (1864-1928), 929
Lao-tse (lou’-dzŭ), Chinese sage (604-517 B.C.), 77, 422*, 429, 651, 652-658, 662, 663, 670, 677, 684, 689, 690-693, 772, 785, 786
Laplace, Pierre Simon, French astronomer and mathematician (1749-1827), 527, 538
Larsa , 118, 123, 234
Last Judgment (Michelangelo), 749
Last Supper (Da Vinci), 97, 590*, 749
Latin (language), 406
Latourette, K. S., 801*
Lauriya , 596
Laussel, 97
Law, 135
in primitive societies, 25-29
in Sumeria, 120-121, 127
in Egypt, 161-162
in Babylonia, 135, 219, 220-221, 230-232
in Assyria, 272
in the Hittite Empire, 287
in Judea, 328-339
in Persia, 361, 374
in India, 444, 483-488, 494, 495
in China, 646-647, 797
Lazarus, 614
Le Sage, Alain René, French novelist and dramatist (1668-1747), 885
League of Nations, 22, 931
League of the Iroquois, 22
Leah , one of Jacob’s wives, 41, 336
Lebanon , 154, 292, 296, 761
Ledoux, L. V., 906*
Legalists, 674-675
Legge, James, British orientalist (1815-1897), 653*, 665
Leibnitz, Gottfried Wilhelm, Baron von, German philosopher and mathematician (1646-1716), 345, 516*, 536, 693, 773
Leipzig, 693
Lemnos, 95
Lenguas, 50
Lenin nom de guerre of Vladimir Ulyanov, Russian Soviet leader (1870-1924), 314
Leonardo, see Vinci, Leonardo da
Leopold I, Holy Roman Emperor (1658-1705), 736
Lepsius, Karl Richard, German philologist (1813-1884), 203*
Les Eyzies, 97*
Lesser Vehicle, see Hinayana Buddhism
Letourneau, C., 38
Levi (lē’-vī), Hebrew patriarch (ca. 1700 B.C.), 314
Levirate, 39
Levites, 309, 314, 328
Leviticus, 330, 331*
Lex talionis , 27, 230-231, 338
Leyden Museum, 157, 595
Lhasa , 506, 507
Li (lē), Lao-tze’s real name, 652
Li and Chi (lē, jē), 732
Li Hou-chu , Chinese emperor (ca. 970), 770
Li Hung-chang (lē hoong jäng), Chinese statesman (1823-1901), 730, 807, 810
Li Lung-mien , Chinese painter (1040-1106), 750-751
Li Po (lē bō), Chinese poet (705-762), 703, 705-711, 713, 714, 717, 751, 909
Li Ssü (lē sü), Chinese statesman (fl. 215 B.C.), 695, 696
Li Ssu-hsün , Chinese painter (651-716), 748
Liang K’ai (lē-äng’ kī), Chinese painter (ca. 750), 751
Liao Chai Chih I (lyou jī jē ē), 718
Liaotung , 806, 848, 918
Liberia, 16
Libraries, in Sumeria, 131-132
in Egypt, 174
in Babylonia, 249
in Assyria, 237*, 243, 249, 250, 266*, 269, 277
in India, 468, 556
in China, 697, 699, 727
Libya, 215
Libyans, 184, 215
Lichchavi , 419
Li-Chi (lē jē), 664, 723, 794
Lieh-I (lē’-ŭ-ē), Chinese painter (1st century), 746
Light of Asia, 423*
Li-ling , Prince of Yung (ca. 756), 710
Lin Tze-hsü , Chinese statesman (ca. 1838), 804
Lin-an (lē-nän’), 727
Linga , 519, 520
Lingaraja Temple, 599
Lingayats , 519
Ling-chao , Lady, Chinese Buddhist mystic (8th century), 751†
Lin-k’ew , 662
Lippert, Julius, German sociologist (1859-1909), 42*
Literature, 936
Sumerian, 132
Egyptian, 173-179
Babylonian, 176-178, 241-243, 250-254
Assyrian, 277
Hebrew, 316, 318, 320, 322, 324, 325-327, 329-330, 339-349 (also see Prophets, Bible, Old Testament, New Testament, etc.)
Persian, see Zend-Avesta; Indian, 407-409, 458, 555-583
Chinese, 648-649, 664-666, 705-723, 821
Japanese, 878-891, 926-927
Liturgy, in Babylonia, 242-243
Liu Ling , Chinese poet (third century), 708
Lives of the Saints, 570
Locke, John, English philosopher (1632-1704), 552
Loire River, 226
Lokamahadevi , wife of Vikramaditya Chalukya (ca. 1100), 602
Lombards, 397
London, 2, 17, 481, 613, 810, 817
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, American poet (1807-1882), 491
Longford, J., 847
Lorraine, Claude (nickname of Claude Gelée), French painter (1600-1682), 754
Los Angeles, 393, 543
Loti, Pierre (Julien Viaud), French author 1850-1923), 499
Lotus Sect, 864
Louis XIV, King of France (1643-1715), 163, 704*, 758, 768
Louvre, 122, 134, 161, 186, 188, 219†, 289, 295
Lower California Indians, 27
Lo-yang (lō-yäng’), 647, 658, 662, 677, 679, 698*, 699, 746, 750
Lu , Chinese empress (195-180 B.C.), 792
Lu (state), 651, 658, 662, 663, 664, 678, 909
Lü (lü), father of Shih Huang-ti (ca. 222 B.C.), 695
Lu Hsiu-fu , Chinese hero (died 1260), 764
Lubari, 60
Lucretius Carus, Titus, Roman poet (95-53 B.C.), 57
Lucullus, Lucius Lincinius, Roman general (110-56? B.C.), 226
Lugal-zaggisi , Sumerian king, 121
Lun Yü (lwěn ü), 665
Lung Men , 739
Luther, Martin, German religious reformer (1483-1546) 504-505
Luxor (lŭk’-sôr), 140, 142, 144, 178, 214
Lycaonians , 285
Lycians , 285
Lycidas, 880
Lydia , 245, 288, 289-290, 352, 355, 358, 362, 380
Lytton Report, 931
Ma (mä), Phrygian goddess, 288
Ma Yuan , Chinese painter (ca. 1200), 751
Mabuchi , Japanese Shintoist leader (1697-1769), 865, 874, 914
Macao (mä-kow), 804
Macartney, George, Earl of, British statesman (1737-1806), 768
Macartney mission, 768-769
Macaulay, Thomas Babington, Lord, English man of letters and statesman (1800-1859), 499, 614
Maccabees , 331†, 335
Macdonell, A. A., 395†
Macedon, 216, 284, 385
Machiavelli, Nicolò, Italian statesman and author (1469-1527), 443
Macusis, 70
Madagascans, 8, 50
Madai (mä’-dī), 350; see Medes
Madras , 393, 394, 456, 581, 586 600, 601, 602, 613, 615, 630
Madras Presidency, 393, 457
Madrid, 608
Madura , 393, 456, 581, 600, 602, 610
Mæonians (mē-), 285
Mafuie, 60
Magadha , 441, 449, 451, 505
Magdalenian Culture, 94, 96, 97
Magi, 365, 372
Magic, 64-65, 67-68, 77
in Sumeria, 125
in Egypt, 204-205
in Babylonia, 243-244
in Assyria, 276
in Judea, 309
India, 518
Magic Mountain, 718
Magnesia, 296
Magnetogorsk, 932
Magog , 324
Mahabharata , 398, 452, 468, 469, 491, 493, 495, 515, 517, 523, 524, 536*, 541, 542, 561-564, 571, 576, 605
Mahavira , founder of Jainism (599-527 B.C.), 419-420, 422*
Mahayana Buddhism, 450, 454, 504, 594, 733, 786, 833
Mahmud , Sultan of Ghazni (gùz’-nê), (997-1030), 460, 462, 589
Mahmud Tughlak , Sultan of Delhi (ca. 1398), 463
Mahrati (language), 581
Maison Dieu, Paris, 451*
Maitreyi (mī-trā’-yē), 410-411
Maitri Upanishad , 411
Makura Zoshi , 887
Malabar, 45, 613
Malacca, 38, 803
Malay Peninsula, 506, 606, 766, 779, 803
Malay States, 931
Malayan (language), 555
Malinowski, B., 31
Malta, 293
Malthus, Robert Thomas, English political economist (1766-1834), 347, 627
Malwa (mäl-wä’), 452
Mamallapuram , 594, 601
Mamelukes, 186
Man, Age of, 102
Manava Brahmans, 484
Manchu Dynasty, 675, 736, 759, 768, 781, 792, 796, 805, 811
Manchukuo (män-jō-gwō’), 767, 811, 931-932
see Manchuria
Manchuria , 98, 108, 641, 698, 767, 770, 813, 917†, 920†, 923, 927*, 928, 929, 930, 931, 932
Mandalay, 393, 606
Mandarin dialect, 821
“Mandeville, Sir John,” French physician and traveler (14th century), 703
Manet, Edouard, French painter (1832-1883), 912
Manetho (măn’-é-thō), Egyptian author and priest (ca. 300-250 B.C.), 179*, 301†
Mang (mäng) family, 682
Mang He (mäng hā), Chinese statesman (ca. 500 B.C.), 662
Mangu , Grand Khan of the Mongols (1250-1259), 763
Mangwa (män-gwä), 909
Manish-tusu , King of Akkad, 126
Mantras , 407, 518, 610
Manu , semi-historical Indian lawgiver, 484
Manu, Code of, 28*, 482, 484, 485-488, 489, 491-492, 493, 494, 495, 496-497, 499, 530, 541, 564
Manuel I, King of Portugal (1495-1521), 613
Manufacture, in Sumeria, 124
in Egypt, 158-159
in Babylonia, 227
in Assyria, 274
in India, 479
in China, 735, 777
in Japan, 853-854
Manyoshu , 878
Maoris (mä’-ô-rēz), 42, 50
Mara , 426
Maracaibo, Lake, 99*
Marathon, 355, 360, 381
“Marco Millions,” 760, 766
see Polo, Marco
Mardi Gras, 37, 66
Marduk , 221, 223, 225, 233, 235, 237, 240, 241, 256, 261, 268, 278
Marquesas Islanders, 26
Marriage, in primitive societies, 36-44, 48
in Sumeria, 129-130
in Egypt, 164
in Babylonia, 246-247