Page 23 of Cabin Fever

  He grins even harder and then gives me a double-bicep flex. “What do you think?” He looks at one bicep and then the other before turning back to me. “Should I do some more pushups?”

  I reach out with grabby hands. “Come here and start taking my clothes off or I’m going to force you into my studio so I can draw you.”

  He drops his muscle pose and comes closer, reaching for my shirt buttons. “Mmmm, sounds kinky.”

  I laugh, I’m so happy to be with this man. “Believe me, it’s not. Not at all. You’d fall asleep from boredom.”

  My blouse falls from my arms and he starts to work on my bra. “Oh no, I wouldn’t. Want to know why?” He leans over to see the back of me and his breath tickles my neck.

  “Yes,” I say, no longer laughing, “tell me why.” My nipples have grown taut under my bra, anticipating his hands on them.

  “If I’m naked in that studio, you have to be naked too. Trust me, that’ll keep me awake.”

  The erotic image appears instantly in my mind. “I’ve never drawn while naked before.”

  “There’s a first time for everything.”

  My bra falls away and his big hands slide from my back to my front, taking both breasts. He kneads them and leans in for a kiss.

  I meet him halfway, my hands sliding down to run the length of his hardness. This kiss goes deeper than any before it, our tongues slipping along one another while our mouths move for better angles. His lips are full and soft. We match rhythms so perfectly. He nips me all of a sudden and I go after him to nip him back. He laughs.

  “Easy now, I still have to take those pants off you.” But he doesn’t move away; instead, he presses himself into my hand more fully and closes his eyes.

  “You like that?” I ask in a whisper, stroking slightly faster.

  “Oh yeah.”

  A few seconds later, he pulls away. He stands there, staring at me, his expression going dark, unfathomable.

  I start to get embarrassed under the pressure of his gaze. Is he regretting what we’re doing? Remembering another woman in my place? Does he wish he’d never asked me to marry him?

  “I want to do this the right way,” he finally says.

  “And what way is the right way?” I’m hoping beyond hope that he’s not going to bring me to the brink like this and then just throw me into the abyss.

  “Stand up.”

  I slide off the edge of the bed and stand there, naked from the waist up, waiting to see what he’s going to do.

  He moves closer, looking down at me as he gets near. “I want you to know that it’s just you and me in here.”

  I look to my left, confused. “Okay.”

  “I don’t mean Cassie coming in. She can’t escape that crib. I mean… I mean Laura.”

  I nod, waiting to find out more. Obviously, I figured she would come up between us. How could she not? Jeremy loved her very much and it should be her here, not me. Maybe he’s not ready. I’ll be okay with that, if that’s the case. Just like he said he could wait for me to be ready, I can do the same for him. I’m not with him for the sex.

  “I’ve been thinking about this since you moved in here. I didn’t want her to be between us, her memory to keep us from being able to enjoy this second chance I’ve been given.”

  I slide my hands up his shoulders as he unbuttons my pants. “Second chance?”

  “Yes. Second chance at love. And a couple in love has to be able to make love.”

  “I agree.” And I smile. He has to work through this, I can see that now. I’m going to do whatever I have to do to make this easier for him. It’s a big step making love to another woman when you thought you’d never be with anyone else ever again.

  “Laura wouldn’t be upset at me moving on. She told me so many times that if she died first, she’d want me to get married again.”

  “You said she was always saying she was going to die young.”

  “Yes. And she told me that if I found someone who loved me as much as she did, I had her permission to remarry.”

  “I do love you, you know,” I say, my heart lurching at the emotion that rushes in. “Very much.”

  “I know you do. I can feel it in my bones. I can see it when you hold my daughter. Our daughter, if you ever say yes to my proposal.”

  I grin slowly, as my pants and underwear fall to the floor and I step out of them. “I guess we’ll find out now whether we’re truly compatible.”

  “And then I’ll have my answer?”

  I hold my breath for a few seconds, wondering if I should commit to committing.

  Say yes, says a voice in my head. I’m not entirely clear whether it’s my voice or another woman’s, but I go ahead and obey it anyway.


  Jeremy smiles at me and I swear I can see a light beaming out of those blue eyes of his. “Well, alllll riiight.” He sweeps me off my feet and place me on the bed, climbing up next to me.

  “So how much foreplay are we talking here?” he says, winking.

  I reach up and grab him, pulling him to me. “Why don’t you just come on over here and find out.”

  That’s pretty much the last conscious thought I have about what we’re doing. Then it’s all hands, and mouths, and tongues, everywhere on my body and then his. His fingers go inside me and I’m so wet. I stroke his length and taste him. And when I can’t stand the anticipation anymore, I grab him and pull him over me.

  “Are you sure you’re okay with this?” he asks me, breathless, hovering over my body.

  “Yes. Absolutely. And you? You’re sure?”

  He reaches down, places himself at my warmest spot, and smiles. “Oh yeah, baby. I’m ready.”

  I cry out with pleasure as he slides into me, stroking me from the inside, filling me and bringing our lives full circle. It doesn’t take long before I’m feeling the rush of orgasm and floating away on cloud nine with the man of my dreams. He cries out with me and his body flails with the power of his finish.

  When we finally come down, covered in sweat and the scent of our lovemaking surrounding us, he slides off to my side with his heavy arm resting on my stomach.

  His hand moves to my abdomen, his fingers spread enough to cover it completely.

  “We could make a baby, you know,” he says, out of breath.


  “Maybe we just did.”

  “Maybe.” I can’t stop smiling.

  “I love you, Sarah Booker.”

  “I love you too, Jeremy Oliver. And Cassie. And Laura.”

  He leans up and looks down at me. “And Laura too?” His eyes are full of unshed tears.

  I start crying, but they’re all happy tears coming out of my eyes. “I do. She brought us together. I know she did. And I sense her happiness in this house. If I’m going to love her daughter and her husband, I have to love her too. How could I not?”

  “Other people won’t understand what you mean, but I do.”

  “Other people don’t have to know our business.” I reach up and stroke his beard-roughened cheek. “It’s just us here. You and me. No one else.”

  “You don’t think Laura is watching over us?” he asks.

  “Do you?”

  “No.” He holds my hand against his cheek, turning to kiss my palm. “I don’t feel her right next to me anymore.”

  “Does that bother you?” I feel sad for him until I see his smile.

  “No. It’s fine. I know she loves me. It’s just time for her to move on. It’s time for me to move on too.”

  I reach up with my lips to kiss him. He presses my head back into the pillow with his responding kiss. “You need to relax now,” he says against my mouth.

  “I am relaxed,” I say, wrapping my arm around his neck.

  He swings his leg over mind and rests himself against my hip. I can feel him growing hard.

  I look down and laugh. “Already?”

  He grins at me. “I plan on continuing until you submit.”

  I bite m
y lip trying to hold in peals of happy laughter. “I guess I’m going to have to hold out a little longer, then.”

  He growls and rolls on top of me and then we start all over again. I cannot think of a single time in my life when I’ve been happier or felt more fulfilled.

  Chapter Forty-Two

  “I can’t believe you’re getting married before I am,” Leah says, scowling at me for two seconds before she grins again. “This is so exciting and romantic!”

  I look around the courthouse and roll my eyes. “We’re getting married by a judge. What’s so romantic about that?”

  She spanks me on the butt. “Shush. You know falling in love in a cabin and everything you did with Cassie and whatever is totally romantic. And you get to be all skinny and gorgeous.” She points to her belly which has grown very, very round. “I’m never going to be skinny again.”

  I pat her baby bump. “Yes, you will. Just wait. After this angel is born you’ll be back to your slim, flower child, incense-loving self.”

  “Have you thought of where you’ll honeymoon yet?” she asks.

  I open my mouth to answer her, but then my words are stolen away when I see who’s come in the courtroom door.

  “Jana’s here,” I whisper to Leah.

  Leah turns around and then runs as fast as her pudgy legs will take her. “Jana! You made it!”

  She walks towards us, her expression cautious.

  I step forward with my hands out in a gesture of welcome, or at least I hope that’s how she’ll take it. She stops just in front of me, and I let my arms drop to my sides. I’m not going to force her to like me. She has to get there on her own.

  “I got your note,” she says. “Thanks for inviting me.” She’s very stiff and obviously uncomfortable. Her black business skirt and white blouse under a black jacket is an outfit more suited to a funeral than a wedding, but I’m not going to read into it more than I should. She looks stunning and she’s here; that’s all that matters.

  “Of course,” I assure her. “We wouldn’t want to get married without you here.”

  The door opens again and James comes in, carrying Cassie.

  “Moo!” Cassie yells, reaching for her aunt.

  Jana turns around, but not before I see the stricken expression on her face.

  “Baby girl!” she says after just a moment’s hesitation, moving towards her with her arms out.

  “Oh, that sucks,” Leah whispers near my ear.

  “It’s okay,” I say very softly. “We’re getting through it.”

  Jana takes the baby and hugs her close. She’s smiling like crazy when her face shows itself again. “How’s my adorable niece doing? Did you miss me.”

  Cassie slaps her face with both hands, one on each cheek. “Moo!”

  Jana looks over at me, smiling. “I guess I’m Auntie Moo now?”

  I shrug. “Cassie’s the boss, not me.”

  Jana joins us, playing with Cassie, her face aglow. “Stubborn little cuss, I see. Nothing’s changed.”

  I touch Jana’s arm briefly. “She misses you. You should come by and spend some time with her.” I pause, worried I’ve overstepped my bounds. “If you want.”

  Jana doesn’t look at me, but she does respond. “I will. I promise. Whenever it’s good for you guys.”

  “I’m home every day just painting. Whenever she’s napping, anyway. Otherwise, I’m catering to her every whim.”

  Jana laughs. “Oh, I remember those days. Not easy are they?” She finally looks at me. I could swear I see an apology in there somewhere.

  “No, not at all. You really are some kind of superwoman, doing everything you did. I have Jeremy doing way more than half the work, and I’m still exhausted every day.”

  “Yeah, well… you do what you have to do, right?”

  I rest my hand on her arm to get her attention. She finally looks right at me. “We’d really love it if you’d come by. Or you could take Cassie for a walk or for part of the day. Even overnight. Whatever you want. It’s completely up to you, but we want you to be as much a part of her life as you want.”

  Her lips tremble. “Does Jeremy feel the same way?”

  “Ask him.” I lean in and kiss her on the cheek. “He loves you, Jana. That’s all he’s got in his heart now. Love.”

  Leah comes in and grabs us both in a hug, her belly bulging out between us. “Come on, y’all. Group hug. You’re making me cry.”

  We laugh and embrace her, only breaking away when the door opens again and a court employee walks in.

  “We ready to get this show on the road?” The woman walks up behind the court bench, takes a black robe off a rack, and puts it on.

  “Oh. I guess this is the judge,” I say.

  James opens the door and sticks his head out. “Jeremy! Time to come in.”

  My groom insisted that I wait inside and he wait outside. He didn’t want me or Leah hanging around with — as he put it — the criminals of our county out in the hallway, so it will be me at the end of the aisle waiting for my man instead of the other way around.

  I watch as he comes towards me in his suit and tie, his brother following. He’s fully shaved for the first time since I met him, and I realize I was right before; he really is too handsome to be clean-shaven. He could give a woman a heart attack if he’s not careful.

  “Thank you everyone for coming,” the judge says, smiling at us with a clipboard in her hand.

  Jeremy gives me a quick kiss before he turns to face the judge, standing next to me.

  “If the bride and groom would just stand here in front of me…”

  We move over to the left to accommodate her.

  “Jeremy Oliver and Sarah Booker, is that right?” She looks at Jeremy and then me. We both nod in response.

  “Great. My name is Judge Laura Pringle, and I’ll be officiating your marriage today. Before we get started, do you have any questions?”

  Jeremy looks like he’s in shock. I look from him to the judge, panic filling my heart.

  “Is there something wrong?” Judge Laura asks.

  I take hold of Jeremy’s hands and turn him to look at me. “Are you okay?”

  He nods, his expression changing instantly to one of relief. “Yes. Sorry about that. Her name just … threw me off, there.”

  “I’m sorry…” the judge interrupts, “my name, did you say?”

  I give her an apologetic smile. “His first wife’s name was Laura. She was killed. Not quite a year ago, in a car accident.”

  The judge closes her eyes for a moment and nods. “I see. I’m sorry for your loss. Shall we take a moment?”

  “Thank you for your sympathies, but no.” Jeremy says, turning to face her. “Please don’t wait.” He gestures with his head at me. “I barely got her in here to start with.”

  Everyone laughs, including the judge.

  “Fine, then. Let’s get started.” The judge looks out at our family and smiles.

  Jeremy leans in and kisses me, whispering quickly. “I knew Laura would come. I knew she’d approve.”

  I can’t stop smiling. A bubble of happiness feels like it’s about to explode right out of me. How fitting that a woman named Laura would be the one to tie our knot for us. I wouldn’t have it any other way. I could swear I feel her standing there as my matron of honor. I give her a gentle nod, just in case she can see me.

  “Ladies and gentleman, we are gathered here today to witness the marriage of Jeremy Oliver and Sarah Booker…”

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  Elle Casey is a prolific, New York Times and USA Today bestselling American writer who lives in Southern France with her husband, three kids, and several furry friends. She writes in several genres and publishes an average of one full-length novel per month.

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  By Degrees

  Rebel (3-book series)


  Shine Not Burn (2-book series)

  Don’t Make Me Beautiful

  Full Measure (written as Kat Lee)

  Just One Night (romantic serial)

  Just One Week (romantic serial)

  Love in New York (3-book series)

  Mismatched (with Amanda McKeon)


  Duality (2-book series)

  Pocket Full of Sunshine (short story & screenplay)


  War of the Fae (7-book series)

  My Vampire Summer

  Aces High (with Jason Brant)


  Apocalypsis (4-book series)


  Wrecked (2-book series)



  Elle Casey, Cabin Fever



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