Telltale me all of annaryllies. (ringrang, the chimes of sexappealing as Conchitas with Sentas stray,2 rung!), all thinking all of it, the It with an itch in it, the All every inch of it, the pleasure each will preen her for, the business each was bred to breed by.3

  Soon jeminijohns will cudgel about some a rhythmatick or other over Browne and Nolan’s divisional tables whereas she, of nimious novence charily Early notions of acquired rights and the in fluence of collective tradition upon the individual.

  Will you carry my can and fight the fairies? being cupid for mug’s wumping, grooser’s grubbiness, andt’s avarice and grossopper’s grandegaffe with her tootpettypout of jemenfichue will sit and knit on solfa sofa.4 Stew of the evening, booksyful stew. And a bodikin a

  Allma Mathers, Auctioneer. boss in the Thimble Theatre. But all is her inbourne. Intend. From gramma’s grammar she has it that if there is a third person, mascarine, phelinine or nuder, being spoken abad it moods prosode from a first person speaking to her second which is the direct object that has been spoken to, with and at. Take the dative with his oblative5 for, even if obsolete, it is always of interest, so spake gramma on the impetus of her imperative, only mind you’re

  Old Gavelkind the Gamper and he’s as daff as you’re erse. genderous towards his reflexives such that I was to your grappa (Bott’s trousend, hore a mann uff!) when him was me hedon6 and mine, what the lewdy saying, his analectual pygmyhop.7 It’s a wild’s kitten, my dear, who can tell a wilkling from a warthog. For you may be as practical as is predicable but you must have the proper sort of accident to meet that kind of a being with a difference.8 There is comfortism in the knowledge that often hate on first hearing comes of love by second sight. Have your little sintalks in the dunk of subjunctions, dual in duel and prude with pruriel, but even the aoriest chaparound whatever plaudered perfect anent prettydotes and haec genua omnia may perhaps chance to be about to be in the case to be becoming a pale peterwright in spite of all your tense accusatives whilstly you’re wallfioored9 like your gerandiums for the better half of a yearn or sob. Flame at his fumbles but freeze on his fist.10 Every letter is a godsend: ardent Ares, brusque Boreas and glib Ganymede like zealous Zeus,

  Undante umoroso, M. 50·50. the O’Megisthest of all. To me or not to me, satis thy quest on. Werbungsap! Jeg suis, vos wore a gentleman, thou arr, I am a quean. Is a game

  over? The game goes on. Cookcook! Search me. The beggar the maid the bigger the mauler. And the grosser the patrarc the griefer the pinch. And that’s what your doctor knows. O love it is the commonknounest thing how it pashes the plutous and the paupe.1 Pop! And, egg she active or spoon she passive, all them fine clauses in Lindley and Murrey’s never braught the participle of a present to a desponent hortatrixy, vindicatively I say it, from her postconditional future. Lumpsome is who lumpsum pays. Quantity counts though accents falter. Yoking apart and oblique orations parsed to

  I’ll go for that small polly if you’ll suck to your lebbensquatsch. one side, a brat,2 alanna, can choose from so many, be he a solicitor’s appendix, a pipe clerk or free functionist flyswatter, that perfect little cad, from the languors and weakness of limberlimbed lassihood till the head, back and heartaches of waxed-up womanage, and heaps on heaps of other things too. Note the Respectable Irish Distressed Ladies and the Merry Mustard Frothblowers of Humphreystown Associations. Atac first, queckqueck quicks after. Beware how in that hist subtaile of schlangder3 lies liaison—to tease oreilles! To vert embowed set proper penchant. But learn from that ancient tongue to be middle old modern to the minute. A spitter that can be depended on. Though Wonderlawn’s lost us for ever. Alis, alas, she broke the glass! Liddell looker through the leafery, ours is mistery of pain.4 You may spin on Youthlit’s bike and multiplease your Mike and

  O’Mara Farrell. Nike with your kickshoes on the algebrars but, volve the virgil page and view, the O of woman is long when burly those two muters sequent her so

  Verschwindibus. from Nebob5 see you never stray who’ll nimm you nice and nehm the day.

  Ulstria Monastir Leninstar and Connecticut. One hath just been areading, hath not one, ya, ya, in their memoiries of Hireling’s puny wars, end so, und all, ga, ga, of The O’Brien, The O’Connor, The MacLoughlin and The MacNamara, with summed their appendage, da, da, of Sire Jeallyous Seizer, that gamely torskmester,6 with his duo Concomitance of courage, counsel and constancy. Ordination of omen, onus and obit. Distribution of danger, duty and destiny. Polar principles.

  Cliopatria, thy hosies history. of druidesses in readymoney rompers7 and the tryonforit of Oxthievious,Lapidous and Malthouse Anthemy. You may fail to see the lie of that layout, Suetonia,1 but the reflections which recur to me are that so long as beauty life is body love and so bright as Mutua of your mirror2 holds her candle to your caudle (lone lefthand likeless, sombring Autum of your Spring) reck you not one spirt of anyseed whether trigemellmen cuddle his coddle or nope. She’ll confess it by her figure though she deny it to your face. If you’re not ruined by that one she won’t do you any whim. And then? What afters it? Gruff Gunne may blow, Gam Gonna flow, the gossans eye

  The Eroico Furioso makes the valet like smiling. the jennings aye. From the butts of Heber and Heremon, nolens volens, brood our pansies brune in brume. There’s a split in the infinitive from to have been to will be. As they warred in their big innings ease now we never shall know. Eat early earthapples. Coax Cobra to chatters. Hail, Heva, we the jennings aye. From the butts of Heber and Heremon, nolens volens, brood our pansies brune in brume. There’s a split in the infinitive from to have been to will be. As they warred in their big innings ease now we never shall know. Eat early earthapples. Coax Cobra to chatters. Hail, Heva, we

  The hyperape the mink he groves the mole you see now for crush sake, chawley! hear! This is the glider that gladdened the girl3 that list to the wind that lifted the leaves that folded the fruit that hung on the tree that grew in the garden Gough gave. Wide hiss, we’re wizening. Hoots fromm, we’re globing. Why hidest thou hinder thy husband his name? Leda, Lada, aflutter afraida, so does your girdle grow! Willed without witting, whorled without aimed. Pappapassos, Mammamanet, warwhetswut and whowitswhy.4 But

  Pige pas. it’s tails for toughs and titties for totties and come buckets come bats till deeleet.

  Dark ages clasp the daisy roots.5 Stop, if you are a sally of the allies, hot off minowaurs and naval actiums, picked engagements and banks of rowers. Please stop if you are a B.C. minding missy, please do. But should you Panoptical purview of political progress and the future presentation of the past.

  prefer A.D. stepplease, O do. And if you miss with a venture it serves you girly well glad. But, holy Janus, I was forgetting the Blitzenkopfs! Here, Hengeggst and Horsesauce, take your heads6 out of your taletub! And leave your hinnyhennyhindyou! It’s haunted. The chamber. Of erring. Whoan,

  Seidlitz powther for slogan plumpers. tug, trace, starrup! It is distinctly understouttered that, sense the tide you threehandshigh put your twofootlarge timepates in that dead wash of Lough Murph it is and until such time pace one and the same, Messherrn the grinning statesmen, Brock and Leon, have shunted the grumbling

  Hoploits and atthems! coundedtouts, Starlin and Ser Artur Ghinis. Foamous homely brew. Bebattled by bottle, gageure de gueguerre.1 Bull igien bear and then bearagain bulligan.

  Curragh machree, me bosthoon fiend. Gringrin gringrin. Staffs varsus herds and bucks vursus barks. By old Grumbledum’s walls. Bumps, bellows and bawls.2 Opprimor’s down, up up Opima! Rents and rates and tithes and taxes, wages, saves and spends.

  Femilies, hug bank! Heil, heptarched span of peace!3 Live, league of lex, nex and the mores! Fas est dass and foe err you. Impoverment of the booble by the bauble for

  All we suffered under them Cowdung Forks and how we enjoyed over our pick of the basketfild. the bubble. So wrap up your worries in your woe (wumpumtum!) and shake down the shuffle for the throw. For there’s one mere ope4 for downfall ned. As Hanah Levy, shrewd shroplifter, and nievre
anore, skidoos with her spoileds.5 To add gay touches. For hugh and guy and goy and jew. To dimpled and pimpled and simpled and wimpled. A peak in a poke and a

  Old Kine’s Meat Meal. pig in a pew.6 She wins them by wons, a haul hectoendecate, for mangay mumbo jumbjubes tak mutts and jeffs muchas bracelonettes gracies

  Flieflie for the jillies and a bimbambum for the nappotondus. barcelonas.7 O whataloovely freespeech ’twas (tep)8 to gar howalively hintergrunting! Tip. Like lilt of larks to burdened crocodile9 or Hazel and Sally skittering and laubhing at the wheeze of that old windbag, Blusterboss, blowharding about all he didn’t do. Hell o’ your troop! With is the winker for the muckwits of willesly and nith is the nod for the umproar napollyon and hither is poorblond piebold hoerse. Huirse. With its tricuspidal

  Murdoch. hauberkhelm coverchaf emblem on. For the man that broke the ranks on Monte Sinjon. The allriddle of it? That that is allruddy with us, ahead of

  Pas d’action, peu de sauce. schedule, which already is, amphiaccomplished, from and syne. Daft Dathy of the Five Positions (the deathray stop him!) is still, as reproaches Paulus, on the Madderhorn and, entre chats and hobnobs, daring Dunderhead to shiver his timbers.10 Hannibal mac Hamiltan is chasing Kate O’Carthydge around the Capuawalls. Hibrahim the Hegirite11 (more livepower elbow him!) is minsterbuilding, so repreaches Timothy, up in Saint Barmabrac’s.12 Number thirtytwo west eleventh streak looks on to that datetree doloriferous selfregnant (may all in the tocoming of the sempereternal speel spry with it!)

  From the seven tents of Joseph till the calends of Mary Marian, olivehunkered and thorny too. which more and ever leafeth earlier than every growth and, elfshot, wondering headawag, with frayed nerves till they feeled sore, like any woman that has been born at all events to the purdah, for the howmanyeth and howmovingth time at what the demons in that jackhouse that jerry built for Massa and Missus and hijo de puta, the sparksown fermament of

  As Shakefork might pitch it. the starryk fieldgosongingon where blows a nemone at each blink of windstill,1 they were sliding along and sleeting aloof and scouting around and shooting about. Allwhichwhile or whereaballoons for good vaunty years Dagobert is in Clane’s clean hometown prepping up his prepueratory and

  Puzzly, puzzly, I smell a cat. learning how to put a broad face bronzily out through a broken breached meataerial from Bryan Awlining, Erin’s hircohaired culoteer.2

  Two makes a wing at the macroscope telluspeep. And as, these things being so or ere those things having been done, way back home in Pacata Auburnia3 (untillably holy gammel Eire), one world burrowing on another (if you’ve got me, neighbour, in any large lumps, geek?, and got the strong of it), Standfest, our topiocal sagoa hero, or any atther macotther, signs is on the bellygud’s bastille back, bucked up with fullness, and his whitehatched patch, the towelturbaned, and Flower, a silvering to her jubilee,4 birchleaves her jointure, our lavy in waving, visage From cenogenetic dichotomy through diagonistic conciliance to dynastic continuity.

  From the Buffalo Times of bysone days. full of flesh and fat as a hen’s i’ forehead, Airyanna and Blowybart, topsir and turvy, that royal pair, in their palace of quicken boughs hight The Goat and Compasses (’phone number 17·69, if you want to know),5 his seaarm strongsround her, her velivole eyne ashipwracked, have discusst their things of the past, crime and fable with shame, home and profit,6 why lui lied to lei and hun tried to kill ham, scribbledehobbles, in whose veins runs a

  Quick quake quokes the parrotbook of dates. mixture of, are head bent and hard upon. Spell me the chimes. They are tales all tolled.7 Today is well thine but whose may tomorrow be? But, bless his cowly head and press his crankly hat, what a world’s woe is each’s other’s

  Some is out for twoheaded dulcarnons but more pulfers turnips. weariness waiting to beadroll his own properer mistakes, the backslapping gladhander8 free of his florid future and the other singing likeness dirging

  Omnitudes in a knutshedell. a past of bloody altars, gale with a blost to him, dove without gall. And she of the jilldaw’s nest1 who tears up lettereens she never apposed a pen upon2 yet sung of love and the monster man. What’s Hiccupper to hem or her to Hagaba? Ough, ough, brieve kindli!3

  Dogs’ vespers are anending. Vespertiliabitur. Goteshoppard quits his gabhard cloke to sate with Becchus. Zumbok! Achevre! Yet wind will be ere fadervor4 and the hour of fruminy and bergoo bell if Nippon have pearls The mongrel under the dungmound. Significance of the infraliminal intelligence. Offrandes.

  For all us kids under his aegis. or opals Eldorado, the daindy dish, the lecking out! Gipoo, good oil! For (hushmagandy!) long ’tis till gets bright that all cocks waken and birds Diana5 with dawnsong hail. Aught darks flou a duskness. Bats that? There

  Saving the public his health. peepeestrilling. At Brannan’s on the moor. At Tam Fanagan’s weak yat his still’s going strang. And still here is noctules and can tell things acommon on by that fluffy feeling. Larges loomy wheelhouses lumber up to lodgebox6

  Superlative absolute of Porterstown. with hoodie hearsemen carrawain we keep his peace who follow his law, Sunday King.7 His sevencoloured’s soot (Ochone! Ochonal!)8 and his imponence one heap lumpblock (Mogoul!). And rivers burst out like

  Why so mucky spick bridges span our Fluminian road. weeming racesround joydrinks for the fewnrally.9 Where every feaster’s a foster’s other, fiannians all.10 The welling breast, her willing giant, the mountain mourning, his duggedy dew. To obedient of civicity in urbanious

  P.C. Helmut’s in the cottonwood, listnin. at felicity what’ll yet meek Mike11 our diputy mimber when he’s head on poll and Peter’s burgess and Miss Mishy Mushy is tiptupt by Toft Taft. Goblesse gobleege. For as Anna was at the beginning, lives yet and will return

  The throne is an umbrella strande and a sceptre’s a stick. after great deap sleap rerising and a white night high with the cows of Drommhiem as shower as there’s a wet enclouded in Westwicklow or a little black rose a truant in a thorntree. We drames our dreams till Bappy

  Jadg jewel, our daktar deer. returns. And Sein annews. We will not say it shall not be, this passing of

  Gautamed budders deossiphysing our Theas. order and order’s coming, but in the herbest country and in the country around Blath as in that cityself of legionds they look for its being ever yet. So shuttle on the sacred magirattler, Simmy. And Sam, son, the pipers done.1 Eric aboy!2 And it’s time that all paid tribute to this massive mortiality,

  By lineal in pondus overthepoise. the pink of punk perfection as photography in mud. Some may seek to dodge the gobbet for its quantity of quality but who wants to cheat the choker’s got to learn to chew the cud. Allwhichhole scribes on scroll

  Pitchcap and triangle, noose and tinctunc. circuminiuminluminatedhave, encuoniams here and improperies there.3 With a pansy for the pussy in the corner.4

  Bewise of Fanciulla’s heart, the heart of Fanciulla! Even the recollection of willow fronds is a spellbinder that lets to hear.5 The rushes by the grey Incipit intermissio.

  Uncle Flabbius Muximus to Niecia Flappia Minnimiss. As this is. And as this this is. nuns’ pond: ah eh oh let me sigh too. Coalmansbell: behoves you handmake of the load. Jenny Wren: pick, peck. Johnny Post: pack, puck.6 All the world’s in want and is writing a letters.7 A letters from a person to a place about a thing. And all the world’s a wish to be carrying a letters. A letters to a king about a treasure from a cat.8 When men want to write a letters.

  Dear Brotus, land me arrears. Ten men, ton men, pen men, pun men, wont to rise a ladder. And den men, dun men, fen men, fun men, hen men, hun men wend to raze a leader.

  Rockaby, babel, flatten a wall. Is then any lettersday from many peoples, Daganasanavitch? Empire, your outermost.9 A posy cord. Plece.

  How he broke the good news to Gent. We have wounded our way on foe his prince till that force in the gill is faint afarred and the face in the treebark feigns afear. This is rainstones ringing. Strangely cult for this ceasing of the yore. But Erigureen is ever. Pot price pon patrilinear plop, if the
osseletion of the omkring gives omen nome? Since alls war that end war let sports be leisure and bring and buy fair. Ah ah athclete, blest your bally bathfeet! Towntoquest, fortorest, the hour that hies is hurley. A halt for hearsake.10 A scene at sight. Or dreamoneire. Which they shall memorise. By her freewritten. Hopely for ear that annalykeses if scares for eye that sumns. Is it in the now woodwordings Major and minor modes coalescing proliferate homogenuine homogeneity.

  Bibelous hicstory and Barbarassa harestary. of our sweet plantation where the branchings there will singingsing tomorrows gone and yesters ontocome as Sataday’s aftermoon lex leap smiles on our twelvemonthsminding? Such is. Dear (name of desired subject, A.N.), well, and I go on to. Shlicksher. I and we (tender condolences for happy funeral, one if) so sorry to (mention person suppressed for the moment, F.M.).

  A shieling in coppingers and porrish soup all days. How matches metroosers? Well (enquiries after allhealths) how are you (question maggy). A lovely (introduce to domestic circle) pershan of cates. Shrubsher. Those pothooks mostly she hawks from Poppa Vere Foster but these curly mequeues are of Mippa’s moulding. Shrubsheruthr. (Wave gently in the ere turning ptover.) Well, mabby (consolation of hopes) to soon air. With best from Christinette (cinders, if prints chumming, can be when desires Soldi, for asamples, backfronted or, if all, peethrolio or Get my Prize, using her

  Le hélos tombaut soul sur la jambe de marche. flower or perfume or, if veryveryvery chumming, in otherwards, who she supposed adeal, kissits my exits). Shlicksheruthr. From auburn chenlemagne. Pious and pure fair one, all has concomitated to this that she shall read them, lifetree’s leaves, whose silence hitherto has shone as sphere of silver, fast albernstone, that fount Bandusian shall play liquick music and after odours sigh of musk. Blotsbloshblothe, once dear that was. Sleep in the water, drug at the fire, shake the dust off and dream your One who