Mai maintenante elle est venuse. would give her sidecurls to. Till latter Lammas is led in by baith our washwives, a weird of wonders tenebrous as that evil thorngarth, a field of faery blithe as this blowing wild.

  Twos Dons Johns and Threes Totty Askins.

  Also Spuke Zerothruster. Aujourd’hui, comme aux jours de Pline et de Columelle, la jacinthe se plaît dans les Gaules, la pervenche en Illyrie, la marguerite sur les ruines de Numance;1 et pendant qu’autour d’elles les villes ont changé de maîtres et de nom, que plusieurs sont rentrées dans le néant, que les civilisations se sont choquées et brisées, leurs paisibles générations ont traversé les âges et se sont succédé l’une à l’autre jusqu’à nous, fraîches et riantes comme aux jours des batailles.2 The part played by belletristicks in the bellumpax-bellum mutuomorphomutation.

  Margaritomancy! Hyacinthinous pervinciveness! Flowers. A cloud. But Bruto and Cassio are ware only of trifid tongues,3 the whispered wilfulness Sortes virginianae.

  A saxum shillum for the sextum but nothums for that parridge preast. (’tis demonal!) and shadows shadows multiplicating (il folsoletto nel falsoletto col fazzolotto dal fuzzolezzo).4 Totients quotients, they tackle their quarrel. Sickamoor’s so woful sally. Ancient’s aerger. And eachway bothwise glory signs. What if she love Sieger less though she leave Ruhm moan? That’s how our oxyggent has gotten ahold of half their world, moving about in the free of the air and mixing with the ruck. Enten eller, either or.

  And! Interrogation.

  Nay, rather! Exclamation.

  Tricks stunts. With sobs for his job, with tears for his toil, with horror for his squalor but with pep for his perdition,5 lo, the boor plieth as the laird hireth him. Antithesis of ambidual anticipation. The mind factory, its give and take.

  Boon on begyndelse. Auspicium.

  At maturing daily gloryaims!6 Auguria.

  Truckeys’ cant for dactyl and spondee. A flink dab for a freck dive and a stern poise for a swift pounce was frankily at the manual arith sure enough which was the bekase he knowed from his cradle, no bird better, why his ten fingures were giving him whatfor to fife with. First, by observation, there came boko and nigh him wig-worms Divinity not deity the uncertainty justified by our certitude. Examples.

  and nigh him tittlies and nigh him cheekadeekchimples and nigh him pickpocket with pickpocketpumb, pickpocketpoint, pickpocketprod, pickpocketpromise and upwithem.1 Holy Joe in lay Eden. And anyhows always after them the dimpler he weighed the fonder fell he of his null four

  Panoplous peregrine pifflicative pomposity. lovedroyd curdinals, his element curdinal numen and his enement curdinal marryng and his epulent curdinal weisswassh and his eminent curdinal Kay O’Kay. Always would he be areciting of them, hoojahs koojahs, up by rota in his Fanden’s Catachysm, from fursed to laced, quickmarch to decemvers, so as to pin the tenners, thumbs down. And anon and aldays, strues yer-there, would he wile arecreating em and ingreasing em and moultipiecing em rightleft by lumerous ways, caiuscounting in the scale of pin puff pive piff, piff puff pive poo, poo puff pive pree, pree puff pive pfoor, pfoor puff pive pippive, poopive,2 Niall Dhu, Foughty Unn, Enoch Thortig, endso

  Non plus ulstra, Elba, nec cashellum tuum! one, like to pitch of your cap, pac, on to tin tall spillicans.3 To sum, borus pew notus pew eurus pew zipher. Ace, deuce, tricks, quarts, quims. Mumtiplay of course and carry to their whole number. While on the other hand, traduced by their comedy nominators to the loafer’s terms for their aloquent parts, sexes, suppers, oglers, novels and dice.4 He could find (the rakehelly!) by practice the valuse of thine-to-mine articles with no reminder and, for the equality of relations, with the helpings from his tables improduce fullmin to trumblers, links unto chains, weys in Nuffolk till tods of Yorek, oozies ad libs and several townsends several hundreds and civil-to-civil imperious gallants to gells (Irish), bringing alliving stone allaughing

  Dondderwedder kyboshicksal. down to grave clothnails and a league of achers, fools and lurchers under the rude rule of fumb. What signifieth whole that5 but, be all the prowess of ten, ’tis as strange to relate he, nonparile to reed, rite and reckan, caught allmeals dull marks for his nucleud and alegobrew. They wouldn’t took bearings no how anywheres. O them doddhunters and allanights, aahs and baas for agnomes, yees and zees for incognits, bate him up jerrybly! Worse nor herman dororrhea. Give you the fantods, seemed to him. They ought to told you every last word first stead of trying every which way to kinder

  A stodge Angleshman has been worked by eccentricity. smear it out poison long. Show that the median, hce che ech, interecting at roide angles the parilegs of a given obtuse one biscuts both the arcs that are in curveachord behind. Brickbaths. The family umbroglia. A Tullagrove pole1 to the Height of County Fearmanagh has a septain inclinaison2 and the graphplot for all the functions in Lower County Monachan, whereat samething is rivisible by nighttim, may be involted into the zeroic couplet,

  An oxygon is naturally reclined to rest. pall’s pell in his heventh gleike noughty times ∞, find, if you are not literally cooefficient, how minney combinaisies and permutandies can be played on the international surd ¡pthwndxrclzp!, hids cubid rute being extracted, taking anan illitterettes, ififif at a tom. Answers (for teasers only).3 Ten, twent, thirt, see, ex and three icky totchty ones. From solation to solution. Imagine the twelve deaferended dumbbawls of the whowl abovebeugled to be the contonuation through regeneration of the urutteration of the word in pregross. It follows that, if the two antesedents be bissyclitties and the three comeseekwenchers trundletrikes, then, Aysha Lalipat behidden on the

  Ba be bi bo bum. footplate, Big Whiggler4 restant upsittuponable, the nCr5 presents to us (tandem year at lasted length!) an ottomantic turquo-indaco of pictorial shine by pictorial shimmer so long as, gad of the gidday, pictorial summer, viridorefulvid, lits asheen; but (lenz alack lends a lot), if this habby cyclic erdor be outraciously enviolated, by a merelin roundtableturning, like knuts in maze, the zitas runnind hare and dart,6 with the yeggs in their muddle, like a seven of wingless arrows, hodgepadge, thump, kick and hurry, all boy more missis blong him he race quickfeller all same hoggle-piggle

  Finnfinnotus of Cincinnati. longa house blong him,7 while the catched and dodged exarx seems himmulteemiously to beem (he wins her head! he falls to tail!) the ersed ladest mand8 and (uhu and uhud!) the losed farce on erroroots,9 twalegged poneys and threehandled dorkeys (madahoy, morahoy, lugahoy, jogahoyaway),

  Arthurgink’s hussies and Everguin’s men. MPM brings us a rainborne pamtomomiom aqualavant to (cat my dogs, if I baint dingbusted like everything!) kaksitoista volts yksitoista volts kymmenen volts yhdeksan volts kahdeksan volts seitseman volts kuusi volts viisi volts nelja volts kolme volts kaksi volts yksi, allahthallacamellated

  Nom de nombres! The balbearians. caravan series, to the finish of helve’s fractures.10 In outher wards, one from five, two to fives ones, one from fives two millamills with a mill and a half a mill and twos twos fives fives of bullyclavers. For a surview over all the factionables see Iris in the Evenine’s World.1 Binomeans to be comprendered. Inexcessible as thy by god ways. The aximones. And their prostulutes. For his neuralgiabrows. Equal to = aosch.

  P.t.l.o.a.t.o. Heptagrammaton.

  So, bagdad, after those initials falls and that primary taincture, as I know and you know yourself, begath, and the arab in the ghetto knows better, by nettur, nor anymeade or persan, comic cuts and series exerxeses always were to be capered in Casey’s, frost book of, page torn on dirty, to be hacked, Hypotheses of commonest experiences before apotheosis of the lustral principium.

  Vile Paco Hunter! ever so new, at Hickey’s, huckster, Wellington’s Iron Bridge, and so, by long last, as it would shu∫e out, must he to trump adieu atout atous to those

  The hoisted in red and the lowered in black. cardinhands he a big deal missed, radmachrees and rossecullinans and blagpikes in suitclover. Dear hearts of my counting, would he revoke them, forewheel to packnumbers, and, the time being no help fort, plates to lick on
e and turn over.

  The boss’s bess bass is the browd of Mullingar. Problem ye ferst, construct ann aquilittoral dryankle. Probe loom! With his primal handstoe in his sole salivarium. Concoct an equoangular trilitter.2 On the name of the tizzer and off the tongs and off the mythametical tripods. Beatsoon. Ingenious labortenacity as between ingenuous and libertine.

  Can you nei do her, numb? asks Dolph,3 suspecting the answer know. Oikkont, ken you, ninny? asks Kev,4 expecting the answer guess.5 Nor was the noer long disappointed for, easiest of kisshams, he was made vicewise. Prope and procul in the convergence of their contrapulsiveness.

  The aliments of jumeantry. Oc, tell it to oui, do, Sem! Well, ’tis oil thusly. First mull a mugfull of mud, son.6 Oglores, the virtuoser prays, olorum! What the D.V. would I do that for? That’s a goosey’s ganswer you’re for giving me, he is told, what the Deva would you do that for?7 Now, sknow royal road to Puddlin, take your

  Wolsherwomens at their weirdst. mut for a first beginning, big to bog, back to bach. Anny li∫e mud which cometh out of Mam will doob, I guess. A.1. Amnium instar. And to find a locus for an alp get a howlth on her bayrings as a prisme O and for a second O unbox your compasses. I cain but are you able? Amicably nod. Gu it! So let’s seth off betwain us. Prompty? Mux your pistany at a point of the coastmap to be called α but pronounced olfa. There’s the isle of Mun, ah! O! ’Tis just. Bene!

  Now, whole in applepine odrer1 (for—husk, hisk, a spirit spires—Dolph, dean of idlers, meager suckling of gert stoan, though barekely in his balbose boy, he too—venite praeteriti,2 sine mora dumque de entibus nascituris decentius in lingua romana mortuorum parva chartula liviana ostenditur, sedentes in laetitia super ollas carnium, spectantes immo situm lutetiae unde auspiciis secundis tantae consurgent humanae stirpes, antiquissimam flaminum amborum Jordani et Jambaptistae mentibus revolvamus sapientiam: totum tute fluvii modo mundo fluere, eadem quae ex aggere fututa fuere iterum intra alveum fore futura, quodlibet sese ipsum per aliudpiam agnoscere contrarium, omnem demum amnem ripis rivalibus amplecti3—recurrently often, when him moved he would cake their chair, coached ribolliumtending mikes of his same and over his own choirage at Backlane Univarsity, among of which pupal souaves the pizdrool was pulled up, bred and battered, for a dillon a dollar,4 changing letters for them vice o’ verse to bronze mottes and blending tschemes for em in tropadores and doublecrossing twofold truths and devising tingling tailwords too whilest, cunctant that another would finish his sentence for him, he ’druider smilabit eggways5 ned, he would, to don’t say nothing, so prim, and pick upon his ten ordinailed ungles, trying to undo with his teeth the knots made by his tongue, retelling humself by the math hour, long as he’s brood, a reel of funnish ficts apout the shee, how faust of all and on segund thoughts and the third’s the charmhim girlalove and fourthermore and filthily with bag from Oxatown and baroccidents and proper accidence and hoptohill and hexenshoes, in fine the whole damning letter; and, in point of feet, when he landed in ourland’s leinster6 of saved and solomnones for the twicedhecame time off Lipton’s strongbowed launch, the Lady Eva, in a tan soute of sails7 he converted its natives, name saints, young ordnands, maderaheads and old unguished P.T. Publikums, through the medium of znigznaks with sotiric zeal, to put off the barcelonas8 from their peccaminous corpulums (Gratings, Mr Dane!) and kiss on their bottes (Master!) as often as they came within bloodshot of that other familiar temple and showed em the celestine way to by his tristar and his flop hattrick and his perry humdrum dumb and numb nostrums that he larned in Hymbuktu;1 and that same gallo-roman cultous is very prevailend up to this windiest of laud-have-miseries all over what was beforeaboots a land of nods, in spite of all the bloot, all the braim, all the brawm, all the brile, that was shod, that were shat, that was shuk all the while, for our massangrey if mosshungry people at the Wickerworks2 still hold ford to their healing and3 byleave in the old weighs downupon the Swanny innovated by him, the prence di Propagandi, the chrism for the christmass, the pillar of the perished and the rock o’ ralereality, and it is veritably belied, we belove, that not allsods of esoupcans that’s in the queen’s pottagepots and not allfines of greendgold that the Indus contains would ever hinduce them (o.p.) to steeplechange back, once from their ophis workship and twice on sundiscs, to their ancient flash and crash habits of old Pales time ere beam slewed cable4 or Derzherr, live wire, fired Benjermine Funkling outa th’Empyre, sin righthand son; which (h.o.o.p.t.), cummal, having listed curefully to his blessed by Pointer the Grace’s continental’s curses, pummel, apostrophised Byrne’s and Flaming’s and Furniss’s and Bill Hayses’s and Ellishly Haught’s, hoo, they (a.t.W.), sick or whole, stiff or sober, let drop as a doombody drops, without another ostrov-gods’ word eitherways, in their own lineal descendance, as priesto as paddywhack,5 coal on:6 and, as we gang along to gigglehouse, talking of molniacs’ manias and missions made to scotch the schlang and leathercoats for murty magdies, of course this has blameall in that medeoturanian world to say to the interlooking and the underlacking of her twentynine shifts or his private’s jidgments7 when, so to put it, disparito, duspurudo, desterrado, despertieu, or, saving his presents for his own onefriend Beveradge, Conn the Shaughraun; but to return for a mere moment from the reptile’s age8 to the coxswain on the first landing (page Ainée Rivière!), if the pretty Lady Elisabbess, Hotel des Ruines—she laid her batsleeve for him two trueveres tell (Loves. On the Ides of Valentine’s, at Idleness, Floods Area, Isolade, Liv’s lonely daughter, with the Comes Tichiami, of Primavista, Abroad, suddenly), and beauty alone of all dares say when now, uncrowned, deceptered, in what niche of time1 is Shee, or where in the rose world trysting, that was the belle of La Chapelle, shapely Liselle, and the peg-of-my-heart of all the tompull, or on whose limbs-to-lave her semicupiose eyes now kindling themselves are brightning,2 O Shee who then (4.32 m.p., old time, to be precise, accordant to all three doctors’ waterburies, that was MacAuliffe and poor MacBeth and poor old MacGhimley, to the tickleticks, of the synchronisms, all lauschening, a time also confirmed seven sincuries later by the quatren medical johnny, poor old MacAdoo Aboo MacDollett, with notary,3 whose presence was required by the law of Devine-Foresygth and the decretal of the Douge) who, after the first compliments4 med darkist daylight, gave him then that vantage of a Blinkensope’s cuddlebath at her proper mitts—if she then, the then that matters—but, seigneur!, she could never have forefelt, as she yet will fearfeel, when the lovenext breaks out, such a coolcold douche as him, the totterer, the four-flights-the-charmer, doubling back in nowtime5 bymby when saltwater he wash him these iselands, O alors!, to mount miss (the wooeds of Fogloot!) under that chemise de fer and a vartryproof name, Multalusi (would it wash?), with a cheek white peaceful as, shall we say, a single professed claire’s6 and his washawash tubatubtub and his diagonoser’s lampblick, to pure wher they where hornest girls, to buy her in, par jure, if you plait, nunc and tunc and for simper, and other duel mavourneens in plurible numbers from Arklow Vikloe to Louth super Lusk, come messes, come mams, and touch your spottprice (for ’twas he was the born suborner, man), on behalf of an oldest ablished firma of winebakers, Lagrima und Gemiti, later on, his craft ebbing, invoked by the unirish title, Grindings og Nash,7 the One and Only, Unic bar None, lastly of Saint Yves by Landsend corner, man—ship me silver!, it must have been, faw!, a terrible mavrue mavrone to synamite up the old Adam-he-used-to, such a finalley, and that’s flat as Tut’s fut, for whowhowho?, the poour girl, a lonely peggy, given the bird, so iseulated as Crampton’s peartree (she shall earn bitter bed by that sweet of her face!), and short wonder so manny of the tomthick and tarry members in all there sobsequious ages of our timocracy upped to console with her at her mirrorable gracewindow’d hut1 till the ives of Manx, the O’Kneels and the O’Prayins and the O’Hyens of Lochlaunstown and the O’Hollerins of Staineybooter, hollyboys all, burryripe, who’ll buy?,2 in juwelietry and kickychoses and madornaments and that’s not the finis of it (would it were!)—but to think of him founding a nelliza the second,3 al
so clipt buss (the best was still there if the torso was gone), where he did and when he did, retriever to the last4—escapes my forgetness now was it dustcovered, nom de Lieu!, on Waterlow raid or street down, through, for or from a foe, by, with or on a friend, at the Rectory? Vicarage Road? Bishop’s Folly? Papesthorpe?, after picket fences, stonewalls, out and ins or oxers—for merry a valsehood whisprit he to minny a lilying earling;5 and to try to analyse that ambo’s pair of braceleans akwart the rollyon trying to amarm all6 of that miching micher’s bearded but insensible virility and its gaulish mousetaches, Dammad and Groany, into her limited (tufftuff, que tu es pitre!) lapse at the same slapse for towelling ends7 in their delightful Sexsex home, Somehow-at-Sea (O little oily head, sloper’s brow and prickled ears!), as though he, a notoriety, a foist edition, were a wrigular writher neonovene babe!8—well, diarmuee and granyou and Vae Vinctis, if that is what lamoor that of gentle breast rathe is intaken seems circling towards out yondest (it’s life that’s all chokered by that batch of grim rushers) heaven holp his hindmost and, mark me, if the so greatly displeaced diorems in the Saint Lubbock’s Day number of that most improving of roundshows, Spice and Westend Woman (utterly exhausted before publication, indiapepper edition shortly), are for our indices, it agins to pear like it, par my fay, and there is no use for your pastripreaching for to cheese it either or praying fresh fleshblood claspers of young catholick throats on Huggin Green9 to take warnung by the trispast, why?, bycows man, in shirt, is how he is più la gonna è mobile and they wonot do ut; and, an you could peep inside the cerebralised saucepan of this our illwinded goodfornobody, you would see in his house of thoughtsam (was you, that is, decontaminated enough to look discarnate) what a jetsam litterage of convolvuli of times lost or strayed, of lands derelict or sunk and of tongues laggin too, beached, bashed and beaushelled à la Mer, and not only that but, by searchlighting longa yamsayore pharahead into faturity, your own convolvulis, pickninny capman, would real to jazztfancy the novo takingplace of what stale words whilom were woven with and fitted fairly featly for; so; and equally so, the crame of the whole faustian fustian, whether your launer’s lightsome or your soulard’s schwearmood, is that, whenas the swiftshut soareyes of our pupilteachertaut duplex will hark back to lark to you symibellically that, though a day be as dense as a decade, no mouth has the might to set a mearbound to the march of a landsmaul,1 in half a sylb, helf a solb, holf a salb onward2 the beast of boredom, common sense, lurking gyrographically down inside his loose Eating S.S. collar is gogoing to whisht to you sternly—Plutonic lovelinks twinxt Platonic yearlings—how) you must, haw, in undivided reawlity, draw the line somewhawre.