“What is the guy’s name who bruised your arm?” The officer asks.

  “Franco Phillips,” Trent answers. “He resides at the Theta Alpha Theta fraternity.”

  “Very good,” the officer murmurs. “Miss Murphy, is there anything else that you can think of that would be useful for us to know?”

  She shakes her head. “I don’t even know what to think or say!”

  “We need to look through your apartment and do some investigating,” the officer says, still holding his notebook and pen at the ready. “You said you were taking her home tonight Mr. Grayson?”

  “Yes, she can stay with me,” Trent responds quietly, looking at Teagan.

  “I can track down Victoria,” Teagan exhales. “She is at a bar. I would call her, but my phone is dead.”

  “Teagan, you are fried. Just let me take you home. I have a spare room, and you will be fine. I can protect you there. We don’t know who did this.”

  “You think they may hurt me!?” Teagan exclaims.

  The officer puts down his notebook. “We don’t know who did this or why. I’m not sure what to think.”

  “Teagan, you can come stay with me until I get your locks changed and a better dead bolt on your door. I will have Richey do it tomorrow.”

  “I can’t ask that of you,” Teagan whispers.

  “You are not asking anything of me,” Trent insists. “I’m offering. Knowing you are safe with me will make us both feel better.”

  Teagan nods, “Okay.”

  “I need your contact information, Miss Murphy,” the officer says. She nods and gives him her number. Trent does the same. The officer finally nods. “All right, you are free to go.”

  “Thanks,” Teagan mumbles, her head down. She knows that if she looks into the officer’s eyes, she may start crying again. She finally stopped. Trent holds up her jacket and slides it back on her. She looks up at him to give him a soft smile. Trent walks in to her apartment and grabs her purse and everything off the floor. “You didn’t have to grab that.” Trent gives her a look. Teagan whispers, “Thank you again.”

  “Come on, let’s get you out of here,” Trent suggests. He puts his hand on her back and escorts her down the stairs. When they get into the truck, more police officers show up. They quickly go into the building.

  Looking up at Trent, Teagan asks, “Are you sure about this? I don’t want to impose.”

  “You aren’t imposing,” Trent glances over at her. She notices his eyes are warmer than usual. “I’m glad that I am here to help.”

  “Me too,” Teagan exhales as she moves her gaze out the window.

  He starts the truck and pulls away. Lost in her head, Teagan doesn’t say anything the whole ride. Finally, they drive into a nice neighborhood. When Trent pulls into a driveway, Teagan looks up. “We are here,” Trent states.

  “Wow, beautiful house,” Teagan says as her eyes widen at the sight in front of her. “Big enough?”

  “Someday I want a lot of kids,” Trent declares softly, as he turns off his truck.

  “Really?” Teagan squeaks. “That surprises me.”


  Teagan shrugs. “I don’t know. You don’t seem like the kids type.”

  A soft snort comes from Trent. “You would be surprised.”

  “Obviously,” Teagan chuckles.

  “Come on,” Trent says, opening his door. Teagan gets out and follows him to the house. He unlocks the door, and they walk in. Trent immediately goes to a security box and punches in a code. “All right, we are all set.” He turns on the lights, and Teagan smiles.

  “For being a guy’s house, it’s put together awfully well,” Teagan laughs.

  “That is not because of me,” Trent emphasizes. “I had someone else decorate.”

  Smirking, Teagan says, “It looks very nice.” She runs her fingertips over the gray walls as she walks further into the house.

  “Thanks, do you want a drink?”

  “Can I get drunk?” Teagan asks. “That sounds great.”

  “If you want,” Trent replies. “What’s your poison?”

  “What do you have?”

  Trent nods his head to the right, and Teagan follows him into a room. It has a pool table, poker table, and bar in the corner. “I have a wide array of liquors. What usually gets you tipsy?”

  “Tequila,” Teagan answers. “I need lots of tequila.”

  “Not my usual choice, but okay,” Trent chuckles. “Come on, take a seat.”

  Teagan hops up on a bar stool and rests her head in her hands. “Everything is destroyed. I don’t understand. I have never done anything to anyone. I have no money. What am I going to do?”

  “Let’s deal with it tomorrow,” Trent says softly. He grabs two shot glasses and puts them on the counter. “Only the best for you tonight, you need it.”

  When he pulls out a bottle of Patron Platinum, Teagan smiles broadly. “Now you’re talking.”

  He pours the two shot glasses full and pushes one to her. “Maybe this will make you feel better.”

  “I don’t think much would make me feel better right now,” Teagan mutters, before she slams back the shot. Licking her lips, she giggles, “That is some good tequila.”

  “I only drink the best,” Trent states proudly. He takes his shot and wiggles his eyebrows. Teagan watches him closely. His dark eyes hold so much warmth when he smiles. Trent gives her a kind look and says, “Are you going to be okay?”

  “I have no idea,” Teagan sighs. “Everything I have is ruined. I’m living off of scholarships and my small income. My parents have no money, neither do my sisters. I’m literally going to have to go to second hand stores again and pray that I find something cheap.”

  “No credit cards?” Trent inquires, pouring more tequila.

  She shakes her head and takes her shot. “No, I don’t want to get into that. I have one that I use for gas. I am not going to put a whole bunch of stuff on a credit card and only be able to make the minimum payments. I would rather have only a little credit history than a horrible credit score.”

  “Smart girl,” Trent replies, slamming his shot.

  “Are you going to get drunk with me?” Teagan giggles, pouring more tequila.

  “It takes a lot for me to get drunk,” Trent slyly retorts.

  “It doesn’t take very much for me,” Teagan sighs. “I want to drown the world away tonight.”

  Trent fills his shot glass back up. “Well, I will carry you to bed when you pass out.”

  Teagan holds up her shot glass. “Let’s make a toast!”

  “A toast to what?” Trent inquires curiously.

  “A toast to the promise that you are going to make me,” Teagan quips.

  Raising an eyebrow, Trent says, “What am I promising you?”

  “That when they find the bastard or bastards that did this, you will lure them to a dark alley and make them pay,” Teagan cheers, with a hopeful grin.

  With a smirk, Trent leans forward. “If I make that promise, then you will be an accessory to the crime. Just trust me on this one, okay?”

  “Then a toast to me trusting you!”

  He puts up his shot glass and clinks it against hers. “Here is to a promise that I will take care of it.”

  “Woohoo!” Teagan exclaims before taking the shot.

  “I should probably ask this before you drink anymore, are you an angry drunk? Will you freak out on me?” Trent asks, pulling away the tequila bottle.

  She shakes her head. “No, I will probably get on your nerves because I laugh and giggle a lot.”

  “Another question, are you going to be all over me if I let you get drunk?”

  Teagan snorts. “I don’t let guys touch me when I am drunk. Don’t think you are going to be something special.”

  “Well, have you looked at me lately? I’m not like most guys you hang around with.”

  Teagan bursts out laughing and then sighs. “That is very true, but no, not even you will sway me from my

  “Good, here you go,” Trent states, shoving the tequila bottle at her.

  Pouring herself another shot, Teagan whispers, “I should be drunk in about ten minutes.”

  “I will take care of you,” Trent chuckles.

  “Why are you so hell bent on protecting me?” Teagan asks, drinking back the shot. “I mean, you don’t even know me.”

  Trent starts to twirl his shot glass around. “Since that first night, I have felt.....compelled…..to help you.”

  “That’s because of my good looks and nice rack,” Teagan teases as she bends over to show cleavage from her V-neck shirt.

  “Put those away,” Trent scolds.

  Sitting up, Teagan looks down. “Hey, I am proud of them. The one compliment Justin always gave me.”

  “He complimented you about your breasts?”

  “Yes,” Teagan drawls out in annoyance. “Always told the guys they were porn star tits.”

  “WHAT!?” Trent yells.

  “Well,” Teagan starts. “That was our senior year. It must have been when he started the drugs. Before the drugs, he really was a nice guy. He just turned into an asshole.”

  “Even if we were married, I would never talk about you that way to other people, even my best friends,” Trent sounds appalled.

  She shrugs. “I always looked the other way.”

  “I don’t think I should go to Michigan with you,” Trent mumbles angrily.

  “What!? Why? I was planning on it! I even told my friend I was bringing someone!”

  Slowly pouring another shot, Trent growls, “I may lose it around this Justin guy. I hate punks like him.”

  “I think I need to stop talking about him,” Teagan states. “You may just find him on purpose.”

  “I may,” Trent agrees, as he lifts his glass up and slams it.

  Teagan takes the bottle and pours herself another shot, too. “What were your exes like? Did you have some awful bitch in your past?”

  A hearty snort comes from Trent. “Like you have no idea.”

  “Who broke whose heart?” Teagan inquires, resting her elbows on the bar and her head on her hands.

  “Sure the hell wasn’t mine,” Trent snaps. “And she doesn’t have a heart, not towards me at least.”

  “You loved her?” Teagan asks, taking her shot.

  He shakes his head. “That is a very dark and twisted story, which I will not get into, but all I will say that some beautiful things are born out of even the worst disasters, so I have some things to be thankful for.”

  “I have nothing beautiful to take from Justin,” Teagan exhales, putting her head on her arm. “Just horror, heartache, and embarrassment, complete and utter embarrassment. That’s the only thing I am scared of. That people will look at me and think of that video.”

  “Teagan, they probably have grown up a lot,” Trent sighs. “Anyway, I will pummel anyone who makes a comment.”

  “I will just have to look my best and have you by my side. That will show them that I am just fine,” Teagan declares proudly. “You can be my drop dead gorgeous date and make all the girls drool and the guys think twice.”

  Trent bursts out laughing. “You aren’t using me or anything.”

  “Oh, I promise to show you a good time,” Teagan giggles. “My mom will make you fat before you leave, trust me. You want good home cooking, my house is the best place for that.”

  “Who are you friends with, the bride or groom?” Trent asks.

  Starting to feel a little fuzzy, Teagan leans over and sighs. “Both of them. They have been together since our junior year in high school. Dwayne Riggs and Georgia Lynn Campbell. I always told her Georgia Riggs would sound horrible, but she didn’t listen to me.”

  “Was she a cheerleader?” Trent asks, pouring himself a shot.

  “Mmmhmmmm, one of the few that didn’t sleep with Justin,” Teagan mumbles, twirling her shot glass around. “Dwayne was Justin’s best friend.”

  “He isn’t in the wedding is he?” Trent asks hotly.

  Teagan shakes her head. “Dwayne and Justin drifted apart because of the drugs. They only recently started talking. I was hoping Justin wasn’t coming or that he wasn’t invited, but Georgia informed me that he was coming, and that he wasn’t bringing a date.”

  “Well, you will have a rather large, intimidating date to scare him off,” Trent smirks mischievously.

  “Dreams do come true,” Teagan giggles. She sighs, continuing to twirl her shot glass around.

  “You feeling alright?” Trent inquires. “That was a lot of tequila in a short amount of time.”

  Wiggling her fingers, Teagan says, “My head is a little fuzzy, and I’m feeling a little warm.”

  “Well, you wanted to drown your sorrows away.”

  “I’m getting there,” Teagan quips, grabbing the tequila bottle.

  “You aren’t a puker are you?” Trent asks.

  “I won’t let people see me vomit,” Teagan states. “So, even if I am, I will occupy the bathroom by myself.”

  Trent leans over and rests on his elbows. “Do you close off yourself from people?”

  “Not girls,” Teagan replies, pouring another shot. “Victoria has seen me sick a few times. Guys…..guys I keep at a very far distance.”

  “I can understand why,” Trent snorts.

  Teagan drinks her shot and continues, “Maybe it’s the liquor talking, but I really want an older guy. I can’t handle anymore juvenile crap. Do you have any friends you can set me up with?” Teagan giggles.

  “I don’t have many friends, and I’m not setting you up with any of them or any of the guys at work,” Trent declares, putting his hands out as if to stop her thoughts from crossing the bar. “You will have to find your own boyfriend.”

  “I would have to actually let a guy get close,” Teagan murmurs, looking away.

  “You will, one day you will meet a guy that just clicks. You will trust him, and he will make you happy. I promise you that he exists.”

  Still not meeting his eyes, she mutters, “I guess.” A wave of dizziness hits her a little harder this time, making Teagan shove her shot glass away. “Okay, that’s enough Tequila.”

  “Sissy,” Trent laughs. He reaches under the bar and produces a bottle of water. “Make sure you drink this. It will keep you from getting sick.”

  Grabbing it, Teagan says, “Thanks. So, wanna give me a tour of your awesome house?”

  “The first floor,” Trent replies with furrowed brows. “I would appreciate it if you didn’t go upstairs.”

  “Do you have a kinky sex room?” Teagan inquires with a grin. “Have to keep it hidden.”

  “Uh, no,” Trent laughs. “Just stay down here.”

  With a nod, Teagan retorts, “Aye, aye captain!”

  “Come on.” He sticks his hand out to her. Teagan looks down hesitantly and then takes it. “I don’t want you to trip because you are drunk.”

  “Sure, that’s what it is,” Teagan giggles. Trent rolls his eyes and pulls her forward. They leave the game room and turn right down the hallway. The first room they come to is a huge living room. “Wow,” Teagan exhales. There is a large screen TV and full set up against the wall. “Are those paintings by your sister, too?” Teagan asks, letting go of his hand and walking over by them; her legs wobble underneath her.

  “Yup,” Trent replies. “All the art is.”

  Carefully checking out all the paintings, Teagan whispers, “They are beautiful.”

  “I will make sure to tell her that,” Trent assures her. The pride in his voice is apparent.

  Teagan turns around and looks at pictures on the wall. There is a young girl in a lot of them. She has black hair and brown eyes, and she looks a lot like Trent. Teagan furrows her eyebrows. “Who is the little girl?”

  “Oh,” Trent stammers, breaking eye contact with Teagan. “My niece.”

  “She looks like you,” Teagan notes, “A lot like you.”

  “My younger brother re
sembles me quite a bit,” Trent murmurs.

  Smiling, Teagan says, “She looks very sweet.”

  “Kya is,” Trent laughs. “She can be a little hellion, too.”

  “Can’t all kids?” Teagan jokes back. “I bet you are a great uncle. You probably spoil her rotten huh?”

  With a shrug, Trent replies, “I try to not spoil her, but she has this look she gives me, and I melt.”

  “I wish I had a look that would make guys melt,” Teagan grins naughtily.

  Raising his eyebrow, Trent says, “Baby, you don’t need a look to make guys melt. Your beauty does that.”

  “Awwww,” Teagan draws out. “Thank you.” She leans against the wall under a picture of Kya, attempting to strike a pose, but failing miserably thanks to the tequila.

  Trent tries to conceal his laughter, “Well, it’s true.” Teagan’s head starts to get foggy, and she laughs. “What’s so funny?” Trent asks her, smiling.

  She grins and says, “I’m feeling the tequila.”

  “Well, come on, let me show you the rest of the house,” Trent offers. Teagan continues to laugh as she runs over to him, turns him around, and jumps on his back. He huffs. “Geez.”

  “I’m not that heavy,” Teagan laughs.

  “No, you’re not heavy at all. You just took me by surprise. Do I really need to piggy back you through the house?”

  “Yes,” Teagan whispers into his ear. She kisses him on the neck and then rests her head on his shoulder.

  He looks at her. “I thought you didn’t let guys touch you when you are drunk.”

  “I know you won’t try to get into my pants, so you’re the exception.”

  “Oh thanks,” Trent chuckles. “All right, let’s go.” He carries her farther down the hallway.

  When they enter the kitchen, Teagan gasps, “Oh my gosh, I need to cook in here!” All the appliances are new, shiny, and top of the line. “The things I could create.”

  “I like the sound of that,” Trent says cheerfully. “If you are as good of a cook as you claim to be.”

  “My mom taught me,” Teagan boasts. “I make masterpieces.”

  “Awesome,” Trent quips. He turns and walks down into another hallway. They come to a door, and he sets Teagan down. “This is where you are going to be staying.” Opening a door, Trent waves Teagan inside.