It is a fairly large bedroom. The furniture is oak, but the room is washed in soft colors and creams. “I expected more masculine furnishings.”

  “I didn’t decorate in here,” Trent tells her. “My room is all dark colors and meant for a guy.”

  She nods and walks into the room slowly. “Are you sure about this?”

  “Yes, stop asking,” Trent snaps playfully. “I wouldn’t offer if I didn’t want you here.”

  “Okay,” Teagan sighs. She turns and squints her eyes. “I feel like I am forgetting something.”

  “Like what?” Trent asks, leaning against the door frame.

  “I think I was supposed to be doing something,” Teagan quips. Suddenly it dawns on her. “VICTORIA!”

  Trent furrows his eyebrows. “What about Victoria?”

  “I was supposed to meet her at the bar! She is going to be freaking out!” Teagan exclaims.

  “Call her and explain what’s going on,” Trent replies.

  “My phone is dead!”

  He rolls his eyes. “I have one of those; come on.” Trent leads her back into the kitchen and takes a phone off the wall. “Here.”

  Teagan takes it and looks at it. “The buttons are blurry,” she laughs. She dials a number and prays that Victoria answers.

  It rings, and then a voice says, “Hello!?”

  “Victoria, something horrible happened,” Teagan starts. “I won’t be coming.”

  “No crap!” Victoria yells. “Isaac and I went to your place to see if you were okay. What in the hell happened!?”

  “Someone broke in and trashed my entire apartment,” Teagan whimpers. “Everything is ruined.”

  “We saw. Where are you right now?”

  Turning around, Teagan whispers, “I am at Trent’s. I’m staying here tonight.”

  “Really? Like in his bed?” Victoria’s smile can be heard over the phone.

  “No,” Teagan hisses quietly, “In a spare bedroom.”

  “Hold on.” She hears Victoria murmur in the background. “She is at Trent’s. Someone trashed her place.”

  “Whom are you talking to?” Teagan giggles, as she feels more effect of the tequila.

  “Isaac,” Victoria answers. “Are you feeling all right? You sound funny.”

  Teagan giggles even more. “I just downed a whole bunch of tequila. I wanted to forget what was happening for tonight.”

  “I say you jump into his bed and have Trent make you forget everything,” Victoria laughs. “What, Isaac? She can if she wants to!”

  “Shut up, Victoria,” Teagan snaps. “Just get off of it. I am not going to have sex with Trent.” Trent’s eyebrows rise. Teagan grins and winks. He covers his eyes and shakes his head. “Anyway, I’m all right. I am staying here tonight, in a separate bed. I will call you tomorrow.”

  “Be careful how much more you drink,” Victoria whispers. “You may lose your scruples. Oh wait, drink more then.”

  “You shut your mouth,” Teagan giggles. “I am going to go now.”

  “Call me when you are sober in the morning!” Victoria demands.

  With a nod, Teagan replies, “Yes ma’am!”


  “Bye.” Teagan hangs up the phone and hands it to Trent. “Thank you.”

  “No problem. How are you feeling?”

  “Pretty good,” Teagan laughs, as she grins broadly. “What do you want to do?”

  He shrugs. “I don’t know.”

  “Is there more to the house?”

  “Not much, but yeah,” Trent says. “Come on.” She follows him down the hallway. “This is the guest bathroom.” He opens the door to reveal a large bathroom. It looks like a spa; everything is clean and polished to the hilt. Teagan thinks she may be able to see herself in the spigot if she looks hard enough.

  “That’s an impressive guest bathroom,” Teagan states, raising her eyebrows. “How many rooms are upstairs?”

  “Four, a bathroom and the master suite,” Trent answers. He turns and they continue to the back of the house.

  “What’s this door?” Teagan asks, as they walk passed.

  “Nothing exciting, just the laundry room,” Trent replies. “This you may like.” When they come to the double glass doors, he turns on a light.

  The backyard lights up. Teagan can’t see the end of the yard from where she stands; it seems to go on forever. It has a veranda, fully stocked with a large grill and patio set. There is a gazebo surrounded by a garden, but what catches her eye is a Jacuzzi off to the right. She turns to him. “Is that thing on?”

  “It’s kept warm all the time,” Trent replies. “That’s why the cover is on.”

  “Sweet!” Teagan cheers. She opens the glass door and steps outside.

  “What are you doing?” Trent asks, coming out behind her. She ignores the caution in his voice.

  “Getting into the hot tub,” Teagan laughs, as she strips off her shirt.


  She turns around and grins. “What? I have a bra and panties on.”

  “I thought you were bashful around guys!” Trent exclaims.

  “You’re different,” she throws over her now-bare shoulder. “Plus, I am getting more and more drunk as time ticks by. Go inside then.”

  “Teagan, seriously,” Trent starts. “Put your clothes back on.”

  She smirks and shakes her head. “No. Are you going to help me take the cover off?”

  “I’m not getting in there with you,” Trent declares seriously.

  “Not asking you to,” Teagan retorts with a playful attitude. “I want to go in there.” She kicks off one shoe and then the other. Bending over she takes her socks off.

  “Teagan,” Trent says.

  “Kellen Trent Grayson,” Teagan mocks back. “Be serious.”

  He laughs and shakes his head. “If you strip naked, I am leaving you out here by yourself.” Trent walks over and starts to undo the top of the Jacuzzi.

  Teagan watches him and catches herself checking him out. Unbuttoning her pants, she strips them off. Teagan mutters a prayer of thanks that she wore cute underwear. “What am I doing?” she whispers to herself.

  “Did you say something?” Trent asks, as he slides the cover off.

  “Nope,” Teagan retorts. When Trent turns around, he falters and stares at her. “What?”

  He looks up at the sky. “I haven’t seen a girl this unclothed in a long time and especially not someone so damn sexy.”

  Rolling her eyes, Teagan says, “We aren’t even going there. So, RELAX!”

  Trent rubs his face and turns to the Jacuzzi controls. He starts the jets. “It should be hot in a few minutes.”

  “Awesome,” Teagan says, skipping over to him. She bends over and puts her hand in the hot tub. “This is going to be great.”

  “How drunk are you right now?” Trent looks at her.

  “Pretty damn gone,” Teagan laughs and then sighs.

  “I hope you don’t regret doing this in the morning.”

  She turns to him. “As long as you don’t touch me, we will be fine.”

  Trent puts his hands up. “The most I will do is carry you to bed if you can’t get there yourself.”

  “Thank you. It’s nice to not give a crap for a little while.”

  “Well, I am happy that you aren’t giving a crap with me and not some other guy,” Trent murmurs.

  “I trust you,” Teagan states, staring at the swirling water. “That should scare me.” She shivers as the cold air rushes past her.

  “Get in the water,” Trent instructs. “It’s too cold to be standing out here in your underwear.”

  Teagan grins and then climbs into the hot tub. She groans, “This is so nice.”

  “That’s why I own it,” Trent quips, leaning on the edge.

  Teagan waves her hands through the ripples. “Are you coming in?”

  “No,” Trent replies.

  “Why?” Teagan asks, turning around.

use you’re a hot, practically naked woman, sitting in a hot tub. I may be respectful, but I’m still a guy.”

  She laughs. “Am I tempting the strong willed and controlled Trent Grayson?”

  “Definitely,” Trent replies, “But we have an agreement that we are going to stay friends.”

  “I want another drink,” Teagan declares, going up on her knees so that they are face to face.

  Trent shakes his head. “You don’t need any more liquor.”

  “I want to forget everything,” Teagan retorts quietly. “I can still remember.”

  He stays there, staring into her eyes. Teagan’s mouth goes dry and everything in her wants to lean into him and feel the press of his lips on hers. She shakes her head, sits down, and turns around. “Do you really want another drink?” He asks.

  “No,” she squeaks. “I’m good.” Her head gets foggier, making Teagan slide farther into the water.

  “Be careful, I don’t want you to drown,” Trent states, putting his hand on the top of her head.

  “What? No mouth to mouth?” Teagan pretends to pout, looking up at him.

  Trent looks down at her and shakes his head in amusement. “No.”

  “So, how much is this going against your rules about fraternizing?” Teagan asks with a huge grin.

  “Oh, we are way passed any of that,” Trent laughs. “We bypassed that a while ago.”

  “Good,” Teagan giggles, splashing the water with her hands. “I want us to be friends.”

  “I think we are,” Trent replies.

  Teagan nods. She is silent for a minute and then slurs, “I am feeling more….and….more….drunk.”

  “You are starting to slur your words. Maybe you shouldn’t be in the hot tub.”

  She yawns. “It’s okay. I would be better and safer if you were in here with me.”


  “It was worth a try,” Teagan giggles, looking up at him. Trent shakes his head. Teagan sighs happily. Her vision suddenly starts to double, and she grimaces. “Okay, maybe I am a little too drunk to be in here.”

  “Will you be okay if I go get you a towel?” Trent asks.

  She slowly nods, not wanting the world to start spinning beyond her control. “Yeah.”

  “Okay, don’t drown.” Trent turns and walks back to the house. Teagan watches him go and laughs to herself. When he returns, he extends his hand. “Come on out of there.” When she stands up, Trent looks away and groans.

  “What?” Teagan asks.

  “Mmmm, let’s just wrap a towel around you,” Trent says, quickly throwing the towel on her.

  She wraps it around herself. “There, covered.”

  “Okay, let’s get you inside and dressed.” Trent walks over and grabs her clothes and shoes. Teagan skips after him. When they get in the house, Trent looks at her. “You need to get that wet stuff off.”

  “Want to help take it off?” Teagan teases. He gives her a look, and Teagan scoffs, “Like I would really let you. PULEEZE! Good looking and charismatic, yes you are, but you still aren’t getting anywhere near my nether regions.”

  Trent bursts out laughing. “Your nether regions?”

  “Yes, my girly bits,” Teagan giggles.

  “Oh my god, you are awesome,” Trent laughs some more, as his eyes tear up. “We need to get you - and your girly bits - dressed.”

  “I can do that thank you very much,” Teagan snaps playfully, as she grabs her clothes from him. She saunters over to the bathroom. Turning she gives him a seductive look and then walks in, slamming the door behind her. She drops her clothes on the floor and laughs until she cries. Stripping off her bra and panties, Teagan towel dries off. Putting her jeans back on while being damp and drunk proves to be a challenge, but she finally dresses herself completely. She throws her bra and panties over the top of the shower and heads back out into the house.

  There is noise from the kitchen, so she follows it. Music is playing from speakers hidden somewhere. Trent is at the counter, making sandwiches. He looks up and smiles. “I think you should eat before you go to sleep.”

  “I’m a vegetarian,” Teagan quips, as she watches him put slices of meat on a sandwich.

  “Seriously?” Trent stammers. “Sorry about that.”

  Teagan bursts out giggling, “I’m only kidding; remember I eat bacon! I love meat, just not turkey or ham.”

  “Well, this is roast beef, so that should be fine,” Trent states, putting the sandwich together. He puts it on a plate and slides it to her. “Eat that.”

  “Yes sir!” Teagan exclaims, snagging the sandwich. She takes a bite and grins. “It tastes good.”

  “I’m glad,” Trent laughs, as he eats his.

  As she chews, she falters a little bit. Teagan drops the sandwich on the plate and grabs the counter to steady herself. Trent quickly comes around and grabs a hold of her. “I can’t feel my legs,” Teagan giggles.

  “Let’s take your sandwich into your room and get you to bed,” Trent suggests.

  She turns and tries to stand but can’t. Trent keeps his grip on her. “I don’t think I can get there,” Teagan gulps.

  “Can you hold your sandwich?” Trent asks. Teagan grabs it and nods. No more than a second passes before she finds herself swept up in his arms. She titters nervously as he tightens his grip on her.

  Teagan squeals, “Don’t drop me!”

  “I won’t drop you,” Trent replies, rolling his eyes. He carries her down the hall and into the spare bedroom. Bending over, he gently places her on the bed. “Eat your sandwich.”

  Grinning, Teagan complies. Licking her finger, she exclaims, “Done!”

  “Now lay down,” Trent laughs.

  She crawls over by the pillows and throws back the covers. She plops her head down not so gracefully. Her hair splays out behind her. Teagan mumbles, “So tired.”

  Trent pulls the blanket over her, tucks in the sides a bit, and says, “Go to sleep.”

  “Mmmhmmmm,” Teagan hums. When she senses Trent walk away, she barely whispers, “Trent.”


  “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  With that Teagan passes out.

  Chapter 6

  Teagan moans and pulls the covers over her head. When she realizes that she won’t be able to sleep anymore, she throws back the blanket. Sunlight bleeds through the slats of the blinds. “I feel like death,” she mumbles.

  It takes Teagan’s head a minute to stop throbbing when she sits up. She runs her fingers through her hair and realizes that it is all knotted from being wet in the whirlpool. Teagan grimaces. “Great. Trent is going to laugh his ass off.”

  A minute later, she is standing at the door, holding the doorknob. Her plan is to run to the bathroom and try to at least halfway fix her hair if she can’t fully pull herself together before running into Trent. The hallway is silent when she opens the door. Teagan quickly darts down it to the bathroom. When she gets there, she stops dead in her tracks. There are a bunch of amenities sitting on the counter. A note is taped to the mirror.

  Pulling it off, she reads aloud, “Teagan, I had to go to work today. I have meetings that I couldn’t cancel. Please, make yourself at home. I brought everything you will need for a shower. The toothbrush is new, don’t worry. Your phone is charging on the dock in the kitchen. It’s in the cupboard over the pantry. I will come back later today. Call me if you need anything. Text me and let me know you didn’t puke all over the spare bedroom. Thanks, Trent.”

  “Nice,” Teagan laughs. She looks down at the counter. There is shampoo and conditioner, a toothbrush with toothpaste and a hairbrush. Aw, that’s sweet, she thinks. Turning around, she sees her bra and panties hanging on the shower. “I really don’t want to put that back on,” she mumbles. “Dirty underwear, nasty.” An idea sparks in her head. Teagan grabs her undergarments and heads back out into the hallway.

  When she comes to the laundry room door, she opens it. It is as spacious as the
rest of the house. There is a top-of-the-line washer and dryer on the one wall and a closet is nestled in the wall across from the appliances. The door to the closet is half-opened, and she can see inside. There are a few of Trent’s dress shirts hanging on hangers. Teagan walks over and pulls one down. She holds it up to herself; it comes down to her thighs. “This will work,” she says. Closing the door, Teagan strips off all her clothes. She pulls on Trent’s dress shirt and smiles and then throws all her clothes into the washer. Teagan sets the button for the gentle cycle and dumps a little soap into the drum. When it starts to wash, she turns and leaves the room, heading back to the bathroom.

  After a very long shower, Teagan brushes her teeth thoroughly. When her hair is finally tamed, she grins. “At least I look halfway human now.” Her stomach growls, and she mumbles, “I need food.”

  The kitchen is massive. The dark cabinets contrast with the shiny, stainless steel appliances and the light walls. Teagan walks over to the pantry and opens the top cabinet. Her iPhone is on the dock. She presses the button and sees she has no missed calls or texts. Hitting the music button, Teagan presses shuffle. Dance music starts to play through the hidden speakers in the walls. She closes the cabinet and starts to dance. With a grin on her face, Teagan shuffles her way to the refrigerator. It is stocked with food. Teagan pulls out the eggs, bacon, and bread.

  After riffling through the cabinets, she finds the frying pans. Pondering to herself, Teagan goes back to the dock. She finds the volume button and presses it a few times to turn it up. When the music is rather loud, she goes to turn on the stove. While the bacon is frying, Teagan dances back and forth to the music. She knows that can really dance when she puts her mind to it. When a Rhianna song comes on, she starts dancing seductively. Teagan slides her arms up and over her head while she swivels her hips from side to side.

  Suddenly she hears, “Dear Penthouse, one day I came home…….”

  Teagan spins around to find Trent leaning against the doorframe. “Oh my god!” She screams, tugging down on the dress shirt. “You scared the crap out of me!”

  “Well, I was afraid of what you were going to do next,” Trent replies with a grin. “I wanted to stop you before you took the shirt off.”