Laughing, Teagan says, “With the lingerie and strawberries?”

  “Hell yeah!” Kellen shouts.

  “NO,” Teagan emphasizes. “We would end up having sex.”

  “Not necessarily….” Kellen draws out. Teagan spins on her heel and looks at him, cocking her eyebrow. He shrugs. “It could lead to things other than sex.”

  “Like what?” Teagan asks, trying not to smile.

  He scrunches his nose. “Full body massages?”

  Teagan rolls her eyes dramatically. “Which would lead to…..”

  “Sex,” Kellen finishes.

  “See?” Teagan snorts, turning to get the bread.

  “Would that be so bad?”

  Exasperated, Teagan spins around. “You are the one who keeps telling me to wait!”

  Groaning, Kellen drops his face into his hands. “I know.”

  “Well, should we go buy condoms, or should I wait until I am in a committed relationship with someone else?” Teagan asks hotly.

  “I’m so torn,” Kellen exhales. “I care about you - a lot.” Teagan shuts up quickly and stares at him. He drops his hands. “My life is so complicated. I don’t have the luxury of dating whoever I want, whenever I want.”

  “So,” Teagan whispers, leaning in his direction. “You’re interested in me? In that way? Dating?”

  “Yes, of course!” Kellen exclaims. “But, my life may make you turn and bolt, and I don’t want to lose you.”

  She steps up to him. “Just tell me.”

  Kellen grabs her face with his hands. “After this weekend, okay? Give me this weekend before we cross that hurdle. I want a weekend about just the two of us.”

  “Okay,” Teagan agrees quietly. “But you will tell me when we get back?”

  “Yes, I promise,” Kellen replies.

  “So…….” She murmurs. “You care about me?”

  “Yes,” Kellen whispers back.

  Teagan looks up at him. “I care about you too, Kellen. There isn’t anything that would scare me away.”

  He awkwardly laughs. “You say that now.”

  “So, everything you have been doing hasn’t been a show for my friends?”

  “No,” Kellen replies.

  Teagan can’t help but grin, “Well then, that changes things.”


  Smirking, Teagan grabs his hand and starts to lead him out of the kitchen. Kellen asks, “Where are we going?”

  “Upstairs,” Teagan quips softly.

  “Whoa baby, no, no, no,” Kellen declares. “We aren’t going upstairs.”

  Turning around, Teagan asks, “Why?”

  “One, we don’t have any sort of protection and two, we should wait. First make the decision that you want to be with me after the bomb is dropped.”

  “So,” Teagan starts, looking up in his eyes. “If I stripped naked right now, you wouldn’t do anything?”

  Kellen moans. He finally shakes his head. “No, I won’t do anything with you right now.”

  “Ouch,” Teagan mumbles, pulling her hand away from his.

  “That doesn’t mean I don’t want to!” Kellen exclaims as he reaches to grab her hand. “I’m just doing what is right.” Teagan continues to frown. Kellen exhales heavily and then grabs her. He pulls Teagan against him, crushing his lips onto hers. Their kisses instantly turn passionate, and Teagan whimpers. Everything in her ignites, and she starts to back them up to the stairs. He follows easily. They stumble their way up. Suddenly, Teagan trips and falls back. Kellen isn’t quick enough to grab her.

  She lands on her back and yells.

  “Sorry, sorry,” Kellen stammers. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah,” Teagan giggles. Grabbing him, she murmurs, “Come here.” Kellen falls on her, and they lay there on the steps hungrily kissing each other. Teagan wraps her legs around him, as Kellen runs his hand up her back.

  Abruptly, they hear a door slam and a voice yelling, “Teagan, are you up?”

  “Crap! It’s my stepdad!” Teagan gasps.

  They quickly stand up, as he comes around the corner. “Hey honey.”

  “Hi Jerry,” Teagan stammers awkwardly. “We were just coming back down.”

  “I forgot some paperwork. Did you eat breakfast?” he asks.

  “No,” Teagan squeaks, coming down the steps. “I was going to make French toast.”

  “There’s a really good diner that opened up a few blocks away if you don’t want to cook.”

  Running her fingers through her hair, Teagan replies, “I don’t mind. I take after Mom and love to cook.”

  “Well, you kids stay out of trouble,” her dad chimes, smiling at them.

  “Yup,” Teagan gulps “We will behave ourselves.”

  “Okay, have a good day, Sweetie,” Jerry says, leaning over to kiss her on the cheek.

  “Bye!” Teagan exclaims, maybe a little too excitedly.

  When the front door slams again, Kellen bursts out laughing. “Oh my god, it’s been a long time since I almost got busted in a girl’s house by her parents.”

  “Shut up!” Teagan giggles, turning around. “I would have been mortified!”

  “I think your stepdad would have been even more mortified,” Kellen laughs some more. “Wow, all right, note to self: make it all the way to the bedroom.”

  She playfully glares at him and then says, “Come on, let’s go make breakfast.”

  Exhaling happily, Kellen grabs her hand and pulls her back to the kitchen.

  * * * * *

  “Did you have fun today hanging with the girls?” Kellen asks, as he buttons up his shirt.

  “Yes, did the guys drill you the whole time out?” Teagan asks.

  “Pretty much,” Kellen laughs, “But that’s all right. I haven’t gotten to talk about it in a long time. It was fun reminiscing.”

  “That’s good.” Teagan smiles. She looks in the mirror and puts on the necklace that Kellen gave her.

  He comes up behind her and smiles. “Well, that’s very pretty.”

  “This really wonderful guy got it for me,” Teagan quips, as she turns around. She kisses him. “It’s my favorite necklace.”

  “That’s what I like to hear,” he whispers against her lips before kissing her again. She presses up against him. He chuckles and pulls away. “We need to be at the church in 30 minutes.”

  “I know,” she sighs. “I would much rather kiss you than see Dipshit.”

  “I would prefer that too, but you need to know what’s going on for tomorrow,” Kellen says softly. “I will lay him out if need be.”

  “If you punch someone in church, does that mean you are going to Hell?” Teagan asks, trying not to laugh.

  Kellen furrows his eyebrows. “I don’t know. I will make sure I drag him out by his hair and beat him up in the street.”

  “I think God is there, too,” Teagan giggles.

  “True,” Kellen smirks. He reaches over and grabs his vest, throwing it on.

  “UGH!” Teagan exclaims. “You’re so hot.”

  He laughs and says, “You aren’t too bad looking yourself.”

  Teagan curtsies in her dress. “Thank you.”

  “So, we are doing dinner afterwards?” Kellen asks.

  “Yeah, are you hungry?” Teagan asks, putting an earring in.

  “Oh god, we ate so many wings,” Kellen states, putting his hand on his stomach.

  Stopping, Teagan looks at him. “Where did you guys go exactly?”

  Tilting his head to the side, Kellen spins out of the way. “This little place the guys took me to. Don’t remember the name really. They had awesome wings.”

  She stares at him for a second, and then realization sets in. Teagan’s eyes widen. “The only place to get wings around here is HOOTERS! Did you guys seriously go to HOOTERS!?”

  Scoffing, Kellen says, “No! Why in the hell would we go to Hooters? I mean, god, they belittle women, making them prance around in those tiny outfits.”

  “You asshole, you went to Hooters
,” Teagan gasps in shock.

  Obviously, trying to be cute, Kellen bites his lip. “It wasn’t my idea.”

  “You…..are….such….a GUY!” Teagan yells. “God!” She turns away from him and grabs her shoes to put on.

  “Are you mad?” Kellen inquires.

  “No,” Teagan snaps. “Of course not. I’m not your keeper. I’m not your girlfriend. You can do whatever you want.” She puts one heel on and then the other.

  Chuckling, Kellen says, “No, you’re mad at me for going.”

  Taking in a deep breath, Teagan turns around. “I can’t possibly be mad at you.”

  “Really?” Kellen quips. “Then what are you?”

  “Annoyed,” Teagan mutters, as she walks past him to get her purse.

  “This is awesome,” Kellen declares happily. “What exactly are you mad about? What don’t you like about it?”

  Teagan snaps him a look. “You were just reliving your glory days seeing girls prance around in skimpy outfits, throwing themselves at you. Because, be honest with me, the waitresses were all over you.”

  “Well….yes,” Kellen retorts, “but it’s not like I was reciprocating the attention.”

  “Whatever,” Teagan mumbles, as she roots around in her purse.

  A soft laugh comes from Kellen and he says, “You’re jealous.”

  “No I’m not,” Teagan growls, not looking at him.

  “You are; just admit it,” Kellen replies, as he walks over to her. “Teagan, it’s hot that you’re jealous; it means you really like me. I would much rather get you a Hooters outfit. You are ten times more beautiful than the waitresses there and have the most killer curves. I wouldn’t even look at them if you were there. Actually, I didn’t even really look at them that way when I was there anyway.”

  “You’re just saying that,” Teagan exhales.

  “No, I am telling you the truth,” Kellen states. “Look at me, Teagan.”

  She turns and moves her gaze to his eyes. Kellen looks at her softly. “I’m not interested in anyone else.”

  “But, you are interested in me?” Teagan whispers.

  “Yes,” Kellen replies. “I have told you that.”

  “It’s just hard to wrap my mind around the idea,” Teagan sighs. “For numerous reasons.”

  “Like what?” Kellen asks.

  “Well, you pushed me away for so long,” Teagan answers softly. “I got used to putting my emotions and desires aside.”

  “I can’t resist you any longer,” Kellen murmurs. He grabs Teagan and pulls her to him. “You brought me back to life.”

  She looks into his eyes and says, “Emotionally or physically?”

  “Both,” Kellen states. “Teagan, I really care about you, a lot.”

  “I guess part of me is nervous.”

  “Why?” He inquires with a curious expression.

  Blushing, Teagan says, “You have been with so many girls, probably beautiful girls, experienced girls. How do I compete?”

  “Teagan, the girls from my past meant nothing,” Kellen groans. “You have to understand where I am coming from. It was meaningless. With you, it’s different. You’re special to me.”

  “What if I am horrible?” Teagan mumbles.

  “Oh, Baby,” Kellen reassures. “If we get there, we will make love slowly. I can teach you everything there is to know.”

  Teagan raises an eyebrow, “You know that much, huh?” She crosses her arms.

  “I have been around the block a few times,” Kellen laughs. “You learn a thing or two.”

  “So, you will take it slow?” Teagan whispers.

  “We will take our time and do it right,” Kellen promises. “That’s if we even get there. You may change your mind after this weekend.”

  Rolling her eyes, Teagan throws her hands in the air and replies, “I’m not going anywhere.”

  “That’s what you are saying now,” Kellen exhales. “That’s neither here nor there. We have a rehearsal to get to.”

  “Okay,” Teagan sighs. She pulls him down for a kiss. When she let’s go, Teagan laughs. “You know, I need taller shoes, so I can stop standing on my toes to kiss you.”

  “Well, I’m 6’ 5” and there isn’t much I can do about that. Find yourself a shorter man; that is my advice,” Kellen chuckles back.

  “Or like some hooker heels,” Teagan snorts, as she steps away from him.

  Kellen bursts out laughing. “Like stripper shoes you would get at a porn shop?”

  “Those things are nasty,” Teagan gags.

  A look of shock passes over Kellen’s face. “You have been in a porn shop!? Really, you!?”

  Teagan lets out an exasperated exhale, “Yes, Justin dragged me there when we turned 18. I don’t know if he thought it would turn me on, but I was really grossed out.”

  “That is funny shit,” Kellen laughs some more. “Wow, I would never have guessed.”

  “I bet you have seen your fair share of porn,” Teagan retorts with attitude.

  An even bigger grin passes over Kellen’s face. Finally, he says, “Nooooo, I’ve never seen porn.” Grabbing her hand, Kellen snorts happily, “Let’s go.”

  “Men,” Teagan responds as they leave the room.

  A little while later, they enter the small country-style church through the big, white doors. They hear voices coming from down the hallway, so they follow them Teagan finds Georgia and everyone else standing near the entrance to the sanctuary. “Oh good,” Georgia shouts. “Everyone is here!”

  “Very good,” the minister says. “Okay, after everyone has been seated, Dwayne will escort his mother down to the end and then take his place. The music will change then and processional will start. Do you know the order they will go in?”

  “Yeah,” Georgia says. She starts to point to the couples, “Fred and Ellen, you are first; Hank and Gabby, you are second; Justin and Teagan, you are third, and Kendra and Leo, you are last.”

  “Why don’t you all pair off, and we will run through this and go over everything when we get down to the end,” the minister suggests.

  Kellen lets go of Teagan and says, “I will be right here.”

  “Okay,” she whispers, with a smile. Justin steps up to her, and she glares at him. “Don’t touch me.”

  “I have to touch you,” he snaps back quietly. “We have to walk down the aisle together.”

  “Fine,” she growls, grabbing onto his arm. “Don’t talk to me.”

  “Jesus, Teagan,” Justin groans.

  She ignores him and pays attention to everyone else. Georgia gives her a sympathetic look that makes Teagan smile a little.

  “Okay, let’s start,” the minister says. With that, he presses a button on the remote. “Dwayne, you go down first.” He grabs his mother’s arm and proceeds to walk down the aisle. Teagan hopes this part moves along quickly because having to touch Justin makes her want to puke. She swallows back the bile that rises in her throat just thinking of his hand on hers.

  “Now, one by one, the couples will walk down. Try to go down with the rhythm of the music. You don’t need to run down to the end,” the minister declares.

  “I do,” Teagan mumbles.

  Justin turns to her. “I heard that.”

  “So, did I,” Kellen laughs loudly. “I will be waiting for you when you are done, Baby, but Justin…” Justin looks over at him. “Don’t talk to her, or you and I will have a nice lengthy conversation in the parking lot.” Justin glares at Kellen, and Kellen glares right back.

  “Baby!” Teagan shouts. “I will meet you at the end.”

  “I am going to love watching you walk down the aisle,” Kellen quips. “I will let my imagination wander.”

  “Awwww,” Teagan replies. “Then does that make tonight our wedding night?”

  A huge grin lights up Kellen’s face. “Teagan, every night is like our wedding night. I will meet you up there.” He turns and walks away.

  “Whatever,” Justin growls. He doesn’t say anything more, a
nd a minute later, they walk down the aisle. Finally, they make it down to the end, and Teagan breathes a sigh of relief.

  Going through the rehearsal doesn’t take too long. Teagan keeps glancing over at Kellen and smirking at him. He smiles right back. She watches him carefully, knowing things are changing between them. She is excited about the possibility of a new relationship. The looks he gives her now are thoughtful, and Teagan wishes she knew what he was thinking.

  At the end, Georgia claps her hands. “All right, we are all done here. We have a reservation in a half an hour at the steak house on 3rd. Dwayne and I are going over right away to have a drink, if any of you want to join us.”

  Teagan looks at Kellen, “Is that what you want to do?”

  “No,” Kellen snaps.

  “Oh,” Teagan says slowly, confused. “What do you want to do then?”

  “Ravish your body,” Kellen whispers, giving her a heated stare.

  A warm blush creeps up on Teagan’s face. “We don’t really have time for that.”

  “I know; you just asked what I wanted to do, and that was it. Going to the restaurant now sounds like a great idea,” he teases with a mischievous smile.

  “You’re awful,” Teagan hisses quietly.

  Georgia comes up to Teagan. “Are you going over right away?”

  “Yeah,” Teagan replies. “We’ll meet you there.”

  “Sounds good,” Georgia says gleefully.

  “Are you excited or nervous right now?” Teagan asks back.

  “A little of both,” Georgia replies. “I’ll probably die from anticipation.”

  Teagan smiles. “You will do great, I know it.”

  Grinning, Georgia squeals, “I’m so excited!” She claps her hands gleefully.

  “I know you are honey,” Dwayne says, coming up beside her. “Tomorrow, you will be Mrs. Georgia Riggs. I love the sound of that.”

  “I love you,” Georgia sighs happily.

  “I love you, too,” Dwayne whispers; he bends over and kisses her on the cheek.

  That makes Teagan smile even more. She feels Kellen pull her against him. He gently kisses Teagan on the head. She wraps an arm around his waist and leans her head against him.

  When Georgia pulls away, she looks at Teagan and Kellen. “Who knows Teagan, maybe you will take on another last name sometime soon.”