Rather uncomfortably, Teagan laughs, “Uh….yeah…..awkward Georgia.”

  “That’s all right,” Kellen retorts. “Teagan Grayson - it has a nice ring to it.”

  She thinks about it for a second and then looks up at him. “It does go well together and sounds good. Well, at least I know I don’t have to keep my last name.” Kellen gets a wicked grin on his face. Teagan instantly blushes and looks away. “I mean, yeah…okay….let’s go to dinner!” Kellen laughs and pulls her into a tight hug.

  On the way to the restaurant, Kellen reaches over and takes Teagan’s hand. “You look beautiful tonight.”

  “Thanks,” Teagan whispers bashfully.

  “I don’t understand why you are so timid about compliments,” Kellen sighs.

  “It’s been a long time since I had compliments from someone who matters,” Teagan replies. She looks over at him. “Other guys saying I look hot don’t have the same effect.”

  “Well, I think you are hot,” Kellen chuckles. “I think you look damn fine.”

  Teagan laughs, “Okay, even that sounds better coming from you.”

  “So….desirable….” Kellen lets go off her hand and starts to trace his fingers up her leg. The higher he gets, the more her body clenches. Teagan takes in a quick breath to reign in her nerves. He starts to push up the hem of her dress. “You look very alluring in this,” he whispers in a husky voice.

  A heat starts to spread over Teagan. She shifts herself a little bit, to further his hand. Kellen suddenly squeezes her leg and hums. Finally, he says, “Let’s blow off dinner.”

  Deep desire starts to stir in Teagan. “We can’t do that.”

  “I know,” Kellen exhales. “A man can wish.”

  Reaching down, Teagan brushes her fingers gently against Kellen’s hand. “I have never felt this way before.”

  “What way?”

  “This…yearning that I feel,” Teagan murmurs softly.

  Turning his attention towards her, Kellen raises an eyebrow. “You yearn for me?”

  “I don’t know how else to describe it,” Teagan replies. “It’s a burning need for you to touch me…..everywhere.”

  “Dear lord,” Kellen groans, as he pulls away his hand.

  “What?” Teagan gasps. “What did I say?”

  “Nothing,” Kellen gulps. “Just….that is very….erotic, and it is taking every ounce of me not to pull over.”

  Looking down, Teagan whispers, “Oh, I will stop.”

  “Please, don’t….” Kellen starts. “I want to know these things. I want us to be honest with each other. There is no need to hide anything.”

  “That goes for you, too,” Teagan retorts, giving him a look.

  Kellen chuckles as he grips the steering wheel. “I promise; I will tell you when we get back.”

  “Is it that bad?” Teagan whispers. “Do you secretly have an STD?”

  Kellen laughs, “No! No, Baby, I have been tested. I am clean.”

  “Oh,” Teagan mumbles. “I thought maybe…..”

  “Because I was a slut?” Kellen chuckles loosening his grip on the steering wheel. “No, thankfully, I never caught anything. I used protection every time, but that doesn’t always matter.”

  She quickly shakes her head. “Let’s stop talking about that. What is the big secret, then? I can’t imagine it’s that bad.”

  “It’s not bad,” Kellen states. “It’s just something big, and I don’t know if you will be able to handle it, but, again, we will tackle that when we get home.”

  “Okay,” Teagan exhales. “I won’t leave you.”

  “I hope not,” Kellen sighs.

  The restaurant is busy when they get there. They find a lot of the wedding party at the bar. Georgia looks at Teagan. “We were about to order a round. What do you want?”

  “Here,” Kellen says, reaching into his pocket. He pulls out a hundred dollar bill and throws it on the counter. “I will buy the first round.”

  “Sweet!” Georgia yells.

  “Order an appletini for me,” Teagan instructs.

  “I will have a glass of Chardonnay,” Kellen states. Georgia nods and leans in by the bartender. Teagan looks around the bar, and her eyes fall onto Justin. He looks at her and then nudges his head to the side.

  Teagan scowls at him and mouths, “Hell no.”

  Kellen suddenly steps in front of Teagan and blocks her view. “Is that better?”

  “Yes,” Teagan snaps. “Thank you. God, that guy is irritating.”

  “I know,” Kellen whispers. He gently puts Teagan’s hair behind her ear. “Forget about him, and concentrate on your friends. This is about them.”

  Nodding, Teagan says, “You’re right.”

  “Usually am,” Kellen quips. Teagan playfully glares at him and then rolls her eyes. Kellen laughs and then pulls her in for a kiss. Teagan happily follows his lead.

  * * * * *

  The next morning, Teagan helps Georgia get dressed in the basement of the church.

  “Gosh,” Georgia exhales with a groan. “This thing is heavy.”

  “It’s a wedding dress,” Teagan laughs, as she ties up the corset. “You wanted the princess dress.”

  “I know,” Georgia giggles, sticking her arms out. “I have to wear this all night, too.”

  Teagan laughs some more, “It’s good exercise.”

  “I will get all the exercise I need tonight after the reception.” Georgia winks.

  “I bet,” Teagan retorts with a smirk. “There you go, all set.”

  Georgia turns around to her bridesmaids. “So, the end result?”

  Most of them cover their mouths. “Oh Georgia!” Teagan exclaims. “You’re beautiful!”

  “Really?” Georgia blinks back tears of joy.

  “Look in the mirror!” Gabby demands with glee.

  Stepping in front of the mirror, Georgia gasps. “I look perfect!”

  “You do!” Kendra agrees.

  “All right, let’s get you down to the sitting room to hide you away until the ceremony begins,” Teagan says. “We are already late.”

  “I know, I know, I am coming,” Georgia sighs happily.

  Shrugging her shoulders, Kendra states, “They can’t do this without you either way.”

  “No, they can’t,” Georgia laughs. “Let’s go.”

  After they all make it downstairs, they hand Georgia her bouquet. Suddenly, someone walks in from the side door. It is the best man, Leo. “Are you girls all set?”

  “Yup,” Georgia replies. “Is Dwayne here and ready?”

  “Totally nervous but yeah he is here,” Leo says. “All of you look beautiful.”

  Teagan glances into the mirror next to her. Her hair is all in curls pinned on top with two lilies on the side. Her dark green, empire waist dress grazes the floor. Teagan loves it. She just hopes Kellen thinks she looks beautiful. Teagan hasn’t seen him all day. He said he was going to come with her parents. Butterflies stir in her stomach. She wants him to think that she is as pretty as she feels right now.

  The music begins to play. Georgia exclaims, “OH! It’s starting!”

  “Let me look,” Leo says. He glances out the door. “Okay, it’s clear for you to come out.”

  The girls spread out Georgia’s veil and skirt and they leave the room. There is no one left in the entryway to the sanctuary, so they all gather around the doorway. The groomsmen meet them. Justin immediately walks over to Teagan. She ignores him.

  “Is everyone ready?” Georgia’s father asks.

  Everyone nods.

  “Okay,” he says. “You guys can start in.”

  Fred and Ellen walk over to the doorway and start down the aisle. Justin sticks his arm out for Teagan. She glares at him, but takes it begrudgingly. The next couple goes through the doorway. Justin takes a step forward and leads Teagan over to prepare to enter the door.

  “I always thought walking you down the aisle would be different than this,” Justin whispers, ever so quietly.
  “Screw you Justin,” Teagan retorts breathlessly.

  “Teagan,” he starts. “I just want to say….I’m so sorry. I know you shouldn’t forgive me.”

  Putting on a big smile, Teagan says, “And I won’t.” With that, they start their way down. Almost immediately, Teagan’s eyes start to scan the crowd. She wants to find Kellen but doesn’t see him right away. She looks to the right and finds him sitting next to her mom. Her mom waves and mouths, you look beautiful. Teagan can’t help but look past her and lock her eyes on Kellen. He gives her a glowing smile, and it melts her heart. His eyes suddenly narrow and he gives her a devilish smirk making her blush. Kellen starts to chuckle. Teagan turns her head away from him. A giggle bubbles in her throat, but she quickly holds it in.

  They get to the end of the aisle, and Teagan takes her place, turning her eyes back to Kellen. He locks his gaze on her, and a few minutes pass while they stare at each other. A million thoughts run through Teagan’s head. What it would be like to be up here with Kellen? She wonders what his secret is. Is it something that will make her hate him? Is he into drugs? Does he have a shady past? It has to be something bad. Of course, Kellen said it wasn’t bad. It was just big. What could it be? Teagan’s attention finally snaps back to the wedding, and her eyes widen. Georgia is already standing near Dwayne. Teagan quickly turns and faces the minister.

  The wedding seems to drag on. Teagan’s aching feet make her wish that they all hadn’t chosen heels to wear. Finally, Dwayne and Georgia kiss, and the room erupts in applause. They happily link arms and walk back down the aisle. The best man and maid of honor are next to exit. Teagan looks up at Justin. He extends his arm. She glares at him but takes it anyway. They start to walk back to the doorway. “You should be the one in white,” he murmurs.

  “And Kellen should be waiting at the end,” Teagan sneers under her breath. Right then, they pass him. Teagan blows him a kiss. Kellen blows her one back and makes her burst out laughing. “He’s so damn cute.”

  “You go for cute now?” Justin mumbles, his voice laced with contempt.

  “No, I go for sexy and seductive,” Teagan snaps with a smile. “Guys that kick the asses of punks for fun.”

  Justin stiffens, “Are you calling me a punk?”

  “Oh no, Justin,” Teagan growls. “I have much worse names for you.”

  They exit the sanctuary, and Teagan immediately slides her arm from his and walks over to Georgia. “That was wonderful!”

  “Thank you!” She exclaims. “It was perfect!”

  “Come on guys,” Dwayne interjects. “Line up for the receiving line.”

  They all take their places. Teagan says hi to everyone but impatiently waits for Kellen. Her parents are first. “You’re beautiful, Honey!” her mom yells. She gives her a big hug.

  “Thanks, Mom,” Teagan exhales, as her mom grips her hard.

  When she lets go, her stepdad steps forward, “You do look great, Baby Girl.”

  “Thanks,” Teagan replies, giving him a kiss on the cheek. “I will see you at the reception.”

  “Okay,” her mom sighs happily. “Have fun!” She turns to the next person and stops. A look of hatred spreads across her mom’s face. “Justin.”

  “Beth,” Justin counters, putting on a smile.

  “It’s Mrs. Anderson to you after what you did,” Teagan’s stepdad growls. He grabs his wife’s hand and leads her farther down the line.

  Kellen steps up to Teagan. “Baby, you look radiant.”

  “Aw shucks,” Teagan giggles, acting bashful. “You must say that to all the girls.”

  “Well…..” Kellen starts as he grimaces dramatically.

  Teagan hits on the arm. “You ass!”

  “Rest assured, I’m your ass, no one else’s. And I don’t say girls are radiant. That wasn’t a pick up line.” Kellen brushes his fingers down her cheek. “You’re gorgeous.” Slowly, he bends down and places his lips on hers. Teagan feels the crowd disappear around them as she kisses him back.

  “Teagan,” Justin hisses. “People are passing us by.”

  She pulls away from Kellen. Rubbing the lipstick off his lips, she mumbles, “Sorry. Honey, I will see you in a bit.”

  “Dwayne said I can ride in the limo with you guys,” Kellen replies. “So, I will wait for you after pictures.”

  “Awesome,” Teagan retorts in glee. He smiles and walks on. As Kellen passes Justin, he sneers at him. Justin backs up a few inches. Kellen smirks and saunters away.

  “If he touches me, I am calling the cops,” Justin hisses.

  “Whatever, Justin,” Teagan groans. “Hey!” She says to the next person, completely ignoring him.

  When it’s time for pictures, Teagan exhales because she knows she will have to touch Justin more. Everyone goes to the front of the sanctuary. “Okay,” the photographer says. “Let’s do everyone together first.” He instructs everyone where to stand. Justin has to put his hands on Teagan’s arm, making ner instantly nauseous. The only thing that makes her feel better is Kellen standing in the pew. He keeps giving her gentle smiles.

  A half an hour later, everyone is piling into the limo. Kellen grabs Teagan’s hand and helps her in. When he takes his seat next to her, he places his hand on her leg and squeezes. Teagan leans over and gives him a kiss on the cheek. “Time for champagne!” Georgia yells. Dwayne takes the bottle.

  “Here, let me do it,” Kellen says.

  “Sounds good; I have never opened one,” Dwayne laughs.

  Kellen takes it from him and unwraps the top. Then in a graceful movement, Kellen pops the cork away from everyone, and not a drop of champagne spills over except into the first flute. Everyone starts cheering. “Second glass,” Kellen instructs. Carefully, he pours each flute and hands them to everyone. Holding up he toasts, “To the bride and groom and many years of happiness.” Everyone cheers and drinks.

  Dwayne reaches over and starts the music. Teagan smiles and everyone begins dancing in their seats. They drive around for a while, and they all drink two glasses of champagne by the time they get to the hotel. “Come on guys!” Georgia exclaims.

  They get out of the limo and Kellen takes Teagan’s hand. She leans against him, as they walk into the hall. The crowd starts clapping as Dwayne and Georgia walk in. Kellen leans down to Teagan. “We should get something into you other than champagne.”

  Scoffing, Teagan goes, “Nooooo, I’m fine. We’ll be eating soon.”

  “Teagan,” he chuckles. “We don’t need you puking again. I’m not trying to be overbearing, but you don’t want to be sick in the morning or drunk before dinner even starts.”

  “I think Gabby already is,” Teagan giggles, pointing to one of the bridesmaids.

  “Yeah, well, let her make a spectacle,” Kellen states, giving her a kiss on the cheek. “What would you like to drink?”

  “Coke,” Teagan replies.

  He starts to pull her over to the bar. When they get there, Kellen states, “A coke and a Smithwick’s, please.”

  “Hey!” Teagan exclaims. “You can drink?”

  Kellen smiles. “Look at my size, and then compare it to yours and how much alcohol we have each consumed.”

  Giving him a pouty face, Teagan mumbles, “Fine.”

  “Hey, I have no responsibilities here and don’t have to drive. I may actually enjoy drinking tonight,” Kellen states. “I don’t get to do that very often.”

  “Ooooo,” Teagan draws out. “Does that mean I can take advantage of you tonight?”

  “Maybe,” Kellen teases.

  Teagan smiles and kisses him. After they have their drinks, they walk around the room. Teagan introduces Kellen to everyone she knows. He is very polite and social with each person. Teagan enjoys the looks on their faces when they see him.

  A little while later, dinner is about to start. “I have to go to the head table,” Teagan sighs. “I don’t know why bridesmaids are sitting next to their groomsmen. It’s stupid.”

  “You’ll be
fine,” Kellen replies. “Stab him in the leg with your fork if need be.” That makes Teagan laugh. “See, you will be okay. I promise.”

  “Okay,” Teagan says. “Go sit with my parents.”

  “Yeah, they are telling me the best stories of your childhood.” Kellen grins.

  Teagan’s jaw drops “That is totally not cool!”

  “I think it is,” Kellen chuckles. “See you after dinner.”

  “Okay,” Teagan says, giving him a kiss.

  Dinner starts, and everyone takes their seats. When she gets to the head table, Justin pulls out her chair. She glares at him. “Just sit down, Teagan,” Justin mumbles.

  She takes her seat and ignores him. It is a plated dinner, so waiters start to bring out the salad. Teagan starts to talk to Fred and Ellen, who are next to her. “Teagan,” she hears whispered from her side.

  Taking in a deep breath, Teagan turns to Justin. “Yes?”

  “Can we please be civil for a minute?”

  “I think I am being very civil considering the circumstances.” Teagan glares.

  “I figure you can’t run away right now and will have to listen to me.”

  Teagan glares at him and hisses, “This is our friends’ wedding. Now is not the time.”

  “Then when is?”

  “Next…..” Teagan starts.

  “Next?” Justin counters.

  Leaning in by him, Teagan whispers in his ear, “Next to never Justin. Fuck off.” With that, she sits back in her chair and takes a sip of champagne. Her eyes fall on Kellen, and he gives her a concerned look. Teagan raises her glass to him. He laughs and shakes his head. Smiling, she lifts her fork up like she is going to stab someone. Kellen gives her a thumbs up and laughs some more.

  Throughout dinner, there is a lot of tapping on glasses, which makes Dwayne and Georgia kiss every time. Then the best man and maid of honor give their speeches. Teagan finds it all very touching. Finally, dinner is over, and Teagan makes her way over to Kellen.

  “Hey,” he says, as he stands up.

  Teagan smiles and goes up on her toes, giving him a big kiss.

  Kellen pulls away. “Are you all right?”

  “Yup,” Teagan giggles. “Just happy to be by you.”

  “Me too,” Kellen murmurs, pulling her close. “Want to have a drink?”