
  He takes her hand and leads her to the bar. “What would you like?”

  Teagan thinks about it for a minute and says, “Amaretto sour.”

  “Sounds good,” Kellen states. He leans in by the bartender. “Amaretto sour please, and a Jack and Coke.” The bartender nods.

  As they wait, a group of guys come up next to them. One of them is Justin. Teagan rolls her eyes at Kellen. “How you doing, Baby?” Kellen asks.

  “Perfectly fine, thank you,” Teagan replies.

  Suddenly, she hears, “Dude, not to be rude, but do I know you from somewhere?”

  Teagan and Kellen turn to the guy. “I don’t believe we have met before.”

  The guy gives him a quizzical look, obviously trying to place Kellen. Justin groans and mumbles, “He’s Kellen Grayson, the MMA fighter.”

  “Undefeated UFC champion,” Teagan adds on.

  “Holy crap,” the guy says. He turns to Justin and starts to laugh. “Your ex is dating an MMA champion.” The rest of the guys start to laugh with him. “Wow, way to move up.”

  “Anything would be a step up,” Teagan counters.

  “OUCH! Burn!”

  Glaring at the group, Justin snaps, “Don’t be such a douche.”

  “The only douche I see standing here is you,” Teagan quips back.

  Justin stands up straighter and steps towards her. Kellen is instantly in his face. “Say something, do something…..I dare you.”

  “All right, all right, settle down,” the guy interjects. “It’s a wedding, a time to celebrate, not murder.”

  “Exactly,” Kellen agrees, as he steps back to Teagan. “Let me buy you a round.”

  “That’s all right,” Justin retorts in anger. “We don’t need it.”

  “Screw you,” one of the guys says. “I am up for a free drink, especially from Kellen Grayson.”

  Kellen pulls out money and throws it on the counter. “Order what you want.”

  The bartender comes back with Teagan’s drink. “Thanks,” she giggles happily. Teagan takes a sip. “Mmmmmmmm good.”

  “Drink up, Buttercup,” Kellen murmurs. “It will make later much more fun.”

  “Sloppy drunk sex,” Justin retorts sarcastically. “How romantic.”

  “No, romantic sex, starting with a full body massage by candle light, moving on to an hour of foreplay, and concluding with hours of soft sex,” Kellen states.

  “Hot damn!” Teagan cheers and raises her glass to toast his idea.

  With a glare, Justin says, “Whatever.”

  “Let’s go up there right now!” Teagan exclaims. Kellen laughs at her. She puts on a serious face. “I wasn’t kidding.”

  “Go for it man!” One of the guys exclaims.

  “No, no, no,” Kellen replies. “We have to dance the night away.”

  “Ohhhhh,” Teagan draws out, “Fine.”

  “Here you go sir,” the bartender says, handing Kellen his drink.

  Pointing to the guys, Kellen declares, “I am buying a round for these guys.”

  “Sure,” the bartender chirps.

  “The rest is yours,” Kellen tells the bartender.

  His eyebrows rise, “Um, thanks, man.”

  “That’s easy to do when you are loaded,” Justin mumbles.

  “Excuse me?” Kellen scoffs. “I have earned every dime. I fought for it and own my own company. I did the work. Nothing was ever handed to me.”

  “Of course not,” Teagan counters, patting him on the chest. “No one is saying otherwise.”

  “So, how many fights have you actually lost?” one of the guys asks.

  Kellen looks up and thinks about it. “Actual fights before the UFC, probably six….I think, roughly around six.”

  “That isn’t many,” the guy replies.

  “It didn’t take me long to get into the UFC,” Kellen counters. “I learned quickly what not to do and what to do.”

  “Dude,” the guy chuckles. “I would date you and I’m straight as an arrow.”

  Teagan laughs. “Sorry, I am not sharing.”

  “No doubt,” the guy snorts.

  “Let’s go find your parents,” Kellen suggests. “They wanted to see you.”

  “Okay,” Teagan replies. She looks at the guys. “Have fun.”

  “You too.”

  Taking her hand, Kellen leads her away. “Where are my parents?” Teagan asks.

  “They actually didn’t say anything about seeing you,” Kellen sighs, as he pulls Teagan in front of him. “Justin was seriously starting to piss me off.”

  “It wasn’t just me?” Teagan laughs. “I want the dancing to start.”

  He gives her a look, “Who says I am dancing with you?”

  “Ohhhh,” Teagan says. “I guess I will go ask one of those guys. Excuse me.”

  Teagan starts to walk past him, and Kellen grabs her. “Ha, ha, funny.”

  She puts her hand on her chest. “I know for a fact that I look very good today, and I don’t doubt that I could get a dance partner for the evening, if not a few dance partners.”

  “Oh stop,” Kellen chuckles. “I’m all yours tonight.”


  They both turn to see Georgia walking up to them. “Hey, you can go change into your other dress. We’re going to do the grand march soon.”

  “We don’t need to wear these?” Teagan asks, gesturing to her dress.

  “No,” Georgia replies. “The guys have to stay in their tuxes, though.”

  “Good,” Teagan laughs.

  “Okay, go change and be back in fifteen,” Georgia instructs. She thrusts an envelope forward. “These are your room keys.”

  “Oh, thanks,” Teagan replies, taking them from her.

  Georgia winks at them. “Remember, you have to be back down here soon.”

  “Yeah, fifteen minutes…not long enough,” Kellen states mischievously.

  “Okay, go, go,” Georgia instructs, gesturing with her hands.

  Laughing, Teagan says, “We are going, geesh!” Georgia smiles and walks away. Teagan looks at the envelope. “We are in room 610.”

  “Here, give me a key; I will get our stuff and bring it up,” Kellen tells Teagan.

  She nods, “Okay, here.” Teagan gives him a key. “I will meet you up there.”

  “Okay, see you in a few.” He bends over and kisses her cheek.

  Teagan is about to leave the room, when she hears, “Teagan!” Her mom comes walking up to her. “We’re going home.”

  “Oh?” Teagan is shocked. “Why?”

  “We are old,” her mom laughs. “And your dad isn’t one for dancing.”

  “Okay, love you guys,” Teagan says, reaching over to hug her mom. “Say good night to Jerry.”

  “I will. We will see you tomorrow, right?” her mom inquires hopefully.

  “Yeah, we’ll stop by in the morning and get the rest of our stuff,” Teagan replies. “The gift opening isn’t until one.”

  Her mom smiles, “Sounds great, Sweetie.”

  “Well, I have to go change for the grand march,” Teagan states, gesturing to the doorway.

  “Okay, and by the way, you look beautiful tonight!”

  “Thank, Mom,” Teagan sighs. “I love you guys and will see you tomorrow.”

  “Perfect, have fun tonight!”

  “I will; bye!” Teagan waves, and her mom waves back. She turns and walks through the doorway. The elevator bank is across the hotel lobby. She walks over towards it, her heels clicking as she goes. “Ugh,” she reaches down and takes them off. Sighing, Teagan exhales, “Ahhhhh, much better.”

  The elevator is empty and Teagan takes it up to the sixth floor. When she finds her room, she uses the card to open the door. It is huge inside. There is a king size bed on one wall and a big screen TV on the opposite wall. Further into the room, there are a few steps down leading to a living room area. Teagan walks over and then looks to the left. A large Jacuzzi sits in the corner.
r />   “Wow,” she exhales. “This is a little over the top.”

  Dropping her shoes on the floor, Teagan heads into the bathroom. While she is in there, the door opens and closes. “Teagan?”

  “Be right out,” she calls. When she gets out there, Kellen is hanging up the garment bag. “Thank you for getting that.”

  “No problem,” Kellen replies. He unzips the bag and takes out the red dress. “Here you go, Babe.”

  “Thanks, I’m going to change in the bathroom,” Teagan says as she walks to the bathroom door.

  Kellen turns to her. “Really?”

  “Yeah,” Teagan replies bashfully. “I am going to change.”

  “All right,” Kellen chuckles.

  Teagan sneaks into the bathroom and quickly changes, trying not to mess up her hair. Taking a deep breath, Teagan checks herself out in the mirror. She looks great, and she knows it. Opening the door, she states, “I need to get my shoes on.”

  He turns and looks at her. “Wow….” Kellen starts. “You look beautiful. That dress is….absolutely stunning on you.”

  “Thanks.” Teagan blushes a little. She goes over to the suitcase and takes out her shoes. Sliding them on, Teagan buckles the ankle strap. “I really don’t want to dance with him.”

  “If his hands stray at all, knee him in the balls,” Kellen instructs with a smile.

  “There is only one person’s hands that I want to stray anywhere,” Teagan states.

  Stepping towards her, Kellen says, “Oh really?”

  “Yeah,” Teagan replies. “This guy I met a week ago.”

  Kellen starts laughing. “Oh really, some random guy?”

  “Yeah,” Teagan teases. “Who else did you think I was talking about?”

  “This really hot guy that came here with you.”

  She looks to the side and thinks, “Well, I guess. I mean, you are pretty to look at.”

  “Is that all I am?” Kellen laughs. “A good body?”

  “A tantalizing physique,” Teagan murmurs, tracing her finger down his chest. “But no, that’s not the reason I care about you.” She points her finger at his heart. “I think this is my favorite part.”

  Gently taking her hand, Kellen kisses it. “I’m happy that’s what attracts you to me.”

  Teagan takes her other hand and places it on his stomach. “The rock hard abs do help though.” Kellen laughs and bends down to kiss her. She eagerly meets him. They stand there for a while kissing each other slowly. Everything in Teagan starts to clench, and she has the urge to rip all of Kellen’s clothes off. Finally, she pulls away. “Okay, we need to go downstairs.”

  “Mmmmm,” he hums back. “I think kissing you is a much better idea.”

  “Later,” Teagan says mischievously. “Come on, let’s go.” She grabs his hand and starts to pull him towards the door.

  “Later, huh?” Kellen teases. “That makes a man happy.”

  She shakes her head, and they walk out the door.

  Chapter 13

  Downstairs in the banquet hall, Teagan finds Georgia. Georgia smiles. “Wow, you look great.”

  “Thanks,” Teagan replies. “Are we almost ready?”

  “Yup, everyone is meeting us at the other doorway,” Georgia states. “Come on.”

  Turning around, Teagan says, “See you in a little bit,” to Kellen.

  “I can’t wait,” Kellen murmurs. He bends over and kisses her.

  Teagan smiles. Turning, she follows Georgia down the hallway. Everyone’s standing there, paired up. Teagan takes in a deep breath and walks over to Justin. He turns and looks at her. Instantly, his jaw drops. “Teagan….wow….you look beautiful.”

  “Thanks,” Teagan says, blowing off his compliment. She turns away from him and tries her hardest to ignore him.

  “Teagan, come on,” Justin whispers. “Give me five seconds.”

  Teagan turns him. “Fine, five seconds.”

  “I’m sorry, okay,” Justin sighs. “I know how much damage I caused.”

  “No,” Teagan interrupts him. “You can’t possibly know the damage you caused.” She stands up straighter. “But, I am fine now I have a wonderful MAN, and your five seconds are up.”


  “Enough,” she snaps back quietly. “This is their wedding.”

  Justin exhales heavily.

  “Jackass,” Teagan mumbles under her breath.

  “Okay, everyone take their partner. We are going in,” Georgia declares.

  Sticking out his arm, Justin says, “Come on.” Teagan glares at him but takes his arm anyway. They hear the DJ start to announce the wedding party, and they walk in as their names are called. Teagan smiles and tries to look like she is happy, when she really wants to punch Justin. She knows the anger isn’t healthy, but she has spent too much time being scared. The wedding party stands to the side, while the bride and groom do their first dance.

  It makes Teagan tear up. She is so happy for Dwayne and Georgia. She catches Kellen looking at her. Teagan gives him a big smile and blows a kiss at him. He grins back at her. Glancing back at Justin, Teagan finds him staring at her. “What?”

  He gives her a thoughtful look and says, “I was just going to say how gorgeous you are. Kellen is a very lucky guy.”

  Taken a little aback, Teagan says, “Thanks.”

  “You did love me once,” Justin murmurs, as he watches Dwayne and Georgia. “I wasn’t always a bastard. We had a lot of good times.”

  Teagan stares at him, studying his face. “No, you weren’t always a bastard, but the bastard is what overshadows everything else. I will never get past that Justin. You have no idea what you did.”

  “No, I do,” Justin sighs, finally turning to look at her. “I would do anything to make it right.”

  “There isn’t anything you can ever do to make that right,” Teagan states. “You messed me up for years.”

  Justin grabs the bridge of his nose and takes in a deep breath. When he lets go, he looks at her, “But you are getting better?”

  “I am better,” Teagan declares. “Kellen has healed me in ways I didn’t know I was broken.”

  “Do you love him?” Justin inquires quietly.

  Teagan looks away and answers, “I think I am still a little too scared to love.”

  “But, you are okay to have sex?”

  “Is that any of your business?” Teagan retorts harshly. “My first experience scarred me. I wouldn’t even let a guy touch me up until Kellen.”

  “Dear lord, Teagan,” Justin groans. “I’m so sorry.”

  “So am I,” Teagan counters. “I’m very thankful for Kellen.”

  “Me too, if he helps you heal,” Justin exhales.

  The DJ suddenly announces that it’s time for the wedding party to dance. Justin takes Teagan’s hand and leads her onto the dance floor. She wants to yank her hand away, but doesn’t. He spins her out and then draws her to him. Teagan puts her hand on him, but keeps away as much as possible. They slowly dance around the floor. “Why?” Teagan whispers.

  “Why what?”

  “Why did you do it?” Teagan asks. “What could make you do something like that?”

  “Honestly, I was doing coke all the time, every day. I was so angry all the time and out of my head. It was like watching someone else in my body.”

  “The drug was more important than me,” Teagan hisses angrily. “You slept with my friends. I wasn’t giving it to you, so you went to my friends.”

  Looking defeated, Justin looks down. “I know. I’m sorry.”

  “I don’t want to hear it,” Teagan declares in a harsh tone.

  “Well, I am sorry,” Justin repeats. “I’m still on probation if that makes you feel any better, and being on probation sucks.”

  “You should have gotten jail time,” Teagan mutters.

  “Thanks,” Justin groans.

  She looks up at him, “You deserved to be punished. You humiliated me!”

  “Teagan, keep your voice do
wn,” Justin snaps.

  “Screw you,” she retorts. Letting go of him, Teagan walks off the dance floor.

  “Teagan!” Justin calls out.

  Teagan keeps walking. She decides to head straight to the bar. When she gets there, she says, “A shot of tequila, please.”

  “Make it Patron,” a deep voice says behind her.

  Turning around, she throws herself in Kellen’s arms. “He’s such an asshole.”

  “What did he say?” Kellen inquires hotly.

  “Nothing in particular,” Teagan mumbles into his chest. “It’s too many memories, too many old wounds.”

  Kellen hugs her close “Do you want me to take him outside and kick his ass?”

  “No, I just need to let it go for now,” Teagan sighs.

  The bartender comes back with a shot glass and the Patron. “Make that two,” Kellen says. The bartender nods and grabs another glass. After it’s poured, Kellen hands Teagan hers and takes his. “To forgetting that shit head and having a wonderful rest of the evening.”

  “Cheers to that!” Teagan exclaims. They do the shot, and Teagan grimaces. “Yup, that stuff is still awful.”

  “We can do something other than tequila,” Kellen laughs.

  “No,” Teagan giggles back. “It’s kind of our thing.”

  “I usually end up carrying you to bed after a night of tequila,” Kellen chuckles.

  She looks up at him and grins, “But this time you get to come into bed with me.”

  “Mmmmm,” Kellen hums deeply. “That does change things doesn’t it?” He wiggles his eyebrows suggestively and whispers, “Want another shot?”

  “Sure,” Teagan murmurs back, not breaking her gaze from him.

  Putting his fingers up, Kellen says, “Another two shots please.”

  “Of course,” the bartender chimes.

  A few seconds later, they take the shots. Teagan wipes her mouth and says, “I think I can get used to that taste.”

  “Come on,” Kellen replies, taking her hand. “Let’s go dance.”

  He pulls her over to the dance floor. Kellen draws her into his arms. Teagan puts her hands on the back of his neck, and they start to dance to the slow song filling the hall. They sashay their way around the dance floor. People fill the dance floor, and eventually, they are unable to move beyond a few inches. Teagan takes her finger and plays with Kellen’s hair. He smiles and bends over to nuzzle his nose against hers. The gentle touch makes Teagan smile dreamily. When Kellen brushes his lips against hers, Teagan’s breath hitches, and she pulls him close. They press against each other as they slowly dance around.