“We’ll see on Tuesday,” Kellen sighs. “Have a good night, Baby.”

  “I will, thanks,” Teagan replies, with a smile. They kiss each other. “I’m going to miss sleeping next to you. That was really nice.”

  He shrugs, “I offered that you could stay the night, but it is obvious you can’t resist what’s in my pants.”

  Teagan guffaws. “Can I take a picture of it and send it to Justin?”

  Kellen laughs with her. “No, now, we bruised his face, can’t destroy his ego too.”

  “Now, I know why all the girls wanted you,” Teagan teases. “You are the entire package, everything a girl would want.”

  With a thoughtful look, Kellen shakes his head. “No, it wasn’t like that at all. It sounds horrible, but I never called them back. It was all about the sex. It’s never been emotional. With you…..it’s something I have never experienced before, because as much as you pull on certain hormonal strings, you pull on the emotional ones, too. It makes all the sexual stuff so much more than what it used to be.”

  “Wow,” Teagan exhales.

  “Yeah,” Kellen whispers, “Wow.”

  “Take me upstairs,” Teagan pleads. “Please.”

  “I want to wait,” Kellen sighs. “It’s just two days. You can wait.”

  Teagan undoes her coat and drops it on the driveway. “I don’t know if I can.”

  Kellen roars with laughter. “I’m going in the house now. I hope the cops don’t call about a beautiful woman stripping on my front porch.”

  “Ouch,” Teagan giggles. “Fine,” she exhales dramatically, picking up her jacket. “I will see you tomorrow.”

  “Okay,” Kellen replies. He bends down and kisses her. “See you later.”

  “Have a good night,” Teagan says, opening her car door.

  “You, too,” Kellen softly states.

  Teagan smiles and gets into her car. He closes the door for her, and she waves through the window. Her breath makes a fog on the chilled glass, and she wipes it off, waving again. Kellen waves back, before picking up his suitcase and heading to the front door, his own breath a white cloud around his head.

  When Teagan gets home later, her apartment is quiet. She feels very alone after spending so much time with Kellen. Her thoughts drift to him and the night before. It makes her blush and her heart flutter. She sighs thinking about the next time they’ll be together. “What have you started Mr. Grayson?” she whispers. She giggles and picks up her phone to text Victoria right away.

  * * * * *

  “So,” Victoria starts, turning to Teagan as they walk. “What do you think the big surprise is tonight?”

  “I don’t know,” Teagan replies. “He wouldn’t hint at anything. We had a really nice coffee date and then class last night. After class he seemed really nervous. I haven’t talked to him today. I have texted him twice. Do you think he found someone else?”

  “In one morning?” Victoria laughs. “I doubt it.”

  They get to the coffee shop, and Teagan opens the door for them. Warm air rushes toward them, and the smell of coffee and bakes goods greets them. They both shrug off their jackets and inhale deeply as they get in line behind the busy crowd. “Maybe something came up,” Teagan mumbles.

  “It’s only one in the afternoon,” Victoria tries to reassure her. “You aren’t supposed to be to his house until six.”

  “I know, but I usually hear from him throughout the day, and it never takes hours for a response from a text.”

  “You’re overthinking it,” Victoria states, reaching for her wallet in her bag.

  Suddenly, Teagan’s phone rings. It says “Batman”. Answering it, she happily says, “I wasn’t sure if I was going to hear from you before I came over.”

  “Sorry, something came up today,” Kellen retorts sharply, sounding distant.

  “Oh,” Teagan breathes out. “Everything all right?”

  “Not really,” Kellen says, not trying to mask the disappointment in his voice. “I have to cancel tonight.”

  Teagan falters, “Oh, okay. What’s up?”

  With a groan, Kellen sighs, “I can’t talk about it.”

  “Is it something I can help with?” Teagan asks. He doesn’t answer. After a few seconds, she checks to see if the call got disconnected, “Kellen?”

  “Oh yeah,” he stutters. “Sorry, I’m….distracted right now. I will give you a call in a day or two.”

  “A day or two?” Teagan gasps.

  “Yeah, I have to go,” Kellen says. “I will call you when I can.”

  “Okay,” Teagan exhales, her voice more a question than an affirmation.


  Before she can even say good-bye, the call ends. Tension builds in her chest. “Something is wrong.”

  “Why? What’s going on?” Victoria asks.

  “He just….blew me off. That was the coldest conversation I have ever had with him.”

  Victoria frowns. “Did he say anything?”

  “Something came up today, and he had to cancel our plans,” Teagan mumbles, staring at her phone. “I mean….do you think he regrets it?”

  “No, Teagan, stop,” Victoria says as she puts her hands on Teagan’s shoulders. “You two were fine yesterday. From what you told me, if he didn’t care about you, he would never had gone through with the hot tub...or the shower.”

  “That’s true,” Teagan sighs.

  “He’ll tell you what’s going on,” Victoria assures her. “Just give him time. What if something happened in his family?”

  Teagan nods. “He did say he was distracted.”

  “See, it’s probably something that’s upsetting him.”

  “I would be there for him if he needed someone,” Teagan mumbles glumly.

  Shaking her hand on Teagan’s shoulder, Victoria snaps, “Teagan, don’t be that girl. Don’t read too much into it. It will just drive you nuts.”

  “Yeah, I know,” Teagan sighs. “I’m just nervous about getting into another relationship.”

  “But you can trust Kellen; he would never hurt you,” Victoria states seriously. “So, give him time to deal with whatever it is that came up.”

  “Yeah,” Teagan says. “I don’t want to be THAT girl.”

  “No, no you don’t,” Victoria chimes. “Do you know what we are going to do?”

  Teagan smiles, “What?”

  “We are going to rent movies and have a chick night at your place. Emily will come over, and we will keep you busy, so you don’t have to think about anything, okay?”

  “That sounds awesome!” Teagan cheers.

  “Okay, then it’s a plan,” Victoria retorts.

  The next morning, Teagan has a hard time focusing on her class. Her head is filled with the last conversation she had with Kellen, and her own insecurities dance around. This professor is really boring and going over something he already covered last week, doing nothing to help her lack of focus. She takes out her phone to log on the Internet. Suddenly, her phone vibrates saying she has a text. Opening it up, it’s from Kellen.

  Hey, things have calmed down. I am sorry for bailing last night. I know I was short on the phone. Please tell me you aren’t mad at me…..

  Teagan smiles, as she types back. No, I’m not mad at you. Victoria and Emily came over. We had a girl’s night. Watched movies with cute guys in it. Painted our nails. Did girl stuff.

  So….you aren’t mad?

  No, not at all. Is everything all right?

  Yeah, it is now. I am home, and everything is getting back to normal.

  What are your plans for tonight?

  I have to stay here for tonight. Do you want to do something later this week?

  Sure, why don’t you text me when you know what your schedule is.

  I will. I’m resting today, but maybe tomorrow? I miss you.

  Teagan can’t hide the grin that spreads across her face. I miss you, too, a lot. I hope you have a good night.

  It’s going to be boring, I th
ink, but that’s a good thing. I look forward to seeing you.

  I always look forward to seeing you.

  Damn girl, I wish you could be here right now.

  I’m in class.

  I know, and you work tonight. Well, have fun. Text me later if you are bored.

  K, bye.


  Teagan sets her phone down and taps her pencil. Little does Kellen know that she really doesn’t have to work tonight. With a mischievous grin, Teagan comes up with a plan.

  Around 4:30, Teagan walks up to Kellen’s door. She sets down the two grocery bags and rings the doorbell. A few seconds go by before the door opens, and Teagan is surprised to see that Kellen isn’t standing on the other side.

  Kya looks up at her with big brown eyes. Teagan smiles. “Hi, you must be Kya.”

  After taking one look at Teagan, Kya starts yelling, “DAH-DAH, DAH-DAH, DAH-DAH, girl ere. Girl know my name!”

  Kya,” a voice replies from inside. “You are NEVER supposed to open the door without me.”

  The door opens all the way, and Kellen appears. His eyes widen with shock. “Teagan!”

  “Hi,” she laughs.

  “Dah-dah,” Kya chirps at Kellen. “That a girl!”

  “Dah-dah?” Teagan whispers slowly, looking at Kya. “Oh!” She gasps, darting her eyes to Kellen. “She is your!”

  Hesitantly, Kellen says, “Teagan, this is my….daughter, Kya.” He stares at Teagan with an unreadable expression.

  “I see,” Teagan breathes out, looking back down at Kya. “Well, Kya, my name is Teagan.” She drops down to her knees, so she is eye level with her. Teagan extends her hand. “I have heard so many good things about you.”

  Kya eyes her suspiciously, “Eggen?”


  “Eggen!” Kya cheers.

  “Yes, that’s perfect,” Teagan laughs.

  Slapping her hand down, Kya high fives her. “Eggen!” Teagan smiles and laughs. Kya immediately steps out of the house and opens one of the grocery bags. “What that?”

  “Oh,” Teagan chirps. “I was going to make your dad dinner.”

  “What you make?” Kya asks, with big curious eyes.

  “Manicotti….” Teagan starts out, not sure if she understands her.

  Confused, Kya scrunches her face up. “Remember honey, you like it. It’s the spaghetti in the big noodle, with cheese,” Kellen says softly, squatting down by her.

  “OOOOOOOO!” Kya exclaims. “Me love spaghetti!” She tries to pick up one of the bags, but she drags it across the ground and through the front door.

  Teagan stands up, and so does Kellen. “Kya, Honey, stop and bring that back.”

  “No!” Kya yells from the hallway as she continues to drag the bag.

  “Ummm,” Kellen exhales, running his fingers through his hair. “This isn’t how I wanted you to find out.”

  “Is this the big secret?” Teagan asks kindly.

  Giving her a look, Kellen cuts sarcastically, “What do you think?” Teagan raises her eyebrows, a bit taken aback by his reaction. “I’m sorry,” he mutters. “You just….have taken me by surprise.”

  “Do you not want me here?” Teagan inquires softly. “I’ll leave.”

  Kellen quickly shakes his head. “Of course I don’t want you to leave!” He pauses and looks at her. “Don’t you want to leave?”

  “How am I supposed to get to know Kya if I leave?” Teagan puts her hands on her hips.

  “So…….this doesn’t make you want to run to the hills?”

  “Don’t you know me by now?” Teagan asks as she steps up to him. “I’m not that type of girl. I bet you are a great father, and I can’t wait to see you with your daughter.”

  Without saying anything, Kellen leans down and kisses her. Teagan eagerly meets him. They stand there for a moment savoring each other. Suddenly, they hear, “DAH-DAH! No kisses!” Kya is giggling next to them.

  “Daddy can kiss girls,” Kellen chuckles.

  “Noooo,” Kya draws out. “No kiss! Kiss icky!”

  Teagan steps away from Kellen and smiles, “Okay, no kissing. So, what are you guys up to?”

  Kya looks up at her quizzically. “What are you watching?” Kellen inquires instead.

  “Ora!” Kya exclaims.

  “Ora?” Teagan inquires.

  “Dora the explorer,” Kellen sighs. “It’s her favorite show. It makes me want to poke my eyes out.”

  Laughing, Teagan says, “I bet.”

  “Come!” Kya cheers. “Ora on!”

  “Okay,” Teagan laughs, following her in the house. She sees Kellen pick up the other bag and shut the door behind them. Kya runs up to the steps and starts to climb them. “Where you going?”

  “Ora in room!” Kya yells, slowly making her way upstairs.

  “She watches TV in her room,” Kellen states.

  Kya stops and turns around. “Come Eggen!”

  “Oh,” Teagan chirps, turning to Kellen.

  He nudges his head. “I will put the groceries away, if you want to follow her. You don’t have to.”

  Scoffing, Teagan says, “Of course, I will follow her. I have to see Dora, duh!” Kellen laughs and shakes his head. Teagan starts to climb up the stairs. “Is your room upstairs?”

  “Yeah,” Kya says, from the top of the stairs. “Come!” She turns and darts down the hallway.

  When Teagan gets to the hallway, she sees all the doors open. She walks down looking in each one. One is a bathroom covered from one end to the other with animal stuff. There is a little kid toilet. It’s obviously Kya’s bathroom. The next door is Kya’s bedroom. Kya is sitting in a little chair in front of her TV. “Ora!” She exclaims.

  “I see that,” Teagan replies. She looks around the room. It is definitely a princess room. Everything is pink. She has a canopy bed, which makes Teagan smile. Turning, Teagan notices another door on the wall. It’s open, so she goes and looks at it. It leads into an adjoining room. “Is that your play room?” Teagan asks.

  “Yeah!” Kya says, looking at her. Her attention immediately goes back to the TV.

  Teagan steps into the playroom, mesmerized. The whole side of the room is a castle. “Holy crap,” Teagan whispers. She goes and looks inside it. There are two levels. There are stairs and a slide from the top to bottom. A play kitchen is set up in the corner and art studio on the other side. Teagan stands up and looks in the top. There are two beanbag chairs and a bookshelf full of picture books. “Wow.”

  She turns around and laughs. The whole other side of the room is a closet. Teagan walks over to investigate. On one side are all of Kya’s normal clothes, but the other side is full of dresses and accessories. “That’s for her to play dress up.”

  She turns around to see Kellen standing in the doorway. Teagan smiles. “Spoiled much?”

  Kellen brings his fingers a little bit apart. “Just a tad.”

  Laughing, Teagan shakes her head. “Now, I see why you kept the doors shut.”

  “You know, I wasn’t trying to hide her from you,” Kellen declares, stepping into the room. “I was doing it for her protection.”

  “I understand,” Teagan replies, picking out one of the dresses.

  “I have never brought a woman around her before,” Kellen sighs. “You’re the first.”

  Teagan puts the dress back. “Are you mad that I showed up? I guess I should have told you I was coming.”

  “No, please don’t think that. Of course I’m not mad,” Kellen says softly. He grabs her hands. “I have wanted to introduce you two, especially after this weekend.”

  “I’m glad that this is the secret,” Teagan laughs. “I was thinking it was something horrible.”

  “Some girls would see a kid as too much to deal with,” Kellen sighs.

  “Not this girl,” Teagan quips. “I love kids.”

  “She is….special,” Kellen says softly. “She does have Down Syndrome.”

  Teagan shrugs her shoulders. “That doesn’t bo
ther me in the slightest.”

  “Are you sure?” Kellen inquires hesitantly. “It can be a lot sometimes, especially if she is upset or frustrated.”

  With a kind smile, Teagan replies, “It’s fine. I have dealt with it all before. This is a good thing. I promise you.”

  “That is the greatest news that I could possibly hear,” Kellen states. “Come here.” He grabs her and kisses her fiercely.

  “DAH-DAH! No kisses!” Kya laughs beside them.

  “Damn kid has sonar,” Kellen laughs.

  “Eggen see playhouse!” Kya yells.

  “I do see it. It’s amazing,” Teagan says. “Did your daddy build it?”

  “Yeah right,” Kellen snorts. “I’m not that talented. I had someone else build it. When she gets older, I am going to build her an awesome playground in the backyard, but she is a little too young for that.”

  “Dah-dah,” Kya says. “Where backpack?”

  Kellen smirks, “I don’t know. Where did you put it?” Kya shrugs her shoulders. “Oh boy,” Kellen groans. “I need to find that. It’s like her thing. She doesn’t have a blanket. It’s the Dora backpack. Did you bring it from mom’s?”

  “Yeah!” Kya yells. “Books in backpack.”

  He walks over and starts to sift through stuff in the top of the castle. Teagan bends down to Kya. “Do you remember where you played with it last?”

  Kya looks up at her with a big grin. “Dah-dah’s room!”

  “Let’s go look,” Teagan suggests, sticking out her hand. Kya takes it, and they walk back into the bedroom. When they finally make it into Kellen’s room, Kya runs over to his bed. She gets on her stomach and crawls under the bed. “Where are you going?” Teagan laughs, bending down to look. “Holy cow.” There are toys all over the place.

  “Did she find it?” Kellen asks, from behind her.

  “Have you looked under your bed?” Teagan snorts. “If I had ever gotten on the floor, it would have been a dead giveaway.”

  “What are you talking about?” Kellen quips, getting on the floor. He looks under his bed. “Kya!”

  Kya gives him a big grin. “Dah-dah!”

  “What have you been doing?” He chuckles.

  “Hiding,” Kya squeals. “Backpack!” She shoves the Dora backpack towards Kellen. He grabs it.