“Give us all the other toys too,” Kellen states. “Your toys are supposed to stay in your room.” Kya giggles and starts to shove the toys from underneath the bed. “What am I going to do with you, young lady?” Kya giggles even more. Kellen smiles. “It’s a good thing you are so cute.”

  Teagan helps pick up the toys, and they walk back into Kya’s playroom and set down the toys on the floor. “Where does this all go?” Teagan asks.

  “Her toy chest,” Kellen replies. “Kya, should you put your toys away?”

  “Dah-dah do it,” Kya giggles.

  “No,” Kellen says. “They are your toys. Please, put them away.”

  She sticks out her tongue and grins. Teagan bends down. “Why don’t I help you?” Kya nods and starts to pick up the toys. They carry them over to her large toy chest and put them inside.

  Standing up, Teagan says, “If I am making dinner, I should get started now.”

  “Okay, do you need help?” Kellen asks.

  “Kya help!” Kya yells.

  “Honey, maybe next time,” Kellen says softly. “This is kind of complicated.”

  “She can help,” Teagan states. “She may find it fun.”

  He raises his eyebrows. “Really, you don’t mind?”

  “Of course not,” Teagan laughs. “It will let us bond.”

  “That sounds wonderful,” Kellen says, smiling at her.

  “Okay, let’s go,” she suggests, sticking her hand out to Kya. Kya stares at it for a second before grabbing her fingers.

  For the next hour, Teagan patiently helps Kya make dinner. Kellen leans against the counter, watching them intently. After dinner is finished, Kellen and Teagan are doing the dishes. “You’re really good with her,” Kellen murmurs softly.

  “I do have some experience,” Teagan assures him with a grin. “That helps, though every kid is different. Kya has a great personality.”

  “She does,” Kellen chuckles. “Unless she isn’t getting her way.”

  “Every kid is like that, though.”

  “Kya can take it to a whole other level,” Kellen declares. “But, she is a good kid.” Suddenly, the house phone rings. Kellen dries his hands and answers it. “Hello.” There is a pause and he scowls. “No, tomorrow is your day.” He rolls his eyes. “Listen to me, I have to work tomorrow. I have a very important job, and no one can fill in for me.” Teagan realizes that it must be Kya’s mom. Kellen snaps, “It is not my responsibility to cover your days. How am I supposed to find someone this quickly? My sister isn’t home right now. Listen, I don’t know what to do either. You can’t always pawn this shit off on me. Whatever, fine, I will figure something out since she’s obviously not a priority in your life.” There is yelling on the other end. “I will deal with it,” Kellen states angrily. “Why in the hell would I say that? I have some other choice words for you. Good bye.” He hangs up the phone and throws it on the counter. “Crap!”

  “What’s wrong?” Teagan inquires hesitantly.

  “I need to find someone to watch Kya tomorrow,” Kellen grumbles. “I have to work. Damn it!”

  “Kellen, calm down,” Teagan says softly.

  He looks at her. “You don’t get it. Kya doesn’t do daycare. She is really particular. I literally don’t know if I will find someone to watch her.”

  “What about me?” Teagan suggests. “I can watch her.”

  “Seriously?” Kellen looks over at her and shakes his head. “I can’t ask that of you. I don’t expect you to babysit just because you’re my girlfriend. That isn’t right.”

  Teagan’s eyes widen. “Girlfriend?”

  His eyes widen as big as hers. “I mean, that is….wow, slip of the tongue.” He runs his fingers through his hair. “I was hoping we could make our relationship official if this whole thing with Kya wasn’t too overwhelming for you.”

  She smiles and replies, “Yes, I’d like to be your girlfriend, and I don’t mind hanging out with Kya for the day. We’ll have a blast.”

  “Really?” Kellen asks quietly.

  “Yes, of course,” Teagan reassures him.

  With a speculative look, Kellen says, “On both things?”

  “Yes, on both,” Teagan retorts softly. Kellen grabs her and hugs her tightly. Teagan looks up at him. “So, does this mean we are officially together?” Kellen bends down and brushes his lips against hers. Teagan takes that as a yes and leans into him.

  “I’m going to ravish you,” Kellen murmurs against her lips.

  Suddenly, they hear, “DAH-DAH!”

  They both laugh. Kellen rolls his eyes. “When we are alone.”

  “DAH-DAH!” Kya yells again.

  “Instead of shouting, why don’t you come here?” Kellen laughs loudly.

  A few seconds later, Kya comes into the kitchen. “Baf time!”

  “Okay,” Kellen sighs humorously.

  “Eggen help!” Kya exclaims.

  “Kya, let the poor girl alone for the first night,” Kellen states kindly.

  Kya frowns. Teagan puts her hand on Kellen. “It’s okay. I will help her.”

  “Are you sure?” Kellen asks. “You’ll probably get as wet as her.”

  “Awesome,” Teagan retorts. “I will just put on a shirt of yours when I’m done.”

  Kellen wiggles his eyebrows. “I like the sound of that.”

  Teagan shakes her head and laughs. “Come on, Kya. Let’s go get you ready.” She sticks her hand out, and Kya takes it. They start to walk upstairs, and Kellen follows them.

  Kya leads her into Kellen’s room. “Do you take a bath in daddy’s bathtub?” Teagan asks.

  “Ubbles!” Kya exclaims.

  “Sounds like fun,” Teagan giggles.

  “I will get her pajamas and bath stuff,” Kellen states. “Be right back.”

  “Let’s start your bathwater,” Teagan says. She stops up the tub and turns on the water. “Not too warm and not too cold.”

  “No hot!” Kya exclaims.

  “It will be perfect,” Teagan laughs.

  A few minutes later, Kellen comes walking back in. He immediately pours bubble bath into the tub. “Bubbles!” Kya yells.

  “Okay, take your clothes off,” Kellen instructs. “Can’t go in with your shirt on.”

  “Wash clowes!” Kya giggles.

  “That isn’t how we wash clothes,” Kellen snorts. “I have to get the spaghetti sauce out of your shirt, anyway. Your mom will flip.”

  “Give it to me,” Teagan says. “I can get it out.”

  Kellen raises his eyebrows, “Really?”

  “Oh yeah,” Teagan replies. “I’ll run downstairs really quickly. Do you have stain spray?”

  “I have a kid, of course I do,” Kellen chuckles.

  “I will go get it out and be right back.” Kellen hands the shirt to her. Teagan smiles and kisses him.

  “No kiss!” Kya giggles. Teagan smiles at her and then ruffles Kya’s hair. That makes Kya laugh more.

  Teagan takes the shirt and goes downstairs. It takes some skill, but Teagan gets most of the stain out. She sprays some cleaner on it and puts it in the washer on cold. “There we go,” she states. Turning, she heads back upstairs.

  When she gets to Kellen’s bathroom, she stops. Kellen is playing with Kya in the bathtub. She stands there for a second, just watching him He is great with Kya, and it makes her smile. He is, obviously, a natural at being a father. Finally, Kya sees her. “Eggen, come ere!” she yells.

  Walking over to her, Teagan says, “What’s up?”

  “She has been waiting for you. Kya wants to show you how she makes bubbles,” Kellen laughs. “Ready?”

  “Yesh!” Kya exclaims. She stands up and pushes the button for the whirlpool jets, and bubbles start shooting everywhere. Kya starts screaming and jumping around.

  “Oh my gosh!” Teagan laughs.

  The bubbles start to grow higher and higher. Kellen turns them off. “Okay, that’s enough bubbles.”

  Kya flops down and splashes b
ubbles everywhere. “Ubbles!”

  “That’s awesome,” Teagan sighs. “I wish I had that when I was a kid.”

  Giving her a heated look, Kellen says, “You can always take a bath later.”

  Red-faced, Teagan hisses, “Kellen!” He only laughs.

  “Eggen!” Kya yells. “Come ere.”

  Teagan walks over to her and sits down on the edge of the tub. “What’s up?”

  She grabs something off the side of the tub. “Draw!”

  “What?” Teagan laughs.

  “Bath crayons,” Kellen explains. “I think they are made of soap.”

  “Draw!” Kya yells, handing her one.

  “On what?” Teagan asks. Kya sticks out her arm. “Oh, got ya.” Teagan takes her arm and starts to draw. She does some flowers, a butterfly, and a sun. “How’s that?”

  “Dah-dah, she make udderfly,” Kya giggles, showing Kellen.

  “I see that. It’s very pretty,” Kellen replies with a nod.

  Suddenly, Teagan’s phone starts ringing in her pocket. She takes it out. “Oh, it’s Victoria. I will be right back.” Teagan gets up and goes into the bedroom. “Hey, what’s up?”

  “Ugh, where are you?” Victoria groans.

  “I’m at Kellen’s, why?” Teagan retorts.

  “My car took a crap; can you come and get me?” Victoria asks.

  “Oh yeah, of course,” Teagan says. “Let me say good bye to Kellen. Where are you?”

  “The grocery store on 3rd,” Victoria sighs.

  “Okay, be there in, like, fifteen,” Teagan states. “I’ll make it fast.”

  “Thanks,” Victoria mumbles.

  “See you soon.”

  “Yeah, bye,” Victoria murmurs.

  Teagan ends the call and walks back into the bathroom. “Hey, Victoria’s car broke down. I have to go give her a ride.”

  “Does it need to be towed?” Kellen asks.

  She shrugs. “I have no idea.”

  “I know a guy who owes me a favor,” Kellen declares. “He owns his own body shop on Jefferson. Let me know if you guys need help. I can have someone meet up with you.”

  “Like who?” Teagan laughs.

  Kellen looks up. “Who’s on call? Oh, it’s Kyle. He can meet up with you and look at it. Kyle loves anything to do with cars.”

  “Do you think he would mind?” Teagan chirps. “That would probably help.”

  “No, not at all,” Kellen says. “Can you watch her for a second?”

  “Of course,” Teagan says happily.

  “Where is the car?”

  “The grocery store on 3rd and Walnut,” Teagan answers. Kellen nods and leaves the room. Teagan turns back to Kya. “Hey, would you like to hang out with me tomorrow?”

  Kya narrows her eyes. “What we do?”

  “What would you like to do?” Teagan asks. Kya shrugs. Teagan looks up and says, “What about…..baking something?”

  “Cake!” Kya yells. “Chocowat cake!”

  “Okay,” Teagan laughs. “We will make a chocolate cake.”


  Laughing more, Teagan says, “I thought you wanted cake.”

  “Cookies and chocowat cake!” Kya exclaims, hopping up and down.

  “Okay,” Teagan giggles. “We will make both. What kind of cookies?”


  “Got ya,” Teagan chirps. “We’ll have fun.”

  Bouncing around, Kya starts chanting, “Cookies, cake, cookies, cake, cookies, cake!” Handing her another crayon, Kya demands, “Draw!”

  “What do you say?”

  Smiling, Kya giggles, “Pweeze.”

  “Okay,” Teagan laughs, taking it from her.

  A few minutes later, Kellen says, “He’ll be there in twenty.”

  “I should go then,” Teagan sighs. “I will see you guys tomorrow. What time do you want me to be here?”

  “You are positive about this?” Kellen asks.

  “Yes,” Teagan laughs. “Relax. What time should I be here?”

  He runs his fingers through his hair, and she wants to replace his fingers with hers because her hormones are in overdrive with him so close. She quickly shakes her head. “Umm, is eight too early?”

  “No, not at all,” Teagan replies. “It’s a good thing I am going by the grocery store. I have to pick up the supplies for tomorrow.”

  “Supplies?” Kellen inquires.

  “We are going to make……” Teagan starts, and then points to Kya.

  “Chocowat cake and cookies!”

  “Uh oh, sugar rush,” Kellen chuckles. “Be warned, she gets a bit crazy on sugar.”

  Teagan shrugs. “Oh well.”

  “Okay, you had better go,” Kellen states. He steps up to her and leans in. Suddenly, he stops and looks at Kya. “Can I kiss her?”

  Kya scowls and then squeals, “Okay!”

  Kellen smiles and kisses Teagan. She doesn’t want the kiss to end. When they pull away, he whispers, “I’m going to miss you.”

  “Can we do dinner again tomorrow night?” Teagan inquires.

  “Yeah,” Kellen murmurs. “Kya will be back at her mom’s.” He gives her a very suggestive look.

  Teagan flashes an alluring smile. “That sounds great.”

  “See you tomorrow,” Kellen says softly.

  “Bye,” Teagan replies. She turns to Kya. “See you tomorrow!”

  “Bye Eggen!” Kya yells. “Tomowo!”

  “Yup,” Teagan replies. “Bye, guys.”

  Grabbing her hand, Kellen whispers, “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome,” Teagan laughs. “Bye.”


  With that, Teagan turns and leaves.

  Chapter 15

  “So, why can’t you tell me what you are doing today?” Victoria asks.

  “I just can’t,” Teagan laughs. “It’s Kellen’s business.”

  “All right…..so are you going to….you know….tonight?”

  Teagan blushes. “I think so.”

  “Did you buy something lacy?” Victoria giggles.

  “I didn’t have time,” Teagan groans. “We had to deal with your car last night, and nothing is open this early.”

  “Damn, that sucks,” Victoria grumbles. “Oh well, you wouldn’t be wearing it long anyway.”

  Snickering, Teagan says, “Probably not.”

  “Teagan is finally going to get some!”

  “Don’t make it sound so crass,” Teagan snaps. “We really care about each other.”

  “Do you think are falling in love with him, now that you have admitted you actually have feelings?” Victoria inquires.

  Teagan is completely caught off guard by the question. She stammers, “I don’t know. I haven’t really thought about it.”

  “It’s not something that you think about. It’s something that you feel…in your soul.”

  “I do feel something,” Teagan whispers. “Isn’t it too soon for love?”

  “Sometimes love comes and knocks you down at first sight,” Victoria states. “You have known each other long enough and have been around each other long enough.”

  Shrugging, Teagan says, “I guess. Love scares me. The thought of truly letting my heart go terrifies the crap out of me.”

  “Ummm, what are you planning to do now that you have a boyfriend? Smack him away every time he expresses his feelings?”

  “I don’t know,” Teagan exhales.

  “Well, don’t dwell on all that, look forward to tonight!” Victoria exclaims.

  Teagan smiles, “I know.”

  “I know I am looking forward to tonight,” Victoria giggles.

  “I swear to God, it’s not my ass on the line when Kellen finds out you are going out on a date with Kyle!” Teagan yells. “He’s going to be pissed.”

  “We can’t help ourselves,” Victoria sighs “We just hit it off. Are you sure you can’t break the news to your boyfriend?”

  “No, Kyle needs to man up and deal with this
on his own,” Teagan laughs.

  “Yeah,” Victoria starts, “But it involves your best friend.”

  Glaring, Teagan says, “That’s not fair.”

  “I would do it if roles were reversed!”

  With a heavy exhale, Teagan replies, “Fine, I’ll tell him this morning Just realize, he may put the kibosh on your date.”

  “He can’t really do that,” Victoria groans.

  “Oh, I don’t know,” Teagan snorts. “He’s Kyle’s boss and awfully scary.”

  “Come on! Go to bat for us!” Victoria whines.

  “I just became his girlfriend. I’m supposed to make demands about his employees already?”

  “I’m not a client!” Victoria declares. “He shouldn’t have any say so.”

  Teagan nods, “True.”


  “All right, I’m at his house,” Teagan laughs. “I will text you, whatever the outcome is.”

  “Thank you!” Victoria cheers.

  “Bye, Victoria,” Teagan sighs.


  She shakes her head and gets out of the car. Teagan grabs the grocery bags. When she gets to the door, she rings the doorbell. A minute later, the door opens. Kellen raises an eyebrow. “You don’t need to ring the doorbell. You can just come in.”

  “I don’t live here,” Teagan laughs, stepping inside. “I will ring the doorbell.”

  “Whatever,” Kellen moans. “I will just give you a key then.”

  A little shocked, Teagan says, “Um, okay.”

  “Eggen!” Kya yells, coming down the steps. “Chocowat cake!”

  “Yup,” Teagan replies, holding up the bags. “And cookies!”

  Kya jumps up and down clapping her hands. “Yeah!”

  “That is all that she has been talking about since you left yesterday,” Kellen chuckles. “She is super excited.”

  “That’s a good thing,” Teagan states. “Come on, Kya. We have to put this stuff away.”

  “K!” Kya yells, hopping down the hallway.

  “You are positive about this, right?” Kellen asks.

  Turning around, Teagan emphasizes, “Yes, relax.”

  “Sorry,” he exhales. “Just nervous.”

  “You think I’m going to hurt her or something?” Teagan gasps.

  “No,” Kellen scoffs. “Really, Teagan? No, I’m afraid she is going to be…..too much.”

  “Nonsense,” Teagan retorts. She sets everything down on the counter. She takes out the butter. “Put this in the fridge, Kya.”