“I did for a short bit in high school. I thought it made me cool,” Teagan sighs. “Just trying to fit in.”

  “What were you like in high school?” Trent asks.

  “You really want to know?” Teagan inquires. Trent nods. She exhales and says, “Are you ready for this?” With a quizzical look, Trent nods again. Grimacing, Teagan says, “I was the captain of the cheerleading squad.”

  Trent’s eyebrows rise. “Seriously?”

  “Yup, and my dipshit ex was the captain of the football team,” Teagan groans. “We were that couple.”

  A huge grin crawls across Trent’s face. “I would never have guessed that.”

  “Oh yeah,” Teagan replies. “I thought I was the shit.” Trent laughs loudly. “Shut up,” Teagan snaps playfully.

  He smiles, “Do you still have the outfits?”

  “My uniforms?” Teagan asks. “Yeah, why?”

  “If you come work for me, will you wear them?” Trent inquires, narrowing his eyes.

  “Am I the slutty secretary now?” Teagan murmurs back, giving him a heated look.

  “Oh yeah,” Trent replies with an even bigger smile.

  Teagan crosses her arms. “Well, maybe I will show up in my uniform at your class.”

  His smile disappears, “No, there you need to be serious.”

  “I can be serious in my uniform,” Teagan smiles, trying to break Kellen’s stern look.

  “I can’t take you seriously if you show up in that,” Trent declares severely.

  “Or is it that you couldn’t concentrate with me like that.” Teagan counters, narrowing her eyes at him this time.

  They sit there staring at each other. Finally, he sits back. “You have a very strong personality.”

  Teagan falters. “That’s a bad thing?”

  “No, not at all,” Trent replies. “I’m just not used to strong women who aren’t bitches.”

  Snapping her fingers, Teagan cocks her head. “Oh PULEEZE, I can be a bitch.”


  “No, not really,” Teagan sighs. “My bitch side only comes out when protecting other people. I kind of let myself get walked on all the time.”

  “You shouldn’t,” Trent says. “No one should let themselves get walked on.”

  “I used to not be that way, but after my boyfriend, I kind of lost a lot of confidence,” Teagan whispers, fiddling with her napkin. “It’s hard to get back.”

  “What happened?” Trent asks.

  She shakes her head. “I don’t want to talk about it. I just….never felt the same about myself afterwards.”

  “You shouldn’t let a guy bring you down so far,” Trent states. “You’re a beautiful, witty woman.”

  With a heavy heart, Teagan doesn’t look at him. “He is an asshole. He tore me apart, and now he’s trying to get back into my life.” She finally looks up at him. “Why? Why would someone who did something so cruel want to be back with the person they hurt?”

  “What exactly happened? Maybe I can shed some light on what he is thinking,” Trent suggests.

  Teagan thinks for a second. She has never really told a lot of people, but for whatever reason she starts, “We were seniors in high school. We had been dating for two and a half years. He was my first kiss, my first love. I thought he was everything. We lived the perfect life. We were both good in school and were held in high regard with our classmates. Since we were seniors, we started to party more, and Justin started to act funny. He became harsh and would say cruel things to me. I didn’t understand what I was doing wrong. He was constantly putting me down. Said I was getting fatter and I needed to dress more seductively like the other girls. His biggest complaint was that I wouldn’t sleep with him. He said that I was the only virgin left in our group of friends. I had told him I wanted to wait, at least until I was older. He kept pushing and pushing, growing more distant every time I said no. Finally……..” She pauses. “One day I walked in on him and his friends. They were doing coke. I was shocked. I yelled at him and told him he was ruining his life! His friends all left, and I was the only one there with him. He started to rebound saying I was a loser and didn’t understand. I would always be a loser, a prissy frigid girl. He said I was lucky to have him. What guy would want a girl like me? I obviously had problems because I didn’t want to have sex. He said that I had issues with myself. I argued that I didn’t. He kept laying into me over and over again. I cried…..gosh I cried so much. I loved him, and I didn’t understand what was going on. So finally, I said I would do it. I said I would have sex, to prove to him that I wasn’t what he was saying I was. I loved him and wanted to show him. So…………..we did it.”

  “Dear god, Teagan,” Trent whispers.

  A single tear rolls down her cheek, and she brushes it away. “It gets worse,” she barely breathes out. “He videotaped the whole thing. So, a few days later, it was all over the Internet. I found out later that he had been sleeping with other members of the cheerleading squad. The girls who I thought were my friends. This was the tail end of our senior year. He broke up with me. Of course, I didn’t even know what to do. I loved him, but hated him. He wrote horrible things about me. Telling people my secrets, things I had told him. I was devastated and have never been the same. Meeting Victoria and Emily helped. Being at a different school in a different city helped. I got my strength back, but when it comes to guys, well………..I’m scared shitless.”

  “AND THAT’S THE BASTARD I TALKED TO ON THE PHONE!?” Trent yells. His eyes dart around as if he suddenly remembers they are in a public place, and they are not alone. He looks at her with pain in his eyes. “Sorry, that was loud.”

  Awkwardly, Teagan nods. “Yeah, he started calling me again. Apologized, said it was the drugs. He kept going on that he loved me; he had always loved me. He just fell into a dark hole. I didn’t….or don’t know what to say. What do you say to something like that? Anyway, I told him time and time again to leave me alone. I had been doing so much better. My old friends contacted me freshman year of college. They apologized and said they realized what a loser he was. What he did to me was wrong. I felt stronger, that they were siding with me. We were all getting older and wiser. We were college kids, you know? I became really good friends with some people we both knew. I am actually standing up in one of my friend’s weddings in a month.”

  “Is he going to be there?” Trent asks hotly.

  “Probably,” Teagan sighs. “I can stay away from him hopefully. I mean, I am not going to miss my friend’s wedding because of his sorry ass.”

  “Just remember, he can’t talk to you. You told him no.”

  She gives him a look. “Seriously Trent, how am I supposed to stop him? It’s a wedding.”

  Trent clenches his jaw and looks at her. “I will offer my services for free while you are there.”

  Teagan chokes on the coffee. “Excuse me?”

  “Do you have a date, are you going with someone?” Trent asks.

  “No,” Teagan replies, shaking her head. “But, what? You are going to pose as my boyfriend?”

  “If need be.”

  Bursting out laughing, Teagan shakes her head incredulously. “I had to almost beg you to come out to lunch with me, and you are willingly going to spend a weekend with me in Michigan?”

  With a curt nod, Trent replies, “Yes, that douche bag will not have any contact with you.”

  A small smile passes over Teagan’s face. “I appreciate the offer, but I don’t want to lie to my friends. And they would think I was nuts if I brought my own security.”

  “Who cares!?” Trent retorts. “That jerk doesn’t deserve to talk to you.”

  “So, what do you suggest?” Teagan inquires, folding her hands.

  “I will go as your date,” Trent states. “I don’t have to be your boyfriend, but I can be a date.”

  She smiles really big. “Trent, I appreciate it, but you even said you don’t fraternize with your students.”

  “I can spend the
weekend with you. We can stay in separate hotel rooms.”

  “I’m staying with my parents,” Teagan laughs. “They will think it is weird that my date’s staying somewhere else. We have more than enough room for you to stay there, too.”

  “All right,” Trent agrees, his face a mask of seriousness. She really can’t believe him. He went from laughing and joking to hardcore security guard in no time flat. How did he do it? How can he switch back and forth that quickly?

  Teagan laughs. “I can’t believe you are doing this. You don’t even know me!”

  “True, but I know a lot about you, and what I know, I like,” Trent replies, quietly looking down. He pauses. “Someone needs to look out for you.”

  “I can’t do it myself?” Teagan asks, trying not to smile.

  Trent looks up at her. “Once I am done with you, you will be more able to protect yourself.”

  “But until then….you are going to be my hero?”

  He looks at her tenderly and then shakes his head. “If you don’t want me to, then I won’t.”

  “I don’t know,” Teagan mutters. “Can I get back to you?”

  “Thinking you might come up with a date?” Trent replies.

  Laughing, Teagan says, “No. Have we talked about my guy issues?”

  With a shrug, Trent replies, “I’m a guy.”

  “You’re a man, there is a difference. The GUYS that I have dated are not men. They are juvenile.”

  There is a pause as he raises his eyebrow. “You think I am too old for you?”

  “What!?” Teagan exclaims. “No! Gosh no! I would love to date an older guy. I think that’s what I was getting at.”

  “You were doing a horrible job.”

  “Obviously!” Teagan laughs. Trent smirks at her and Teagan smiles. “No, you’re not too old. I would happily date a man that knew what he was doing in life.”

  “Well, I definitely know that,” Trent states, nodding his head. They sit there, staring at each other. Trent narrows his eyes. “So, we just established that you would date me.”

  “I guess,” Teagan sighs dramatically. “Too bad you don’t fraternize with students.”

  The corner of Trent’s mouth twitches. “No, I don’t date my students.”

  “Do they hit on you a lot, or is it all old women, and then do the old women hit on you?” Teagan asks with a huge grin.

  Trent rolls his eyes and exhales. “Yes, they don’t literally hit on me, but the giggling and girly looks, I get it all the time.”

  “Doesn’t do it for you?”

  He shakes his head. “No, not at all.”

  “Interesting,” Teagan draws out. “So, if I bat my eye lashes and lean over to show cleavage, that won’t do it for you?”

  “Okay, the cleavage would,” Trent flashes a devilish smile.

  Teagan looks down. “I have very nice cleavage, BUT you won’t be seeing it.”

  “Are you sure?” Trent replies. “I will pay for breakfast.”

  “Ha, ha, ha, very funny,” Teagan says sarcastically. “No boob shots, sorry.”

  “But you have such nice breasts,” Trent declares. Teagan’s mouth drops open. Trent instantly has a shocked look on his face. He stammers, “Oh…oh my god…I am so sorry. I have no idea why I just said that. Usually I have complete control over my mouth. I apologize tremendously.”

  With a snort, Teagan bursts into hysterical laughter. She leans over and laughs until tears well up in her eyes. “Well,” she starts. “I am glad that you like my rack.”

  Putting his face in his hands, Trent says, “I cannot believe I said that.”

  “I think it’s funny,” Teagan states. “I have a hard time believing that you aren’t like this all the time. It seems so natural for you.”

  Trent takes a deep breath and gets a very serious look on his face. “No, it is wrong, and I am going to stop. Please forgive me for my rude behavior.”

  “Oh stop,” Teagan replies. “I’m having fun.”

  He shakes his head. “No, I need to remain professional in front of a student.”

  “Stop, first, I’m the girl you saved. Then I’m your student. Anyway, if that’s your thought process, I will just skip your classes.”

  “No you will not!” Trent exclaims. “It is important that you come to those classes.”

  Teagan leans back and crosses her arms. “Well then, I guess you have spoken.”

  “Ugh,” Trent groans, putting his face in his hands. “This is ridiculous. Miss Murphy, we need to keep our distance and not be so candid with each other.”

  Crossing her arms, Teagan says, “Wait, now I’m Miss Murphy? Why are you being like this?” This side of him was not her favorite.

  “Because,” Trent says, pulling his hands away. “You are a student. There’s a boundary line that we should not cross.”

  “Did I say I wanted to mount you in the back of your truck? No. I have simply been enjoying your witty personality and nice conversation. There is nothing wrong with that.”

  With a deep exhale and a shake of his head, Trent says, “No, I have been too relaxed. This is not me.”

  “Obviously it is you,” Teagan retorts. “You’re not a pod person.”

  The corner of Trent’s mouth twitches, and then it’s gone. “Miss Murphy, let’s just eat lunch, and then we can be on our way.”

  “Ouch,” Teagan whispers. “Fine. Whatever you want.” Trent nods, while Teagan rolls her eyes and looks out the window.

  Chapter 3

  “So, did you enjoy lunch?” Trent inquires quietly, turning to face Teagan as he turns his truck off.

  “Until you clammed up, yes,” Teagan smiles. “I liked the real you.”

  “This is the real me.”

  “Captain stick up your ass?” Teagan asks. “I doubt it.”

  Trent raises his eyebrows. “You are quite frank aren’t you?”

  “Yeah,” Teagan says, crimson spreading across her cheeks. She exhales loudly and shakes her head. “This is ridiculous. You were fine. Trent, it’s not like you were totally out of line.”

  “Saying you had nice breasts!” He exclaims, throwing his hands up in the air. “Yeah, that is extremely out of line.”

  “Not between two people who are having a fun, sarcastic conversation. I would have slapped you if it was out of hand.”

  He shakes his head. “No, I need to be professional with you.”

  “You’re not my body guard,” Teagan groans. Her frustration with him and the whole “professional” nonsense is apparent.

  “I’m going to be your teacher,” Trent replies. He almost reaches out his hand to touch her, but he pulls his hands back to the wheel and grips the leather. “There has to be a line.”

  “Then I won’t take your classes, I will take someone else’s,” Teagan sighs. She doesn’t look back at him.

  Furrowing his eyebrows, Trent asks, “How are you going to afford that?”

  “I don’t know,” Teagan answers, finally looking at him. His concern for her is washed over his face, and she immediately feels a pit in her stomach. He knows she doesn’t have the money, and so does she. “I will think of something. They have to have free classes somewhere.”

  “Those classes are useless,” Trent snaps. “I insist you come to my class.”

  She crosses her arms. Her face is getting red. It’s not cool that he is acting like this. “Are you going to behave like this? Because I will take classes from another instructor.”

  With a heavy exhale, Trent mumbles, “You are pushy.”

  “With things that matter, yeah, yeah I am,” Teagan shoots him a glare.

  “Things that matter?” Trent scoffs, putting his own hands across his chest. “Why would I matter?”

  Teagan hesitates. “I don’t know, but I can definitely say that I like the other you way more.”

  “I need to keep it professional.”

  “Well, I guess we are at an impasse,” Teagan says matter-of-factly. She can’t let him see that h
e is having an effect on her. She needs to get out of his truck and on with her day. One more minute with him, acting like this, and she may explode.“Thank you for saving me. I do appreciate it.” She grabs the door handle and turns to exit.

  “So what!?” Trent yells, grabbing her shoulder to keep her from getting out of the truck. “What do you mean, ‘Thanks for saving me’? We aren’t done having this conversation. You aren’t going to take the classes now?”

  Teagan pulls her hand off of the small silver handle and shakes her head. “No, I don’t want to take classes from someone who changes on the drop of a dime. I like the other you. The other you I can respect.”

  “You want me to make inappropriate comments about you while I’m teaching you how not get strangled?” Trent asks. He raises his eyebrows at her, waiting for her response; a smirk turns up the corners of his mouth.

  “No, outside of class,” Teagan replies, smiling. “I don’t think we should limit our friendship to only classes. You saved me from what could have possibly been a tragic situation. I think that calls for at least a round of drinks or something.”

  “I don’t fraternize with students outside of class,” Trent states again. His thick eyebrows knit tightly across his forehead as he turns back to face outside the windshield. Teagan rests her head on the glass of her window; she knows she needs to say something, but she needs to make sure it doesn’t sound as bitchy as she’s feeling.

  She turns back to him and catches him looking at her. Curtly nodding, Teagan replies, “You did say that. Well, I will think about the classes.”

  “Teagan, you need to do this,” Trent strongly emphasizes, reaching his hand out to touch her arm. Her skin got warm under his touch, and she wasn’t sure, but she thinks she feels him squeeze a bit.

  “I will think about it. Thanks for saving me, and I hope you have a nice day.” She opens the door and gets out. When she shuts it, Teagan feels somewhat disappointed. But she knows enough not to turn back. She knows if she looks him in the eyes again, he may convince her to change her mind.

  “Teagan! Wait!” She turns around. Trent comes up to her. He pulls something out of his pocket. “Here these are all my numbers: home, cell, and work. If you change your mind, please call me.”