“I didn’t think you fraternized with students.” She puts her left hand on her hip while gripping the card in between her first two fingers on her right hand. Raising her eyebrows a bit, she smirks knowingly.

  “I really want you to come to these classes,” Trent replies, folding his arms again across his chest. He squints in the sunlight, and she notices that dimple again as he almost smiles.

  “So, you give me your numbers? I thought you weren’t going to give me your number because I told you I would put it under love muffin,” Teagan notes, trying not to smile.

  Trent pauses. “Are you really going to put them under that name?”

  She grins broadly, “Maybe.”

  “Will it get you to my classes?” Trent asks, exasperated.

  “Yes,” Teagan retorts, smiling even wider.

  “Then love muffin it is,” he groans.

  Giggling, Teagan claps her hands. “Score!”

  “Oh geez,” Trent exhales, rolling his eyes.

  Teagan playfully punches him in the shoulder. “You secretly love it, don’t lie.”

  “Why can’t it be something better than that?” Trent inquires in annoyance.

  “Like what, sex kitten?” Teagan quips. Trent glares at her. “Hot piece of ass?” She continues. He raises his eyebrows. Finally, she says, “How about my super hero?”

  Trent grins, “I can deal with that.”

  “A specific super hero?” Teagan asks with excitement. She has to stop herself from clapping her hands.

  “Hands down, Batman,” Trent replies.

  “Ooooo, good choice,” she giggles. “So, Batman it is.”

  Laughing, he says, “You are seriously putting it under that?”

  “Sure, I think sex kitten was better, but Batman will work.”

  “I think I actually like that,” Trent declares with a smirk.

  “Okay, I will do this, if I can have a picture,” Teagan proposes.

  His eyebrows rise, and he says, “You are bargaining?”

  “I have a picture of every person in my phone for their ID. I can’t have one blank entry.”

  “Why would you need a picture of me?” Trent asks, trying not to smile.

  She shrugs her shoulders, “I don’t know. It’s what I do.”

  “Fine, whatever,” Trent groans.

  Teagan takes her phone out and holds it up. “Say cheese. And take off those sunglasses.”

  “No, that is stupid,” Trent puts his hands up.

  “Then smile,” Teagan sighs dramatically.

  “I don’t smile for pictures.”

  “Oh my god,” Teagan exclaims. “Just stand there and look stoic then!” Trent laughs while he slides his shades to rest atop his hair, and Teagan takes the picture. “Ha! Got it.”

  Shaking his head, Trent says, “Good job, tricky, but good job.”

  Teagan bows, “Thank you, thank you, I do what I can.”

  “So,” he starts, crossing his arms and repositioning his sunglasses, “Are you coming to the classes?”

  “Yeah,” Teagan laughs. “I will bring Victoria. She will enjoy watching you.”

  “Oh geez, that is not why you are coming.”

  With a grin, Teagan replies, “Well, maybe you shouldn’t be so good looking. If you were ugly then maybe people wouldn’t gawk.”

  “Gawk?” Trent sounds shocked. “Do you gawk?”

  She eyes him up and then raises an eyebrow. “Maybe.”

  Trent shakes his head, “You….”

  “What?” The sunshine is warm on her back. She notices a trace of sweat beading up on his forehead, but it surely isn’t warm enough for that outside. Unless, she wonders, he is sweating because of her.

  He looks back up at her. “You get me to say the stupidest shit.”

  “See, this is the real you,” Teagan says. “I knew it!”

  “Just don’t tell anyone at class,” Trent sighs, and Teagan knows she has won this battle. “I need to keep it professional there.”

  “So, at class you are captain stick up the ass, but outside of class you can make inappropriate comments about me?” She crosses her arms, and she squints at him as if he is under interrogation.

  “Who says I am going to see you outside of class?”

  Throwing her hands up, Teagan yells, “Are we on this again?”

  A smirk creeps across Trent’s face. “I don’t fraternize with students outside of class.”

  “See when you say fraternize, are you talking about being friends or raunchy sex?”

  Trent bursts out laughing and bends over. He takes in a deep breath and then laughs again. “It usually means both.”

  “Well then, I will be your friend. No raunchy sex though,” Teagan declares. “I will text you harassing sexual messages.”

  “Oh, you think so, huh?” Trent shifts on his feet.

  Teagan smiles, “Yes.”

  Shaking his head, Trent says, “Am I supposed to respond to them? Who says I even text?”

  “Who doesn’t text?”

  “Me,” Trent replies.

  “What!? Seriously?” Teagan gasps.

  He shakes his head. “Not really, no one texts me. Everyone calls.”

  “Well then, I will try to control myself,” Teagan says.

  “Teagan, honestly, this is weird. I don’t talk to my students,” Trent states seriously. “We do need to keep it somewhat professional.”

  “I am not a professional kind of person,” Teagan assures him. “But I understand.”

  Trent nods, “I will say this, I did enjoy your company today.”

  “I am glad. I did want to show my appreciation. I can’t afford much, but I am glad that I could at least take you out to lunch.”

  “I am just glad that I was there last night,” Trent exhales.

  Teagan nods, “Yeah, I don’t know what I would have done.”

  “Well, you will have a better chance after the classes.”

  She playfully punches him in the arm. “You are going to teach me how to kick ass.”

  Taking her hand, Trent moves her fingers. “This is how you should make a fist when you punch. Then you should swing like this and always throw it like you are continuing through the person.” He moves her hand and arm forward.

  “Sweet!” Teagan exclaims. She puts her hands into proper fists and bounces between her two feet like a prize fighter.

  “Hey, hey, Rocky. At ease. I’m not going to teach you how to get into a fist fight,” Trent says. “It’s a defense class.”

  “That’s no fun,” Teagan mumbles, dropping her hands.

  “I will teach you to use what you have,” Trent states. “That is the best.”

  Teagan cocks her hip to the side and says, “So, my witty personality, good looks and nice rack will save my life?”

  Bursting out laughing, Trent replies, “No, that is not what I am talking about.”

  With a shrug, Teagan says, “Well, that’s what I have.”

  “You have more than that,” Trent sighs. “You will learn that in class.”


  Trent lifts his wrist up and looks at his watch. “I have to get back to work. I have stuff I need to finish.”

  “Oh, of course,” Teagan replies. “Thanks for everything.”

  “Not a problem. Thanks for lunch.”

  Smiling, Teagan says, “My pleasure.” She steps up to him and goes on her tip toes. Teagan gives him a soft kiss on the cheek and whispers, “Thank you for saving me.”

  “I am glad that I could,” Trent murmurs back.

  Teagan steps back and says, “All right Batman, I will see you Monday.” She puts her hands in her back pockets.

  “Sounds good,” Trent replies.



  Teagan turns around and walks to her car. She shakes her head because she can’t wipe the splitting grin off of her face. After she gets in the car, she turns and looks at the building. Trent is standing there with his arms
crossed. Teagan waves, and he waves back. She smiles even more and starts her car. As she pulls away, her phone rings. She puts it on speaker phone. “Hello?”

  “Are you okay!?!” Victoria yells. “I haven’t heard from you!”

  “The better question is are you okay? You were pretty drunk last night.”

  She hears a groan, “Ugh, I feel like I was hit by a train, a big train, but I am more worried about you.”

  “I am fine. Just finished having lunch,” Teagan states happily.

  “Oh, and you didn’t invite me!?”

  “Can you even eat?” Teagan laughs.

  There is a pause and then, “Probably not.”

  “Didn’t think so,” Teagan snorts. “Anyway it was a private lunch.”

  “Private lunch…..like a date? Please, tell me it was a date!”

  She shakes her head. “No, a thank you lunch.”

  “A thank you lunch….?” Victoria mumbles. “WAIT! With who?”

  “The guy who saved me last night,” Teagan grins.

  “You knew who he was?”

  “No, he gave me his leather jacket after the attack. I found his business card in the pocket. So, I returned his coat and bought him lunch.”

  With a sly tone, Victoria asks, “Is he cute?”

  “Cute, no,” Teagan replies as she turns out of the parking lot and onto the tree-lined road.

  “No? That’s a bummer.”

  “I didn’t finish. He’s not cute; he’s gorgeous.”

  “SERIOUSLY!?” Victoria exclaims.

  “Mmmhmmmm, but you are going to be able to make that judgment call yourself. You are going to self-defense classes with me on Monday nights. He is teaching it. Ten classes.”

  Victoria scoffs, “He can teach that?”

  “Yeah, get this, he’s a body guard. Owns his own security business. It spans the whole state.”

  “Dear lord, tell me more,” Victoria giggles.

  “He is 25. Black hair, beautiful dark eyes, tall and built.”

  “So, my dream guy.”

  “Hey now, hands off, he keeps it professional,” Teagan says. “He does not fraternize with students.”

  Victoria huffs. “Well, that does neither of us any good.”

  “We need to take these classes. If I learned anything from last night, it’s this: carry pepper spray, never walk alone at night, and learn some self-defense moves.”

  “Yeah, but you get introduced to this gorgeous guy who saves your life and you can’t do anything about it, that sucks.”

  “Well, I did get his phone numbers,” Teagan states. She stops at a stop sign and watches two little kids play catch in their yard.

  “Like his cell?” Victoria counters

  “Nope, office, cell and home,” Teagan emphasizes.

  “Not fraternizing, my ass!”

  “I don’t know. It’s not like that. We had a wonderful lunch. We click very well. He is just as witty and mouthy as I am. It was nice to have someone to go toe to toe with.” She catches a glimpse of herself in the rearview mirror. She’s still smiling.

  “So, when are you going to call him?” Victoria inquires.

  Teagan shakes her head. “I’m not going to call him. We will see him on Monday.”

  “CCCAALLLLLLLLLLL HIM!” Victoria exclaims.

  “NOOOOOOOO! I just left him! Stalker?”

  “Fine, wait until tonight. Say you need to be shown a few specific moves.”

  “Shut up Victoria!” Teagan snaps. “I will say no such thing.”

  “You need to get on with your life! Move past that douche bag of an ex.”

  Giggling, Teagan says, “Justin probably won’t be bothering me anymore and if he does, Trent is taking care of him.” She taps her fingers on the warm steering wheel, remembering the phone call between Justin and Trent.

  “Like kicking his ass?”

  “I wish, but no. Trent said he was my personal security. Threatened to bring the law down on Justin, something about harassment. It was awesome. It made me laugh hysterically. Could you imagine Justin’s face? Trent told him to Google him if he didn’t believe who he was.”

  “So, his name is Trent huh?” Victoria counters. “Sexy.”

  Teagan is quiet for a moment, trying to decide if she should tell Victoria his real name. Finally, she says, “Yeah, it’s his middle name. He doesn’t go by his first.”

  “Who cares, Trent is hot. So, I get to view his exquisiteness on Monday?”

  “Yup, I will pick you up. It’s at 7, so be ready at 6:15,” Teagan instructs.

  “What does one wear to a self-defense class? We have to look cute, if the instructor is that hot.”

  “Exercise clothes I suspect,” Teagan answers. “I don’t know. I didn’t ask.”

  “Well, we have to at least be as cute as possible,” Victoria states.

  Rolling her eyes, Teagan says, “Whatever Victoria.”

  “Tell me you aren’t going to do your hair and make-up.”

  She thinks for a moment and then Teagan sighs, “Okay, yeah I will. Not a lot of make-up, but I will definitely have to wear a little bit.”

  “See, you like this guy,” Victoria suggests.

  “It’s not like that,” Teagan groans. “Really Victoria, you don’t need to set me up with guys.”

  “You need a man! You need a guy that will show what sex is really about!”

  “Don’t be ridiculous,” Teagan snaps. “I don’t need a guy to show me that.”

  There is a pause and then an exasperated exhale. “Teagan….honey….you can’t go the rest of your life not having sex.”

  Teagan looks down and glares at her phone. “I will have sex when I find the right guy.” Suddenly, the car is very, very warm. And it has little to do with the sun.

  “When are you going to give a guy a real chance?” Victoria asks with attitude.

  “You are supposed to be my best friend!” Teagan growls, gripping the wheel a little tighter.

  “I am! That’s why I push you. Just don’t drive this guy away if he likes you. You constantly do that. You go on a few dates and then find an excuse as to why the guy is an idiot.”

  “I’m going to hang up the phone!” Teagan exclaims.

  Victoria scoffs, “Go ahead! You need to hear the truth! Isaac likes you. We all know that!”

  “I do not like Isaac. It’s really not like that. I have never had any interest in him.” She can’t help the enormous sigh that escapes her mouth.

  “He is a good guy and cute,” Victoria points out.

  Shaking her head, Teagan replies, “No, I’m not interested.”

  “What about this Trent guy?” Victoria inquires slowly. “Would you give him a chance?”

  “Ummm, I don’t know,” Teagan answers, shrugging. “I know it could never happen. He made that clear. So, I am not going to entertain the thought.”

  “Are you attracted to him?”

  “Uh yeah, of course, he is a dream, but that doesn’t mean anything. He doesn’t fraternize with students,” Teagan states. “He covered that quite a bit.”

  “We will see about that,” Victoria replies.

  There is a whistle and Teagan looks down at her phone. There is a text. “Hold on,” Teagan says. She pulls over in a church parking lot. “I do not text and drive.”

  “I know you don’t,” Victoria says. “Who texted you?”

  “I don’t know, hold on.” Teagan opens the text. “I don’t know whose number it is.”

  “What does it say?”

  “Ugh, you shouldn’t put your number on your Facebook page. It literally took one minute to find it.”

  “Who would say that!?” Victoria exclaims. “Creepy!”

  With a smirk, Teagan reaches into her pocket. She holds the card up to her phone. “You are about to freak out. It’s Trent.”

  “NO FRICKING WAY!” Victoria yells. “What is he doing texting you? Huh!? Huh!? He likes you, Teagan.”

  “Nooooo,” Teagan scoffs. “Hold
on. I’m texting him back: ‘I knew you were a stalker’.”

  “You should just call him!”

  Teagan shakes her head. “No!”


  “I am going to hang up the phone now!” Teagan yells, throwing her hands in the air.

  “Don’t you dare!” Victoria shouts back.

  Another whistle sounds and Teagan reads, “If you don’t want your exes bothering you, you shouldn’t make yourself so easily contactable. Just saying.” She smirks and then says as she types, “Well, I guess I will have to change that. Can’t have weird men stalking me.”

  “He can stalk you all he wants,” Victoria giggles. “Maybe stalk his way into your pants.”

  “SHUT…UP….VICTORIA!” Teagan hears her snickering on the other end of the phone. “He said he doesn’t text.”

  “Maybe he is making an exception for you,” Victoria counters.

  There is a whistle and Teagan reads, “I need to actually work. I just wanted you to know you should change that.” She is slightly disappointed about the reply. She types and reads, “Yes, obviously you don’t have enough work if you are spending time finding girls’ numbers on the Internet.”

  “I am going to leave it at that. Have the last word.”

  “Did he respond to that?”

  “Absolutely nothing yet,” Teagan replies. Suddenly, there is another whistle. She reads, “I am worried about your safety. You shouldn’t have your number on the internet.” Furrowing her eyebrows, Teagan writes, “Well, thank you very much Batman. I will change that. Now, I need to drive. Have a good day. By the way, you are a stalker.”

  “AGAIN, don’t push this guy away!” Victoria snaps. “He obviously likes you!”

  “No he doesn’t,” Teagan retorts. “It’s not like that. He is worried about my safety. He even said that!”

  “I am rolling my eyes right now. A guy doesn’t worry about your safety that much for no apparent reason! He likes you!”

  Teagan shakes her head. “It’s not like that.” A whistle comes through, and she sighs. “I’m not a stalker, just a teacher trying to teach his student about safety. Have a nice day. I will see you on Monday.”

  “Ouch,” Victoria exhales.

  “Yup,” Teagan quips. “Told ya!” She mutters as she texts, “See you Monday.”

  “I’m sorry,” Victoria sighs.