Page 28 of Perfect Chemistry

Page 28

  "Here, take this. " Hector pulls a pistol out from under his car seat. "El policia confiscated yours. "

  I hesitate, remembering when the police asked me if I had any weapons on me. Dios mio, it was humiliating having a gun pointed at my chest as they removed the Glock. But refusing Hectors gun would be considered disrespectful, and Id never dis Hector. I take the gun and stick it in the waistband of my jeans.

  "I heard youve been asking questions about your papa. My advice is to let it go, Alex. "

  "I cant. You know that. "

  "Well, if you find anything out, let me know. I always have your back. "

  "I know. Thanks, man. "

  Its quiet in the house. I walk into my bedroom, where both of my brothers are sleeping. Opening my top drawer, I bury the gun under the wooden board where nobody can accidentally find it. Its a trick Paco taught me. I lie on my bed and cover my eyes with my forearm, hoping I can get some sleep tonight.

  Yesterday flashes before my eyes. The image of Brittany, her lips on mine, her sweet breath mixed with my own, is the only picture that lingers in my mind.

  As I drift off, her angelic face is the only image that keeps the nightmare of my past away.

  CHAPTER 35 Brittany

  Rumors are flying furiously through Fairfield that Alex got arrested. I have to find out if its true. I find Isabel between first and second period. Shes talking with a bunch of her friends but leaves them and pulls me aside.

  She tells me Alex was arrested yesterday but made bail. She has no clue where he is, but shell ask around and meet me between third and fourth period at my locker. I hurry to my locker between third and fourth, craning my neck in anticipation. Isabel is waiting for me.

  "Dont tell anyone I gave this to you," she says, and slips me a folded sheet of paper.

  Pretending to look in my locker, I unfold it. It has an address on it.

  Ive never ditched school before. Of course a boy I kissed has never been arrested before, either.

  This is about me being real. To myself. And now Im going to be real to Alex, like hes always wanted. Its scary, and Im not convinced Im doing the right thing. But I cant ignore this magnetic pull that Alex has over me.

  I plug in the address on my GPS. It leads me to the south side, to a place called Enriques Auto Body. A guy is standing in front. His mouth drops open the minute he sees me.

  "Im looking for Alex Fuentes. "

  The guy doesnt answer.

  "Is he here?" I ask, feeling awkward. Maybe he doesnt speak English.

  "What do you want with Alejandro?" the guy finally asks.

  My heart is pumping so hard I can see my shirt move with each beat. "I need to talk to him. "

  "Hell be better off if you leave him alone," the guy says.

  "Esta bien, Enrique," a familiar voice booms. I turn to Alex, leaning against the auto bodys front door with a shop towel hanging out of his pocket and a wrench in his hand. The hair peeking out of his bandanna is mussed and he looks more masculine than any guy Ive ever seen.

  I want to hold him. I need him to tell me its okay, that hes not going to jail ever again.

  Alex keeps his eyes fixed on mine.

  "I guess Ill leave you two alone," I think I hear Enrique say, but Im too focused on Alex to hear clearly.

  My feet are glued to the same spot so its a good thing he saunters toward me.

  "Urn," I start. Please let me get through this. "I, uh, heard you got arrested. I had to see if youre okay. "

  "You ditched school to see if I was okay?"

  I nod because my tongue wont work.

  Alex steps back. "Well, then. Now that youve seen Im okay, go back to school. I gotta, you know, get back to work. My bike was impounded last night and I need to make money to get it back. "

  "Wait!" I yell. I take a deep breath. This is it. Im going to spill my guts. "I dont know why or when I started falling for you, Alex. But I did. Ever since I almost ran over your motorcycle that first day of school I havent been able to stop thinking about what it would be like if you and I got together. And that kiss . . . God, I swear I never experienced anything like that in my life. It did mean something. If the solar system didnt tilt then, it never will. I know its crazy because were so different. And if anything happens between us I dont want people at school to know. Not that youll agree to have a secret relationship with me, but I at least have to find out if its possible. I broke up with Colin, who I had a very public relationship with and Im ready for something private. Private and real. I know Im babbling like an idiot, but if you dont say something soon or give me a hint of what youre thinking then Ill--"

  "Say it again," he says.

  "That whole drawn-out speech?" I remember something about a solar system, but Im too light-headed to recite the entire thing all over again.

  He steps closer. "No. The part about you fallin for me. "

  My eyes cling to his. "I think about you all the time, Alex. And I really, really want to kiss you again. "

  The sides of his mouth turn up.

  Unable to face him, I look at the ground. "Dont make fun of me. " I can take anything but that right about now.

  "Dont turn away from me, mamacita. Id never make fun of you. "

  "I didnt want to like you," I admit, looking back up at him.

  "I know. "

  "This probably wont work," I tell him.

  "Probably not. "

  "My home lifes not so perfect. "

  "That makes two of us," he says.

  "Im willing to find out what this thing is going on between us. Are you?"

  "If we werent outside," he says, "Id show you--"

  I cut him off by grabbing the thick hair at the base of his neck and pulling that gorgeous head of his down. If we cant exactly have privacy right now, Ill settle for being real. Besides, everyone who we need to keep this a secret from is in school.

  Alex keeps his hands at his side, but when I part my lips, he groans against my mouth and his wrench drops to the ground with a loud clink.

  His strong hands wrap around me, making me feel protected. His velvet tongue mingles with mine, creating an unfamiliar melting sensation deep within my body. This is more than making out, its . . . well, it feels like a lot more.

  His hands never stop moving; one circles my back while the other plays with my hair.

  Alex isnt the only one exploring. My hands are roving all over him, feeling his muscles tense beneath my hands and heightening my awareness of him. I touch his jaw and the roughness of a days growth scratches my skin.

  A loud clearing of Enriques throat tears us apart.

  Alex looks at me with intense passion. "I have to get back to work," he says, his breathing ragged.

  "Oh. Well, sure. " Suddenly embarrassed at our PDA, I step back.

  "Can I see you later today?" he asks.

  "My friend Sierra is coming over for dinner. "

  "The one who looks in her purse a lot?"

  "Urn, yeah. " I need to change the subject or Ill be tempted to invite him, too. I can see it all now--my mom seething in disgust at Alex and his tattoos.

  "My cousin Elena is gettin married on Sunday. Go with me to the wedding," he says.

  I look at the ground. "I cant have my friends know about us. Or my parents. "

  "I wont tell em. "

  "What about people at the wedding? Theyll all see us together. "

  "Nobody from school will be there. Except my family, and Ill make sure they keep their mouths shut. "

  I cant. Lying and sneaking around has never been my strong point. I push him away. "I cant think when youre standing that close. "

  "Good. Now about that wedding. "

  God, looking at him makes me want to go. "What time?"

  "Noon. Itll be an experience you wont forget. Trust me. Ill pick you up at eleven. "

  "I didnt say yes yet. "

  "Ah, but you were about to," he says in his dark, smooth voice.

  "Why dont I meet you here at eleven," I suggest, gesturing to the body shop. If my mom finds out about us, all hell will break loose.

  He lifts my chin up to face him. "Why arent you afraid of bein with me?"

  "Are you kidding? Im terrified. " I focus on the tattoos running up and down his arms.

  "I cant pretend to live a squeaky-clean life. " He holds up my hand so its palm against palm with his. Is he thinking about the difference in the color of our skin, his rough fingers against the nail polish on the tips of mine? "In some ways were so opposite," he says.

  I thread my fingers through his. "Yeah, but in other ways were so similar. "

  That gets a smile out of him, until Enrique clears his throat again.

  "Ill meet you here at eleven on Sunday," I say.

  Alex backs away, nods, and winks. "This time its a date. "

  CHAPTER 36 Alex

  "Man, she was kissin you like it was the last kiss of her life. If she kisses like that, I wonder how she--"

  "Shut up, Enrique. "

  "Shes gonna ruin you, Alejo," Enrique continues, calling me by my Spanish nickname. "Look at you already, spendin time in jail last night and cuttin school to get your motorcycle back. Granted, shes got a buena torta, but is she worth it?"

  "I gotta get back to work," I say, my mind whirling with Enriques words. And as I work under a Blazer for the remainder of the evening, all I want to do is make out with my mamacita again and again.

  Yes, shes definitely worth it.

  "Alex, Hector is here. With Chuy," Enrique says at six oclock when Im ready to head home.

  I wipe my hands on my work pants. "Where are they?"

  "In my office. "

  A feeling of dread washes over me as I approach the room. When I open the door, Hector stands there as if he owns the place. Chuy is in the corner, a not-so-innocent bystander.

  "Enrique, this is a private matter. "

  I hadnt noticed Enrique behind me, acting as my ally should I need one. I give a nod to my cousin. Ive been loyal to the Blood, theres no reason Hector should doubt my commitment. Chuys presence makes this meeting a big deal. If it was just Hector, I wouldnt be this tense.

  Alex," Hector says the moment Enrique is out of sight. Aint it good to meet here instead of the courthouse?"

  I give him a weak smile and shut the door.

  Hector motions to the small, ripped couch on the far side of the room. "Sit down. " He waits until I take a seat. "I need you to do me a favor, amigo. "

  Theres no use in delaying the inevitable. "What kind of favor?" "A shipment needs to be delivered October thirty-first. " Thats over a month and a half away. Halloween night. "I dont deal drugs," I cut in. "You knew that from day one. "

  I eye Chuy like a pitcher in baseball does when a guy leads too far off base.

  Hector stands over me and puts his hand on my shoulder. "Youve got to get over what happened to your old man. If you want to lead the Blood, youve got to deal drugs. "

  "Then count me out. "

  Hectors hand tightens and Chuy steps forward. A silent threat.

  "I wish it were that simple," Hector says. "I need you to do this for me. And, quite honestly, you owe me. "