Page 39 of Perfect Chemistry

Page 39


  Im going to work tonight until I have to leave for the deal. Because if I was home alone, Id go nuts thinking about everything.

  My grip on the riveter in my hand loosens and it drops smack in the middle of my forehead. I dont get pissed off at myself, I blame Brittany. And by eight oclock Im as angry as anything with my little chem partner, whether its warranted or not.

  CHAPTER 51 Brittany

  Im standing in front of Enriques Auto Body, doing deep-breathing exercises to keep from being nervous. Enriques Camry is nowhere in sight, so I know Alex is alone.

  Im going to seduce Alex.

  If what Im wearing doesnt capture his attention, nothing will. Im giving this my all. . . bringing out all the artillery. I rap on the door, then close my eyes tight and pray this goes as planned.

  I open my long, silver satin jacket and the cool night air rushes onto my exposed skin. When the creak of the door alerts me to Alexs presence, I slowly open my eyes. But its not Alexs black eyes staring at my scantily clad body. Its Enrique--whos staring at my pink lace bra and pom-pom skirt as if hes won the lottery.

  Ripped with embarrassment, I wrap my coat around myself. If I could wrap it around twice, I would.

  "Uh, Alex," Enrique laughs. "Theres a trick-or-treater here to see you. "

  My face is probably beet red, but Im determined to see this through. Im here to show Alex Im not going to desert him.

  "Who is it?" comes Alexs voice from somewhere inside the garage.

  "I was just leavin," Enrique says, slipping past me. "Tell Alex to lock up. Adios. "

  Enrique walks across the darkened street, humming to himself.

  "Yo, Enrique. ;Quien esta ahi?" Alexs voice fades when he reaches the front of the shop. He looks at me with contempt. "Need directions or your car fixed?"

  "None of the above," I say.

  "Trick-or-treatin on my side of town?"

  "No. "

  "Its over, mujer. ;Me oyes? Why do you keep droppin into my life and fuckin with my head? Besides, arent you supposed to be at the Halloween dance with some college guy?"

  "I blew him off. Can we talk?"

  "Listen, Ive got a shitload of work that still needs to get done. What did you come here for? And wheres Enrique?"

  "He, uh, left," I say nervously. "I think I scared him away. "

  "You? I dont think so. "

  "I showed him what I was wearing under my coat. "

  Alexs eyebrows shoot up.

  "Let me in before I freeze out here. Please. " I look behind me. The darkness seems inviting right now as my blood pumps harder. Pulling the coat tighter around me, my skin puckers with goose bumps. I shiver.

  Sighing, he leads me into the body shop and locks the door. Theres a space heater in the middle of the shop, thank goodness. I stand by it and rub my hands together.

  "Listen, truth is Im glad youre here. But didnt we break up?"

  "I want to give us another try. Pretending were just chemistry partners in class has been torture. I miss you. Dont you miss me?"

  He looks skeptical. His head is cocked to the side, as if hes not quite sure hes hearing correctly. "You know Im still in the Blood. "

  "I know. Ill take whatever you can give me, Alex. "

  "Ill never be able to meet your expectations. "

  "What if I tell you I wont have any expectations?"

  He takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly. I can tell hes thinking hard about this, because his expression turns serious. "Ill tell you what," he says. "You keep me company while I finish my dinner. I wont even ask you what you have . . . or dont have . . . under that coat. Deal?"

  I smile tentatively and smooth down my hair. "Deal. "

  "You dont have to do that for me," he says, gently taking my hand away from my hair. "Ill get a blanket so you dont get dirty. "

  I wait until he pulls a clean light green fleece blanket out of a closet.

  We sit on the blanket and Alex looks at his watch. "Want some?" he asks, pointing to his dinner.

  Maybe eating will calm my nerves. "What is it?"

  "Enchiladas. Miama makes kick-ass enchiladas. " He stabs a small portion with a fork and holds it out to me. "If youre not used to this kind of spicy food--"

  "I love spicy," I interrupt, taking it into my mouth. I start chewing, enjoying the blend of flavors. But when I swallow, my tongue slowly catches on fire. Somewhere behind all the fire theres flavor, but the flames are in the way.

  "Hot," is all I can say as I attempt to swallow.

  "I told you. " Alex holds out the cup hed been drinking from. "Here, drink. Milk usually does the trick, but I only have water. "

  I grab the cup. The liquid cools my tongue, but when I finish the water its as if someone stokes it again. "Water . . . ," I say.

  He fills another cup. "Here, drink more, though I dont think itll help much. Itll subside soon. "

  Instead of drinking it this time, I stick my tongue in the cold liquid and keep it there. Ahhh . . .

  "You okay?"

  "To I wook otay?" I ask.

  "With your tongue in the water like that, actually, its erotic. Want another bite?" he asks mischievously, acting like the Alex I know.

  "Mo mank ooh. "

  "Your tongue still burnin?"

  I lift my tongue from the water. "It feels like a million soccer players are stomping on it with their cleats. "

  "Ouch," he says, laughing. "You know, I heard once that kissin reduces the fire. "

  "Is that your cheap way of telling me you want to kiss me?"

  He looks into my eyes, his dark gaze capturing mine. "Querida, I always want to kiss you. "

  "Im afraid it wont be that easy, Alex. I want answers. Answers first, then kissing. "

  "Is that why you came here naked underneath that jacket?"

  "Who says Im naked underneath?" I say, leaning close.

  Alex sets down his plate.

  If my mouth is still burning, I hardly notice. Now is my time to get the upper hand. "Lets play a game, Alex. I call it Ask a Question, Then Strip. Every time you ask a question, you have to remove an article of clothing. Every time I ask, I have to remove one. "

  "I figure I can ask seven questions, querida. How many you got?"

  "Take it off, Alex. You asked your first question. "

  He nods in agreement and kicks off his shoe.

  "Why dont you start with your shirt?" I ask.

  "You do realize you asked a question. I think thats your cue--"

  "I did not ask a question," I insist.

  "You asked me why I dont start with my shirt. " He grins.

  My pulse quickens. I pull down my pom skirt, keeping my long jacket tightly closed. "Now its four. "

  Hes trying to stay aloof, but his eyes show a hunger Ive seen before. And that silly grin is definitely gone as he licks his lips.

  "I need a cigarette bad. Its too bad I quit again. Four you say?"

  "That sounded suspiciously like a question, Alex. "

  He shakes his head. "No, smart-ass, that wasnt a question. Nice try, though. Um, lets see. Whats the real reason you came here?"

  "Because I wanted to show you how much I love you," I say.

  Alex blinks a couple of times, but beyond that he shows me no emotion. This time he lifts his shirt over his head. He flings it to the side, baring his bronzed, washboard stomach.

  I kneel next to him, hoping to tempt him and throw him off balance. "Do you want to go to college? The truth. "

  He hesitates. "Yes. If my life was different. "

  I kick off a sandal.

  "Did you ever have sex with Colin?" he asks.

  "No. "

  He takes off his right shoe, his eyes never leaving mine.

  "Did you ever do it with Carmen?" I ask.

  He hesitates. "You dont want to hear this. "

  "Yes, I do. I want to know everything. How many people youve been with, the first person you slept with . . .

  He rubs the back of his neck, as if theres a tension knot there hes trying to relieve. "Thats a lot of questions. " He hesitates. "Carmen and I . . . so, um, yeah, we had sex. The last time was in April, before I found out she was sleepin around. Before Carmen is a bit of a blur. Thats when I went through a year-long period where it felt like I dated a different girl every few weeks. And slept with most of em. It was fucked up. "

  "Did you always use protection?"

  "Yeah. "

  "Tell me about the first time?"

  "My first time was with Isabel. "

  "Isabel Avila?" I ask, totally stunned.

  He nods. "Its not what you think. It happened the summer before freshman year and we both wanted to get the virgin thing over with and find out what all the hype about sex was. It sucked. I fumbled around while she laughed most of the time. We both agreed doin it with a friend who you treated like a sibling was the worst idea. Okay, Ive told you everythin. Now please take that jacket off. "

  "Not yet, muchacho. If youve slept with so many people, how do I know you didnt catch a disease? Tell me you got tested. "

  "At the clinic when I got the staples in my arm, they tested me. Trust me, Im clean. "

  "I am, too. Just in case you were wondering. " I remove my other sandal, glad he didnt make me feel stupid or give me crap for asking more than one question. "Your turn. "

  "Do you ever think about makin love to me?" He slides off a sock before I even answer his question.

  CHAPTER 52 Alex

  "Yes," she answers. "Do you think about making love with me?"

  I lie awake most nights, fantasizing about sleeping next to her . . . loving her. "Right now, muneca, makin love to you is the only thing on my mind. " I check my watch. Ive got to go soon. Drug dealers dont give a shit about your personal life. I cant be late, but I want Brittany so damn bad. "Your coats next. You sure you want to keep goin?"

  I slip off my other sock. The only things preventing me from being naked are my jeans and briefs.

  "Yes, I want to keep going. " She smiles wide, her beautiful pink lips glistening in the light. "Turn off the lights before I . . . take my coat off. "

  I turn off the shop lights, watching as she stands on the blanket and unbuttons her coat with trembling fingers. Im in a trance, especially when she looks at me with those clear eyes shining with desire.

  As she opens her coat slowly, my eyes are fixed on the present inside. She walks toward me, then trips on a discarded shoe.

  I catch her, then place her on the soft blanket and settle atop her.

  "Thanks for breaking my fall," she says breathlessly.

  I brush a strand of hair from her face, then move beside her. When she wraps her arms around my neck, all I want to do is protect this girl for the rest of my life. I ease her jacket open and lean away. A pink lace bra stares back at me. Nothing else.

  "Como un angel," I whisper.

  "Is our game over?" she asks nervously.

  "Its definitely over, querida. Cause what were gonna do next is no game. "

  Her manicured fingers are on my chest. Can she feel my heart beating against her palm? "I brought protection," she says.