Page 5 of Gabe

  Relaxing against him, Josephine said, “The ISS has an orbital inclination of fifty-one point sixty-five degrees. It completes one orbit in roughly ninety-three minutes, but that would only be observable at night and, depending on its position relative to that of the sun, infrequently. It has passed over this area, but factoring in the changes in the ground track as it shifts westward and the variation in length of days over a calendar year, I’d say seeing it tonight is possible but highly improbable.” Gabe frowned down at her as if she’d suddenly become a puzzle to him, and she realized she’d relaxed too much. She rounded her eyes, smiled brightly, and said, “I like the science channel.”

  His eyes held hers and he frowned more. “Are your eyes blue?”

  Oh, shit. I’m not wearing my contacts. “Yes.”

  “Were they blue when we met?”

  She wasn’t about to tell him they hadn’t been. “That’s an odd question.”

  “I remember thinking you had beautiful dark eyes.”

  She stiffened and shifted away from him. “You’re confusing me with someone else. How flattering for me.”

  He caught her chin in his hand and held it, forcing her to look up at him again. “I have to be more tired than I thought. I don’t know why I thought they were brown, but, believe me, I haven’t thought of another woman since we met. In fact, I’m finding it difficult to come up with coherent conversation when all I can think about is how much I want to kiss you.”

  Oh, yes. Yes, please.

  She pulled her face away and gave herself an internal shake. What am I doing? I need to end this now while I still mean nothing to him.

  He took her hand in his and laid it on his thigh. “But I won’t. It may kill me, but I’m waiting for you to kiss me.”

  She studied his expression. He meant it. He would wait for her to make the first move. She didn’t trust many people, but for some reason, she felt she could trust him. He seemed like a man who stood by what he said. That was more than could be said for most of her so-called friends who had claimed to care about her but had instantly believed the worst of her when Raymean had accused her of taking their designs. “You’ll wait a while.”

  He smiled. “I’d expect nothing less from a woman in that nightgown.”

  She didn’t want to like him, but she found herself starting to, and it scared her. He was strong and confident, but that wasn’t what drew her to him the most. There was integrity beneath his ambitious veneer. He also had a sense of humor when it came to himself that tore right through her defenses and made her want to forget about everything else and smile along with him. There was so much she didn’t know about him, so much she wanted to. She half hoped she’d discover something awful about him, something that would make it easier to walk away from him. She half hoped she wouldn’t, because even if nothing came of it, it was nice to think that someone like him was possible. Improbable, like viewing the ISS on a random evening beneath the stars. “You said you had a renovation team. Are you in construction?”

  His hand tightened on hers. “Real estate. What did you do before you came here?”

  I shouldn’t have asked a personal question. It opened the door for him to do the same. “Do?”

  “For a job.”

  The best cover stories were loosely based on the truth. Those were easiest to remember. “I worked with my father.”


  “Odd jobs here and there.”

  He ran a hand up and down her arm in a light caress. “What kind of work was it?”

  Josephine tilted her head up at the sky. “Do you see the light just below the moon? That’s Saturn. People think of it as the only planet with rings, but that’s incorrect. All the giant gas planets have them, but they’re thin and nearly impossible to see. Rock planets like Earth and Mars don’t have rings.”

  His hand stilled on her arm. “Are you in some kind of trouble?”

  She removed her hand from his leg and shifted away from him again. “Of course not.”

  “Then why so secretive?”

  “I’m not. Listen we only met today. I’m sorry if I’m not ready to spill my whole life to you.”

  He looked at her for a long moment. “You’re right. I’m pushing.” He paused, then added, “I have a confession to make.”

  “You do?” She swallowed hard. Is this where he admits he is having me investigated? Demands to know the truth about me?

  “I’ve never liked surprises. I’m good at what I do because I make sure I have all the facts before I make a move. I came to see you tonight because I have a question for you.”

  Oh, God. “You do?” Breathe. I can’t let him see I’m scared. I can talk my way out of whatever he asks if I stay calm.

  “Where are we going tomorrow? I only brought suits with me. If you want to do anything outdoors, I should stop somewhere and get more appropriate clothing.”

  He’s worried about not having the right attire for our day together? Relief flooded through Josephine. She started to laugh so hard tears poured down her cheeks.

  Her reaction seemed to confuse him. “It’s a legitimate question. My brother Hunter says I’m not as adventurous as he is. I am, but let’s be honest, hiking isn’t going to happen in Stephano Bemers.”

  The more she laughed, the more offended he started to look. She didn’t have the words or the courage to explain her reaction, but she gave in to an impulse and kissed his adorably pursed mouth.

  There weren’t too many times in his life when Gabe could say he’d truly been taken by surprise. This was one of them. He had still been trying to determine if she was laughing or crying and what he’d said that would inspire either from her then—wham. Her lips were on his and all thinking stopped.

  He pulled her across his lap and deepened their kiss with a hunger unlike any he’d experienced. Nothing mattered beyond the feel of her in his arms, her mouth opening to his, her arms sliding up around his neck. She was as sweet as he’d imagined and as bold. Her tongue danced with his as she buried a hand in the back of his hair.

  He kissed his way to her ear then down to the high neckline of her gown. Her ragged breathing urged him on. Through the thick material of her gown he caressed her breast. Wanting more of her, he ran his hand down her leg, seeking the hem. When the cloth went on and on he thought of the man who had bought it for her and came abruptly back to reality with a chuckle. “Your father chose your sleepwear well. I feel like a teenager sneaking a kiss and feeling guilty about it.”

  Desire burned in her eyes, but she buried her face in his neck. “I’m an idiot. I shouldn’t have kissed you; I’m not ready for this. I just can’t think straight around you.”

  “I am similarly affected.” He hugged her to his chest and let out a long, calming breath. With her position across his lap there was no need to say what he wanted. Proof of his need for her was prominent, and he enjoyed every time she shifted against it. Still, he was a man, not a boy. With age came control and the ability to distinguish recreational sex from complicated sex. Josie wasn’t the type of woman a man had once and walked away from. She would require sex to come packaged in some level of relationship. At least, that was his impression of her.

  But I don’t know because I met her today.


  I should be taking her out to dinner, asking her what her favorite wine is. I shouldn’t be holding her like I’ve known her forever. She shifted her ass, and he groaned with pleasure. Letting his body, rather than common sense, decide how to proceed with her was dangerous. It didn’t care that he knew next to nothing about her. It wanted to hold her, own her, give itself over to her.

  Too much. Too fast.

  But so damn good I don’t want the weekend to end.

  “I should go,” she said softly.

  “You should,” he said, but didn’t move to release her. He tucked her head beneath his chin and simply held her, gently running a hand through her long hair.

  “This doesn’t mean—”

?I know.” He kissed the top of her head.

  She sighed and relaxed against his chest. “I wish you weren’t so nice. I don’t want to like you.”

  He laughed at that. “Would it help if I said I don’t want to like you either, but my dick finds you irresistible?”

  Another woman might have been offended, but she arched one of her eyebrows with a straight face and said, “It has good taste.”

  He swatted her bottom lightly and she laughed. In that moment he could imagine her in his house, his bed, sharing coffee with him before work. It was an uncomfortably vivid image that shook him.

  Josie touched the side of his face gently. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing,” he said, amazed at how she was more attuned to his mood than women he’d dated for months. Their connection was new, but real. He needed to lighten the mood. “So, what did you decide you want to do tomorrow?”

  “There is a place in town that rents ATVs. Would you be interested in seeing some of the area?”

  “I grew up here,” he answered automatically and regretted not considering how she’d take it.

  “Oh, of course. There isn’t much as far as entertainment around here, but we could go for a hike. Or sit on the beach at the lake for a bit. It’s beautiful there. If there’s time, there is a new museum that was built last year.”

  “Full day.” It sounded as though she was trying to keep both of them busy, which might not be such a bad idea. As she spoke, though, he realized that almost everything she wanted to do was possible on the ranch. Memories of swimming with his brothers in the run-off creek down in the valley brought a nostalgic smile to his lips. There was one spot in it that was almost deep enough for diving. He wondered if the rope still hung from the tree beside it. It suddenly felt important to revisit the places that had brought him happiness as a child, and he wanted Josie at his side when he did. “My father always kept ATVs in the garage. They’re probably still there. Why don’t we take them down into the valley? I’m here to see the property one last time. I might as well see all of it.”

  Her smile looked strained. “That makes sense.”

  He cursed himself for bringing up the sale of the ranch. She was probably worried about where she’d go next. “Josie, no matter what happens with this place, I’ll make sure—” He stopped because he didn’t know what the hell he could promise her. “It’ll be at least a month before anything happens.”

  She nodded. “I’ll be fine.”

  Not sure how to make her feel better and not ready to offer more than letting her stay until the sale, he said, “I’m heading to town early and picking up a few things. Do you want to join me?”

  She blinked a few times as she considered his offer. “No. I’ll sleep in. What time do you think you’ll be back?”


  “I’ll be ready.” She slid off his lap, and he let her go.

  He stood as she darted down the steps. He opened his mouth, then closed it because he didn’t want her to leave, but he sure as hell didn’t want to say it. The outline of her rushing across the driveway in her long nightgown reminded him of a cover on some historical novel. Everything about meeting her was surreal enough that he could be convinced he’d crashed his car on the drive down and was actually in a coma, dreaming.

  She stopped just before entering the guest house and waved. There was no light behind her, nothing revealed by her very chaste nightgown, but that didn’t stop him from imagining every inch of her—vividly. Still sporting a boner, he waved back. Ending the night early had been the right thing to do, but that didn’t make it any easier to watch her go.


  Chapter Five

  At eight thirty the next morning, Gabe drove down the driveway and Josephine sprinted to her hidden lab in the main garage. She didn’t let herself think about the night before or how tenderly he’d held her after their kiss. If she were going to survive this, she needed to remain focused.

  She knew she wouldn’t be able to pack everything in the hour and a half he’d be gone, so she decided to remove just the bike and computers. She drove the bike to the guest house and stashed it in one of the bedrooms. She boxed her server and desktop computers and shuttled each container to closets in the guest house. Time flew by too quickly. It was a quarter to ten by the time she stashed her fifth load into the hallway closet.

  She swore when she heard the sound of car tires on the gravel. A quick look in the mirror confirmed her fears. She was sweaty and flushed. No way would he believe she just woke up. She bolted for the shower and calmed her nerves beneath a cool spray.

  Images of Gabe kept popping into her head, and she kept pushing them away. She tingled all over whenever she thought of how good it had felt to sit with him, to feel his strong thigh beneath her hand. I was tired last night and feeling sorry for myself. Add a dash of lonely and that explains why I kissed him. It doesn’t mean anything, and I’m lucky he didn’t take it as an invitation for more. Now I just need to keep him out of the garage. He lived here. He’s going to notice the wall I put up.

  The ATVs.


  I forgot to move them to the driveway. Crap.

  She threw on jeans, a T-shirt, and tennis shoes. A peek out the window confirmed he was already back in the main house with his purchases. Maybe I can beat him there. She threw her damp hair into a ponytail and rushed out of the guest house.

  She came to a skidding stop when she saw him walking across the driveway toward her. The smile that spread across his face at the sight of her sent her heart into a crazy beat. She found herself smiling back despite the panic welling within her.

  “Morning,” he said lazily. “I am now officially ready for anything.” He referenced his casual attire.

  Me, too.

  Gabe in a suit was gorgeous. Gabe in jeans was decadent. The tan cotton of his shirt highlighted his muscular shoulders and flat stomach. The jeans were just tight enough to show off his amazing thighs. Her eyes skimmed over the part of him that had befuddled her brain the night before and could almost feel it’s delicious hardness pulsing against her derriere. It seemed to be growing again beneath her gaze. She tore her eyes upward to meet his. “Good morning.” Her voice sounded breathless and excited.

  He closed the distance between them and cupped her face between both of his hands. “It is good.” His kiss was brief, but toe-curling. When he lifted his head she wanted nothing more than to pull his mouth back to hers, but she didn’t. There was still a small sliver of sanity in her, and she clung to it rather than him.

  Think. You can do this. “We should probably take bottled water with us. Do you have any in the house?”

  “I do.” He looked mildly disappointed by her reaction to the kiss.

  Too bad. We can’t all have what we want, can we? “If you get the water, I’ll take the ATVs out.”

  He frowned then nodded. “I’ll be right back.”

  Josephine drove one ATV out of the garage in record time. She would have had the second one out, but it didn’t start. Shit. She scrambled to check if it had gas. It did. She tried to start it again. Nothing.

  Gabe walked into the garage just as she was looking around for a third option. He stood in the middle of the garage and said, “Isn’t it amazing how different everything looks when you’re young? I used to think this garage was enormous, but it’s not.”

  Before he looked too closely at why, Josephine knew she had to get him out of there. She rushed to his side and led him toward the ATV in the driveway. “Yes, amazing. I knew one of the ATVs worked because I’ve seen Frank out on it, but the other one was dead. We’ll have to share.”

  His easy smile returned. “I’ll suffer through somehow.” He placed the waters in a saddlebag on the back of the vehicle and climbed onto it. “The gas tank is full. Let’s test it out.”

  Josephine climbed on behind him. She held on to his sides, but left a distance on the seat between them.

  “I almost forgot something,” he
said and hopped off the vehicle with an agility that revealed how comfortable he’d once been on one.

  Josephine held her breath as she watched him stride back into the garage. It’s nothing. He doesn’t suspect anything.

  “I don’t want you to get killed on our second date.” He tossed a helmet to her and put one on himself. “If I remember right, some of the trails are rocky. Safety is never a bad idea.”

  He slid back in front of her and she gripped his sides again. I’m trying. I’m trying to play it safe, but it’s not easy.

  Sexy and he cares about my safety? He’s what I’ve been missing.

  He didn’t drive like a man who waited for all the information before making a move. He flew down the driveway and across the field at a speed that took her by surprise. Speed didn’t scare her, but the combination of wild abandon and rocky terrain was enough to almost send her tumbling off the back. She wrapped her arms around him, plastered herself to his back, and held on for dear life.

  He stopped at the beginning of one of the trails. “My brothers and I rode every inch of this ranch a hundred times over. I forgot how fun it can be.”

  “Says the man with an Aston Martin.”

  He smiled back at her. “That was a gift I have every intention of using as an investment piece, after I fix the ding.”

  “Where’s the fun in that?”

  His eyes held hers for a long moment. “Fun hasn’t been a priority of mine since,” he scanned his memories, “since I left here.”

  “When your mother died.”

  His muscles rippled beneath her touch. “Yes. She loved the ranch and made it a magical place for all of us. Strange, I haven’t thought much about her or the ranch until I came back here. I guess I closed the door on that part of my life.”

  Josephine’s hold around his waist became a full body hug. She understood all too well how sometimes going on required shutting a piece of yourself down. Otherwise, loss simply hurt too much. “You don’t sound like you want to sell it.”