Page 10 of Something Wicked


  The lobby of Epic magazine was an expansive open space decorated in beige and bright yellow. The woman behind the receptionist desk smiled brightly as she tapped away at her keyboard.

  “Can I help you?” Her eyes finally left the screen and as recognition hit her, she let out a strangled squeal before composing herself. She must be new.

  “I’m here to see Gabriela Slone.”

  “Yes, sir. Of course. She is on the third floor, first door on the left.”

  I smiled, thanking her before slipping into an empty, open elevator, pressing the door close button before anyone could join me.

  As the doors popped open, I moved into the narrow hall that led to a large open area surrounded by office doors. My eyes locked on Gabriela, her head bowed as she looked at her computer screen, oblivious to my presence.

  “A development huh?”

  She jumped, her head snapping up to look at me. “I hope that’s code for you want to fuck me on your desk.” I laughed as her cheeks tinged pink before she scowled.

  “Please close the door.”

  “What’s going on?” I asked, sinking down in the chair in front of her desk, worried that she didn’t even smile.

  “Do you want the bad news or the awful news?”

  Rubbing my hand over my chin, I tried to hide my laugh. “Just start from the beginning.”

  “Okay. Julia wants me to interview her.”

  “Why?” I leaned forward, resting my elbows on my knees, biting back the anger that always followed talking about Julia.

  “I have no idea. I am supposed to call her, but I wanted to speak to you first.”

  “Gabby, this is your job. Maybe she just wants an interview.” I didn’t want to let her know how pissed I was, but if Julia wanted to say something, it was best she did it with Gabriela and not someone else. Hopefully, she would spin the story so I didn’t look like a complete asshole.

  Smirking she dipped her head.


  “You called me Gabby again.”

  “What else did you want to tell me?”

  Clicking at her keyboard she turned the screen, flinching as my eyes danced over our pictures together.

  “What the fuck is this, Gabriela?” I couldn’t hide the shock from my face. Was she blackmailing me?

  “These were sent to me. I have no idea who but they obviously know where I live and they even knew about Tyler and where he works.”

  I sighed, running my hand roughly over my hair. “You should have told me this before I came over here.”

  “I told you not to come. You wouldn’t listen.”

  “It’s just paparazzi... or a fan. Maybe one of your colleagues?”

  “This isn’t one of those magazines. Aren’t you worried?”

  “Why would I be worried? This person is trying to get your attention or to get you to stay away from me. This happens all of the time and usually it’s harmless.”

  “What if it’s not?”

  “I’ll send my cousin Levi over to keep an eye on you if it makes you feel better. Okay? He’s good with computers, maybe he can figure out who sent this. Julia probably wants you to break the story of our split to make it look like her idea. If it gets her off my back, I say go for it.”

  Chapter twenty-three


  Drake’s eyes lingered on me as I contemplated what he’d said. I knew I overreacted a lot, but this felt like it was more dangerous than Liz or Drake was making it out to be.

  “I appreciate you sending someone to look out for me.”

  “I’d come myself, but that’s how we got ourselves into this mess.” His eyebrow rose and I laughed, letting go of the tension.

  “Do you want me to call you after I speak to Julia?”

  “Call her now.” He sank back in his seat, slouching as his fingers rubbed over his jaw. My eyes drifted down his faded, dark blue t-shirt that stretched across his muscular chest to the dark denim that was snug against his thighs.

  “Now? While you’re sitting here, you want me to call your girlfriend.”

  “Ex,” he bit out, the muscles in his jaw jumping under the taut flesh. “Are you afraid she will know I’m here?”

  “No. I just think it will be awkward.”

  “It’s time to be a big girl and do your job.” His eyes narrowed slightly and I could feel my skin heat from anger, but I did my best to tamper it. Drake loved to piss me off just to watch me get flustered. I wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction.

  Flipping open the folder on my desk I mumbled, “I never would have had a one-night stand with you if I knew it would put me in the middle of your domestic drama.”

  He laughed deeply, his head falling back as his hand went to his chest. “One night? That hurts. I was really looking forward to bending you over that desk.”

  “Were you?” I fought against the smile that tugged at the corners of my mouth. “Sorry to disappoint you but we won’t be doing anything like that in here. I hope you didn’t waste a trip over here because you thought you would get laid.”

  He swallowed, his eyes dancing over my chest and back to my face, evidently amused. “Stop stalling. Make the call.”

  “Fine.” Narrowing my eyes, I picked up the receiver and dialed the number scrawled across the page in Liz’s chicken scratch.

  After several rings, a woman answered sounding more cheerful than I anticipated given her recent split.

  “Ms. Mayfield, this is Gabriela Slone from Epic magazine. You had left a message for me to call you for an interview.”

  “I’d feel more comfortable doing this face to face.” She mumbled something to someone else that I couldn’t decipher, but it sounded like she was barking orders. “How about we meet for lunch? Perhaps this Wednesday?”

  “Wednesday. That sounds great. Do you have a time that is good for you?”

  “Lunch at Deacon. I trust you’ve heard of it?”

  “Yes, of course. That will be perfect. I’ll see you then.”

  Without another word, Julia hung up, ending our awkward conversation. Drake’s eyes were locked on mine, waiting for me to elaborate. Blowing out a heavy sigh, I hung up the phone and shook my head.

  “We are having lunch on Wednesday.”

  “Oh no,” he shook his head, his expression turning grave.

  “What?” Panic settled in my chest as I waited for him to drop some grim news on me.

  “Well,” he leaned forward, bowing his head as he rubbed his hand roughly across the back of his neck. “It’s been my experience that dinner is the easiest way to get between your legs.” He looked up at me, a smirk spread across his face. I grabbed my pen and tossed it at him, causing it to bounce off his chest.

  “You’re such an asshole.”

  “So I’ve been told.” He grabbed the pen and stood. “You’re going to pay for that.” His eyebrow rose as he rounded my desk. I pushed back in my chair, rolling back a foot but stopping as I hit the cord that stretched across the floor to my computer. Drake bent down, a hand on each arm of my chair as he leaned closer, a mere inch from my face. My mouth went dry and I ran my tongue over my lips as I looked up at him.

  “I can’t stop thinking about that mouth of yours.” He raised his hand slowly and rubbed the pad of his thumb over my lower lip, tugging it down slightly before his mouth crashed into mine.

  Sliding my fingers into his hair I pulled him closer as our tongues fought for control of the kiss. I was breathless, my lips swollen when he finally pulled away. His eyes went to the door and back to me.

  “That’s a pretty little skirt.” His fingers trailed up the side of my right thigh, pushing the fabric higher until he skimmed the underwear on my hip. His finger slid over the crease of my thigh and I gasped as they moved over the thin cotton in the place I wanted him the most. “Do you think I can make you come without you making too much noise?” He pressed against me and my back arched into his touch.

  “You’re going to get me f
ired,” I whispered.

  “Then I better make it worth it.” His mouth was on mine as his fingers slid the thin fabric to the side so he could feel how wet I was for him. I panted into his mouth, my hips moving in rhythm with his touch.

  I did a quick mental scan of who I’d seen today. On our floor, Liz was the only other person working beside Gus, who would be in later to vacuum and water plants. For once, I was thankful I chose to work on Saturdays when the rest of the world tended to their social lives.

  Drake sank to his knees, glancing up at me as he tugged on my panties. Lifting my hips, I let him slide them down my thighs and over my nude flats before he shoved them into the pocket of his jeans with a wicked smirk. His long fingers hooked behind my knees and he pulled my bottom closer to the edge of the chair, and his body was between my legs.

  “I have not been able to stop thinking about how good you taste.” Bending, he places a light kiss on the inside of my thigh.

  “Someone is going to come in here,” my voice was breathy and I shook my head.

  “I don’t care,” He growled as he pressed another kiss to my warm flesh, moving further up my thigh. His fingers gripped my flesh possessively, turning what would be a tender moment into something much more animalistic. “But if you want to fight me, I won’t mind.” His eyebrow had risen before he dipped his head again, nipping my skin lightly with his teeth.

  I jumped with a quiet yelp before testing the waters of his suggestion. “We shouldn’t be doing this,” I moaned.

  “Then stop me.”

  My hands slid into his dark hair and I tugged lightly as I pressed myself against his mouth, hoping her wouldn’t stop.

  “I really thought you’d be mad after what I’d told you.”

  “I’m fucking pissed, but right now all I want to do is taste you.” He pressed his mouth against the apex of my thighs and a sigh escaped my lips as I let my eyes flutter closed. He licked and nipped at my sensitive flesh as my body shook beneath him.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  I could devour Gabriela’s sweet cunt every day and never grow tired of the small pants and whimpers that fell from her lips. She wasn’t accustomed to being pleasured and was more than grateful for the attention.

  But even with my head between her smooth thighs, my mind was preoccupied with the interview Julia had requested. After I’d seen the pictures that someone had e-mailed to Gabriela, it worried me that Julia may be aware of our sexual relationship.

  I’d long grown tired of her manipulative games and couldn’t be rid of her fast enough. She wouldn’t be happy until she destroyed everything I’d built for myself and I had to make sure she had disappeared before she was given that opportunity.

  Besides, I was growing fond of Gabriela and didn’t want her vision of me tainted by Julia’s fabrications.

  “That feels so good,” she panted as I slipped a finger into her wet pussy, my thumb pressed against her clit as I fucked her with my hand.

  “Imagine how good it would feel if it was my cock.” I watched her brows pull together as her lips fell open. She was growing close and I wanted to feel her body tighten around me. “Stand up.” I held out my hand and waited for her to place her thin fingers in my palm before pulling her to her feet. Turning her around, I pushed my hand down between her shoulder blades to bend her over her desk like I’d wanted to do the moment I walked in here.

  “Someone could come in here any moment,” she whispered as I gripped her hips, pulling her ass back before flipping her skirt up to expose her.

  “Then we better stop talking and make this quick.” Unzipping my pants, I freed my cock and pressed my head against her damp folds, teasing her as I pushed forward slowly. Her fingers gripped the edge of the desk as she let her head fall.

  “I want to spend the night with you again,” I whispered as I rocked my hips, seating myself completely inside of her.

  “That's not a good idea,” her words came out in a breathy pant.

  “A hotel?” I rocked again, painfully slow. I was struggling not to fuck her the way my body craved, hard and rough. But I didn’t want her to lose her job. I pulled back leaving only my head inside of her as her body clenched around me. I bent my body over her so I could be closer to her ear. “Say yes.”


  As the word left her lips, I straightened and slammed into her, groaning at the tightness of her pussy. I adjusted my grip on her hips before slamming into her again and again, desperate to fill her with my seed. I wanted the dampness between her thighs to remind her that I had been there for the rest of the day.

  With a final thrust, my body stilled and I came hard as her walls tightened around me rhythmically, milking me of every last drop. I leaned over her, struggling to catch my breath before pulling out of her body, wincing at the sudden coldness of the air.

  “Leave with me. I want to spend the rest of the day doing this.” I tucked my cock inside of my boxer briefs before zipping my jeans.

  Gabriela pulled her skirt down over her perfect ass and stood to face me on shaky legs.

  “Some of us have to work for a living.”

  “Oh, come on, Gabby. That felt like a workout to me.” When I winked, her eyes narrowed letting me know we were back to fighting, our own twisted form of foreplay. Sliding my hand over her cheek and into her hair I pulled her closer so I could press my lips to hers. “Keep pretending you hate me. I love it.” Smirking I rounded her desk and pulled open her office door. She quickly ran her fingers through her hair, worried about her appearance, but she’d never looked more beautiful.

  “Wait, you have my...” she stuttered as she pointed toward my pocket but couldn’t bring herself to say out loud that she wanted her panties back.

  “Come see me tonight and I might give them back.”

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  It was impossible to focus on anything work related once Drake had left my office. Pulling up my manuscript I began to write, filling in another explicit encounter with my two main characters.

  My cheeks burned as I thought over our recent meeting. I splayed my fingers over the old oak desk in front of me, wondering if all of this was some sort of fantasy, another story I’d concocted in the recesses of my subconscious. But I could still smell Drake’s cologne, thick and cumbersome in the stale air of my tiny corner of the world. The tickling burn of his stubbled cheek on my inner thigh still left a lingering tingle on my flesh.

  I typed until my fingers ached and I had to rub my wrists to soothe the tightness of my joints. There was a quick knock at my door before it opened, a smiling Liz popping her heads inside.

  “I’m going to take my work home and relax with a cup of tea. Care to join me?”

  “No, thank you. I have plans.” I struggled to keep my face neutral but Liz’s eyes narrowed and I knew she could tell something was going on.

  “With Tyler?”

  Groaning I clicked save on my work and pushed my desk chair back so I could slip my feet back into my flats. “Are you going to lecture me now?”

  “You know I want you to enjoy your life more than anyone, Gabby. But be careful about what you’re doing. These Hollywood types aren’t known for their commitment.”

  “We are just friends.” I looked up at her, making sure to maintain eye contact to get my point across but I knew she wasn’t buying it.

  “Did you show him the pictures?”

  “Of course.”

  “And who did he think was behind them?” Folding her arms over her chest, she leaned against the door frame.

  “Are you asking as a friend or as my boss looking for a story?”

  “I am asking as family, Gabby. I think we have known each other long enough to be able to call ourselves that.”

  “He thinks it's paparazzi or a fan. He didn’t seem worried about it at all.”

  “And now you’re no longer worried?”

  Standing, I clicked to sign out of my email and picke
d up my beige shoulder bag. “You looked at me like I was crazy and now you’re worried that I’m not over-thinking it enough?”

  “Gabby, I just want you to be careful. What you see on the big screen is not the man you are taking to your apartment. I’m sure Drake is a decent man, but you need to take things slow. Get to know him.”

  I nodded, unable to think of an argument. She was right. I shouldn’t have jumped head first into something, but it was already too late and I didn’t want to admit that I was becoming infatuated with him. Besides, he was going to have someone watch over me until we figured out who was behind all of this.

  “I’ll take it slow.” Rounding the desk, I stopped in front of Liz, wrapping my arm around her and pulling her against me for a chaste hug. “You don’t have to worry about me.” Smiling she stepped out of the way to let me leave.

  I couldn’t get outside fast enough, the air feeling like it was growing more oppressive with each breath. But the last thing I wanted to think about was the consequences.

  I typed out a text message to Drake asking where and when he wanted to meet as my eyes scanned the busy street. His response came only a moment later telling me to meet him at eight o’clock at Renton Manor, room 43. Fighting against a smile, I slipped inside my car and hurried home to prepare for the evening. My mind was reeling with trying to decide what I would wear.

  My phone buzzed as it began to ring and my smile faded as I looked at the screen that read Tyler’s name. There was no point in ignoring him. Regardless of how our relationship had deteriorated, Tyler was one of the few people I knew out here and I didn’t want to cut off ties completely, just because we weren’t compatible.


  “Gabby, I was wondering if you wanted to meet up for dinner.”

  “Remember what happened last time we attempted to have dinner? I’m still struggling to clean rice out of my sink.”

  Tyler laughed and a twinge of guilt washed over me. “I have plans this evening.”

  “Then an early dinner. Just to talk. I won’t keep you long.”