Page 9 of Something Wicked

  Slowly, he pulled out of me and I was shocked that he still felt hard. As soon as his cock was free I could the warmth of his come drip out of me to the sheets below. Sitting back on his knees he gazed between my legs, his palm running lightly over my inner thigh.

  “You have such a perfect little pussy, Gabriela. I love the sight of my come spilling out of you. I want to watch until the last drop drips down your ass just so I can fill you up again.”

  I turned my head feeling bashful as he observed me. He rubbed the pad of his thumb over my clit and I felt my body clench at nothingness as a wave of pleasure shot through me causing more of his seed to drip onto my ass.

  “Rest for a moment.” He stood from the bed, his thick cock hanging between his legs. “I’m going to get us a drink.”

  I pushed myself up on my elbows and swung my legs over the edge of the bed.

  “Where are you going?”

  “I was going to clean myself up.”

  He shook his head slowly as his eyes narrowed. “I’m not done with you, Gabriela.”

  He disappeared down the hall and returned a moment later with our two glasses and the bottle of Wild Turkey. He filled our glasses twice before sitting them next to the bottle on my nightstand.

  “I want to watch you come.”

  “Didn’t you do that already?” I asked, raising my eyebrow at him as I laid back on my pillow.

  “I want to see you play with yourself while you look at me.”

  My body was so overly sensitive I wasn’t sure I’d even be able to come again. But the look of lust on Drake’s face made me want to do anything to keep him looking at me that way. It was empowering giving someone else control.

  He laid next to me, propped on his side as he ran his large palm up and down my inner thigh. I was shocked at how quickly my body responded to his touch. I was eager to start it all over again, but the ache inside of me knew it would be too painful.

  “Reach between your legs and touch yourself,” he said quietly. His eyes stayed locked on my face as I slipped my hand between my thighs, immediately coating them in his come. “Rub my come on your clit,” he ordered and I did as I was told, massaging small circles on the sensitive bundle of nerves as he watched.

  My body bucked as I fought against a strangled moan. His hand slid over my hip up to my breast, palming it roughly as I pressed harder against my sore body, wanting to come again for him. His mouth replaced his hand, sucking hard on my nipple before he shifted on top of me. Kissing his way down my stomach, he placed a kiss on the back of my hand as I began to unravel. I bucked, crying out as ecstasy rolled through me in waves.

  My hand fell to my side and my entire body felt heavy. Between the drinks and the sex, I was sure I’d lapse into a coma.

  “Now I’ll clean you up.” Drake stood from the bed and disappeared out the doorway. I head the bathroom light turn on and the sound of running water.

  I awoke to a warm washcloth pressed between my legs, rubbing lightly over me. I groaned but kept my legs spread for him to clean me.

  “I wore you out,” he whispered as he took another cloth to rid me of the soap before pressing his lips gently against my slit.

  “Stay,” I mumbled, exhaustion taking over me again.

  “For a little while.”

  I rolled to my side and a moment later the bed dipped as he crawled in behind me, wrapping his muscular arms around me.

  Chapter twenty


  I listened to Gabriela’s breathing even out and slow as I held her small frame against mine. I knew she would be disappointed when she awoke alone, but I wasn’t one to stick around after a night like we’d had. I showed a side of myself I’d kept hidden for a long time and her inexperience had done something to me. I didn’t know I could be so restrained when I finally let myself go. But what may have been something kinky and taboo for her was merely dirty talk for me. I wasn’t sure she would ever want to do the things I had in mind, and if she did, would she look at me differently afterward?

  But my fears of exposing my true self aside, I still had a car that didn’t belong to me that had to be returned before the cops showed up charging me with theft. I pulled on my clothes as I looked down at Gabriela, illuminated by the moonlight filtering through her curtain. She was so at peace and I only wished I could rest so comfortably.

  I pulled my cell from my pocket and made sure the vehicle would be returned with addition cash passed along to the kind server. I washed our glasses and returned the bottle of liquor to the fridge so it looked like I’d never been there at all.

  Maybe Gabriela would think it was all a dream, the aching between her thighs a figment of her overactive imagination. It would be much better than the reality of the situation. My public breakup with Julia would be messy and dragging Gabriela into that world would be cruel.

  I slipped out of the apartment, locking her door behind me before disappearing into the night. The air was warm but dry and at four in the morning, the world seemed too still in the quiet neighborhood. I walked down the main road, happy to be able to roam freely without the worry of photographers and fans. I almost felt human again.

  I only made it a few blocks before I saw Levi leaning against a sleek black Lincoln Town Car with a smug look on his face.

  “That was fast.”

  “What brings you all the way out here with the common folk?”

  “Fuck off, Levi.” I groaned as he pulled open the back door for me.

  “I was trying to fuck off, but I received an urgent call to pick up your sorry ass.” He slammed the door before I could reply. He hurried around the car and slipped into the driver’s seat, pulling off into the night. “So who is she?”

  “Who?” I stared out the window as I watched the buildings fly by.

  “Stop the bullshit and tell me who this hot piece of ass is.”

  “I don’t pay you to ask questions.”

  “You pay me because I’m your cousin... and not nearly enough might I add. Now spill the dirty details or I’m going to call your girlfriend and tell her you’re whoring yourself all over California.”

  “Shut the fuck up, Levi,” I mumbled as we made our way back to my place. I didn’t give it a second thought as to what I would find when I arrived. All I could think about was Gabriela.

  I hesitated as I stepped through the front door. Glass crunching under the sole of my shoe.

  “She’s on the warpath.” Levi walked around me as he laughed, not bothering to sidestep the shards of a vase that used to sit used upon an ornate pedestal, now laying on its side.

  “Where the hell have you been?” Julia stepped into view, her chest heaving in anger as her dark hair hung in knotted curls around her face.

  “None of your business. I told you to get the fuck out of my house before I returned,” I squared my shoulders, preparing for a fight but instead was welcome to a private show of her pathetic attempt at acting. Slumping against the wall she sobbed loudly, her face buried in her hands. I rolled my eyes, clenching my jaw in frustration. I wasn’t going to comfort her. This needed to end.

  I walked off to my bedroom, desperate for a long shower and a decent nap, but Julia was on my heels, refusing to give me a moment’s peace.

  “I get it. I screwed up. You got me back. You went off and fucked someone didn’t you?” Her voice was so high pitched it hurt my ears, but I let her continue on. Hopefully, she would wear herself out soon and I could get some silence.

  “You're irrational.” I groaned as I pulled my shirt over my head and tossed it on the floor.

  “Did you tell someone we split up? Did you tell the fucking magazines that we were over?”

  I smirked knowing this was her concerned about her reputation, not us. But I hadn’t told anyone or she would know it. “I can’t do this anymore, Jules.” I hoped that using my pet name for her would take the edge off the blow but as I turned around to sit my watch on the dresser, she gasped.

  Glancing over my shoulder I wat
ched her face contort like a monster as she came at me. I spun around, blocking her from connecting with my face, but one of her talon-like nails caught me below the eye.

  “What whore clawed up your back? Was it Jennifer?”

  I grabbed her wrists, pinning them together and against her chest. “I never touched Jennifer, Jules. You know that. She was a co-star, nothing more.”

  “I know how close you like to get with your costars,” she spat angrily and she pulled her hands-free from my grip.

  “Jealousy is a hideous trait,” I snapped.

  The tears began to flow again in an award winning performance. “How could you do this to me?”

  I stepped closer, struggling to keep my composure. “It’s over. I want you gone.”

  Her eyes widened, completely caught off guard as if I hadn’t told her to leave a week ago. “Who... who is she?”

  “Someone you can’t compete with.”

  Her hand went to her chest and she stumbled backward as if she might faint.

  “It’s over, Julia.”

  Chapter twenty-one


  I awoke an hour late for work, my body aching with the delicious and sinful memory of a night spent with Drake. Rolling over, I frowned at the empty space beside me. I didn’t expect him to stay, but I couldn’t help the flash of disappointment that washed over me.

  I ignored the twinge of guilt that Tyler was not there either. Things had been rocky with us for a while and ending things was inevitable. But I couldn’t help but feel like a whore for having a one night stand that same evening.

  I took a long, hot shower, my sore muscles loving the soothing heat. If I didn’t have work today, I would have stayed under the spray until it ran cold. Unfortunately, I did have bills to pay.

  Dressing quickly, I drove to work with a smile permanently etched on my face. If I had any spare time, I planned to knock out a few thousand words in my novel. The illicit time I shared last night with Drake would definitely help me add some steam to my story.

  Liz was preoccupied with a story breaking that she didn’t even seem to notice me arriving late. Things were finally starting to look up.

  Sitting down in front of my computer, I pulled open my manuscript and typed out every sinful detail of the night I’d spent with Drake. My body began heating as I read over my own words of the fantasy we’d shared. I blushed just thinking of him reading over our illicit encounter.

  I logged into my email, my fingers poised over the keys, nervous to send him what I had added. But after the night we shared, there was no reason for me to hide anything from him. I owed it to him for helping me with this breakthrough. I attached the file and clicked send as my eyes scanned my inbox. I paused over a message from an unknown email with the subject line Do you sleep with everyone you interview? I glanced around my small, empty office before clicking the link.

  My eyes scanned the attachments as I sucked in a sharp breath. There was a picture of me getting into Drake’s limo after the event and one of us returning moments later. The next set of pictures showed him coming to my apartment and several of us entering the restaurant. By the time I reached the pictures of him taking me home and then not slipping out until the sky was barely light, did I realize that I hadn’t exhaled. These photos would not only destroy my barely surviving career, but Tyler would be humiliated. I couldn’t even imagine the media attacks Drake would endure. My fingers shook as I typed out a reply.

  You are crossing a line. Stalking and harassment are a crime. If you contact me again, I will be contacting my attorney.

  I hit send as anger coursed through my body. The reply was sent back instantaneously.

  Do you mean Tyler Preston? I’m not sure he’d want to represent you after you show him the pictures.

  My blood ran cold. I couldn’t show Tyler the images and I damn sure couldn’t afford to hire anyone else if this charade continued. I chewed nervously at my thumbnail as I struggled to come up with a solution.

  Grabbing the phone, I dialed Drake’s number, my heart lodged in my throat as it rang, but there was no answer.

  “Dare I ask?” Liz called out from the doorway and I quickly wiped the look of panic on my face.

  “Long night,” I replied and it was the truth. The regret was so all-consuming that I struggled to breathe.

  “The day is about to get worse. You have to actually work today.”

  “Spare me the lecture and tell me what I have to do.”

  “Julia Mayfield would like to grant you an interview.”


  “Are you pretending not to hear me? Is this your new tactic to get out of doing your job?”

  I groaned, rolling my eyes as I withheld a string of expletives. “What is this interview regarding?”

  She dropped a beige folder on my desk. “Perhaps she is looking to stir up some publicity after the premier.” Liz shrugged as if it all made perfect sense, but I knew Drake and Julia had split up. Was she hoping to drag his name through the mud?

  “Perhaps she’s looking to stir up some trouble,” I cleared my throat, wishing I’d just stayed home today. But now that I’d seen those pictures of me from the e-mail, I was scared to even go back there alone.

  “What do you mean?”

  I clicked a few times on my keyboard before turning the screen to face her. Her eyes widened as a smile spread across her face. I was going to hell.

  “I didn’t know movie stars made house calls.” Crossing her arms over her chest she eyed me with something between surprise and adoration.

  “Can we please focus on the fact that someone is following me and sending me pictures of myself?”

  “Have you called the police?”

  “No.” I shook my head as my eyes danced over the screen. “I just found out and the last thing I want to do is show these pictures to anyone else.”

  “Who sent them?”

  “Unknown. But I have a theory.” My chest ached with the betrayal Drake would feel if these pictures hit the internet. There is no way I wouldn’t be blamed given my career.

  “I’m listening,” Liz replied as got closer to examine the pictures.

  “I think John Dolton sent them.”

  “Why the hell would he do that?” She stood upright, shocked.

  “He has this weird jealousy of Drake and I think leaking these would make him look like he got one up on him. It’s just a theory.” I shook my head, feeling like this was the most ridiculous situation ever.

  “Gabby, for once I wish you would stop acting like your life is some sort of suspense novel and think like a journalist. Be realistic. Drake has lots of fans, some willing to camp out outside his home for days just to get a glimpse at him.”

  “You’re right.”

  “I usually am. Now get your shit together and follow up with Julia. Hopefully, she wasn’t sent these same photos.”

  I nodded and watched her disappear in a blur as my eyes teared up. My mother would be so disappointed in me if she saw the predicament I’d gotten myself into now.

  The phone on my desk rang and I shook my head, afraid of who might be on the other end.

  “Hello?” I asked meekly as I lifted the receiver to my ear.

  “I just saw you called. Everything okay?” Drake sounded worried and it made me feel even worse.

  I squeezed my eyes closed as I shook my head again. “There’s been a development.”

  “Gabriela, what happened?”

  “Can we meet?” I hated that I’d have to look him in the eye and tell him I was a horrible person, but I was hoping that maybe he would understand. There is no way he’d want images of what appear to be him cheating getting out, even if he had ended things with Julia.

  “I’ll come get you.”

  “No. That is a terrible idea.” I thought of the pictures of us together. Someone was watching us. They could still be watching us.

  “I said, I’m coming to get you.”

  I sighed, frustrated but unwil
ling to explain why over the phone. I was sure that after he found out what was happening he wouldn’t want to be near me again. I opened my mouth to argue again, but he hung up before I could speak.

  Chapter twenty-two


  Sliding on my shoes, I grabbed my keys and headed for the front door. Levi was leaning against the kitchen counter with a bottle of orange juice against his mouth.

  “Use a fucking cup,” I barked.

  “You can’t leave me here with that crazy bitch. Where are we going?” He put the bottle back in the fridge and began to follow me down the hallway. “I wanted to talk to you about something.”

  “No. I need you to make sure she gets the fuck out of here. I have to go see a friend.”

  “The friend you saw last night?”

  I stopped, turning around to give him a warning glare. He held up his palms facing me as he laughed. “I get it.”

  “If that were true, you’d stop running your mouth before it needs to be wired shut.”

  “Look, I know you and Jules have been fighting a lot lately but taking it out on me isn’t going to help anything.”

  “What happens with me and Jules is none of your business.” I grabbed my keys from the counter and headed for the front door. “Just get her the fuck out of here.”

  Slamming the door behind me I stepped out into the harsh California sun. My mind was racing with what kind of development Gabriela could be talking about.

  I slipped into my black range rover and drove through the gates to my place. Only one car lingered outside and I was able to make a few turns and shake him within a few miles.