Page 12 of Something Wicked

  Rolling off me she turned around and curled against my side. “I can’t believe we just did that.”

  “You have no idea the things I want to do to you.” Pressing my lips to her forehead I wrapped my arm around her and pulled her body tight against mine. “The things I will do to you.”

  Chapter twenty-seven


  Wednesday morning my head was thumping inside of my skull. The idea of coming face to face with Julia Mayfield had me questioning whether or not I should quit my job and head back to Florida with my tail between my legs. But I knew I had nothing waiting for me there and I had to be an adult and face whatever consequences I deserved.

  Spending time with Drake had been an experience like I’d never expected, but now I wasn’t sure if I’d gotten myself in over my head. Tyler hadn’t contacted me since we had our lunch and Drake had been so busy prepping for his next role that I had hadn’t been able to see him since our night in the hotel.

  With a groan, I rolled over in my bed, kicking off my comforter as I swung my arm toward the alarm clock to end the incessant buzzing.

  “Jesus, Gabby. Can you turn that thing off?”

  I groaned louder as I finally hit the annoying machine, knocking it from the nightstand and silencing it for good.

  “I’m starting to believe Drake only sent you here to watch over me so he could get you out of his place.” Throwing my legs over the side of my bed, I rolled my neck and stood, stretching. I’d slept horribly in my new pajamas, but there was no way I would sleep naked with Levi still camping out on my couch.

  “Oh, come on now. I’m fucking delightful,” he called out loudly as I pulled open my bedroom door, glaring at him as he smiled brightly at me, a cup of coffee in each hand. He held one out to me and I snatched it, taking a sip as I glared at him from over the rim. “You could say thank you.”

  Making a sour face I let my mouth full of molten tar seep back into the cup. “Thank you? Are you trying to poison me?”

  I made my way to the kitchen with Levi following close behind me, chuckling.

  “I like my coffee strong enough to put hair on my chest.”

  I eyed him up and down before shaking my head. “Maybe once you hit puberty you’ll grow some body hair. Don’t give up hope just yet.” I dumped my glass in the sink before starting a fresh pot.

  “I’m all man, Gabby. I can prove it if you like.” He cocked his eyebrow and I could see at that moment just how alike he and Drake were, even if neither would admit it.

  “I may be sleep deprived, under-caffeinated and sexually frustrated, but I will still kick your ass.”

  He smiled approvingly like he always did when he got a rise out of me. This witty banter was now part of our routine and as much as I wanted my space back, it was nice not to always be alone.

  Pulling a banana from the bunch on my counter, I peeled it open and took a large bite.

  “So, have you heard from Drake at all?”

  “He texted me last night.”

  “Oh?” I tried not to sound disappointed that I hadn’t heard from him.

  “He’ll call when he can. His schedule gets a little crazy when he is starting a new project and I’m sure Julia hasn’t been making things too easy.”

  “Julia? He’s back at home with her?”

  His face fell like he had said something he shouldn’t have. “It’s nothing to worry about, Gabby. He is just trying to get things straightened out. She isn’t the easiest person to deal with.”

  I nodded, taking another bite of my banana. I had no right to be jealous, but it didn’t lessen the sting. “I’m not worried. I was just hoping to talk to him before I meet with her today.” Trying to sound nonchalant was proving difficult as my voice raised a few octaves. “I should get ready for work.” I dropped my unfinished banana in the trash and padded back to my bathroom. Stripping off my sleepwear, I sighed as my eyes caught my reflection in the mirror. Mousy brown hair compared to Julia’s thick, shiny dark locks. Why did I ever think I could compete with that? Why would I want to?

  Jumping in the shower, I washed away all of my insecurities with lilac scented soap, focusing on the tasks at hand. Before the interview, I wanted to write a few chapters before finishing up an article I was working on for the magazines beauty section.

  I let my mind drift off into the fantasy of my fiction while I finished cleaning myself.


  I fidgeted with the strap of my purse as I watched Julia saunter across the room. She was effortlessly flawless and it made my stomach turn when her eye caught mine with a smile.

  “You must be Gabriela.” Her hand shot out as her eyes appraised me. Pushing my chair back, I stood, swallowing back the lump in my throat as I shook her hand.

  “Yes. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Mayfield.”

  I motioned for her to sit in the seat across from mine as I slid back into my seat. “I must say I was a little shocked when I heard that you’d requested me to do this interview.”

  “I hear you’re good at what you do. At least that’s what Drake has said.” She laughed while tucking her hair behind her diamond studded ear.

  “Well, that’s very kind of him to say.” We both fell silent and I took a sip of my water as the room felt like it was closing in on me. That’s when I saw it, the blinding, princess-cut glacier that hung from her ring finger. My stomach sank as bile rose in my throat.

  “Shall we get started?” Her face lit up as she followed my gaze, spreading her fingers in front of her as she admired the ring. “Oh, I know. It’s ridiculous. But Drake likes to spoil me.”

  “How long have you been engaged?” My voice broke with my spirit as my eyes clouded over with unshed tears.

  “A few weeks. Well, after we found out about...” Her hand went to her stomach as her smile broadened.

  This wasn’t happening. This couldn’t be happening. I knew I’d looked at the world through rose-colored glasses, but there was no way I had been this obtuse. My mind blanked as I thought back to my time I’d spent with Drake.

  We’d always met at hotels or restaurants, but never at his place. I’d assumed it had been because of Julia refusing to leave after they’d split, but he hadn’t contacted me in days even though he’d been able to text with Levi.

  “So I’m still in the first trimester. It’s a shame I had to miss the premiere, but Drake insisted I stayed home, what with the morning sickness and all.” She waved her hand as her other rubbed her stomach affectionately. “Are you alright? You look a little green yourself.”

  “Oh, I'm all right. I just hadn’t slept well.” I waved away her worry while my insides churned. I rattled off a few standard questions as I tried to process the breaking of my heart. It never felt good to be used, but even worse to be humiliated.

  It wasn’t until seeing the glow on Julia’s face that I realized how much I had actually felt for Drake. I finished the interview and left as quickly as possible, desperate to breathe in some supposedly fresh, smog-filled city air.

  I stumbled out onto the sidewalk, needing to put all of this new information behind me and some alcohol into my system. I turned left and wandered down the block, dipping into the first bar I passed.

  A bell chimed above my head as I stepped inside. A few eyes met mine, appraising me as I pulled my purse strap higher on my shoulder and sank down on a bar stool. I was sandwiched between a man who spent more time getting ready today than I had and another who looked like he hadn’t changed his clothes in a week.

  The bartender’s eyebrow raised as he wiped out a glass mug with a white rag.

  “Beer. I don’t care what kind.” Pulling my wallet from my purse, I slid a twenty dollar bill from my thin stack of cash.

  “Bottle or tap?”

  “Um... bottle, I guess.” He nodded, retrieving a bud light and twisting off the cap for me before sliding the bill from the wooden bar top. I took a sip as the nicely dressed man beside me looked at my purse.

a knockoff.” I took another drink as he shook his head and began speaking to the man on the other side of him.

  “Pregnant,” I mumbled to myself as I took another drink. The dirty man with the pungent smell glared at me in disgust.

  “Not me,” I sat up straight, insulted that he thought I was really getting drunk while pregnant.

  I drank in silence for what seemed like hours until my body felt weightless and my heart no longer hurt. Now I was just angry and humiliated.

  Slipping off the bar stool, I stumbled, catching my balance by grabbing the bar before saying goodbye to those around me who had barely said a word to me.

  “Hey, you shouldn’t drive,” the bartender called out to me as I pushed open the glass door.

  “I’m not. I have a friend who lives in the area.” Groaning, I headed out into the night and made my way to my aunt’s house only a few blocks away.

  My aunt wasn’t as pleased to see me as I’d hoped but in my drunken state I hadn’t realized it was after midnight.

  Pulling her housecoat tightly around her body she let me in as she sank down into her recliner where she often fell asleep. Stretching out on the couch, I quickly passed out without a single thought of Drake and his child growing inside of Julia.

  Chapter twenty-eight


  “What do you mean she didn’t come home last night?”

  Levi ran his hands through his hair as he paced the living room floor. “She went to meet Julia for the interview and never came back.”

  “Did you call her?”

  He stopped walking as his eyes locked onto mine. “Did you? She isn’t a fucking puppy, Drake. If you care so God damn much, you should have been there for her.”

  I crossed the room but stopped several feet from him. He was right. But I knew the interview was nothing to worry about. Julia had assured me she was only going to speak about some upcoming projects and her charity work.

  “Maybe she’s with friends or visiting family. Maybe she is with her ex-boyfriend.”

  I thought that over but the reality of the situation was, I had no idea who she knew. I’d never cared to ask. “Fuck.” Shaking my head, I hit the call button on my phone. It had ringed several times before I was given her voicemail. I hung up and dialed again with the same result.

  “Do you know where she was meeting Jules?”

  “Do I know where your girlfriends were meeting up?” He laughed, shaking his head. “Yeah. I know.”

  “Good. Go down to the place and check it out. I’m going to get ahold of Jules and then swing by her apartment.”

  I headed down the hallway to the front door, not waiting for a response from Levi. His smug fucking attitude was driving me crazy, but I knew he didn’t deserve my anger. This was all my fault and I had to make it right.

  I drove across town with my phone in my hand, hitting redial repeatedly with the same results. Julia was only a few miles away getting her hair done before another engagement. Hopefully, she would be able to give me some answers.

  I texted her, asking for her to meet me outside so I could figure out what was going on. Without knowing what the two women had talked about, I had no idea what to expect. I may have been walking into a war zone, but I had to take my chances.

  I parked behind the salon and stepped into the blinding sun, my hands shoved in my jean pockets as I waited for her to emerge.

  Julia walked out of the employee entrance as if floating on a cloud. Even with her hair in rollers she looked red carpet ready in her pale yellow sundress.

  “I didn’t think I’d see you until later,” she called out with a smile before leaning in and kissing my cheek. I tried to hide my frustration not wanting to add any more strain to the situation.

  “You want to grab lunch?”

  “No. I have things to do. I just wanted to see how you were doing.”

  “Keeping busy.” She sighed as she folded her arms over her chest.

  I had no idea how to ask her about the interview without sounding weird, but I could tell she had something on her mind as she chewed the inside of her cheek.

  “I didn’t want to tell you like this.” Reaching out she grabbed my hand and gave it a squeeze. I noticed the ring on her finger and gave it a double take. “It’s costume jewelry. I didn’t want my news getting out without people thinking we weren’t doing this right.”

  “What news?”

  She blew a stray hair from her face. “I wasn’t even sure I was going to tell you at all. I mean, you wanted to end things. I didn’t want you to stay for the wrong reasons.”

  “What reasons, Jules?”

  “We’re going to have a baby. I mean, I am going to have a baby and you can be a part of its life too if you want.”

  I felt the wind had been knocked out of me. I couldn’t even form a coherent response as I tried to mull over what she’d just told me. “The ring... you said you didn’t want people to think we were having a baby without getting married? Who else knows about the baby?”

  “Everybody soon.” She shrugged, unapologetically. “I figured in a few months we could slowly cut ties and save us both some bad press. I was thinking of our reputations.”

  “Wow. You had told the press before you let me know.”

  “You didn’t want anything to do with me. I thought I was going to have to do this alone.”

  I looked up at her, taking in the down pull of her lips and the gloss of her eyes. She was on the verge of tears. I was cold and heartless. She had no reason to assume I’d be there for her.

  “How far along are you?”

  “Two months.”

  I couldn’t fathom having a child and being responsible for another life. I’d tried my best to help raise Levi and I couldn’t help but feel I had failed him. “Jules, I can’t... you know I can’t.”

  “I never said I wanted you to,” she snapped, her sadness replaced by her deep-seeded hatred for me.

  “I told you when we met that wasn’t an option.”

  “You think I want this? I want to raise a baby on my own, over thirty? Jesus, do you ever think of anyone but yourself?”

  “Julia, we are toxic together.” I shook my head as I tried to picture any sort of reality that could involve the two of us living together and not trying to kill each other. It was virtually impossible to imagine her as a loving and kind-hearted mother. “I just need some time to think.”

  “What do you need to think about? This baby is coming whether you want it or not.”

  “For fucks sake, Jules. I just found out five minutes ago. Give me some time to process the news.”

  She sighed loudly, rubbing her hand over my arm. “I know this isn’t what you wanted to hear, but we can make this work... together.”

  A man stuck his head out of the back door of the salon and called for Julia to come back inside.

  “Go. I’ll call you later. I promise.”

  Chapter twenty-nine


  It took me hours to write out my interview on my aunt’s ancient computer with a dial-up connection. I e-mailed it to Liz and let her know I’d fallen ill and would be missing a few days of work. I didn’t want to be around when the world discovered Drake Gibson was going to be a father. Even if our brief relationship were a secret, I would still suffer from internal humiliation.

  This is what I deserved for never being satisfied with what I had. Liz had warned me to keep my head out of the clouds and that life wasn’t a fairytale. But I never listened, always thinking something better was out there. The reality was that Drake was no Prince Charming and as clueless as Tyler was, at least he cared.

  Folding my arms on the computer desk, I laid my head down and for once, didn’t let myself imagine a fantastical adventure. Instead, I forced myself to focus on what I could have done differently. The list was endless.

  “You want some soup, dear?” Aunt May called from her tiny kitchen. Her apartment was half the size of mine and filled with twice as much clutter. It was
hard to believe a woman so simple had ever been friends with someone like Liz. They were polar opposites.

  “I’m not hungry.” I groaned as a stray tear fell to my arm.

  “Food will help cure that hangover.”

  “The hangover isn’t what hurts.”

  “Food can help heal a broken heart as well.”

  My phone rang as Liz tried for the millionth time to contact me. I knew she would be worried sick once she saw my article, but the last thing I wanted to do was talk about Drake. I wanted to forget I’d ever known him.

  And so I did the only thing I knew how to do to erase someone from my life. I plugged my thumb drive into the old, decrepit machine and slowly removed every scene from my novel that had been inspired by my encounters with Drake.

  Each word that I’d typed while my head was lost in the fantasy of what he was deleted from the screen much easier than the ache would be removed from my chest.

  With blurred vision and anger coursing through my veins, I began to type out new scenes full of hatred and betrayal.

  The sun sank behind the blinds hours ago as my fingers moved without hesitation against the keyboard. When I couldn’t focus on the screen any longer, my novel was nearly completed and the weight on my chest had eased enough to allow me to breathe again.

  Curling up on Aunt May’s couch, I drifted off into a dreamless sleep. It was a routine I would grow accustomed to, for weeks on end, refusing to step back into the reality of my life and cutting myself off from the entertainment world.

  Chapter thirty


  I hung my head as Levi sat across from me at the dining room table. “I don’t know what to do.”

  “What do you mean you don’t know what to do? She is having your kid. What is there to think about?”

  I looked up at him, taking in the man he’d become before shaking my head. After weeks of struggling to come to grips with my future, I still couldn’t wrap my head around becoming a parent.

  “Oh, I get it. You’re disappointed in me, right? You think I’m some kind of failure and it’s all your fault. Fuck you, Drake. I know I’m not perfect, but neither the fuck are you.”