Page 2 of Something Wicked

  Going to an event without her would no doubt start the rumors of trouble in paradise. Maybe I could flirt with a few of my costars or indulge in a few extra drinks at the after party to really get people talking.

  I would be forcing Julia to play her hand or walk away and finally let me move on with my life. It was risky.

  I made my way downstairs, grabbing a Dos Equis from the fridge, dropping the top in the trash.

  “Aren’t we going to be late?” Levi tugged at the collar of his white button-down shirt as if it were choking him.

  “Does it really fucking matter? They won’t start without us.” I rolled my eyes before draining the cold liquid down my throat.

  “Julia being a bitch again?”

  I laughed, shaking my head. “Does she ever stop?”

  “It’s not that bad is it, man? I know I could overlook her attitude with tits like hers.”

  “It’s not that simple.”

  “Why? Does her stomping around here hurt your feelings? When did you become one of these Hollywood pussies?”

  My eyes met Levi’s warning him to mind his business. He may be my cousin, and like a brother to me, but my life was my business. “Having a career doesn’t make me a pussy. You should try it sometime.”

  “I have a job here with you and I actually wanted to talk to you about something.” His lip twisted up into a nervous grin as he scratched the back of his head.

  “I’m not investing in another one of your get rich quick schemes. Hard work is the only way to make hard cash.”

  “Spare me the bullshit, D. Like you didn’t land this gig fucking some uptight actress.”

  “Did you really just fucking say that to me?” I narrowed my eyes, stepping closer to Levi until I was towering over him.

  “You don’t scare me, pretty boy. We both know one blow to your face will put you out of work for weeks. Kind of like a hooker,” he snickered.

  I raised my hand, wrapping my fingers around his throat, squeezing until I felt his pulse thump under my fingertips. Clenching my teeth, I used every ounce of self-control not to cut off his air supply completely. “I helped you out. I gave you a place to stay and a steady paycheck. But I will not hesitate to dump your ass on your mother’s doorstep if you don’t learn some fucking respect.” I released my grip, my fingers aching as I made a fist before releasing it.

  Levi rubbed at his red throat, stretching his neck as he sputtered and gasped. “What the fuck, Drake? You tried to fucking kill me!”

  “No. If I wanted to kill you, you wouldn’t be able to run your fucking mouth right now. Now go fetch the car like a good little bitch.”

  His eyes narrowed, but he kept his lips pressed together in a hard line as he stalked off to get the car. I loved Levi, but he had fucked up so many times that I was the only one left in the family that would even talk to him. Cleaning up his messes became a full-time job and it wasn’t worth the effort. His promises to change and clean up his act were all for show. It wasn’t long before he began to slip back into his old self and I had to do damage control. The difference now was that my reputation was on the line.

  Back when we were younger, we were inseparable. We had to look out for each other. I didn’t have the cushy upbringing that many in this town had. I struggled for every meal and it took all of my energy to make sure Levi was safe. But he took those things for granted, forgetting our roots as soon as my first big paycheck hit my bank account.

  Instead of growing up and being thankful that we found a way out, he was still trying to hustle as if life was some big game. His way of thinking was my fault. I attempted to hide the worst of our struggles from him. I didn’t want him to have to endure the pain I had. But now Levi thought he was bulletproof and untouchable.

  I was no father figure, but I tried to teach him responsibility. I hired him to be my driver instead of handing over cash to him without him having to earn it. For a while, I indulged in his inventions and pipe dreams. He somehow always managed to squander the money I’d given him and come back with his head hanging, ready for the next scheme.

  I slipped outside, sliding my sunglasses over my eyes as I waited for Levi to get out of his seat and come to the back of the limo to open my door. His lips twitched as I slid into the back seat. The door slammed and I rubbed my palm over my jaw, trying to keep my anger at bay.

  I remembered what it was like to be twenty-two and feeling like I was invincible. One day we would both look back on this and laugh. Today was not that day. I pushed down the button to lower the divider between us.

  “It’s not you. I’m upset at Julia.” But actually I was upset with myself. I was failing Levi. I didn’t know how to be a parent to him as he needed.

  His eyes met mine through the rearview mirror. “Yeah, man. I know. I get it. I’m not very easy to live with.”

  “I won’t argue with you about that.” I smiled as Levi shook his head.

  Chapter Three


  I squared my shoulders as I ran my tongue over my dry lips. I hated having to shout over a crowd like an animal begging for a small treat, or, in this case, a blurb from some pompous jerk.

  “Mr. Gibson, can you tell me what it as about the character that drew you to this part?” He ran his hand through his messy, just-fucked hair and his emerald eyes scanned the crowd.

  “No more questions, thanks.” The man next to Drake called out. Drake smiled out at the crowd and turned to leave. Maybe I was upset I had to attend this event, maybe it was my boyfriend forgetting our anniversary, but the anger boiled up inside of me and I couldn’t help my sudden case of word vomit.

  “I guess it is because you are both assholes.”

  The group of reporters around me gasped. They actually gasped and Drake Gibson stopped walking. I squeezed my eyes closed, praying to the gods that he would start walking again and I could go home without total humiliation. No such luck. As I opened my eyes, I was face to face with one of the most handsome men to ever walk the face of the earth and God did he smell like sex on a stick. I took a deep breath in through my nose as he stared at me like he wanted to eat me alive and not in a sexy romance novel kind of way. More like Hannibal after Lent. He leaned in closer, his nose skimming along my check until his warm breath tickling my ear as he began to whisper.

  “Do you like your job?” He asked quietly. I nodded because I had somehow forgotten how to use my words like a big girl in his presence. “If you’d like to keep it, you may want to learn when to keep that pretty little mouth of yours shut.” He pulled back, looking me dead in the eye before his eyes fell on my necklace and over to my name badge that read Epic Mag before turning on his heel and joining his group. They disappeared into the doorway and I was left standing on the sidewalk with a few other reporters and journalists wanting to know what he had said to me. I was exhausted and frustrated and now I couldn’t get Drake Gibson out of my freaking mind. Who talks like that?

  I ignored the barrage of questions and made my way back to my car, defeated and ready for the night to be over. It was time I started working on my dream job because I had successfully destroyed this one. At the very least I would be fired. There was no other way around it. Drake Gibson’s people were probably already on the phone with Liz discussing all the ways to torture me until I give up and resign in a cloud of humiliation. Luckily, I had broken my cell phone at work so I had no idea what was in store for me until I made it home.

  The entire trip back to my apartment I thought of the book I was reading, picturing Drake Gibson as the hero and hating myself for it. Something about the look in his smoldering, green eyes had seared itself into my brain. I hated people like him, but I wasn’t dead. I could appreciate the gifts the gods had bestowed upon him. His thick, dark hair that always looked like a woman had just raked her fingers through it in a moment of ecstasy. His eyes narrowed as he stared at you like he was forcing himself not to rip the clothes from your body, and who would stop him? I shook the thought from my head. I would
. He was an asshole.

  I grabbed my mail from the mailbox that hung just outside my apartment door and tossed it on the kitchen table as I entered my home.

  I pulled off my muted blue dress as I pressed the button on my answering machine. The first message was from Tyler and he apologized profusely for forgetting our anniversary. I rolled my eyes and deleted the message as I pulled my earrings from my ears. The second message was from Liz. Saying she was upset was an understatement. She was absolutely livid and was ready to fire me. I kicked off my heels, flinging the across the room with my toes.

  There was a small party after the premiere and if I wanted to keep my job I needed to drag my ass over to it and beg for Drake’s forgiveness. Screw that. I had no desire to further my humiliation. Besides, he wanted me to keep my mouth shut. I highly doubt he would grant me an interview. Standing in my cream-colored bra and panties, I sifted through my mail as I began to wonder back the hallway. The phone began to ring and I blew out a heavy breath, rolling my eyes. I ran out into the kitchen and picked it up, my fingers flipping the medallion over as I waited for a response.

  “Why aren’t you answering your cell?” Liz was angry as usual but this time she had every right to be.

  “It’s broken.”

  “I don’t know how you are going to replace it without a job.”

  I sighed heavily into the receiver. Liz had only given me the job as a favor to my aunt. She knew as well as I did I wasn’t cut out for this line of work. I wasn’t a people person and often hid behind sarcasm to deter making any real connections. Tyler was the only person I had let in when I moved out to California a year and a half ago. We worked well together because he seemed to lack in being emotionally invested in people as well. Something I now regretted. Our relationship was doomed to crash and burn the minute we began seeing each other, but it kept my aunt off my back. She was constantly trying to set me up with everyone within a ten year age range of me.

  “He didn’t answer a single question. What was I supposed to do?”

  “Calling Drake Gibson an asshole would have been my last choice.”

  “Oh, please. He is no different from you and me. He just has a bigger paycheck.”

  “Your aunt and I go way back. If we had not been in the same sorority, you and I would not even be having this conversation. That said, I like you, Gabby. You’re a no-nonsense type of girl and I admire that about you. So many people in LA are fake and you tell it as it is, but that won’t get you very far in a place like this.”

  “You think I should go back to Florida?”

  “No. I think you should get your ass to that party and do your job like I know you can.”

  I glanced down at my necklace as I sucked my lower lip between my teeth. She was right. If I wanted to make it I needed to push myself.

  “Fine. Where is it?”

  “It’s just off Wilshire at the Donaville House. This is a very exclusive gathering, but I got you a way in. Do not screw this up, Gabby. My patience is wearing thin.”

  “I’ll do my best.” I hung up the phone, cursing myself under my breath for agreeing to do this. There was no way in hell anyone would talk to me after the stunt I pulled, but if Liz was able to get me in, I owed it to her to try. I had no idea she had those sort of connections. I’d assumed I’d be sneaking in through a service door or lurking in the bushes waiting to pounce on Drake as he left.

  I walked into my bedroom and pulled open my closet, hating that I now needed to find something else to wear. My wardrobe consisted mostly of jeans and fitted t-shirts. Dressing up was never something I enjoyed. I’d much rather throw on a bathing suit and hang out in the water all day. I found a light-gold halter dress that I had purchased on clearance at an end of year sale to Macy’s. It wasn’t high fashion, but I would blend in enough that I shouldn’t get too many odd stares. I grabbed my gold three-inch heels from the tangled mess in the bottom of my closet and hopped on each foot as I put them on. I made sure my new necklace was outside of my dress and ran my fingers through my messy, dark curls that had already fallen flat. This was it. This was going to be total humiliation, but it would be worth it if my necklace could catch at least one eye. It was silly really, but it was the best shot I had at researching for my book idea.

  The trip across town took twice as long as it should on a Friday night, but everyone was out partying and we were in full swing of vacation season. People from all over the world flocked to the west coast for the chance to rub elbows with the stars. I never understood why. Ever since I left Florida to help take care of my ailing aunt, I wished I could take her back to Florida with me. I hated this place.

  I pulled up to the curb at the club and handed my keys to the waiting valet. He took one look at my black Jetta and his face fell, assuming I wouldn’t leave a great tip. I was used to that look. I rolled my eyes and hurried inside with my clutch purse in hand. Just blend in I told myself as I gave my name to the man at the door. He pulled open the large glass door and I stepped inside on shaky heels.

  I scanned the room, immediately picking out a few well-known faces. Maybe a quick interview with a few of them would make for an interesting article. I could find out what it is like to work with such an overpowering force like Drake Gibson.

  I made my way over to the bar and ordered myself a long island ice tea, not wanting to make chit chat with anyone.

  “As I live and breathe,” a female voice with a thick southern accent called from behind me.

  “Maggie, what brings you to this ass kissing convention?” I asked as I nodded to the bartender and took my drink. I sipped it, my lips puckering at its strength. I sat it back on the bar and rummaged through my purse for some cash leaving a ten, hoping it would cover the tip.

  “I’m dating Sheldon. He owns this little place.” She swirled her hand in the air as she spoke. “You should come sit with me. I’m terribly bored.”

  “Alright.” I grabbed my drink and followed her through the throngs of people, my eyes transfixed on her mass of platinum curls, trying to decipher it was real or a wig. She glanced over her shoulder, her deep crimson lips twisted into a smile. I grinned back as he stepped through a velvet curtain and into a back room set up for VIP. “Your tables in VIP?” My eyes began to adjust to the extra low lighting.

  “There are perks to being with Sheldon.” She shrugged as she sat down at a small bistro table. I slid into the seat across from her as I scanned the crowd. There he was. The asshole. Women giggled as he stared off into the distance, apparently bored. Must be a tough life having everyone fawn over you. I rolled my eyes and bit down on my drink straw as I pulled another sip of the potent mix into my mouth.

  “What brings you to the dark side?” Maggie winked as she picked up her martini glass.

  “Work. This is Liz’s form of punishment.”

  Maggie snorted as she placed her fingertips on my arm.

  “Only you would think staring at beautiful men all night is torture. If it weren’t for Tyler, I would believe you played for the other team, not that there isn’t plenty of eye candy walking about for both types.”

  “I think Tyler is cheating on me,” I sighed and took another drink, it was beginning to go down much easier now.

  “I can’t believe that. I’ve known Tyler for four years. I’ve never seen him happier then when he talks about you. Why do you think he is cheating on you?” She sounded more shocked than I had and a twinge of guilt twisted in my gut. I didn’t care enough. You’d probably assume I had this big scary past that prevents me from opening up to people and letting them in. That’s not the case. The real story of my life is much more tedious. I just preferred the company of fictional characters to that of the living variety. If the story let me down, I could pick up a new book and become someone else. My life story was definitely boring.

  “He never comes over anymore. He forgot our anniversary tonight.” I shrugged.

  “It’s your anniversary? Sweet baby Jesus. We should celebrate.”

  “My boyfriend isn’t even here. I think we can skip the celebration.” I gave her a small smile. “Let’s just get drunk and make a scene.”

  She leaned in closer to me, conspiratorially. “I think I have the drunk part in the bag.” She picked up her glass and shook the olive in the bottom. “This is my third.” Her eyes narrowed on my chest and for a second I really did believe she was drunk the way she was eyeing my cleavage. “What in the devil is that thing?” She grabbed the necklace that dangled against my chest and held it between her fingers as her eyebrows pulled together.

  “It’s a good luck charm,” I lied as I pulled it back from her hand. I glanced out into the crowd and noticed a set of very deep green eyes locked onto mine. The hair on the back of my neck stood up as he glared at me. “Shit,” I mumbled as I looked down at my drink. Maggie’s gaze followed mine.

  “I take it you’re feeling embarrassed about calling Drake an asshole?” She grinned and I wanted to duck under the damn table.

  “You heard about that, huh?” I pushed my straw aside and took a big healthy gulp from my glass, finishing off my drink.

  “Everyone heard it. It was all anyone talked about.” She chuckled as she grabbed two fresh drinks from the waiter’s tray as he walked by. “Try this. It won’t make you invisible, but it will make you not care.” She slid a glass over to me and I took a small sip of the clear liquid, sputtering and wiping a wayward drop from my bottom lip.

  “What in the hell is this?” I asked as I struggled to keep down the nasty black licorice taste.

  “That, my dear, is the little green fairy. She is your friend.” She winked and downed her glass in one large gulp.

  “I hate black licorice.” I scrunched my nose.

  “You hate everything.”

  My gaze darted to Drake’s table. He was lost in a conversation with a blonde that had breasts the size of basketballs and I wondered idly what his girlfriend would think about her open flirting. But given the stories I’d covered for her in the past, she was probably on her knees in front of someone else at the moment.