Page 3 of Something Wicked

  “What does everyone see in him?” I took another drink.

  “The same thing you do. You just don’t want to admit it.”

  “Whatever. Ladies room?” I asked as I looked around the darkened room.

  “Use the one back here. You’re less likely to catch an STD.” Maggie pointed behind Drake to the back left corner of the room near the emergency exit sign that glowed above the door.

  “Order me something a little less nasty?” I asked and she nodded, grabbing my drink and polishing it off.

  I got up from the table and kept my head down as I passed by Drake Gibson’s table. I could feel his gaze on me and I hoped he wouldn’t call me out for the jerk I was in front of everyone.

  “There’s a line. I hate public restrooms.” A male voice called from the small hallway. I turned around giving him a polite smile. I recognized his face immediately, but he was much shorter than I expected. He played in a lot of indie movies. He was lesser known to the masses but had his own cult following. I was one of his fans.

  “John Dolton?” I asked, cocking my head to the side.

  “Guilty.” He held up his hands and laughed. I nodded and looked towards the bathroom door. “I don’t remember you in the film.”

  “I wasn’t in the movie.” I laughed, seeing right through his flirtations. “My name's Gabby. Gabby Slone.” I held out my hand for him to shake, but he flipped it over in his and placed a kiss on the back of it, his eyes meeting mine. Give me a freaking break.

  “Gabby,” he said my name slowly. “You have the most beautiful smile. I’d love to taste it.”

  Did he really just say that?

  “Um... No thanks.” I pressed myself into the wall behind me as I silently prayed the bathroom door would open.

  “You’re going about it all wrong, John.” A deep, gravelly voice called from the entrance to the hall. My eyes locked onto Drake’s intense, emerald gaze. He cocked an eyebrow at me, apparently amused by the interaction. He took a step closer, his hands in his charcoal pants pockets. His matching gray shirt unbuttoned at the top, revealing a sliver of his tanned chest. “You don’t ask a woman like this permission to kiss her.” He took another step and I completely forgot how to breathe. “Women like her don’t like to be asked. They like to be told.” His hard stare never wavered and I felt myself melting into a puddle at his feet. Was he for real? I was struggling to come up with a witty retort, but my mind fumbled and I wasn’t sure saying he sounded like a date rapist would pass as a joke in this crowd.

  The bathroom door popped open and a young couple spilled into the hall, their hands still roaming over each other as they giggled.

  “Cockblocker,” John mumbled as he slipped inside the bathroom and I let out a giggle.

  “You find that amusing?” Drake smirked and took a final step, closing the gap between us. If I took a deep breath, my chest would brush against his. “I suppose you would after what you called me earlier.” His hand rose between us and he grabbed hold of my necklace, spinning the chain to position the clasp at the back of my neck. Goosebumps trailed his fingers that had ignited a path of fire in their wake.

  “Thank you for that and I am sorry for what I said to you earlier. It just sort of slipped out.” I rambled as I felt like I was burning alive under his stare.

  “No need to apologize. I never do.” The corner of his lip pulled up into a smile, but it didn’t reach his eyes.

  “Not even when you’re wrong?” His arrogance bothered me.

  “There is no right or wrong. Only failure or accomplishment. If it gets you to where you need to be, you shouldn’t apologize.”

  I looked around at the party. I clearly would not be here right now had I kept my mouth shut and done what I thought was the right thing. I couldn’t help but smile, mainly from relief that I hadn’t ruined everything.

  “I guess I should call you an asshole more often.” I joked. He shook his head very slowly.

  “Regardless of right or wrong, there are still consequences for your actions, Gabriela.” There was no hint of amusement in his voice and it sent a shiver down my spine. I hated being called Gabriela and I wondered if Liz had told him my name when his people called to tell her of my rude remark. “Between us, John is a creep. I’d avoid him.”

  “I planned on it.”

  The bathroom door opened and bounced off the wall behind it. John glared at me and I slid out from between the wall and Drake.

  “Don’t pout, John. Let me buy you a drink. One of those fruity little girls drinks you like with an umbrella.” Drake spun around and clapped his hand on John’s shoulder and just like that they disappeared into the sea of people, leaving me wondering what the hell had just happened.

  I stepped inside the bathroom and my eyes fell on the mirror. I ran my fingers through my hair, ignoring the pink tinge to my cheeks. My necklace hadn’t garnered any attention for my research, but I was more than happy I had worn it out now. I could still feel the ghosting sensation of his fingers on my neck. I ran my hand over the delicate chain, getting lost in thought when someone knocked on the door, causing me to jump.

  “Just a minute,” I called out and hurried to finish so I could get back out to Maggie. The realization hit me that I had Drake Gibson’s undivided attention and I didn’t ask him a single interview question. I really sucked at this journalist thing. Maybe that is what he meant by consequences. I was going to lose my job after all.

  Chapter Four


  I nodded to John as he continued to ramble on about some random woman he’d fucked in Barcelona. My mind was elsewhere. I scanned the crowd again for the brunette with the smart mouth who’d humiliated me earlier, my cock twitching in my slacks when I spotted her next to a buxom blonde. I should have made sure she lost her job the very moment she first opened her mouth, but the fear in her eyes betrayed the show of confidence she had put on. She trembled when I approached her on the red carpet. There was something else she was feeling for me beside contempt and it was carnal, undeniable.

  Spending the last few months with Julia had dulled my hunger for anything in life but the cravings had returned with crippling need as my eyes fell on Gabriela’s full pout. The filthy words that rolled off her tongue made me want to teach her a few lessons about respect.

  My body tensed as I heard John repeat my name in a questioning tone. He glanced over his shoulder to see what had preoccupied my attention. Clearing my throat I held up my empty glass, motioning to a nearby staff member that I needed a refill.

  “Better not let Julia catch you staring at another woman,” John joked but there was a bite to his words. He was pissed that I took her attention from him and was acting like a fucking child. That’s how most of these Hollywood types behaved. Spoiled fucking children. Had I not been so good at hiding who I really was, I’d not having a single friend in this town, let alone land the blockbuster roles.

  But the money and fame made it impossible for me to ever be myself. Most people assumed being in a hit movie made you a millionaire, but that wasn’t the case. Sure I got paid well, but not nearly as much as I would for the sequel, assuming opening weekend broke a few records. Julia was a well-seasoned actress, but her paychecks had dwindled over the years. Unfortunately, her spending habits had only increased. I nodded to the waiter who brought me a fresh drink and let my eyes flick back to Gabriela. Her dress was riding up her tanned thighs as she leaned closer to her friend, the corners of her mouth pulled down into a frown. I wondered idly what had upset her. If John’s eagerness to get in her panties had offended her, I’d slam his fucking face off the table right now. I let my eyes fall closed as I pictured the abstract puddle of blood on the table, my hair on my arm standing on end as my fingers twitched to fulfill the fantasy. My blood felt like it was buzzing through my veins, begging me to be the person I had hidden for too long now.

  “Where is Julia tonight anyway?”

  My eyes snapped open and I tried to hide my disappointment at his unmarred
face. “Why the fuck do you care where she is? Looking forward to hitting on her again?” I finished off my drink in one sip. I didn’t give a fuck if he did make a pass at her but his attitude tonight had gotten under my skin. Appearances or not, he would learn not to fucking talk down to me.

  John’s eyes narrowed as he pulled back fractionally. It was subtle, but I was good at reading people. I’d let my character slip, let a sliver of myself shine through and it was not well received. I smiled, relishing the feeling of causing him discomfort. I wanted to push him further.

  “I didn’t mean nothing by it, man. Just making conversation,” he replied with his palms held toward me. What a bitch.

  I stared at him for a moment, my face is unreadable as he shifted in his seat. “I’m just fucking with you, John.” I flashed my million dollar smile and his shoulders lowered slightly as he relaxed, smiling back at me warily.

  “Besides, I think you’re a little old for her. What are you now, like thirty?”

  “She’s the same age as me, you prick.”

  “That’s my point.” At twenty-five, she had already grown tired of me, especially since I refused to take orders from her. John was a pussy though, he might actually be a better match for her.

  I glanced up just in time to see Gabriela stand and follow the blonde woman out onto the main floor of the club.

  “Let’s go mingle.” I stood from my seat and rounded the table, not bothering to wait for John. I didn’t give a fuck if he followed me or not. I wanted a chance to talk to Gabriela again, to breathe in the intoxicating honeysuckle fragrance of her skin. I bet she tasted just as sweet as she smelled. I clenched my jaw, imagining that moment. I shook my head, discarding the thought as my heart began to hammer in my chest as if it could sense her and became rapider as I got closer.

  I slipped behind her small frame, close enough to feel the heat radiate from her body as I passed. She was completely oblivious to my presence and the rush made my body hum with the anticipation of getting her alone. I continued to the end of the bar, turning to face her as a curvaceous redhead tried to gain my attention. I ignored her, my eyes locked on to Gabriela.

  Her gaze met mine and the corner of her mouth lifted, but she quickly tried to hide any excitement from her face. She wanted to hate me, but her body gave way to her real feelings. If she had any idea of the things I wanted to do to her, she’d run. That necklace hanging down over the curve of her perfect tits gave me hope that perhaps she was willing to play. I’d consume her, lapping at her body like a flame and I hoped she’d let me.

  “Lots of prime pussy in here,” John said from my left and I groaned internally. I really needed to leave his body in an alley someday soon. He was getting on my last fucking nerve.

  I nodded to the bartender as he tipped his chin up in my direction. “Gent Jack, neat,” I called out before cracking my neck from side to side. I let my eyes roam over Gabriela’s body, ignoring the asshole at my side. My phone vibrated in my pocket and I rolled my eyes knowing damn well it was Julia either wanting to make sure I was miserable without her or to beg me to forgive her. But my priorities had shifted, my focus now placed solely on the fuckable little thing who just glanced over at me with a shy smile. I pulled the phone from my pocket and answered, speaking before Julia could say a word.

  “I want you and your shit out of my apartment before I get home tomorrow or I’ll burn it to the ground with you and everything we own in it.”

  I heard her gasp as I clicked to end the call. Laughing, I slid the phone in my pocket and picked up my drink, downing it in one smooth sip. I licked the spicy flavor from my lips as I pulled some cash from my wallet and placed it on the bar. Taking a step toward the object of my obsession a hand landed on my forearm, stopping me in my tracks. I had glanced down at John’s hand before I turned my angry gaze to him. He pulled his fingers from my body before stammering.

  “Was that Julia on the phone? Holy fuck, man. You guys ended things?”

  I clapped a hand on his shoulder. “Wanting more of my sloppy seconds?” I winked and his smarmy face twisted into a smile.

  “You still mad about Laura? I mean... you guys weren’t even serious.”

  I leaned down, my face hovering over his. “Fuck you, John.”

  I stepped around him and walked toward the new object of my obsession.

  Chapter five


  My mind was beginning to swim from the liquor and my worries of the stressful day began to melt away under the warm fog of the alcohol. When I spotted Drake, I couldn’t help but let my gaze linger on his tall, muscular body. When his dark eyes met mine the fog cleared, snapping me from my drunken daze as the humiliation I’d endured earlier came back tenfold.

  This asshole was going to cost me my job. I knew my attitude was the real reason, but right now it felt good to blame him and my stupid boyfriend for forgetting our anniversary. My fingers went to the cold emblem that hung from my neck. I fumbled with it as I thought about all the time I would have to finally write now that I was most likely going to lose my job.

  I glanced back in Drake’s direction but he was gone, the empty tumbler on the bar the only evidence he had really been there and not a figment of my imagination. I tried not to frown as I turned back toward Maggie, but a figure to my left caused me to jump, spilling the contents of my glass down my chest.

  Drake’s hand shot out, grabbing the stem of the glass before it could tumble from my fingers to shatter on the ground below.

  “I didn’t mean to scare you,” he smirked, his eyebrow raised in amusement as he sat the glass on the bar top. I looked down at my damp chest and up to the ceiling as if it would open up and God would be pointing down at me and laughing at my humiliation.

  “Just fucking perfect,” I muttered as I reached for a stack of napkins from the bar.

  “I made you wet. Let me buy you a drink.”

  I tried to hide the look of surprise from my face at how dirty his words sounded. “I don’t need your pity,” I groaned as I dabbed at the cheap fabric while karma had the last laugh.

  Maggie’s eyes drifted between the two of us as she casually sipped her drink.

  “I’m just going to head home and end this perfect evening by eating ice cream and watching chick flicks.”

  “Oh come on. It’s not that bad.” Maggie cringed as she glanced down at the mess.

  “Whatever. We’ll get together soon, okay? I’m sure I’ll have lots of free time on my hands now when Liz fires me.” I leaned in to hug her but held my body back so my dampness wouldn’t ruin her clothing as well.

  I turned, face to face with Drake, who was easily six inches taller than my five foot seven frame.

  “Not going to say goodbye to me?” His smirk was irritating the shit out of me and I may have been more than a little intoxicated.

  “I’m sure a lot of people pretend this whole thing you do is charming, but I’m not in the mood for your shit.”

  “Gabby,” Maggie warned, but it was too late. I had nothing left to lose.

  I held up my hand to stop her.

  “What thing am I doing?” His smile grew and dimples settled on his cheeks. He thought I was funny. That made me even more pissed.

  “Look,” I groaned, feeling like a fool. “I don’t have to pretend to like you. I’m sure after today I’ve already lost my job. This stupid party was my last chance at saving my ass and we all know this isn’t going well.”

  He laughed as he shook his head, ignoring my angry glare. “This was you pretending to be nice? Jesus Christ, Gabriela, I can’t wait to see you pissed off.”

  “You’re about-.” His finger pressed against my lips, silencing my rant. I don’t know if it was from the shock or my inebriated mind wanting to dart my tongue out and taste his flesh. I stood frozen like a scolded child and I saw the ghost of a smile on his lips.

  “Would an interview with me help save your job?” His smile had faded and I wasn’t sure if he was still messing with me, b
ut I wasn’t in much of a position to turn him down. I nodded and he removed his finger from my mouth, shoving his hands into his pockets. “Let’s go,” he turned to walk through the crowd and I stood, my feet unable to move from the shock.

  “Now?” I called after him, but he didn’t look back.

  “Go,” Maggie shoved my shoulder to urge me to follow him. I slipped through the crowd and followed him to the exit. Within seconds, a limo was in front of us and a driver was holding open a door for me to enter.

  “Oh... I have my own car,” I mumbled feeling ridiculous. I had been nothing but rude to this man and I didn’t deserve any of this.

  “Gabriela,” my name rolled off his tongue as if it were something naughty he’d whisper in the bedroom and it made my body shiver involuntarily. “Get in the fucking car.”

  I swallowed back my anxiety and took his hand as I slid into the back seat, moving across toward the other door to give him room. He sat down, sliding closer to me. I’d expected him to take one of the other seats so we could face each other. As the door closed and the back fell dark, it all felt too intimate. I immediately began to think of which questions I was going to ask him. I knew a man like Drake had much better things to do with his time and he had already shown himself to be entirely too kind for what I deserved. God, I drank too much. He smells magnificent.

  Chapter six


  It’s amazing how trusting people are of those they see on television or the movie screen. They feel like they know you. Gabriela was certainly one of a kind, most wouldn’t dare speak to me the way she had, because to most, my money meant I had power. But as much as she pretended to be unaffected by fame, she didn’t bat an eye at driving off with me. I was glad she had decided to come, but it made me wonder how often she’d put herself in potentially dangerous situations without a second thought.