Page 13 of Midnight Velvet

  “You’re so wet, so ready for me.”

  She couldn’t respond. Her voice caught on a sobbing gasp as he dipped a finger inside her, moving lazily in a rhythmic dance. His thumb traced a circle around her clit and she tightened around his finger, pulses of pleasure lifting her hips in invitation. A prelude, a tease of what was to come.

  It was unbearable, this intense mixture of joy and pain. “Tyler, please.” Unable to stand his tender assault, she ran her hands over his chest and stomach, then lower, trailing her fingers over his shaft. She grasped it, stroking it slowly, matching the rhythm of his finger thrusting inside her.

  It had been so long since she’d felt the joy of a man’s body against hers. No, that wasn’t right. Somewhere in her pleasure-soaked brain she knew it had never been like this before.

  They stayed that way for what seemed like an eternity, stroking and kissing, exploring and learning, until with a low growl he moved over her, nudging her legs apart with his knee and settling himself between them, his erection caressing her aching cunt.

  He poised, searching her face with a look so tender it brought a tear rolling from the corner of her eye. He bent and licked the tear from her cheek at the same time he slid inside her.

  Had she ever really made love before this? She’d always kept a part of herself remote, distancing the act from the feelings. But then again, the few men she’d been with before hadn’t captured her heart, her very soul, like this one did.

  A part of her knew the risk of allowing him entry into a place no one had been before—the locked recesses of her tender heart. But she could no more deny him than she could deny her body the sustenance it needed for life.

  They rocked together, lost in a pool of sensations as he stroked within her, slow at first and then gathering speed as their desire increased. She raised her hips to meet his as he thrust harder each time.

  Every one of her senses was alive and tuned in to only him. His rasping breath and moans of encouragement took her ever higher. The scent of him filled her, that musky, male scent an aphrodisiac no cologne could ever duplicate. Her eyes drank him in, every passion-filled look drawing her deeper inside that private part of him she knew not many had ever seen. His touch evoked everything female about her to her weep with joy.

  “Your pussy is hot and tight,” he said, his jaw clenched and his eyes so dark she was lost in them. “God I love the way you squeeze my cock.”

  His voice, as always, drove her to the brink of rapturous insanity.

  It was unbearable, this race to find a pinnacle she so desperately craved. All coherent thought scattered as she climbed with him, stroke by stroke, her body heated with every caress, every uttered word. He kissed her, whispered to her, touched her, all the while driving deeply within her until the end she so desperately searched for was within her grasp.

  “Look at me, Nevada. Come with me, now.”

  As if she had a choice in the matter. His pelvis ground against her clit, a spiraling, intense sensation that sent her pussy into spasms.

  “Now, Tyler!” she cried, then opened her eyes and locked on his face as her orgasm took her deep within him. He groaned and stilled as he climaxed along with her, taking her mouth in a kiss that bound her soul to his.

  They tumbled together, his hands holding tight to her buttocks as he plunged deep, pouring into her waiting pussy, sending her spiraling toward another climax just as intense as the first. She cried out and dug her nails into his back, never wanting to separate, never wanting the exquisite sensations to stop.

  The ebb took awhile, tiny pulses continuing to ping inside her. Tyler’s muscles relaxed and he pulled her to his side, still joined as he kissed her hair and face until she closed her eyes, more content than she’d ever been in her life.

  It wasn’t until sometime later she woke, taking a few minutes to gather her bearings. They’d fallen asleep, lying on the chaise, their bodies entwined. Tyler had somehow turned them around so he was on his back, her head resting on his chest.

  Had she ever felt so content, so complete? She inhaled a quaking breath, overcome with what they’d experienced together.

  Had it been the same way for him? A life-altering, emotional exchange of heart and soul? Or had she just imagined the intensity on his face, the more-than-just-sex caresses of his hands over her body?

  Chancing a glance at Tyler, her heart stirred at the sight of his slumbering face. His long, dark lashes rested against his cheekbone, the dark stubble along his jaw making him look reckless and dangerous.

  She swept her fingers along his hair, brushing it back from his forehead. He was such a contradiction. Both dangerous and the safest thing in her life. In sleep he looked vulnerable, innocent. She was stunned by the realization that sent her from drowsy to fully awake.

  What she had feared all along had happened. What she had tried to control for so many years had become uncontrollable.

  As if her life hadn’t changed enough in the past week, this had to happen too. Her fantasy man had come to full-blown life and stolen her carefully guarded heart right out from under its protective shield.

  She’d fallen in love with Tyler Call.

  Chapter Eleven

  Tyler let out a resigned sigh. Making love with Nevada had changed everything. Not that it all hadn’t changed before that.

  Now he had decisions to make. Big, life-altering ones. First, what to do about his job, now that he really saw things clearly. Second, what to do about the fact that he’d fallen in love with Nevada.

  He examined maps in the living room while she worked in the office on the laptop. After returning to the condo a few days ago, they’d settled into a cozy routine. Sleeping in, making love throughout the day and working on the mission. Then making love again at night, sometimes all night long.

  All the years he’d spent trying to become a hero like his father, he’d overlooked the one heroic thing he could have done.

  Giving his heart and allowing himself to love.

  He glanced across the room at her. She worked steadily, frowning and chewing her bottom lip.

  “Find anything?”

  “Not now.” She brushed him off with a wave of her hand, her eyes never once leaving the monitor.

  She also got cranky if he interrupted her research.

  So he stayed quiet and watched her, feeling a contentment that had always eluded him. Gone was the restlessness that had dominated his life for the past fifteen years. Ever since high school, he’d had goals. Big goals, about military service and covert operations and doing something monumental.

  Well, he’d finally managed the monumental. He’d fallen in love.

  And now he had to change his life. But first he had to keep them both alive and in order to do that he needed to finish the mission. Get the cartel off his and Nevada’s trail. Then he’d find out who was the insider at the Agency.

  At the same time, he had to protect her. She’d become more than just an assignment. She was precious to him and he had to make sure no harm came to her.

  No small goals. But necessary. He couldn’t begin his future life without completing the tasks in the present.

  Enough of this. He stood and walked into the office, stopping behind Nevada.

  Did she even know he was there? He bent down and pressed a light kiss against the back of her neck, expecting her to jump and yell at him for destroying her concentration.

  Instead she made a purring sound, scrunching her shoulders and offering a rippling, deep-throated laugh that reverberated through him. Raging desire arced inside him, hardening him instantly.

  “That felt nice. Do it again.”

  “My pleasure.” This time he nipped lightly at the back of her neck. She shivered and leaned back in the chair, stretching her arms over her head. She wore only his T-shirt and he took a moment to admire her breasts pressed against the thin cotton. And her legs, peeking out under the shirt—now those were a work of art.

  She tilted her head all the way back, looki
ng at him upside down. “You keep that up and we won’t get very far in our research.”

  “That’s not fair. I want you.”

  “Oh, but you want the location of the drug cartel’s incoming shipment more, don’t you?”

  “That’s a loaded question, kind of like the one women always ask.”

  “What question women ask?”

  He grinned. “The one about whether or not their clothes make them look fat. There is no right answer.”

  “Take a shot,” she said, her eyes crossing as she smirked at him.

  He pressed a kiss against her upside down lips. “Not a chance, partner. I know better. Back to work for you.” Reluctantly, he stepped away and took his place back on the couch and watched her.

  What he really wanted to do was gather her into his arms and make love to her right there, on the floor of the office. He was hard and ready and all she’d done was kiss him.

  Every day they spent together he grew more and more concerned that his mind was no longer on the mission. And that could have devastating results for both of them. His inattention to completing the assignment put her at risk. Before, he’d never had to worry about anyone but himself. That was no longer true.

  But what could he do? Taking her to his parents had been somewhat risky, except his father had the property wired up with extremely sophisticated technology. One didn’t get to be a Marine General and the Commander of the NCA without making a few enemies along the way. It wasn’t obvious to the naked eye but there was plenty of protection at his father’s home.

  Maybe he should just drop her off and focus his attention on the meth lab shipments. Once he brought in the key players, he and Nevada would be free to do whatever they wanted. Until then, he couldn’t concentrate on his work and worry about her at the same time.

  “Hey! I found something!”

  “What is it?” He headed over and stepped behind her, looking over her shoulder.

  “It may be nothing, but there’s an expected shipment coming in from Mercado International next week.”

  He followed the information on the screen. “It could be a legit shipment.”

  “True. But it could also be exactly what you’re looking for. Here’s why. See how most of their shipments are of textiles?”


  “The one coming in next week is flour and bakery equipment, scheduled for delivery to some obscure warehouse.”

  “Go on.”

  “I scanned their bills of lading for the past six months. There’ve been three incoming deliveries of flour and bakery equipment, out of a total of twenty-four shipments.”

  He straightened and looked at her. “And we know of at least three incidents of distribution of chemicals and meth supplies in the past six months.”

  She nodded and smiled. “Exactly.”

  “You may be on to something. Where’s the shipment being delivered?”

  “On the other side of the river. A complex of warehouses in East St. Louis.”

  “Which is a perfect cover. I know the area. Hundreds of trucks go in and out every day making deliveries.”

  “Do you think this is it?”

  “Might be. I’ll check it out.” He kissed the top of her head. “Good job, partner.”

  She beamed a grin.

  They printed the data and sat on the couch together, reviewing the past history of shipments and deliveries.

  “All three previous flour and bakery equipment deliveries had been taken to different warehouses. That doesn’t make sense.”

  One of the things he found so attractive about her was her analytical mind. “You’re right. I’m convinced this is the shipment we’ve been looking for.”

  Her eyes shone with excitement. “And it’s coming in less than a week. So now what?”

  “I don’t have many options.” He ran his fingers through a silken strand of her dark hair. “If I could trust the NCA, we’d be making arrangements for a bust. As it is, I have no one to rely on but myself.”

  She straightened, leveling her gaze at him. “Excuse me, but you do have someone to rely on. I’m here, I’m supposed to be in training and I can help.”

  He didn’t like the direction this conversation was going. “You have helped. Your research skills are phenomenal.” He laughed and kissed her. “But you’re not a field agent.”

  She leaned back and crossed her arms. “Not a field agent yet. You’re supposed to be training me, remember?”

  He tried to keep his grin at bay. “I know that, but this also isn’t the best venue for training, since your life is also at risk right now and we don’t know who to trust. Besides, you’re an analyst, Nevada, and a damn good one at that.” At least she managed a slightly pleased smile at that one. “But you don’t even know how to use a gun.”

  She tilted toward him and grasped his hands. “I do too. I’ve had weapons training.”

  “Training on the firing range isn’t the same thing as trying to defend yourself while on the run.”

  “Then teach me. I’m not incompetent, Tyler. If I were, they’d never have selected me for the training program. Let me help. You can’t do this by yourself.”

  “Absolutely not. I’m supposed to be protecting you, remember? Not putting you in the line of fire.”



  She stood, pacing in front of the couch. “I’m trained by NCA. Granted, I haven’t had any field training, but I can go along as lookout for you.”

  “Nevada, you can’t—”

  Hands on hips, she glared at him. “Don’t tell me I can’t. I can and you don’t have one good damn reason why I can’t.”

  He didn’t answer her, didn’t know what to say. He wasn’t going to put her at risk.

  She kneeled in front of him, her eyes filled with concern. “Tyler, please. Everyone I’ve ever cared about has died and I could do nothing to control it. Don’t leave me sitting here worrying about you when I could be out there helping you. I can wield a weapon, maybe not as good as you or Legend, but well enough to hit a target.”

  He sighed, knowing she’d beat this subject to death.

  No way in hell would he ever put her in that kind of danger. But he also understood her desire to help and didn’t want to spend the next five days arguing with her about it. Nor would he let her know what his real plan was. When the time came, he’d make sure she was safe and nowhere near the warehouse. If she got pissed about that, so be it. He’d rather risk her ire than her life.

  But for now, a little placating was in order.

  “Okay, we’ll work on some weapons training.”

  She grinned. “Great! When?”

  He looked at his watch. “Later tonight. Let’s go out and get something to eat. I know someone who owns a firing range. A close friend from my military days. I trust him completely. He’ll let us in after the range closes for the night.”

  She nodded and jumped up to shower and change for dinner. Tyler breathed a sigh of relief. He’d gotten a reprieve. She was going to be angry as hell when she found out what he was planning. But that was several days away. For now, he’d enjoy the time they had together and hope it wasn’t going to be their last.

  * * * * *

  “Dave King and I go way back,” Tyler explained as he pulled into the driveway of King’s Gun Range. “We were in boot camp together and did recon training at the same time.”

  Nevada nodded, nervously chewing her lip. She’d had basic weapons training, but hadn’t handled a gun in a very long time. What she hadn’t told Tyler was that it was doubtful she could even remember how to load one, let alone fire it.

  Nevertheless, she’d demanded the lesson. Like it or not, she was going to get it. Besides, she could at least hold a gun on someone until they figured out what to do. But she was not going to let Tyler go out there alone, without any backup.

  “He gave me his security code and said he’d leave the key behind the mailbox. Here it is.” Tyler withdrew a key from behind
the silver mailbox affixed to the brick wall next to the front door. He slipped it in the lock and stepped inside, punching in the codes to deactivate the security alarm.

  “Hold my hand,” he said as they entered the pitch-black lobby. “I’m not going to turn lights on until we’re on the range.”

  After he closed and locked the front door she was completely blind. But Tyler’s night vision was useful once again. He shifted her this way and that as if he knew the way.

  A light flipped on and they were bathed in brightness.

  She blinked and surveyed the huge firing range. A series of private cubicles were lined up side by side. Other than that, there was nothing but an empty stretch of flooring between the countertop of the cubicle and the human-shaped paper target at the other end of the range.

  “We’ll start simple,” he said, grabbing a gun out of the waistband of his jeans. “I’ll explain how it works and get you comfortable with it before we do any firing.”

  She nodded, hoping she paid close enough attention so she wouldn’t shoot herself, literally, in the foot.

  The pistol was a nine millimeter automatic, which she knew the basics about.

  “What’s the difference between a nine millimeter and a ten millimeter?” She laughed at his horrified look. “I was joking.”

  He shook his head and released the clip from the gun, jacking the round out of the chamber. “Okay, take it.”

  She inspected it closely as he explained the features, paying close attention to the location of the safety mechanism and how it worked. He walked her through loading the clip and working the slide action to cock it.

  When he was confident she felt at ease with a loaded weapon in her hand, he instructed her on preparing to fire it. They put on their safety glasses and ear protection and stepped into the cubicle.

  “Turn toward the target first. Always make sure the gun is cocked and the safety is off.”