Page 14 of Midnight Velvet

  “It’s hard to cock this thing,” she said, awkwardly attempting to slide the mechanism back.

  “Like this,” he said and put his hand over hers, effortlessly easing the slide back until it clicked into place. “It’s not that hard, just awkward when you’re not used to it.”

  She inhaled deeply. “It’s been awhile since I’ve fired a weapon. Give me a minute here and I’ll be blowing their heads off.”

  He laughed. “Now, raise your arms and hold it the way I showed you. Take a stance like you’re going to fire.”

  She spread her legs apart and held her arms up, but straightened her elbows.

  “Not that way. When you lock up like that, your body will shake and you won’t be able to hit anything.” He reached up and wrapped his hands around her forearms, pulling her arms back and bending her elbows. “Like this. It’s more relaxed and will make your aim better.”

  She smelled good. He buried his nose in her hair and leaned closer, settling in against her backside. He fervently hoped this wouldn’t be a lengthy lesson. He was getting hotter by the minute, his mind occupied with thoughts of sliding his hands up that short, sexy skirt she wore, instead of focusing on her shooting.

  “Okay, I’m ready,” she said.

  So was he. Ignoring the erection trying to take away his concentration, he positioned himself firmly behind her. “Get ready for the kick, like I told you, and relax. Keep in mind you don’t want to aim for the head. Go for the midsection—it’s a larger target area.”

  She nodded, took a deep breath and pulled the trigger. And missed the target completely.

  “Where did I hit it?”

  “About five feet above his head.”

  “Oh shit. That’s not good.”

  “It’s okay. Actually, not bad for your first try.” Her perfume snuck into his senses—that natural woman scent mixed with a subtle sprinkling of vanilla. It was a powerfully erotic potion, adding to his awareness of her body pressed intimately against his.

  “Can we do it again?”

  “Sure. This time,” he whispered against her ear, “keep your eyes open.”

  She giggled and set her legs apart.

  “Now, position your body this way,” he said, his voice lower than it should be. Grasping her hips, he moved her gently against him, unable to resist the soft, lush feel of her body.

  “Um, this way?” She pressed her ass back against him while placing her arms in position.

  He bit back a groan. “Yeah, like that.” Definitely like that. Sliding his arms over hers, he grasped her elbows and pulled them back, lightly scraping the sides of her breasts with his fingers.

  “Is this the right way?” Once again, she bent forward enough to tilt her buttocks against his hard-on.

  “I think you’ve got it just right,” he said harshly, all but panting behind her. Sweat formed on his face and neck as he held tight to her hips, loving the feel of her rhythmic rocking against him.

  They stayed like that a few minutes, gently swaying, until they both forgot completely about the firing lesson. Nevada dropped the clip out of the gun and laid the weapon on the countertop in front of her. She pulled off the glasses and ear protection, then leaned forward against the counter, pushing her bottom against his rock-hard length.

  “Is there another lesson you want?” he asked, taking off his protective gear and tossing them behind him.

  “As a matter of fact there is.” She moaned when he found her breasts.

  In answer to her silent pleas, he cupped the soft mounds, sliding his fingers over her nipples. “I can see you need some serious one-on-one tutoring.” He pressed harder against her, trailing one hand down her waist and over her hip to the hem of her skirt. He raised the skirt and slid his hand underneath, shocked and rocketed with desire to discover she wore no panties.

  “Damn, woman, that’s hot as hell.” He probed between her legs, searching for that spot he craved to touch. When he found her slit he petted her pussy lips, drawing the wetness there and using it to caress her swollen clit. She gasped and he moved down again, circling her cunt, poised to enter her, but wanting to tease her for a few seconds.

  “Please.” Her begging whisper made his balls draw tight against his body. But he wanted to take his time, despite his cock’s urging to lift her skirt and plunge hard and fast inside her wet pussy.

  “I know what you want, baby.” And he would be the only man to ever give it to her.

  “Tyler,” she cried when he slipped his fingers inside her. She was moist and hot as boiling water. Her head thrown back against his shoulder, she whimpered when he withdrew his fingers to caress her clit again.

  She reached behind and cupped him through the denim. He swore out a frustrated curse at the jeans that separated her hand from his aching flesh, and savagely tore the zipper down, allowing her access inside.

  He bit back a groan as she twined her fingers around his shaft, sliding her hand firmly along his length until his aching need for her overruled any semblance of reason.

  Pushing her forward against the counter, he took a half step back, slid his jeans down and raised her skirt over her hips. He probed her slick entrance and plunged inside.

  She cried out and threw her head back against his shoulder. He leaned into her embrace, turning her face to the side with his hand so he could take her mouth with the same desperate intensity as their coupling.

  He focused on her ass as she bucked back to meet his thrusts, the perfect globes moving in unison with his strokes. He longed to slip between those cheeks and sink inside her tight rosette, but was loathe to pull out of the hot sheath of her pussy. He dipped his fingers between them and drew her juices onto his hand, then teased her anal entrance with light strokes, slipping just enough inside that she whimpered and moved backward, trying to impale her ass onto his finger.

  “Someday I’m going to fuck your ass,” he said through clenched teeth, fighting the need to shoot inside her right now. First he wanted to hear the cries of her climax, and, when the muscles of her cunt squeezed around his straining cock, he’d come in her.

  His balls hardened as he readied for release. Reaching in front of them, he found her clit and stroked furiously. Nevada threw her head back and screamed as her orgasm hit, its echo bouncing off the walls of the deserted range.

  Her passionate cries fueled his own intense need to release until he could hold back no longer, his low growl intensifying into a roar of pleasure as he held tight to her hips and thrust hard once more, then emptied his cum inside her.

  He collapsed over her, his sweat-soaked chest sliding against her silken back.

  Nothing like this had ever happened to him before. He’d never lost control like that, never felt such a fierce need to be with a woman. He pulled her hair aside and pressed a kiss against her neck. She purred her contentment at him.

  “Are you okay?”

  She nodded and turned to face him, a satisfied smirk on her face. “Definitely.”

  They looked at each other; clothes disheveled like a couple of backseat teenagers, and broke out into fits of laughter.

  “Interesting training,” she finally managed as they righted their clothing.

  Tyler handed her a soft drink he’d purchased from the machine right outside the range. “I can give you as many lessons like that as you’d like.”

  She sipped the drink, stopping only to press the cold can between her breasts. Tyler felt his blood begin to race again as she handed him the can and he placed it on the counter.

  “Does that mean our instruction for the night is over?” she asked, one brow arched wickedly, a gleam in her cat-like eyes.

  “Oh no, I have a lot more to teach you.”

  She stepped into his arms. “Bring it on,” she said, pulling him into a passionate kiss.

  Chapter Twelve

  They’d slept most of the morning away. Tyler didn’t care, knowing there wasn’t much more to do before tonight. Before he even opened his eyes he smiled. A warm bod
y rested next to his, her even breathing indicating she wasn’t disturbed by his restless state.

  He kissed the top of Nevada’s head and eased his arm out from underneath her. She mumbled and rolled over onto her stomach, clutching the pillow against her.

  That was his woman lying there asleep, her hair rumpled from their wild romp under the covers last night. She amazed him with her open sensuality. Every wanton suggestion he made to tease and shock her was greeted with curiosity and enthusiasm. Never before had he met a woman to match his desires. Until now.

  With great reluctance he tore his gaze away, slipped on his shorts and headed into the kitchen to make coffee.

  Time to think. The shipment was due in at nine tonight by barge, which would put the trucks at the warehouse by ten-thirty or so. He made mental notes of positioning based upon the advance reconnaissance he and Nevada had done a couple days ago. They’d driven past the row of warehouses, pinpointing the exact location where the shipment would be delivered.

  Now he had it set in his mind. If the major players showed up, it would be a winning bust all around. There was always the possibility the CEO of Mercado wouldn’t be on hand tonight. But this being their biggest shipment, he had a hunch the big guns would make an appearance to insure their merchandise was distributed correctly. They had a lot to lose if anything went wrong.

  Tyler would make sure they lost it all. The only problem was, how would he manage the mission by himself?

  “Morning, partner.”

  He turned and regarded Nevada’s barefoot progress into the kitchen. “Afternoon, you mean.” He kissed her on the mouth, then directed her to the kitchen chair. She plopped in it and laid her head in her folded arms.

  “What time did we go to sleep last night?” she mumbled with a wide yawn.

  “We slept?”

  She opened one eye and grinned at him. “A couple hours, maybe.”

  “You complaining?” He placed a steaming cup of coffee next to her and sat down.

  “No way.” Finally she raised her head and took a sip of the steaming brew. “What time do we leave for the warehouse tonight?”

  This was the part he hated. Lying to her. “About seven.”

  She frowned at him. “Why so early? I thought the shipment wasn’t due at the warehouse until ten-thirty?”

  “I want to stop by my dad’s house first.”

  “Oh? Why?”

  He shrugged. “Just a couple things I want to get straight in my mind about the mission, and I wanted to ask his opinion.”

  “Okay. It’ll be nice to see your mother again.”

  “You two really hit it off, didn’t you?”

  She nodded and graced him with a sleepy smile. “Yes, we did. I like your mother very much, Tyler. She’s a wonderful woman.”

  Reaching up to smooth a flyaway hair from her face, he leaned in for a kiss. “She likes you, too.” He touched his forehead against hers, unable to get enough of her skin and her scent.

  They ate, then discussed the plan until very late in the afternoon. Tyler began to pack his duffle bag for the evening’s activities.

  Nevada had never seen an armory like the one he was sliding into the compact bags. It was frightening to think of him using any of those vicious-looking assault weapons, but she vowed to back him up no matter what.

  Even if the only thing she knew how to use was a handgun. She’d defend him with her life if necessary.

  They’d gone to the firing range two more times after that first night, but actually managed to stick to the shooting lessons. She warmed remembering that first night, the overwhelming passion whenever they were together. It was like two combustible substances that, once touched, exploded in a fiery burst of light and heat.

  She’d never felt this way before, never allowed a man to get close enough to capture her heart. Until Tyler. It frightened and thrilled her at the same time. What would happen after all this was over, she didn’t know. And now wasn’t the time to think about it.

  Right now her goal was to help him stay alive. Then they’d figure out the rest.

  “You’re putting grenades in there?”

  “Yeah. I might need an explosion for a diversion.”

  She shuddered, a feeling of dread pressing closer as the day wore on. Now that the moment was upon them, the realization of what Tyler was going to try to do alone frightened her more than it ever had.

  The risks he took could get him killed. He’d be outnumbered for certain. Despite the fact he told her she was getting better on the firing range, she knew she’d be of no help to him at all should the situation get out of hand.

  Surely there had to be someone at the agency they could trust. Someone who could help. But who?

  “You ready?” He zipped the last of the bags and stood.

  He looked like a commando, dressed in all-black clothing and military issue boots.

  “Shouldn’t I dress the same way?”

  “Not necessary. You’ve got jeans and a dark shirt. That’ll do. I don’t expect you to have to follow inches behind me anyway. I want you out of sight and out of danger, unless I need you.”

  “That’s not quite the backup I had in mind.”

  He half-smiled. “Remember, I’m your training officer. You’re supposed to follow my orders. When I train a new recruit it’s also my responsibility to keep them out of danger.”

  She wanted to argue about that, but knew he was right. Charging gung ho in there and having Tyler worrying about her safety wouldn’t do him any good. “I’ll follow your orders.”

  Finally, they were ready. She picked up her bag and prepared to leave, but Tyler’s hand on her arm stopped her. She turned to him.

  “Before we leave, I need to say something to you.” He lifted the strap of her bag and placed it on the floor, then pulled her against him, winding his arms tightly around her.

  She laid her head on his shoulder, feeling safe and secure in his embrace. Then she pulled away. “What is it?”

  A worried look filled his eyes. But she also saw something she’d seen only recently. A warmth, like a distant flame in the darkness—a beacon to the lost. “When this is over, we need to talk.”

  “About what?”

  “About you and me,” he said solemnly, pressing a light kiss against her lips.

  “What about you and me?”

  “About our future and what happens with us after this mission ends.”

  Her stomach did flip-flops. Did that mean an ending, or a beginning? She was almost too afraid to ask, and equally as afraid of what his answer would be. Living in the here and now the past couple weeks had been perfect. An idyllic fantasy come to life. But the reality of their relationship would be different. When this was over, she had some thinking to do.

  “I want to make some changes in my life. Some of those changes involve you.”

  There was an indicator of the direction of his thoughts. Her heart jumped a little, and comforting warmth spread over her. He cared for her, that much was certain. But how much, and in what way?

  She opened her mouth to ask, but he placed his finger on her lips. “Not now. We don’t have time to get into it. But we will,” he said, following up his light kiss with one deeper, one full of longing and promise, one she returned with just as much promise.

  If he wanted her in his life after this, they had much to talk about. But not now.

  * * * * *

  By the time they arrived at his parents’ house, it was near dark. Margaret greeted them with a wide grin.

  “I’m so happy to see you!” She threw her arms around Nevada and hugged her tight, then kissed Tyler on the cheek. “What are you doing here?”

  They stepped inside and Margaret shut the door. Nevada clutched her personal bag of weaponry close, feeling a bit awkward about carrying all this firepower into Tyler’s parents’ house.

  “I just needed to talk to Dad for a minute. Is he around?”

  “In the family room watching the baseball game,” she s

  Tyler nodded and started down the hall.

  “Come in and visit with me while I start dinner,” Margaret said, pulling Nevada along.

  She really wanted to go with Tyler, hear the questions he wanted to ask his father. But he was already gone, so she followed Margaret instead. Surely he’d fill her in on what they talked about on the way to the warehouse.

  It wasn’t exactly the way she wanted to partner with him, but for now, she’d bide her time. Damn, it was hard being patient, though. Why couldn’t he treat her more like a partner? Or at least a trainee. She couldn’t learn a damn thing sitting in the kitchen with his mother.

  “Have a seat. How about something cold to drink?”

  “No thank you,” she said, casting furtive glances down the hall. It was already seven-thirty and in no time at all the shipment would arrive. She hoped Tyler’s discussion with his father wouldn’t take long. She was anxious to get out there and set up.

  “Are you staying for dinner?” Margaret slid a casserole into the oven, then pulled up a chair at the kitchen table next to Nevada.

  She shook her head. “I’m afraid we have other plans, but thanks for the invitation.” What was keeping him?

  “Tell me how things are going with you and Tyler. Getting along well?”

  “Yes, as a matter of fact we are.” She turned to Margaret, trying to give her undivided attention.

  “Ah, yes, I can see that in your eyes.”

  “See what?”

  “That look. You’re in love with him.”

  How did mothers know so much? She smiled. “How can you tell?”

  “I know that look, dear,” Margaret said with a smile, patting her hand. “And like I told you before, he’s in love with you.”

  There were so many things she wanted to talk to Margaret about, but now was not the time. She heard footsteps in the hall and turned to see Edward approaching.

  Nevada looked around for Tyler, but didn’t see him. “Is Tyler coming?”

  Edward smiled indulgently and shook his head. “He left as soon as you two got here.”

  Her heart dropped to her feet. “Left?” She stood abruptly. “What do you mean left?”