Page 17 of Unleashed

  “He said that? I got this?” I asked.

  She nodded her head, “Yeah. That’s Ripp. Mister I got this. It’s what he says. And when he says it, he’s got it. He’s my big brother, Vee. And that’s something we need to talk about, I suppose,” she stopped walking and turned to face me.

  “I like you, Vee,” she smiled and crossed her arms in front of her chest.

  “I like you too, Kace,” I widened my eyes and smiled.

  “If you hurt him, Vee. If you hurt my Ripp, it isn’t going to be pretty for you. I’ll come find you, and I mean it. Don’t you dare hurt him,” she said in as stern of a tone as she could manage.

  She’s so cute.

  “I’ll never hurt him, Kace. Not even a little bit, I promise,” I said as I opened my arms.

  As she leaned into me and hugged me I realized just how much she loved Michael. He was, to her, a big brother, her protector, and a friend. He was someone she could rely on when life got tough. In her mind, Michael was the fireman that saved her from the burning house. Shane was where she decided to settle and who she loved, but Michael stopped the nightmare for her. He’s the one that made it possible. He would always have a special place in her heart.

  And in mine.

  As we continued to walk through the mall, she looked in the windows of the shops as we passed. From time-to-time she’d stop and point, making a comment of how cute something was. I really enjoyed spending time with her, and how much of a no-nonsense woman she really was. So many females these days want to try to compete with everyone. Bragging about what they do, who they are, and what they have. Kace was the opposite. Kace was real.

  As we walked through the parking lot toward the car, I pulled my keys from my purse and unlocked the car. As the alarm chimed, Kace looked up.

  “Maybe we can all go on a date. The three of us,” I said.

  “Austin? And Nikki?” she asked.

  “No, Bug and A-Train,” I responded as I opened the door to the car.

  “Okay, yeah. Sounds good, Vee. You know,” she paused as she opened the door to the car.

  “That Nikki? She was at the gym the other day. She uhhm. Well, her boobs, do you think they’re fake?” she asked over the top of the car.

  “Yes, as a matter of fact, I do,” I smiled.

  Yeah, Kace and I are going to be the best of friends. I’m sure of it.

  “That’s what I was thinking,” she said as she got into the car.

  Oh hell, I just as well ask.

  “What are your thoughts on getting your head stepped on? You know, during sex? Head steppin?” I asked over my shoulder as I buckled my seatbelt.

  She coughed and giggled. As she buckled her seat belt, she looked over her shoulder and smiled.

  “I love it,” she giggled.

  Yeah, Kace and I are going to get along just fine.


  A-TRAIN. I believe, when it comes to women, most men just don’t have a clue what they need to do to keep them happy. Human beings, in general, are all equal until they provide some reason or exhibit a particular behavior which causes us to place them in a location that is different than the masses. Women are human therefore they belong beside men, not in front, and certainly never behind.

  I have always believed you get what you pay for. If I prefer to be treated with respect, I need to provide respect, as my payment, to receive respect in return. The more you respect you pay, the more you receive. When men treat women without respect, in return they receive a woman that treats them accordingly. The men, who were disrespectful from the beginning, then use the behavior of the woman as an excuse for acting in a manner that is contrary to what is acceptable behavior.

  Generally speaking, I am a quiet observer. If I have something to say, I say it. I rarely say anything that isn’t meaningful, and make sure when I speak whoever I’m speaking to understands what it is that I intended to say. A clear line of communication is essential to living a meaningful life. Sometimes saying nothing is a scream loud enough the entire world can hear it. Knowing when to speak and when not to is something the military taught me that I will cherish for a lifetime.

  I took a breath and knocked on the door twice. I’ve always looked at a doorbell as a lazy way of knocking, and I’m far from lazy. I waited with my hands at my sides nervously until the door opened.

  “Alec, how are you?” he said as he opened the door.

  “I am well sir, thank you,” I responded as I stepped into the home.

  “So, what’s the occasion,” he said as he walked into the living room.

  “Well sir, I’d like to speak to you about your daughter,” I responded as I followed him into the room.

  “Have a seat,” he said as he sat down in the recliner positioned in the corner of the room.

  I chose the seat next to him and sat down. I placed my hands in my lap, turned to face him, and smiled.

  “I’m guessing when you all went out the other night you had fun. The girls said it was a pretty good time. Hell, you never know with girls, they’ll tell you whatever you want to hear, wont they, son?” he chuckled.

  “Yes sir, I’m sure that’s a true statement,” I nodded.

  “So what’s the problem? Did one of them act up the other night?” he asked as he rubbed his chin with his hand.

  “No sir, certainly not. It’s not anything like that. I wanted to ask your permission for something sir,” I responded.

  My mouth was dry and I was nervous. I hadn’t done anything like this in years. I’d walk into a firefight in a minute, but sitting here talking to Katie’s father made me feel like a nervous wreck. I swallowed the lump in my throat and smiled as he looked at me with a face filled with confusion.

  “Permission? Hell you don’t need my permission for anything son. What the hell you needin’?” he asked as he continued to rub his chin.

  “Sir, we went out the other night, and I was able to spend considerable time with your daughters. Austin, Mike, Shane, Vee, and Kace were present as well. We had a nice time. In doing so sir, I was able to get to know Katie a little better,” I paused, took a shallow breath and allowed him to digest what I had said.

  “In getting to understand her more, I realized a few things. One, she wants a man in her life. Two, she needs a man in her life. And three, I believe sir I can be that man. I’d like to ask your permission sir to take her on a date,” I said as I rubbed my sweaty palms along my thighs.

  “You called and came here to ask my permission to take my daughter on a date? Bug?” he removed his hand from his chin and smiled.

  “Yes sir, that is correct,” I responded.

  “Well, normally I suppose I’d have a lot of shit to say. You know, be respectful. Or remind you that she’s been through a lot lately, and she doesn’t need a guy trying to get in her pants right now. Maybe I’d offer a few choice words about wearing protection, birth control, and how there’s plenty of kids in this country that don’t have parents,” he paused and looked around the room.

  “But with you, I don’t think I need to say any of those things directly. Instead, I’ll say this; Mike and I have talked about you. At length, I might add. He thinks the world of you. If Mike thinks the world of you, I believe him. He’s a hard man to impress. I have, however, formed my own opinions about you, and I’ll have to admit you easily rise to the top of the pool of men that I’d choose for her. Brings me, I suppose, to this,” he turned to face me and grinned.

  “Two things. First one is this. You’re not from here. And I ain’t lookin’ to have my daughter taken from me, Mr. Jacob. Not now or ever. As far as I’m concerned, she can leave Texas when I’m dead; if she prefers. Not before. Now, before I get to number two, what do you have to say about that?” he nodded his head once and placed his hand on his chin.

  “Well, sir. I have been offered a job at the gym. I intend to teach a women’s self-defense course as well as a hand-to-hand combat course. Kelsey and Joe made the deal with Mike and me last
week. I’ve already started scheduling people. Short of the men I ride with, I have nothing in Kansas, and I’ll stay here as long as your daughter will have me,” I responded.

  “Does that job at the gym pay you enough money to survive?” he asked, still rubbing his chin with his thumb and forefingers.

  “I suppose not, sir. The United States Government does. I get a check monthly. A very healthy one, I might add. Being shot half a dozen times pays pretty well, I suppose,” I grinned.

  “I suppose so,” he chuckled.

  “Alright, number two. Sunday dinners. We have ‘em here, on Sundays. I realize there are times when you may not be able to come. Hell, things happen. But you’ll never miss more than two weeks in a row, is that understood?” he asked as he slowly raised one eyebrow.

  “Yes sir. I like to eat, and your wife is a great cook,” I nodded.

  It seemed, in some respects, that he felt as if I was asking his permission to marry Katie. I suppose it was possible he was merely doing his best to look out for what he believed was in her best interest. If the things that were important to him were not important to me, he probably saw no value in letting me take her on the first date. As he began to rub his chin again, I waited for his approval. I wanted this. Katie was a sweet girl, and I expected she would be good for me. I needed a woman in my life to provide balance and keep me in check. A woman would give me reason to act like a human again, and less of a machine.

  “Well, I lied. There’s one more thing, and I’m afraid although I might discuss it, I won’t bargain much,” he hesitated and turned to face me directly.

  “Yes sir,” I responded as I rubbed my palms along the thighs of my jeans.

  “My understanding is you’re a smoker. You smoke a lot. I don’t want my future son in law, who by the grace of God almighty has made it out of wars in Iraq and Afghanistan unscathed, to die of lung cancer. I’ll need you to figure out a way to give up those cigarettes, son. I’ll need that to happen here real soon. No exceptions. We have a deal?” he asked as he stood from his chair and extended his hand.

  I stood from my chair and proudly shook his hand, “Deal.”

  “Well, I must say, I couldn’t be happier for you or for Bug. She’s a damned fine girl. I like it that you came here like this, son. It was real respectful of you. I’m anxious to see how this thing pans out,” he smiled.

  “Can you excuse me, sir? I have something on the bike I need to give you. I’ll need to go get it,” I said as I released his hand.

  “Sure. Hell whatever you need to do. And when you come back in, don’t bother knocking. Family doesn’t knock,” he grinned.

  When I walked back into the house, I didn’t knock. I walked into the room where we were sitting. He and Katie were now sitting in the room, she across the room from him, smiling. I walked to the front of his chair, and reached into my back pocket and pulled a pack of cigarettes from my pocket and handed them to him.

  He furrowed his brow and looked at the pack of cigarettes.

  “What are you doing, son?” he asked.

  “Take them. If I ever want to smoke one, I’ll ask you for it. Other than that, I’ll never smoke another sir. Fair price to pay for what’s on the port side of your living room, sir,” I said as I motioned toward Katie.

  He smiled and accepted the pack of cigarettes.

  “Now, the last thing,” I turned to face Katie.

  “Katie, would you like to accompany me on a date this Saturday night?” I asked.

  “Possibly. At what time?” she asked.

  “I expect ma’am, I would like to pick you up around six o’clock. And bring you back at let’s say,” I hesitated and turned to face her father.

  He held one finger in the air.

  “One o’clock in the morning,” I said.

  “I’d love to,” she answered.

  “Great. Well, I’ve got to get to work now. Sir,” I said as I extended my hand toward her father.

  He stood from his chair and shook my hand.

  “Katie,” I nodded toward Katie.

  She smiled in return and rolled her eyes.

  I nodded to her father and smiled, “I’ll let myself out, sir.”

  As I walked to the door, I grinned at the thought of starting over. Potentially developing a long term relationship and maybe even having a family. As I opened the door, I heard Katie’s father yell.

  “Alec?” he yelled from the living room.

  “Yes sir?” I responded.

  “Welcome to the family,” he yelled.

  I opened the door and stepped onto the porch. As I pulled the door closed, I stuck my head into the opening between the door and the frame.

  “Thank you sir,” I responded.

  I won’t disappoint you.


  RIPP. “Now, you’re probably thinking that because I got you tied up on your back, things are gonna go easy for you. But that ain’t necessarily the case,” I said as I reached into the bag and pulled out the egg shaped vibrator.

  She shook her head as I reached into the bag and grabbed the tube of lube.

  “Now, we’ve been fucking for about an hour. Right now, you’re a fucking mess. I can tell, because you’re lying there shakin’. If you could talk, you might tell me you were done. But, you can’t say a fucking word,” I squirted a little lube onto the egg and rubbed it over the surface.

  Holding the egg and controller in my hand, I squirted lube onto my fingers and thumb. As I knelt down between her legs, she began to groan loud enough I could hear her through the leather strap that covered her mouth.

  “You bought the shit, Vee. I’m just using it,” I smiled as I reached down between her thighs and slowly slid my thumb into her pussy and my index finger into her ass.

  “Your little ass is tight as fuck, Vee. Virgin ass. That’s a good thing. After tonight, it won’t be. After tonight, it’ll be my ass. The Boss’ ass. I’ll have you say that later, even though I won’t be able to understand you,” I smiled up at her as I slid my finger and thumb in and out of her ass and pussy, respectively.

  Her thigh muscles tensed and her eyes closed as I fingered her ass and pussy. I felt her pussy contract as she had another orgasm. I continued to slide my fingers in and out as she convulsed on the bed.

  “I think that’s thirteen. Or fourteen. I bet you’re keeping track. Either way, that’s a lot. I bet you’re worn the fuck out. We’re damn near done, babe. You know, the funny thing is you get so damned worn out that the orgasms come quicker. You notice that?” I asked as I reached down between her legs with the egg.

  She moaned loudly into the leather strap as her muscles tensed along her torso. Slowly, I removed my finger from her ass and pushed the lubricated egg inside. A small diameter cord attached to the control I held in my hand allowed the egg to be controlled remotely. I sat up on the bed between her thighs and smiled.

  “Well, that was easy. You probably can’t even feel it now, but guess what? That little fucker’s inside that cute little ass of yours now, Vee. Here in about half an hour you’re either gonna be really glad you bought that little guy, or pretty fucking mad about it. We’ll know here in a bit, I suppose.

  I held the controller in the air so she could see it and pressed the button, turning it on a mid-level speed.

  Her eyes closed as she moaned softly into the leather strap.

  “Feels good? Well, tell me what you think of this,” I grinned as I placed the controller beside her hip and began stroking my cock.

  As I moved my body along her thighs, I positioned myself between her legs and guided my cock into her soaking wet pussy. As I slowly started fucking her, I reached for the control and turned off the vibrator. Slowly and methodically, I began to fuck her pussy deeply. I made each stroke slow, deep, and predictable.

  “I really like that little pussy of yours, Vee. It’s so fucking wet and tight. God damn, it feels good on this big fat cock of mine,” I grinned as I reached for her nipples and began pi
nching them between my fingers and thumbs.

  “Oh shit, it feels like you’re going to cum again. Are you going to cum on my cock, Vee?” I asked as I continued to fuck her slowly and deeply.

  She opened and closed her eyes rapidly and nodded her head.

  “Yeah, I can feel it. Hold on,” I said as I raised my chest a few inches and placed my hands on either side of her torso.

  I began to fuck her harder and with much more force as she started to cum. Her eyes closed and she arched her neck as I felt her pussy contract on my cock. If the depth and degree of contraction were a means of measuring satisfaction, this one was huge. Her entire pussy contracted on the length of my cock as I angry fucked her harder and harder. After about ten seconds of her screaming into the strap, I reached for the control and turned on the vibrator.

  Her groaning turned to screaming. Her eyes opened. I looked down at her and smiled as she continued to scream into the strap.

  “Feel good, babe? I asked as I continued to fuck her.

  She blinked her eyes rapidly.

  I turned the speed to high and fucked her as if it was my last opportunity. Her eyes closed and she continued to scream into the strap. As she screamed, I reached up and pulled the strap, snapping it free from her mouth.

  “Oh holy…” she screamed, her eyes blinking slowly.

  I continued to fuck her hard. As my cock worked in and out of her pussy, she raised her head and stared at me, confused. Her body convulsed and her hips bucked up and down as much as they could, considering the degree which she was restrained.


  “I’m done…” she said as her pussy stopped contracting.

  “Is it snowing in this motherfucker?”

  She blinked her eyes and looked at me as if I’d spoken Greek. As soon as she realized the reference, she responded.

  “No, hell no!” she yelled.

  “Alright then,” I said as I reached over and turned off the vibrator.

  I continued to pound away at her swollen pussy. We’d been fucking solid for over an hour now, and her little pussy was red and swollen. She’d had somewhere between fifteen and seventeen orgasms. Initially, she had informed me she was able to have three, and that was her upper limit. Now, she had realized not only that I was some form of Superman, but when you care for someone and you relax, you can have as many orgasms as your body will allow you to.