Page 18 of Unleashed

  Her body and my body seemed to mesh well together.

  She closed her eyes and sighed as I continued to fuck her with my entire cock. Every inch of me was being forced into her pussy until I felt my balls smash against the crack of her ass. As I raised my hips, I pulled out until I felt the tip clear her lips.

  “I’m about there, babe,” I grinned as I continued to fuck her long and hard.

  She continued to lie there with her eyes closed.

  I reached for the control and turned on the vibrator.


  “Fuck…” she screamed as she opened her eyes.

  “Snowing yet?” I asked.

  “Fuck no!” she yelled.

  I continued to fuck her deeply and turned the vibrator to high speed. After about thirty seconds, I felt her pussy begin to contract again.

  “Here we go babe, this is it, let’s do this together. Where you want this cum, babe. Face? Tits? Ass? Pussy? Stomach?” I asked as I continued my pace.

  “Inside me…”

  “Please…” she grunted as she bit her lower lip.

  As I listened to her labored breathing and the sound of the vibrator, I turned to face the corner of the room and focus. My cat sat in the corner and stared. I shook my head and turned to face Vee. As she contracted, I began to feel my balls rise. This was going to be massive. We’d been going too long, and I was far too excited.

  As my cock began to swell, she screamed.

  “Do it, Ripp. Cum. Holy…”



  Slowly, I stroked in and out. As I felt my cock explode, she opened her eyes and stared. I buried myself into her and groaned.

  “Grrrrrrr…..fuck yes… sexy little fucker…” I growled.


  “I fucking…”

  “Pizz you,” she groaned.

  I held still and looked at the most beautiful woman in the world as she stared back at me. Covered in sweat and twenty orgasms richer than she was when she woke up, she smiled.

  “I pizz you back, babe,” I said as I turned off the egg.

  “Holy shit, that was intense, huh?” I sighed.

  “Uh. Yeah. That’s a good word choice. Intense. Let me stick that thing up your ass, fuck you, and see what you think,” she chuckled.

  “Well, the night’s still young. And you took the week off. You never know,” I slowly pulled my cock from her pussy and rolled over and collapsed beside her.

  “Don’t take it out yet, I may not be done,” she sighed.

  “Seriously?” I asked.

  “Yeah. I don’t know. I feel like a shit sandwich right now, but it’s hard to say. Those orgasms? Holy fuckity fuck. Yeah. Give me a bit. I may want more. Why? Is it snowing in this motherfucker?” she asked as she raised her head up to face me.

  “Hell no,” I laughed as I leaned up to kiss her.

  I grasped her face in my hands and kissed her deeply. In a short period of time, we’d made tremendous progress. My life now was much richer than it ever has been. I was surrounded by good friends, a great job, and a woman who just by being herself challenged me in ways that no one else could.

  By being in my life, she challenged me to do things that I never thought I’d do. When I got dressed, I thought of what she would think of my clothes. I even found a pair of jeans that fit my thighs and started wearing them from time-to-time when we went for sushi. I had become more careful of my speech and attempted to talk like I was intelligent, and not a country ass Texan.

  I was learning to love her and do it in a manner that made her glad she was giving me a chance. Vivian Simon was the one person that I could see myself spending my life with and being satisfied.


  As I reached for the restraints to free her from her bindings, she opened her eyes.

  “What are you doing, babe?” she asked.

  “Unbuckling you,” I responded.

  “No. I’m not done,” she sighed.

  “Seriously?” I asked.

  “Seriously,’ she responded.

  “Okay…” I breathed.

  “Flip that little guy on and do that deal you do with your tongue on my pussy, big boy,” she smiled.

  “Alright,” I smiled.

  As I reached for the control, I realized I may have just met my match.

  I flipped the control to high and rolled between her legs. As I looked up, I watched as she rolled her eyes and slowly closed them.


  “Yes…” she moaned.

  In fact, I was sure of it.

  I have met my sexual match.

  And I’ll be grateful.

  For a lifetime of lifetimes.


  VEE. I had called Michael and let him know I was coming to his home to see him. I had only been there once before, and the majority of the time that we had spent together had been at his parent’s home or at my home. Nervously, I drove to his house.

  As I pulled in the driveway, I looked around the well-manicured lawn and neat landscaping. It would stand to reason he would be a neat person, but I didn’t realize the level of detail to his yard in the past. Maybe now I was looking through a clearer set of eyes.

  Maybe I was more open-minded and prepared to see what I was able to see, and not what I wanted to. I smiled as I looked around, grabbed by purse, and got out of the car. The smell of fresh cut grass made me smile. I paid a lawn service to manicure my lawn and service my shrubbery and landscaping. With the hours I normally worked, I rarely smelled the freshly cut lawn.

  As I walked up the walk, I felt sick. I wondered what his reaction would be to the discussion we were going to have. As well as I thought I knew Michael, I had no idea of what to expect.

  I rang the doorbell and waited.

  “Hey babe,” he said as he opened the door.

  As I walked into the house, he hugged me and gave me a shallow kiss.

  “Sorry, I’m still all stinky from cutting the grass. I haven’t had time to shower yet,” he shook his head and stomped into the living room.

  “You cut your own?” I asked.

  “Yeah, it’s how we poor folk do it,” he laughed, “you want a bottle of water or anything?”

  “No, I’m fine,” I smiled as I sat on the couch beside him.

  I placed my purse in my lap and clutched it in my arms. As I sat and stared at my knees, my right leg bounced up and down nervously. Consciously, I stopped it from moving twice. Twice, it began to bounce again as soon as I stopped it.

  “You alright, babe?” he asked.

  “Yeah. I’m fine,” I said as I stared at my knees and clutched my purse.

  “So, what’s up?” he said as he leaned into the corner of the couch.

  “Well, there’s a couple of things,” I sighed, “I just don’t know which one to tell you first.”

  “Well, they say you should always end on a good note, so pick the best of the two for last,” he grinned.

  I wish it was that easy.

  “Well, I need to decide which is first, just give me a minute, okay?” I asked as I stared at my bouncing knee.

  I felt as if I may vomit.

  And cry.

  I did not want to cry. Not even for a second. Nothing is worth crying over, no matter what it is. I stared at my knee and attempted to hold myself together. I thought about what to say and how to say it. After a few moments silence, I decided to begin.

  “Well,” I swallowed the lemon sized lump in my throat.

  “Maybe I will take that water,” I sighed as I shook my head.

  “Coming right up,” he grinned as he jumped up and walked into the kitchen.

  I felt the order that I told Michael the news may have some bearing on how he responded to my statements. I needed to know for certain how he felt about what I needed to tell him, and not have him respond based on what he felt I wanted to hear. As he handed me a bottle of water, I took a slow drink and
placed the bottle between my legs.

  “Okay, ready?” I turned to face him and attempted to smile.

  “Yep,” he grinned.

  I took another drink from the bottle and glanced down at my knee.

  “I think there’s three things, total,” I said.

  “Okay,” he said softly.

  I felt sick.

  Here goes.

  “You know how I told you I wanted to buy the law firm from my father?” I attempted to form a smile.

  “Yep,” he nodded.

  “Well,” I hesitated.

  “I’m the sole owner now,” I smiled and took another drink of the water.

  “Well, that’s good, right?” his eyes widened and he looked confused.

  “Yeah. Great,” I sighed.

  “Okay, next thing,” I took a deep breath and reached into my purse.

  I felt around in the side pocket and pulled it out. As I clutched it in my hand, I began to attempt to speak and maintain a level of sanity.

  “You know how you’ve told me over and over that you love me?” I asked.

  “Yep,” he smiled as he took a drink of his water.

  “Did you mean it Michael?” I asked.

  “Fuck yeah, I did. Why would you ask me that?” he said.

  “I need to know Michael. These aren’t just words. I need to know,” I said as I fought back tears.

  “I love you baby,” he said as he scooted across the couch.

  I held my left hand in the air between us.

  “Let me finish,” I said.

  “Do you mean it?” I asked.

  “Yes, I love you,” he said sternly.

  “This is your chance to back out, Michael. Do it now if you’re going to do it,” I said.

  “What the fuck, Vee. Back out? What the fuck is wrong with you. I fucking love you. Get over it. What are you going to do, ditch me?” he asked as he stood from the couch and placed his hands on his hips.

  “No. I’m not going to ditch you. So, you love me. No bullshit, no lies?” I asked.

  “Nope. I love you. You’re ditching me, aren’t you? I fucking knew this was too good to be true.

  “No Michael,” I said as I held my hand out.

  “What is it?” he asked as he reached for my hand.

  I fought back tears.

  “A pregnancy test, Michael, I’m pregnant,” I said as he took the test from my hand.

  He looked at the pen shaped device and up into my eyes. He looked down at the device again and turned it slightly and smiled. He raised it in the air and began to talk. As his voice cracked, he started over.

  “This one. Is this one mine?” he asked.

  “Yours? What do you mean, Michael? It’s a fucking pregnancy test. I’m pregnant,” I blurted.

  “I heard you Vee. Jesus. Is this one mine? The one you handed me? Is this mine to keep?” he asked.

  “Sure, why?” I snapped.

  “I want to frame it baby. It’s our first kid. I don’t want to take it from you if it’s the only one,” he smiled.

  He wants to frame the pregnancy test. Could he be any cuter?

  “You’re not mad?” I asked as the tears began to fall.

  “Mad, hell no. I’m happy as fuck baby. Having a baby with the woman I love? Shit, life couldn’t be any better. You might think I’m a big dork, but I’ll make you proud when it comes to being a father,” he smiled as he pulled his phone from his pocket.

  Slowly, he walked over to the kitchen and plugged his phone into the docking station that sat on the bar. As the music began to play, he turned it up loudly. As the music filled the room, I looked up at him confused.

  He stood on the throw rug that separated the kitchen from the living room and waved his arms.

  “What are you doing, Michael?” I asked as I wiped tears from my eyes.

  “I have something to show you,” he said, “come here.”

  As I walked over to the carpet, I shook my head and dropped my purse on the floor. Whatever I did in my life to deserve this I wasn’t aware. I could ask for nothing more than Michael could give me. I came here expecting to be told to get the fuck out and go away. Instead, I was welcomed with open arms by someone who wanted to frame the pregnancy test of our first baby.

  God I loved this man.

  As I stepped onto the carpet, he reached out and grabbed my hands in his.

  “I been saving this for a special occasion,” he smiled.

  “Waltz, you know it? If not, I can do the foxtrot, the…”

  Is he serious?

  “I can Waltz,” I responded.

  As we began to Waltz across the carpet in the edge of the living room, my tears began to dry up. My heart began to fill with joy as I watched Michael proudly lead me in an almost perfect Waltz as the music played from the kitchen.

  “So what is this?” I asked as I looked up into his eyes.

  “Celebration, I guess. Let’s call it the baby dance,” he said.

  “The baby dance?” I asked.

  “Yep. The baby dance,” he said as he continued to dance to the music.

  “How many people in Austin do you think are doing the baby dance right now?” I smiled.

  “Including us?” he asked.

  I nodded my head.

  “Two. You and I. And I can tell you something else. If there is anyone else doing it, they aren’t as happy as I am right now. They just aren’t,” he grinned.

  “So, what was the third thing?” he asked.

  “I’ll tell you later,” I responded, “I don’t want to lose this moment.”

  “Okay,” he smiled as he continued to step from corner to corner of the rug.

  And, as we danced a Waltz across the carpeted dance floor in Michael’s home in celebration of a new life we were bringing into the earth, I began to come to terms with the one I had just lost.

  I’d tell him later.

  I needed this.

  The baby dance.

  Michael was right. He’d make a great father. And with uncles like A-Train, Shane, and Austin, this kid would never live a dull moment.

  Or be abused by anyone.

  “Baby?” Michael sighed.

  “Yes, love?” I responded.

  “Your thoughts on getting married?” he asked.

  “Well, I don’t suppose I care, it doesn’t matter,” I said softly as I looked up into his eyes.

  “It matters to me. I want to get married. Prove you love me. Will you marry me?” he asked as the music stopped.

  As I began to respond, he pulled the pregnancy test from his pocket, looked at it, and smiled. I felt like I was two inches shorter, because in many respects, I just began to melt.

  “Yes,” I breathed.

  Michael Allen Ripton.

  The man dreams are made of.


  “Babe, will you bring me my phone? I’m sick again. I’m going to need to call Mr. Martin,” I yelled from the bathroom.

  As Shane brought me my phone, I hovered over the toilet. For the last three mornings, I’d been sick. The yogurt that we bought was making me throw up. I’d missed the last two days of work from vomiting.

  “Here, Kace. You going to be alright, I’m worried about you? And I’m throwing the yogurt out. I don’t care what it cost. If it’s making you sink it’s not worth it,” Shane said as he handed me the phone.

  I nodded as I looked into the toilet.

  “It’s weird. I feel better in the day, kind of. Maybe it’s some weird flu. Shut the door please,” I said softly.

  As I sent Mr. Martin a text message apologizing for being sick again, I realized today I didn’t eat any yogurt. I stood up, set my phone on the vanity and rinsed my face in the sink. I lowered the lid to the toilet and thought of what might make me sick.

  Slowly, I reached under the sink and pulled out the box. I opened the box and removed the package, and tore it open. I’d used the tests before. I pulled up the lid to the toilet and held the test underneath me and peed.
After I was done, I shook the test dry and pulled some extra tissue from the roll.

  I placed the tissue on the countertop, and the test on top of the tissue.

  Shane and I had talked about getting pregnant. He wanted nothing more than to be a father. He made that clear. More than anything on this earth, he wanted to be a father. Secondly, he wanted to win the championship and retire. The fight was in four months. If I was pregnant, he’d be fighting before we had the baby. It would be like Christmas three times in one year.

  I glanced at the test.


  I thought of what I had been eating and wondered if there was some virus or something going around. I had taken a dozen pregnancy tests, and never been pregnant. I didn’t want to disappoint Shane, but I often wondered if I could become pregnant.

  I picked up the box and looked at the back of it.

  99.785 percent accurate.

  Well, that’s basically a hundred.

  I picked up the test and looked.

  Plus sign.

  Oh. My. God.

  “Shane!” I screamed, “Shane!”


  As the door opened he looked down at me with a worried look. Crying I held the test in the air. I tried to talk, but I couldn’t speak.

  He looked at the test form the doorway.

  “Yes?” he asked, “are you?”

  I nodded.

  He reached down and scooped me from the floor and took off running through the house with me in his arms.

  “I love you so much. This is great news. Not the yogurt. Let me get my hoodie. We’ll run to the doctor’s office and find out what we need to do to make sure you and the baby are healthy. I’ll need to call Ripp and tell him he’s going to be an uncle. Kelsey is going to want to…” he word vomited as he ran through the house.

  “Babe?” I said as he ran into the bed room.

  “Yes, babe?” he breathed.

  “I can walk,” I said.

  “Okay,” he said a she lowered me to the floor and grabbed his hoodie from on top of the bed.

  “I just want everything to be perfect,” he said.