Page 8 of Biker Faith

“I’ll admit she hasn’t brought trouble to the club yet and she keeps Lana off my back while I’m out on business. For the sake of my brother and his aching balls here…” he laughs as I scowl at him. “If everyone agrees, she can stay a while longer, but if everything remains quiet then she’s gone in a month. I’m not saying she has to leave town just the clubhouse. Of course, she might not want to stay, it’s not like your cock is gonna make her stick around,” he finishes, whilst the table is once again laughing at me.

  He bangs the gavel down and I’m out of the room in seconds… it’s official, I’m a laughing stock.

  I’ll grab Bonnie and get the hell out of here for a while. I can still hear their laughter as they pour out of the back room as I head to mine. When I open my door their laughter fades away instantly. I hear nothing, all I see is Bonnie in her underwear getting ready to dress. Usually this would be heaven to me, but it’s not her ass or tits that have me unable to move a muscle. Her back is covered in many thin, white lines. When she jumps at my arrival, I see her whole torso is also covered in the same thin, white lines. Scars. My mind briefly remembers the doc telling us about scars the first night she turned up here. She always been careful to dress in the bathroom and now I know why.

  None of the scars particularly look deep or thick but there is so many of them. What the fuck happened to her? Once she’s over the shock, she quickly continues dressing and then begins to shove her things into bags she’s been accumulating ready for her departure.

  I still can’t move.

  “I’m gonna go,” she stutters. “I’m sorry you had to see that,” she adds.

  She is embarrassed and angry. I want to tell her she doesn’t need to be but nothing comes out.

  I want to find out who done this to her so I can find them and kill them. All this time everyone has doubted her. There is not one spec of doubt in me she has only been here to relish in the safety of our club.

  “I’ll have to come back for the rest,” she says, holding onto a few of her bags.

  She’s ready to go and I’m not about to let that happen.

  I step back into the doorway to stop her.

  “Please move,” she whispers, keeping her head down.

  “Don’t run, stay,” I say, barely able to speak.

  “Stay for what?”

  “For me.”

  She gasps when she hears my words and frowns.

  “Why would you want me? You just saw what I look like without clothes on, I’m hideous,” she cries.

  If she took my earlier silence for repulsion, she couldn’t be more fucking wrong. Nothing I say she is going to believe. I’m going to have to show her.

  I reach behind me and close the door, locking it too. I take the bags from her and throw them back on the couch ‘cos she sure as fuck will be unpacking them later.

  “You couldn’t be further from being hideous to me,” I tell her, pushing her hair back off her face and gripping her chin. With nowhere else to look apart from at me, she closes her eyes causing tears to release as she does.

  “Look at me Bon.”

  I wait for her to open her eyes before I speak.

  “Will you let me show you how fuckin’ beautiful I know you are?”

  I can’t decipher what the hell is going through my head, so hers must be in super overdrive. I can see it in her eyes, she is searching for something in me, trying to work out if I’m serious. It hurts me that she feels like this.


  “Show me,” she whispers, and that’s all I need from her before I claim her lips and lift her as she wraps her legs around my waist.

  A passion I suspected she had buried deep within came to fire and she was kissing me back with everything she has. Moving towards to the bed, I lowered her down and got rid of my cut and tee. Her sharp intake of breath at the sight of my chest had me rock hard. Quickly ridding myself of my jeans I lowered myself over her and claimed her lips again. Pushing my erection against her had her grinding against it harder. I was able to pull off her shorts leaving the pink lace panties she wore in place. When it came to removing her top, she froze beneath me.

  “Don’t be afraid to let me see them, they don’t make me want you any less,” I assured her.

  She was debating internally…run or stay, run or stay. I could see it in her eyes. Thankfully she chose stay and pulled her top up and over her head, throwing it to the floor.

  As it was, I hardly noticed the scars. Her tits were perfect, her skin soft…her wandering hands working as she pulled my cock free. Her scars couldn’t be any less of an issue to me, she is fucking perfect beneath me.

  Using one hand to slide her underwear down, she brought her knee up to help get them off. Cupping her pussy, her wetness nearly had me blowing over her stomach. There was no time for foreplay right now, apparently Bonnie thought the same. She held my cock to her entrance and rubbed it in her wetness.

  “Please,” she whispered.

  I took over her hand and slowly eased into her. She was so tight it felt like my cock was suffocating inside her. And just as I imagined, her back arched and she gasped as I slid fully into her. Withdrawing and repeating for a few strokes felt too good. Whether I go slow or fast, I’m not going to last much longer.

  “Harder,” she moaned, keeping her eyes solely connected with mine.

  I slowly withdrew from her but hit back into her hard. Keeping this momentum was blowing my mind.

  “More. Please, more,” she begged.

  Picking up the momentum, I gave her what she wanted…what we both wanted…and worked my hips into a fucking frenzy. Fuck the gasps that used to turn me on, I want to hear her scream, which she did until I felt her shudder and shake, her breath rushing against my chest. Her orgasm had me forgetting everything, even my fucking name as I came deep inside her.

  I collapsed on top of her, careful to keep most of my weight from crushing her and enjoyed the feeling of the best fuck I’d ever had.

  I leant on my elbows and kissed her before I couldn’t help laughing, still feeling the tremors coursing through me.

  “You’re not goin’ anywhere now, not after that,” I laughed, rolling off to her side and wrapping her in my arms.

  No, she definitely needs more of that and so the fuck do I.

  Chapter Nine


  During the night I had another nightmare, the same nightmare I always have. At the end of this one as my father turns from my mother’s lifeless body, he sees me in the darkness on the stairs, his rough voice saying ‘no one will want you now’. I was awoken to Sparky shaking me and I felt the tears streaking down my face. He didn’t say anything and nor did I. After we spent the afternoon and all evening exploring each other bodies, I was positive nothing could get to me here in this room with him. He pulled me in his arms and stroked my hair as he thought I was drifting back off to sleep. I remained awake long into the night asking myself stupid questions that I never want to know the answers to. Would he still want me if he knew I was damaged goods? Half of me wants to believe he would, after all he still wanted me after he saw my scarred body, but the other half screams out that isn’t as bad as how I got them.

  I had given up thinking sex could be as it should, full of need and pure lust. The past six years have shown me nothing pure, Sparky has shown me it is real and I can have a slice of it. Scrap that, nothing good can ever last around me. I allow myself to finally drift off to sleep in his warm, heavy arms, hoping this need for each other can last a few more days.

  Waking this morning I brushed away the negative thoughts I had during the night and continued to prolong this moment of happiness.

  Sparky is still asleep beside me, his arm instinctively around me, holding me close. The touch across my belly tingles where contact is made and the desires that have built up over the last couple of weeks burst to my core. I feel myself becoming wet once again, lacking the confidence to initiate anything with him. I regretfully decide to get up and shower instead. I barel
y make it to the edge of his bed when I am pulled back. I couldn’t help but yelp as his strong arm shot across my waist and pulled me under the sheets.

  “Where do you think you’re goin’?” he asks, sleepily.

  “I thought you were sleeping.”

  “If you’re awake then so am I. Why don’t we take advantage of it,” he smiles.

  He repositions himself so he is on top of me and uses his knee to open my legs wider.

  “You should smile more often,” he murmurs, then begins trailing his lips across my bare shoulder.

  I’ve got a feeling if I spend more time with him he will see me smile more and more. I feel his hardness pushing into my thigh and I am wishing he will stop this torment and just let me feel him inside me already.

  The notion I am eager for a guy to be intimate with me rather than fearing the act turns me on even more. It feels like a doorway has been opened and I never want it to close again.

  His fingers slowly making their way down between my legs has me squirming.

  “Now…please,” I beg.

  “Anything you want,” he grunts, and before I can take my next breath he is filling into me and I feel myself begin the sensual high that in the last twenty-four hours I have come to love.

  Mornings are never going to be the same again. I was hoping for more of his naked body but he is covering it with his jeans, tee and cut. He sits on the edge of the bed to put his boots on.

  “I have to go and see Cas, I won’t be long.”

  As soon as the words leave his mouth, I’m taken back to who he is and what he does. Just the sight of his cut reminds me of the world he lives in and the world I’m trying to run from.

  “Is there anything you want to do today?” he asks, ready to leave.

  I can’t believe he is asking me, giving me a choice. ‘You never have a fuckin’ choice, you hearin’ me?’ I feel the bile rise to my throat as Tommy’s voice pops through my head.

  “Or I can choose something to do?” he asked, warily.

  “You choose,” I say.

  I know he is nothing like my brother, Tommy, or the Ghost Riders. Even in the short time I have been here, I can tell women have choices. The way Cas is with Alannah, so loving and protective. Running to her rescue when my father had her prisoner like a knight in shining armour, loving her to the point he shot his way through my father’s club to save her. In a weird sort of way it makes them all that more intimidating. If I had suggested somewhere to go and he didn’t agree, I would have been mortified.

  He bends over the bed and lightly gives me a kiss before leaving the room.


  I couldn’t give a fuck what my brothers think. They don’t trust one part of Bonnie but they are about to, I’m going to make sure of it. For that, there is only one thing I can do to make that happen.

  Cas isn’t in his office or in the bar. I track him down in the garage working on his bike with Barbie chatting away to him. He spots me heading towards them and frowns, it’s because if I am here then it means Bonnie is on her own.

  “Hey Barbs, I need a word with my prez,” I tell her. If she hears what I am about to say, God knows what conclusions she will jump to.

  “Is Bonnie okay?”

  “She’s fine, I just need a word, I promise,” I assure her, and she leaves reluctantly.

  “What’s up?” Cas asks, getting up to his feet and grabbing a rag to wipe his hands.

  “I’m here to tell you I’m makin’ a claim on Bonnie, I’m taking full responsibility over her. I don’t want a time limit on her stay here.”

  There, I’ve said it now. He stands there motionless, his mouth moving to speak but nothing is coming out.

  “I know what I’m doin’,” I add, when the silence becomes humiliating.

  “I ain’t sure you do brother. If you’re wrong about her and she does fuck us over, you know what will happen to you,” he said, full of concern.

  I do know what will happen if she fucks us over. My responsibility over her will cost me my place in the club, or depending on the situation it could cost me my life. Affectively, my making a claim on her tells my brothers my trust in her is solid, that they can trust her and if anything goes wrong, then I will handle her and take the blame.

  “I’m not wrong about her, I wouldn’t lay a claim on her if I had any doubt,” I urged.

  He walks over to his pack of cigarettes and lights one up. I’m hoping the trust he has in me as his brother is as strong I think it is and he trusts what I am asking for is right.

  “Something’s happened between ya both since yesterday, hasn’t it?” he asks.

  “You could say that,” I mutter.

  “The guys were right, she’s got you actin’ crazy. You’ve never once took responsibility over anyone apart from the club. This is risky and I don’t like it brother. I don’t hide it that I don’t trust her…but, havin’ said that, I trust you. I just hope you do know what you’re fuckin’ doin’.”

  With Cas agreeing to this, the club will have no choice but to keep their mouths shut.

  “Just a suggestion. If she’s gonna be stayin’, I think she should leave your room a lot more. Maybe that way, we can see what you do in her,” he added.

  It isn’t going to be easy getting her to spend time in the bar or around the other guys, but Cas is right. The only way for them to begin to trust her is to meet her properly and what better than tonight’s party?

  “Thanks brother.”

  “Don’t thank me yet, you gotta a lot to prove with her. It might take more than my approval with the others,” he said, going back to work on his bike.

  It took a lot of persuading to convince her to go to tonight’s party. I mainly achieved this by working her body over into submission. When she was at her weakest for me to touch certain parts of her, I would broach the subject. She was adamant at first that she would rather leave than go, but as the day wore on and I continued to arouse her, she eventually agreed. I promised I would never leave her side while we are down in the bar and that nailed it.

  I was thinking she must have changed her mind again as she’s been in the bathroom for over an hour now and I can’t hear no movement from behind the door.

  “Everythin’ okay in there?” I call, knocking on the door.

  “I’ll be out in a minute,” she called back.

  I wanted to sit and wait but I couldn’t stand still. Tonight is a big night, I haven’t said anything to Bonnie about taking responsibility over her, hoping she never has to know. I am so wrapped up in my own head that I don’t hear the door unlocking and opening.

  “I’m ready,” she says quietly.

  I turn and look at her and I am knocked over. Her hair is down and flowing in soft, shiny curls. Her skin is flawless, her eyes blackened from makeup instead of bruises. Her outfit clinging to her shapely body in all the right places, her skirt a bit too short for my liking. It doesn’t matter if my brothers trust her or not, they will still get an eyeful of her legs and ass. The height of her heels still make her shorter than me, but they give the illusion her legs are much longer than normal.

  She is simply fucking stunning.

  Compliment her, I tell myself, she is waiting for a compliment!

  “You look nice,” I cringe.

  Nice? She is more than fucking nice. Hot, sexy…oh so fucking sexy. I’m getting hard just looking at her.

  Come on Sparky, pull yourself together. I take hold of her hand and open the door before I change my mind and keep her locked up in my room for the remainder of our lives.

  The music is already filtering up the stairs. No doubt our late arrival will not go unnoticed.

  I know my brothers, how they think and how they can be hard but only for a good reason. All Bonnie has seen is the hard side of them. Her rigidness in my hold tells me she is only walking forward because I am guiding the way.

  If the music wasn’t so loud I’d bet I would be able to hear her heart beating against her chest.

/>   “Relax,” I tell her, close to her ear.

  She doesn’t.

  Heads turn as we come to the bottom of the stairs, eyes shooting to our clasped hands. I take an extra moment to stare down each of my brothers, silently telling them what is happening. My claim on Bonnie is well and truly out in the open. They nod back in understanding and return to their drinks and conversations.

  Barbie is last to spot us, probably because she was too wrapped up in Cas to have noticed. When she does, she comes straight over, beaming a smile a mile wide and greets Bonnie in a hug. I keep hold of Bonnie’s hand and start to push her and Barbie towards the bar.

  “Cas said you might be coming down tonight. You look hot girlfriend,” Barbie said, excited she finally has her friend down in the bar.

  “Sparky didn’t give me much of a choice,” Bonnie winked, giving my hand a slight squeeze.

  One of the new prospects came over with three beers and the girls began chatting.

  I sit on the stool next to the girls and ignore Jilly’s scowl from across the room. Pope catches my eye and raises his eyebrows, questioning me about Bonnie. I give him one nod and he accepts her. Everyone here knows me to the bone, and like I hoped, they have taken my word and will now accept Bonnie. Slade shakes his head, assuming I am thinking with my dick instead of my head and laughs it off. And good old Oak, he remains at the other end of the bar holding his glass up, wishing me luck, as if I am going to need it.

  By the time I return my attention to Bonnie and Barbie, Bonnie is feeling more relaxed leaning against me. She drained her first beer and is half way through her second, so that might be why.

  Since Cas became president, brothers from other chapters have been dropping in and out regularly so tonight the bar is more full than it usually is. It is surprising how quickly everyone has adapted to the change in leadership and with Michael not around the place anymore, the sense of brotherhood is at an all-time high.

  Barbie has managed to pull Bonnie towards the dance floor. She can sense the adjustment from everyone and looks damn good with confidence, as she begins to sway her hips to the beat of the song.