Lancet, 50
“Land of My Birth, The” (McCarter), 231
Langford, Nathaniel, 286
Lawrence, Kansas, 160
Lee, Robert E., 207
at Antietam, 221–27
at Fredericksburg, 234–40
on Irish Brigade, 279
in Seven Days Battles, 208–12
surrender of, 265
victories of, 221
Lennon, John, 80
Leonard, John, 80–81
Lincoln, Abraham, xiv, 127
on Antietam, 221–22, 227–28
assassination of, 264–65
on Bull Run, 180–88, 181
Civil War losses and, 221
death of son, 243
despair of over Civil War, 242–43
Emancipation Proclamation, 217–18, 227–28, 244–45
enlistment bill by, 186
on Fort Sumter, 172
on Grant, 229
Homestead Act by, 216
influenced by Emmet, 318
Irish attitudes toward, 191, 192
on the Irish Brigade, 215–16
on Know-Nothings, 151
on McClellan, 207, 231
McClellan dismissed by, 232–33
McClellan on, 196
Meagher meetings with, 188, 196, 245–46, 257
Meagher on, 256
militias called up by, 174
in presidential campaign of 1856, 162–63, 169–70
on Richmond, 198
second term won by, 261
Senate race by, 161
smallpox of, 257
visit after Bull Run, 186–88
Lincoln, Mary Todd, 243
Lincoln, Tad, 264
Lincoln, Willie, 243
London, Great Plague of, 37
Louis Philippe, king of France, 58–59
Lynch, John, 249
Lyons, W. F., 209, 260, 266
Macaulay, Thomas Babington, 15, 113–14
Mackey, James, 226
MacManus, Terence, 73, 75–81
in California, 155
death of, 195, 260
escape of, 111–12
in San Francisco, 115
transported, 86
MacNamara, Francis, 91
malaria, 208
Malvern Hill, Battle of, 210–12
Mansfield, Joseph, 223
Maria Island, 93, 96–97, 98–99, 100–101
Martin, John, 105, 106–8, 110–11, 148–49
Marye’s Heights, 234–40
Mathew, Theobald, 36
McCarter, William, 228–29, 233–34
as Meagher’s secretary/ghostwriter, 235–36
poetry of, 230–31
wounded, 239, 246–47
McClellan, George B., 195–96
at Antietam, 221–27
dismissed as commander, 232–33
on Emancipation Proclamation, 227, 231
at Fair Oaks, 202, 206
hesitation/timidity of, 199, 207, 212, 221–22, 226
on the Irish Brigade, 215
Lee compared with, 207
presidential nomination of, 261
in Seven Days Battles, 209–10, 212
McCoy, Joseph P., 185
McDowell, Irvin, 178, 181, 184
McKeon, John, 135
McMaster, James, 151–52
Meagher, Alicia (mother), 14
Meagher, Catherine Bennett, 103–5, 110–13
death of, 145–46
escape plans and, 115–17
pregnancy of, 116, 139, 145
in Waterford, 144–46
Meagher, Elizabeth Townsend (“Libby”), xiv–xv, 153–59, 244
beauty of, 153, 295
on Civil War, 175
Civil War uniform by, 197
departure from Montana, 308
devotion of to Irish Brigade, 194–95
Harpers Ferry visit, 229–30
influence of on Meagher, 163–64
later life of, 317
in Montana, 268, 294–97
told of Meagher’s death, 314
at Yellowstone, 309–10
Meagher, Henry Emmet Fitzgerald (son), 139
Meagher, Thomas Bennett (son), 145–46, 159, 266–67, 299, 303, 317
Meagher, Thomas Francis
ambition of, 256, 295–96
American citizenship of, 141, 143, 159
arrested, 60, 62, 64–66
arrival in America, 134–39
assaulted by O’Connell followers, 55
birth of, 4–5
in California, 147
in Central America, 168, 170
on civil rights, 261–62
in Civil War, 171–267
Antietam, 220–27
asked to command in, 189–90
Battle of Fair Oaks, 202–6
Bull Run, 180–88
at Chancellorsville, 249–50
as commander, 197–98, 241, 263
Death Feast by, 240–41, 245–46, 248
doubts about, 212–13
effects of carnage on, 189, 203–4
Fredericksburg, 234–40
Irish Brigade, 190–95, 197–213
last months of, 259–65
Lincoln and, 188, 196, 245–46, 261
loss of standing from, 248
McCarter and, 228–29, 230–31, 233–34
recruiting by, 190–95, 213–20, 232, 244, 245
resignation of, 250
in Richmond, 199–200
sense of purpose in, 178–79
Seven Days Battles, 208–12
Sherman and, 179, 186, 259–60
steeplechase staged by, 201–2
St. Patrick’s Day festival by, 248–49
wounded, 243, 244–45
wounded visited by, 189, 207
Zouaves of, 175–77
Confederacy on, 176
on the Constitution, 164
Corcoran defended by, 167–68
on Davis, 34
depression of, 97–99, 168–69, 233
disappearance/death of, xi–xii, 303–8, 311–15
in draft riots, 253–54
drinking by, 150, 152, 198, 228–29, 233–34, 261, 262–64, 312–13
Easter Rising influenced by, 317–18
education of, 14–20, 22–23, 26–27, 29
as exile, xii–xiii, 149
expectations on, 137–41
failing health of, 299, 301
family background of, 13–14
on the famine, 44–45, 51–55
in Fenian Brotherhood, 257–59, 272
first speech by in America, 140
flag designed by, 61–62, 319
as fugitive, 68–74, 149
Irish American anger toward, 256–57
Kearney Cross given to, 252–53
Kennedy on, 318–19
Know-Nothings on, 141–43, 150–51
law revered by, 63
law studies, 26–27, 29, 158
on Lincoln, 265
marriage to Bennett, 103–5, 110–13, 139
marriage to Townsend, 153–59, 163–64, 194–95, 213–14, 229–30, 244, 294–97
McMaster’s attack against, 151–52
in Minnesota, 268, 270–71
money problems of, xiii–xiv, 291, 294, 295–96, 297, 299–300
in Montana
as acting governor, 277, 280–81, 290–92, 297–98
appointed Secretary of, 270
on beauty of, 281–83, 296–97
Daniels released by, 284–86
disappearance/death of, 303–8
financial problems of, 291, 294, 295–96, 297, 299–300
at Fort Benton, 299–303
Jesuit mission visits by, 282–83, 288–89, 296–97
journey to, 271–73
log cabin of, 278, 279, 295
as New Ireland, 269–71
on religious freedom, 280, 290–91
smear campaign against, 281
threats against, 286, 298, 313–14
Vigilance Committee and, 274–76, 277–78, 291–92, 296
name changed to O’Meagher, 87
nationalism of, 15–16, 95, 293–94
on O’Connell, 44–45
O’Connell and, 24–25, 46–48
oratorical skill of, 19, 35, 56, 139, 143–44, 164–65, 241
physical appearance of, 17, 56, 112, 136–37, 197–98
poetry and, 27–31
poetry by, 86
portraits of, 21, 44, 45, 205, 218
purpose of, xiv, 113, 145, 168–69, 171, 178–79
in Tasmania, 94
rebellious spirit of, 15–16, 17–20, 95
relationship with father, 14
relationship with father-in-law, 173
relationship with son, 266–67
on religious freedom, 164
revolution encouraged by, 64–74
rise of, 34–48
on slavery, 161–62, 255–56
sons of, 139, 145–46, 159, 266–67, 299, 303, 317
speaking tours by, 143–44
Speranza affair with, 52
spirits of in prison, 76, 79–80
statues of, 309–10, 311, 314, 319
“Sword” speech by, 51
in Tasmania
on beauty of, 91–92, 94–95
Bennett and, 103–5, 110–13
depression of, 97–99
escape of, 115–27
home of, 99, 103, 104, 112
loneliness of, 94–95, 97–98
on self-government, 115
sense of purpose and, 113–15
visits with other prisoners, 98–99, 105–8
Waterhouse Island, 120–23
writing by, 113–15
on tenements, 163
thirtieth birthday of, 145
in train wreck, 152–53
transported, 80–81
treason charges against, 74
trial of, 75–81
trip to France, 60–61
on women’s equality, 151, 158–59
as the Young Tribune, 35–36
Meagher, Thomas Francis, III (grandson), 317
Meagher, Thomas, Jr. (father), 13
assistance from, 75
Bennett and, 144–46
conflict with, 52–53, 63–64
financial support by, 103
later life of, 317
as mayor of Waterford, 23
on patience vs. rebellion, 15, 16
relationship with, 299–300
in repeal of Act of Union, 24
on son’s future, 24–25
on temperance, 150
wealth of, 144
Meagher, Thomas, Sr. (grandfather), 13–14
Meagher Clubs, 138, 145
Melville, Herman, 253
military draft, 199, 250–54
Mill, John Stuart, 232
Miller, James P., 273, 278
miscegenation, 261
Mission of St. Ignatius, 296–97
Mitchel, James, 178, 238, 265
Mitchel, Jenny, 112–13, 147–48
Mitchel, John, 48
assaulted by O’Connell followers, 55
on Bennett, 110–11
at Fort Sumter, 173, 174
later life of, 316–17
McMaster’s attack against, 151–52
in New York, 146–48
slavery supported by, 147–48, 163, 165–66
transported, 62–63, 67, 88
to Bermuda, 96
drawing of Lake Sorell by, 104
escape plans for, 140, 146–47
on the famine, 51, 58
health of, 95–96, 105–6
on his coconspirators, 85
on Meagher, 43–44, 112
to Tasmania, 105–8
on treason charges, 74
Mitchel, John P., 317
Montana Territory, xii–xiii
conflict with Indians in, 288–90, 300–301
copper in, 309
history of, 310–11
Irish in, 272, 278–79, 309
journey to, 268, 271–73
landscape and weather of, 273, 277, 281–83
legislature in, 281, 290–91, 298
living conditions in, 273–74
Meagher statue in, 309–10, 311, 314
New Ireland in, 268–86, 303
vigilantes in, xiii, 274–76, 277–78, 280–81, 283–86, 291–92, 298, 310–11
violence in, 274
Montana Historical Society, 310–11
Montana Post, 271, 278, 300–301, 306. See also Dimsdale, Thomas J.
Mormons, 269, 272
Mustache, Madame, 301–2
Nagle, William, 240
Nast, Thomas, 255
Nation, 27–31, 78
copies of seized, 69
on death of Davis, 34
Dillon in, 135
on the famine, 38–39, 51, 58
Kelly in, 98
Meagher in, 35, 86
on Meagher’s escape, 138
Mitchel in, 43
Russell’s attacks on, 45–46
vandalized by O’Connell followers, 55
Native Americans, 272–73
conflict with in Montana, 288–90, 300–301
food donations to Ireland, 40
nativists, 136, 141–43. See also Know-Nothings
Lincoln on, 162
loyalty questioned by, 167–68
Meagher on, 193–94, 293–94
Neptune (ship), 105
Newfoundland, 13
New Ireland, 268–86, 295–96, 299, 302–3, 309
New York City
attitudes toward Civil War, 213–14
black population in, 162
Bowery, 132
draft riots, 250–55
ethnicities in, 131–32
Five Points, 132–34, 269
as “free city,” 171
gangs in, 133
Irish in, 131–34
arrest rate among, 163
influence of, 134–36
Meagher’s arrival and welcome in, 134–39
Metropolitan Hotel, 144–45
saloons/taverns in, 150
Tammany Hall, 99, 133, 143, 165
tenement conditions in, 133–34, 163, 268
Young Irelanders in, 134–36, 147
New York City Lunatic Asylum, 133
New York Daily News, 316
New York Herald, 143, 215
New York State Militia, 137–39
New York Times
on Bull Run, 184
on Five Points, 133
on Irish Brigade, 215
on Jones’s Woods gathering, 191
on Meagher, 265
at Bull Run, 186
escape of, 137
marriage to Townsend, 159
speeches, 143
wealth of father, 144
on railroad collision, 153
New York Tribune, 99, 133