Page 6 of Off Season

  Mere words can't describe my excitement over seeing her. Something happened between us two weeks ago that's changed everything. I'm not sure if it was when I admitted to her that I haven't been with another woman since we met, or if it was that unbelievably hot phone sex we had, or maybe it was when I told her she was my girl. I can't pinpoint the exact moment, but all I know is that I woke up the next day and I felt committed.

  Didn't matter that my girl was in Ireland and I was in Arizona. Didn't matter that I had no clue how to make this work, or if there could possibly be a happily ever after for either of us. All I know is that when I woke up, my first thoughts were of Cady and how right things felt.

  Maybe all people should develop their relationships first by getting to know each other on a deeper level. I know when you're consumed with sex and lust, there's usually no room to focus on the truly important details. At least, that's been my experience with women. I've fucked them and because they never showed me anything else in that short time period together, I was never interested enough in them to take it further.

  Not so with Cady.

  Every email we've exchanged, every text that has been sent... every time we've talked on the phone for hours, it has been with the single solitary purpose of making a connection on a non-physical level. Sure, we may have started out physically, but distance made that impossible to continue. I knew there was something about her that was special. Thank fuck I emailed her that first time so I could continue to delve into this friendship.

  A flash of black hair catches my eye, and I focus in. There she is... slowly riding the escalator down with a bright red carry-on sitting beside her. Her eyes are scanning the crowd below her and she actually passes her gaze right over me, but then her attention snaps back.

  Our eyes lock... her lips curve upward, and my heart almost fucking jumps out of my chest.

  I walk forward almost in a dream, lost in that look she's giving me. It's one of endearment, excitement, and even a hint of desire swirling in her blue eyes.

  I'm there waiting when she steps off the escalator, straight into my arms. Hugging her tight, I inhale her scent... citrus and vanilla, before pulling back slightly. Her lips are parted as she stares up at me, her gaze candid in its forthrightness.

  "I missed you," she murmurs, and I answer her with a kiss.

  A deep, tongue-filled, groanin-my-throat kiss that bends her backward and has her fingertips digging into my back. She purrs in response, which causes lust to start boiling inside of me, and I wisely pull away from her before I end up with a huge boner stretching the front of my jeans.

  "Missed you too," I tell her as I lean over to grab her carry-on. Grabbing her hand, I pull her quickly through the airport. "Let's get out of here."

  "What's the rush?" she asks as she has to slightly jog to keep match with my pace.

  "We have to be at Linc and Ever's for Thanksgiving dinner in two hours. That doesn't leave us much time with traffic." I quicken my pace further and pull her along.

  "Much time?" she pants.

  I stop abruptly, and she runs into my back. Turning on her, I slip a hand behind her head and pull her toward me. A swift kiss to her lips with a tiny bite before I murmur, "Time to fuck you, baby. I'm dying to be back inside of you, and there's no way I can wait until after dinner."

  Cady rewards me with a blinding grin, tucking her fingers just marginally into the waistband of my jeans. She gives me a little jerk toward her and says, "Now that sounds like an excellent plan."


  Fuck yes.

  Cady... stunningly naked and splayed out on my bed before me. Upon entering my house, I slammed the door shut and picked her up, throwing her over my shoulder and practically running to my bedroom. It took less than fifteen seconds for both of us to shed our clothes, and then I gave her a soft push backward onto my bed.

  She looks at me now, her eyes glittering with need and a sexy smile on her lips.

  "Whatcha waiting for?" she asks as she props herself up on her elbows, which thrusts her breasts out. They're exactly perfect and just the way I remembered them. Her skin is pale, and I know firsthand how soft it is.

  I also remember how responsive she is, and my first order of business is to get her off quickly.

  Crawling onto the bed, I roughly push her legs apart and slide my hands up her thighs. Her eyes flutter closed, and her head falls back on the pillows. She knows what's coming... I've done it to her before. Twice as a matter, of fact, and I know she loves it.

  Bending over, I push my face hard in between her legs and my cock starts a throbbing ache when she groans loudly. Her fingers lace into my hair and then grip it hard, pushing me down against her. She's wanton and needy but not afraid to show me what she wants.

  And I give it to her.

  Lips, tongue, teeth, fingers.

  I pump, lick, suck, and bite.

  Within minutes, she's crying out, her hips gyrating against my mouth, and I feel like I just won the Stanley Cup.

  When her cries turn to whimpers, I ease up off her, wipe the back of my hand across my mouth, and give her a wicked grin. She smiles back at me, still panting, with a beautiful, orgasmic flush coating her skin from neck to chest.

  It takes me mere moments to slap a condom on and then I lean over, supporting my body above her with my arms. She lifts her face to me, and I reward her with a kiss. It's soft with just a flick of my tongue against hers before I pull back.

  "You're so beautiful," I tell her sincerely. Because she is... the most beautiful woman I know.

  "And you're the sweetest."

  "Not going to fuck you too sweetly right now, baby," I warn her as I reach down to take my cock in hand. I rub it up against her... feeling the heat of her burn against me. Her eyes roll back, and my balls start to throb with terrible need. "But I'll go nice and slow later tonight."

  Cady wraps her hands around my neck, pulling my face down. Her lips part and we kiss again... so deeply, groaning over the contact, the feel, and the flavors. With just a sharp flex of my hips, I push into her.

  So tight... wet... hot.

  Everything I remembered, and yet so much more because now actual feelings are involved. I sink into her deeply, my pelvis mashed into hers, and then I hold absolutely still. I watch Cady's face a moment, wishing I had the talent to paint her right now. She exudes pure bliss and harmony, and she makes me feel as if this is the most special moment of her life.

  I had intended to fuck her hard because the need to come is blistering. Yet, I don't want to disturb the gentle play of emotions on her face, so I pull back slowly and sink back in at the same pace.

  "Oh," Cady whispers, and her lips curve up. Her eyes slowly open and lock with mine. "You feel so good, Zane. Like you were made for me."

  Yeah, I know what she means. Never fucking felt this before and our gazes become intently focused on one another while I leisurely pump in and out of her body. I lower my elbows to the mattress, bringing my entire upper body flush with hers. Her legs wrap around my back, and she raises a hand to stroke my cheek.

  We pant, moan, and gyrate slowly against each other. Our eyes never stray from one another, almost as if we're afraid the other may be a hallucination and will disappear. It's intense, with deep emotional pull.

  All too soon, I feel my balls start to tighten and tension start to coil in my lower back. I'm close to blowing, but I don't want this to ever end. Besides that... I don't want to fall without Cady. I push deeply into her and hold still, pushing back up on my arms. Sliding one hand in between our bodies, I rub my fingers back and forth over her clit, causing Cady to jerk.

  Her eyes squeeze shut and her legs clamp hard against my ribs. Her breath starts pushing out in sharp little bursts. I'm so in tune with the way she's come before, I know she's only seconds away. I get back in on the action, resuming my thrusts in and out of her... going maybe a little harder, a little deeper, but not that much faster. I still want to drag this out as long as I can.

y orgasm starts to pulse... contracts inward.

  "I'm going to come," I warn Cady as I press down on her clit and rub in circles.

  She cries out and arches her upper back off the bed, and I know she's shattering right now. It's all over for me as I watch pleasure ripple through her.

  I slam inside of her, grinding against her hard, and my head drops to her shoulder. "F-u-u-c-k," I moan against her skin as I start to come.

  Wave after wave of pleasure... almost harsh in nature... flows through me, and I swear my vision even starts to go dim as I realize I'm experiencing the most profoundly deep and blistering orgasm of my entire life. It's more than just physical release... even as I spill myself into her, I can feel my heart swelling up and bulging outward with emotion.

  Lifting my head up, I blink to clear my eyes and look at Cady. Her own eyes are closed, a lazy smile on her face. A single tear slips out, sliding over her cheekbone and toward her ear. I don't even need to ask if she's okay. I can tell by the peacefulness on her face that her tear was one of good emotion, not negative.

  Pulling her into my arms, I roll to the side and concentrate on the feel of her heartbeat against mine. I wonder to myself how in the hell I'm ever going to let her go back to Ireland.

  Chapter 11


  November 29, 2014

  "Do me a favor, Cady, and go find out how much longer the guys will be so I know when to start the grill," Ever says as she dices some tomatoes for the salad.

  I sneak a sliced, fresh mushroom off her cutting board and pop it in my mouth. "Sure thing," I mumble around the lovely, earthy taste.

  Zane and I are having dinner at Linc and Ever's house. We were just here two days ago for Thanksgiving dinner, but they invited us over tonight to grill out. It's my last night in Phoenix. Zane and I almost declined the invitation, preferring to spend our precious remaining time alone with each other. But then we realized that outside of having Thanksgiving dinner with them, and Zane's hockey game last night, we had done nothing but lock ourselves up in his bedroom. We decided that perhaps it wouldn't kill us to be a little social.

  Now... it's physically impossible to have sex continuously, and so that is not all we did in his bed. We did, however, stay almost the entire time there, even making our food and bringing it in there to eat. We watched TV, talked, and napped. We would have blistering hot sex, maybe nap some more, and then get a snack. We talked, talked, and talked some more, and while I thought I knew Zane pretty well because of the massive amount of communication we've had over the last four months, you obviously cannot know a person on a truly deep level until you can look into their eyes while they are talking to you.

  It's probably been the best weekend of my life, and I don't want it to end. I don't want to go back to Ireland, or to school. I don't miss my family or my country. No, I want to stay here... with Zane... locked in his bedroom, secure in his arms, and have him continue to look at me with need.

  Shaking my head, I walk through Linc and Ever's sprawling house to the large den/man cave off the back of the huge living room. Linc and Zane are in there watching a football game, while Ever and I have been slaving in the kitchen. I can hear the faint sound of the TV and Zane and Linc's voices filtering out as I walk closer to the den.

  "...and if you say I sound like a girl, I'll fucking pound you into the ground," I hear Zane say grumpily.

  I have to bite down on my tongue not to giggle. This sounds very interesting, and I can't imagine what Zane said previously to make him worried about his man-card with Linc. I come to a halt, just a few feet from the den door, and listen in.

  "Nah man... I get it. I'll deny it if you ever tell anyone, but it was torture being away from Ever when I moved out here to Phoenix. I thought about giving up hockey more than once to be with her."

  My eyebrows raise and my heart trips a little over the love in Linc's voice. To know he'd give up that which was most important to him is so fucking sweet that my teeth hurt.

  "So you don't think I'm stupid for even thinking of such a crazy idea?" Zane asks, and my heart really starts hammering hard.

  Wait... what? Zane isn't thinking of giving up hockey, is he? No way!

  "It's not like you're giving it up," Linc says. "Just taking a break. And besides, some of the European leagues are quite good. Nowhere near the money, but your talents won't languish and you'll still be in prime shape if you want to come back to the NHL."

  My head starts spinning over the implications of what I'm hearing. As much as Zane and I have talked this weekend, we have steered clear over the big elephant in the room, which is the fact that we live with an ocean separating us. It's a known fact that when I return to Ireland, it will be a very long time before I can come back to visit... probably next summer. That has weighed heavy on me. As my return flight got closer and closer, I was getting even sadder over leaving.

  But never in a million years would I imagine Zane would think about leaving the States to be with me. He simply can't give up his professional hockey career here. I've learned enough to know that professional sporting careers can be brutally short, given the chance of serious injuries. I know that he literally can't afford to walk away from what he has right now. It would be professional suicide for him.

  And I'm sorry... I think I'm pretty fucking great, but I am so not worth that.

  Most people would tiptoe away, so as not to get caught eavesdropping. Some would just stand hiding out there, waiting until the conversation changed course, and then make an entrance.

  Not me, though.

  I storm through the open den door. Linc is sprawled out in a recliner, and Zane is sitting on a huge leather couch with his back to me.

  "You absolutely cannot leave the NHL," I snap at Zane, who turns around to look at me with a surprised look on his face.

  "Well, hello to you too, you hot Irish lassie," he says with a grin, completely disregarding what I just said.

  I stomp around the couch and glare down at him, hands on my hips. "Don't evade. I overheard you, and you are not leaving to come to Europe. I won't allow it."

  Linc snickers behind me, and Zane shoots him a wink. Grinning up at me, his hands shoot out and grasp my hips, pulling me down swiftly on to his lap. "You're so cute when you're angry and indignant," Zane quips as he pushes his face into my neck to nip at me.

  My hands come up to his shoulders, and I push at him until he leans back to look at me. "I'm serious, Zane. Please tell me you are not actually considering this."

  The carefree grin on his face slides a little, replaced with a guilty look. "Just tossing the idea around with Linc. Don't get your panties in a bunch. Besides, I couldn't do it right away. Maybe next year if things keep on between us the way I think they will."

  I push up out of his lap, swatting at his hand that tries to pull me back. "No, no, no, no," I say, punctuating it with a stomp of my foot on the thick carpeting. "End of discussion. You're not leaving the NHL."

  The remainder of the smile Zane was sporting slides off his face, and a dangerous glint sparkles back at me. "I'll do whatever I want... and what I think is best for us," Zane growls at me.

  I snort...loud... and toss my head back, looking down at him with condescension. "Puh-leeze. You've known me for what... five minutes, and you're ready to give up your career for me? You're a daft man, Zane. I won't allow it and, if you insist on it, I'll just have to break up with you."

  Lips drawn downward, eyes suddenly devoid of any luster, Zane stares back at me with impassivity. I just hurt him... I know, and in this one brief moment of startling clarity, I understand something that maybe I had suspected all along.

  I fucking love this man.

  I may not have spent a lot of time with him physically, but I know him, and know him well. He has provided everything I could ever want in a lover and a friend, and hell... a potential life mate.

  But it is because I love him that I can't let him do this.

  Softening my voice, I lean over and place my h
ands on his face, completely uncaring that Linc is watching this little drama unfold. "I can't let you give that up for me, Zane. We'll find another way, okay?"

  His green eyes pierce into me... flicking back and forth between my own, digesting what I've said so far. His voice is tense... a little aloof when he nods. "Sure. We can talk about this later."

  Leaning forward, he gives me a small kiss and then pulls away to sit back on the couch.

  I've been dismissed.

  "Um... Ever wants to know how much longer until you're ready to eat?"

  Zane doesn't look back at me but stares blankly at the TV. Linc gives a slight cough, and my head turns his way. His eyes are empathetic... conveying he understands what I just said, and maybe even a little thankful I won't let Zane do something so crazy.

  "The game should be over in about twenty minutes," Linc says.

  "Okay... we'll go throw the steaks on the grill then," I mutter. Giving another glance at Zane, who now appears to be transfixed by the game on TV, I turn and walk back to the kitchen.

  My head is still spinning when I make it back to the kitchen, and I plop down on one of the stools at the island. I grab another mushroom and distractedly pop it into my mouth. I didn't like the way Zane was looking when I left just now.

  "How much longer will they be?" Ever asks.

  I raise my gaze up to hers and blink stupidly. "What?"

  "When will the game be done so I know when to throw the steaks on the grill?"

  "Oh... twenty minutes," I say in a quiet voice, looking back down at the salad bowl.

  "What's wrong?" she asks. Because of the worried nature of her tone, I glance back up at her.

  With a sigh, I grab one more mushroom but just hold it thoughtfully in my fingers. "I just overheard Zane and Linc talking about Zane leaving the NHL and playing in a European league."

  "Oh, that's so romantic," Ever says with a mushy grin on her face. "It's amazing the connection you two have, and that would certainly solve the long-distance problem."

  "What? You can't seriously think that's a good idea," I say in astonishment.

  Ever looks at me warily. "Well, sure. Why not?"

  "Because he can't give up a professional hockey career for me. That's just crazy."