Page 7 of Off Season

  "Why is that crazy?" Ever asks as she layers diced cucumber on top of the salad.

  "Because we hardly know each other. This is only the second time we've even seen each other. You don't give up your career for someone you just met."

  "But you didn't just meet," Ever points out as she brandishes her knife at me. "You've known each other for months, have talked continuously from the way I understand it. Hell, the two of you practically finish each other's sentences, so don't give me shit about hardly knowing each other. Sounds to me like you're just afraid of the commitment."

  "No," I deny immediately. "I'm not afraid of committing to Zane. I'd kill to be able to have something more permanent with him, but I can't allow that to happen at the expense of his career. It's too important."

  "Then maybe you need to think about moving here," Ever quips. "That would be another solution."

  I stare at her skeptically, because she makes it sound so easy. True... I don't have the type of career Zane does. Hell, I don't have a career at all, just a general idea of what I think I want to do with my life.

  But I am immersed in a studies program that is important to me. It's what I have to complete in order to move on to that next stage of my life, where I can build a career for myself. I can't give that up the way Zane can't give up hockey.

  Which brings us back to the start.

  I'm looking at having a long-distance relationship with the man of my dreams, and it just really sucks.

  Chapter 12


  Living out of hotels while playing on the road sucks. I drop my duffle on the floor and immediately start disrobing, eager to try to grab a few hours of sleep before the team's plane leaves in the morning. Tonight's game against the Blackhawks also sucked, and we went down bad... 6-2.

  I managed to score a goal and get an assist, but it was just one of those nights that, as a team, we couldn't bring it all together.

  My clothes lay scattered on the floor. Clad only in my boxer briefs, I pull the covers back on the bed and grab my laptop from the nightstand. I want to check to see if Cady emailed before I go to sleep, which I know is sure to put a smile on my face.

  She couldn't watch the game live because while our evening games are in progress, Cady is always tucked in bed sound asleep due to the time difference. She's really only able to watch when we play afternoon games, and those don't happen nearly as often as she would like.

  Or so she's complained on more than one occasion, but I told her she has to take it up with the NHL.

  After firing up my machine, I'm not surprised, yet still always pleased, to see Cady's email sitting at the top of my inbox. Her subject line says, "Guess What?"

  I open it up, knowing that the first line of her message will rhyme with the subject line. It's something she started doing about a week ago. It's silly, stupid, and one of the many reasons why I adore her.

  To: Zane Kavanaugh

  From: Cady Dunne

  Subject: Guess What?

  Date: December 13, 2014

  Chicken butt!


  Okay, so this won't be long because I'm exhausted. I did get that paper finished, so all is good in my world. School is officially over for me until next module, and I'm glad for the break. And before you ask, yes, I made sure to make my displeasure known to my partner. I kind of actually laid into him for not having his portion done on time, but he really didn't care. I bet he'll drop out of the program next semester. Oh, well.

  So, seriously... guess what?

  My mam and da have decided to go to New Jersey to spend Christmas with Aunt Nora and Uncle Nick, and of course, they invited me along. Renner and Cillian are going too. So I was wondering... you know... since we'll be on the same continent, any chance you can get out to the East Coast so we can see each other? I know your schedule is tight. At least it looks that way to me, but I thought I'd ask. It would suck to be this close yet not be able to see each other. We'll be flying in on the 23rd and leaving on the 27th.

  I'm off to bed now. Sweet dreams, you sweet man.

  I miss you.

  Oh, and I adore you too in case you didn't know that.



  My eyes stayed glued on her signature.

  Love, Cady?

  That's new and makes a bubble of warmth unfurl from the center of my chest. While we've both said all sorts of endearments to each other, the "L" word has never been mentioned.

  Not that I don't want to mention it, but after her visit at Thanksgiving, I'm really not quite sure where I stand with her. Cady said something to me that sort of set me back on my heels a bit, and it has been making me question everything about our relationship.

  Cady had pointed out that I knew her for all of five minutes. That was metaphorical, of course, but her point was well made. We knew each other for four months at that point, or roughly one-hundred and twenty-two days. Out of that one-hundred and twenty-two days, we'd spent less than five days of it together. So, logically, how can you have deep feelings for someone that you've spent five days with?

  That's Cady's reasoning, for sure.

  My reasoning is a bit different. I don't see it as five days together but rather hours and hours and hours of conversation with each other. We've probably exchanged hundreds of emails, texts, and phone calls. We've had long talks late into the night, amazing phone sex, and flirty texts. She's talked me through rotten moods after I lose a game, and I've talked her down off a ledge when she wanted to nut punch one of her classmates because he wasn't doing the work on a group project. We've been there to support each other over and over again, and that right there tells me all I need to know.

  When I have a problem, Cady is the first person I think of to help me solve it.

  When something good happens to me, I want Cady to be the first to know about it.

  When I see something funny, I ache with bitter disappointment that Cady isn't here to share it with me, because it's never quite as funny when I tell her about it as when it actually happened.

  It's Cady, Cady, Cady for me, and that's all I logically need to know about this relationship.

  But, I'm not sure Cady feels the same way. She was really upset at Thanksgiving when she overheard Linc and me talking. It's not like I was seriously considering doing it right then. It was just an idea... something to ponder if Cady and I continue to grow closer. I know that this relationship cannot survive the long haul without us being physically together. My gut has screamed at me loud and clear... she's the one. So it's no wonder that my brain is constantly trying to come up with a solution that lets us be together. I figured maybe I could go live over with her for her last year of college, and then she could move here. If I was lucky, and everything worked out for me, I could come back into the NHL.

  Okay, so I know that's a long shot, because the players are too highly skilled in the NHL, and if I give up my spot, it's unlikely I'd get it back. But like I said... I was just pondering different ideas.

  Cady nixed that idea really fast though. When we got back to my house that last night, we talked about it. Rather, Cady talked about it. She just reiterated that she could never let me do that, and it seriously was a deal breaker for her. She said she just couldn't be responsible for killing my hockey career.

  And I got it. I understood. It even made sense, and she was probably the saner of the two of us at that moment.

  And so, life went on for us.

  Cady went back to Ireland, and I stayed here to play hockey.

  We talked every day, even if only for a few minutes to say goodnight or good morning. We sent quick texts to each other, and when we had time, wrote lengthier emails. It's amazing, but when you don't have a physical proximity to someone you care for, you compensate in other ways, and for us, that meant striving to deepen our connection in whatever way we could.

  And yeah... I talked Cady into routinely getting on Skype with me, where we watched each other get off. It wasn't as fulfilling as being wit
h her in person, but I would take whatever intimacy I could get at this point.

  Yawning, I type a quick reply to Cady.

  To: Cady Dunne

  From: Zane Kavanaugh

  Subject: Re: Guess What?

  Date: December 13, 2014

  Chicken butt? Seriously, that's your rhyme? Lame, lassie. Just lame.

  I hate it but looking at my schedule, there is absolutely no way I'm going to be able to make a trip to the East Coast at Christmas. We have a home game on the 24th and then I fly out to L.A. on the 26th. I don't think Christmas is in the cards for us... but have you given any more thought to flying out here maybe around March like we discussed (letting me pay for it, of course--no arguments)? That's only three months away. We can handle that, right?

  Hate that this is so short, baby, but I'm exhausted. We played like shit tonight, so you didn't miss much. Talk tomorrow like we planned.



  Yup... I decided to match her "L" word for "L" word in the signature. We may not have declared our love for each other, but I was pretty sure it was there. I mean, I know damn well that I love her. It's something that didn't become clear all at once, but rather as every day passes and Cady becomes more a part of my life, the burning desire and care for her just grows exponentially. It's just more of a deep understanding within me that I love this girl and even though every day without her is painful, I know that deep down, we are going to figure a way to make this work.

  I just haven't figured out the details yet.

  Chapter 13


  December 24, 2014

  I've done some crazy things in my life, but none crazier than this.

  It was crazy when I switched all of my da's underwear for ones that were two sizes smaller than what he normally wore, and even crazier when I serenaded Jimmy O'Shea in front of the entire school, and the craziest of all was when I had a one-night stand with a gorgeous hockey player.

  But yup... this takes the cake.

  Our plane landed at JFK right on schedule, and I followed behind Mam and Da as we made our way down to baggage claim. I stood by the carousel and watched the luggage go round and round. I thought to myself how similar this was to my life. I was going in circles and while sometimes, that produces a delicious spinning sensation, the truth was that Zane was standing to the side... and I kept passing him by.

  Maybe because it was Christmas, and this was a magical time. Maybe it was because every day that passed, I missed Zane more and more, even as I found myself falling deeper in love with my man across the ocean. Maybe it was just time for me to make a bold move with my life.

  "I'm going to Phoenix," I blurted out to my parents, and both sets of eyebrows rose up at me in surprise. "I need to be with Zane for Christmas."

  My parents didn't try to talk me out of it. They could tell I was determined, and while I wasn't sure they really understood how close Zane and I were, they above all else wanted me to be happy. Renner giggled and hugged me hard, and Cillian kissed me on my cheek and wished me luck.

  He whispered in my ear, "You're doing the right thing. You belong here... permanently in the States with your man."

  I pulled back in surprise and looked at his eyes, which were leveled shrewdly at me. I hadn't told anyone about my decision to stay... to move to Phoenix. Oh, I knew I'd have to go back and get things handled back home before I could make the move, but on the flight over here, I thought about all the potential ways our relationship could be ruined, and really pondered the only way it could be saved. And that would be for me to move.

  Yet, I hadn't said that... only that I was going to Phoenix for Christmas.

  Cillian leaned in and chucked me under the chin. "I know you, Cady. You're staying. Let me just say, love, the happiness on your face speaks volumes."

  So yes, I grabbed my bag, went back into the main check-in lobby of the airport, and maxed out my credit card buying a ticket to Phoenix. I went back through airport security and patiently waited for my 4:35 PM flight.

  I only sent one text to Zane, to tell him that I landed safely in New York and that I would talk to him tonight. Little did he know that said "talk" would be a little more up close and personal than he had envisioned.

  The cab pulls into Zane's neighborhood, and my skin hums with excitement. It's early evening, and it's getting dark. The houses are lit up with Christmas lights, and I see sparkling trees in many of the front windows. The air is a little chilly, but I know tomorrow will be warm and dry. I think I'm going to like this Phoenix weather.

  Zane's house looms closer.

  "Don't pull in the driveway," I tell the driver. "Maybe just a little bit down from the house."

  I don't want Zane to know I'm here just yet.

  The cab driver does as asked, and then helps me get my luggage out of the trunk. I hand over the appropriate cash, having no real clue if what he charged me was reasonable, and not really caring. When he pulls away, I glance down at my luggage sitting on the edge of Zane's front yard and pull my phone out.

  I dial Zane's number as I walk up the driveway and then to the sidewalk, trimmed neatly with purple-hued grasses and cacti. He answers on the second ring.

  "Hey beautiful. All settled in?"

  "Not exactly," I tell him with a sly grin on my face. "I'd feel much more settled if I was in your bed right now, wrapped up in a big blanket of hot hockey player."

  He chuckles and then sighs, and I can imagine him running his hand through his hair.

  "That would make me more settled too," he commiserates, and then his voice becomes frustrated. "I fucking hate this, Cady. It's Christmas... we should be together."

  "We should. Absolutely," I affirm. "Wouldn't that be a lovely Christmas present if that could only be so?"

  "It would be the best," he murmurs.

  I reach my hand out and touch the doorbell, hearing the soft chime go off inside.

  "Hold on," he tells me. "Someone's at the door. Probably fucking Christmas carolers and I'm totally not in the mood."

  "Scrooge," I taunt at him, and I can hear his footsteps as he walks through the house.

  Click of the lock... a turn of the doorknob, and my heart is about ready to explode from my chest. It swings wide open and Zane is standing there, looking unbelievably beautiful in a pair of well-washed jeans and a Coyotes T-shirt. He has his phone pressed to his ear and blinks at me slowly.

  "Hey," I say into the phone while I smile at him.

  He actually jerks from the sound in his ear, and then awareness washes over his face. The phone drops from his hand, where it lands softly on the carpet, and then he's lunging through the doorway and out onto the front porch.

  Strong arms wrap around me. I'm pulled so fiercely into his hug that my phone bobbles and then falls from my hand, where it falls not so gently onto the concrete steps. But I don't care because this moment is too thrilling, too beautiful, and too magical to let anything interfere.

  Zane's face burrows into my neck, while he squeezes me tight and mumbles, "What are you doing here?"

  My own arms are wrapped tightly around his neck, and I whisper. "Surprise. Thought you could use just one more Christmas present."

  He pulls back and looks down at me in amazement, his one perfect dimple on the left side of his face puckered as he smiles. "Best. Christmas. Present. Ever."

  "You've clearly been on Santa's good list this year," I quip.

  He doesn't respond but picks me up, throws me over his shoulder, and carries me inside.

  "Wait, Zane," I cry out as I balance myself with my hands on his lower back while I hang upside down. "My luggage is out near the road. I don't want it to get stolen."

  "No one will steal it," he says as I watch the hallway walls flashing by. "And if they do, I'll buy you new stuff."

  His voice is urgent... raw... needy, so I don't press the issue. Besides, I'm feeling those things myself.

  I'm thrown down onto the bed, and then Zane is covering me. His m
outh claims mine in a hard, possessive kiss, and the groan that comes out of those beautiful lips of his causes my blood to pound. His hands are everywhere. Pulling at my clothes, stroking my skin, pinching at my nipples.

  I gasp and writhe, nipping at his lips when they get close to mine. Frantically pulling the shirt over his head, I see a flash of chiseled pecs and rolling ab muscles. Then he's on me again.

  The rest of the clothing melts away; our kisses are deep, wet, and consuming.

  He's hot and heavy in between my legs, pushing his way inside. Deep inside... just one push, and then we are melded together.

  "No condom," I whisper with a smile.

  "No fucking condoms," he confirms. "You're on the pill, and we're both clean. And fuck, Cady... that feels good, doesn't it?"

  I nod as my fingers skim through his hair, clasp behind his neck and pull him back down again. "Kiss me, Zane."

  And he does. Then he fucks me... hard and with so much passion, that when we explode, I'm not sure how we'll ever get put back together.

  Our heart rates slow, and our breaths even out. The sweat on our skin dries, and he wraps his arms around me.

  "When did you decide on this little surprise?" he asks softly, one hand stroking my hip and lower back.

  "At the baggage carousel at JFK," I tell him, my own hand tracking patterns on his stomach.

  "No shit?" he says in amazement. "Just like that?"

  "Just like that," I tell him. "Although, it's something I had been pondering on the flight over. And suddenly... I just decided I had to be here with you."

  "Was your family disappointed?"

  "Not in the slightest. They want me to be happy and they knew this is where I needed to be."

  Zane is silent for a long moment, his hand still stroking my skin with purpose. He turns slightly to look over at me, touching his lips softly to mine.

  "I seriously can't believe you're here. How long can you stay?"

  I shrug my shoulders nonchalantly, lowering my gaze to his chest.

  "How about forever?" I whisper.

  I can actually feel every muscle in Zane's body freeze. His breath catches. Bringing one hand up, he circles it around my throat and then pushes up so I'm forced to look at him.