She wraps her arm around herself tighter and believes I can’t see her other hand slowly working its way into her purse.

  Like a shot, I grab the bag off of her and rifle through it until I find her phone. Opening the camera app, I point it at her and snap her mug on the screen. I send it to my phone and in turn, send it to Danny with the caption, ‘wanna trade?’ Let’s how fast he returns my call this time.

  “If your brother complies, you’ll be home in no time.”

  She hangs her head and chooses to ignore me which is fine by me, one less headache I have to deal with.

  I feel her come in before I see her and turn to see my wife walk across the bar and head for my office.

  “If she moves, make her regret it.” I say to everyone who is listening, giving her the opportunity to just stay put and wait this out.

  I find Alannah looking out of the window that faces over the back of our land and I lean against the door once I’ve closed it.

  “I used to play out the back there when I was little, I’d look at this window and know my dad was on the other side, after he died, I couldn’t look at it. That’s what I want for our Leo, to look at this window and know his daddy is here on the other side. Taking women never ends well and I think you’re taking unnecessary risks going after his sister.”

  I hear what she’s saying but it doesn’t change anything. What’s done is done and there isn’t no going back.

  “It’s a risk I’m prepared to take to get my brother’s home safely.”

  She slowly turns but doesn’t look at me. She looks down at my desk and sighs.

  “What happened earlier isn’t us, we don’t argue and fight like that. I shouldn’t have said what I did about Michael but you, you doubted why you married me.”

  The pain etched in her voice feels like shards of glass embedding themselves into my heart. She crosses the office and puts one hand on the door knob and pushes me to the side.

  “I have never doubted you since we got together, I love you, Cas, but you’ve been pushing me away for days. It hurts me knowing Oak and Sparky who I have known longer than you have are out there under the hands of a wannabe biker, but you’re changing into something you never wanted to be. Even if you can’t see it, I can and until my husband comes back to me, you should sleep in your old room.”

  Her little speech knocks me off my game and she manages to slip out of the room and away from me.

  Picking up the nearest thing to me, a chair, I smash it into the wall, causing the framed photo of a vintage Harley to crash to the floor.

  We had to go through hell to be together and I’ll be damned if this hell is what breaks us.

  Turning out the light in the office, I lock the door behind me and storm into the bar. Danny is causing more shit than he realises and I’ll be fucked if I let ruin anything else.

  “Put her in my old room for the night, two of you sit in with her and keep the door locked.” I order on my way out of the bar.

  I’m not taking any chances with her, she is worth too much. I jog across the compound and find the house empty apart from Alannah’s sweet voice talking to Leo in the kid’s room. Leaving her to settle him down, I pace the room she chose for us to stay in and try to calm down. Everything is out of control and I don’t like it.

  “I thought I made myself clear.”

  Pacing towards her, I lean over shoulder and close the door for her.

  “Is that thing turned on?” I ask, pointing to the monitor in her hand.

  “Of course it is.”

  Taking it from her, I place it on the old vanity table and inhale deeply.

  “You made yourself clear and I didn’t fuckin’ like hearing it,” I growl.

  “I’m not going to argue with you, Cas. Just go back to the bar and stay in your old room. I’m too tired to do this now.”

  “I’m not changing, I’m angry and I’m losing control and you usually help me but lately you’ve haven’t been any help. You keep pushing for me to make everything right but when I choose certain ways to achieve that, you dig at me and accuse me of turning into the one man I never want to be.”

  “I keep pushing?” she shrieks, trying to keep her voice down, “I have to because you don’t talk to me anymore. You used to tell me everything that went through your head but these days all I get is snapped at for fucking caring.”

  She flops down onto the end of the bed and wipes her eyes with her sleeve. Alannah’s tears are like droplets of acid to me, they burn and leave scars. I remember every tear she has shed and why.

  “Talk to me, Cas. Please. There’s something you’re not telling me. I know there is.”

  Sitting beside her, I hold her hand and squeeze until I know it will hurt her.

  “I’ve been getting these headaches, sometimes they’re so bad I can’t see anything. My hands have been shaking...and with everything going on, it’s getting worse.”

  “How long has this been going on?”

  “A couple of weeks.”

  She takes a deep breath, and smiles, “Okay, tomorrow morning, I’ll call the doc to come out and see you. If you have to have tests, we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it. Honestly, Cas, I’ve been thinking all sorts.”

  “What kinda things?”

  She looks away and the room fills with a seriousness I thought was over.

  “I was beginning to think, maybe we’re not what you want anymore and we were in your way.”

  Laying back and taking her with me, I wrap my arms around her and kiss the top of her head.

  “Don’t ever fuckin’ think like that, no matter how much of an asshole I’m being, that will never be the reason. Christ, babe, I put that ring on your finger so you’d be mine forever and unless I’m dead, our forever isn’t done yet.”

  She leans up and claims my mouth like I haven’t felt in what feels like forever and I return the hunger we both need to crush right now.

  I drink her in until I am drowning in her presence. Rolling on top of her, I press my lips harder onto hers and show her just how wrong she was to think she wasn’t what I needed anymore.

  Chapter Thirty-Two


  An almighty roar bellows above us and Sparky and I look to one another as if one of us has an answer to explain what is going on. Sounds what can only be described as smashing the shit out of something erupts and if I were a younger man who gave a crap, my heart might be racing a little harder.

  “Hopefully, that is Cas makin’ progress,” Sparky grins.

  The blood long ago crusted around his split lip and purple bruising now decorates his right eye.

  “I guess we’re about to find out,” I say, as the door to our dungeon is thrown open. Danny’s boots quickly come into view down the stairs and he spins at the bottom and lands a heavy kick to Sparky’s ribs.

  He doesn’t stop, he continues to assault my brother’s ribs and I’m stuck having to watch my brother vomit from the heavy blows to his stomach.

  The blows fade into Danny leaning on his knees to gather his breath, but fury still pours out of him.

  “He took my sister.”

  A small smile replaces the anger on Sparky’s face and I find myself feeling a little relieved.

  Sparky’s head rolls around and after a coughing fit, he splutters, “You took his brothers, an eye for an eye in this world.”

  This earns him another blow to his stomach and Danny lands back against the wall from the force.

  “It’s not the same thing,” he screams, “she’s not a part of the club, Cas has gone too far.”

  Is he for fucking real? Cas is doing what he has to do, in our world there are no limits to getting what you want. This punk wants to figure that shit out fast or it will get him killed. He’ a dead man on borrowed time anyway, but if he weren’t, he wouldn’t last long. There are men who are capable of leading and men who should follow orders. Danny is and will always be a follower.

  “Cas must’ve told you he wouldn’t fuck arou
nd, you’re the one who wanted a fight, all he’s doing is fighting back.” I grunt, pointing out the fucking obvious.

  “Really, what did ya fuckin’ expect? We’re men, not boys,” Sparky says, still fighting in his own way, winding our captor up.

  “Could you imagine if the Lost Souls were this reckless? We would have got taken out a long time ago,” I laugh, joining in in the wind up.

  “True, this fuckin’ numpty won’t live long enough to be remembered for bein’ president.”

  We both laugh and Danny roars, the sound bouncing around us and vibrating in our ears.

  “I’ll show you all,” he warns, before jogging up the stairs.

  Whatever he plans to do, it is down to Cas now, and Sparky and I know that. We can’t do anything from here and to be honest, I have every faith in my president to take him down. I know Cas, the longer we don’t come home, the more extreme he will act.

  Danny will learn this soon and it will shit blood, it just depends whose blood will run.

  Sparky pulls himself back up to sitting against the wall, and curses with every move he makes.

  “It’s okay to show pain, brother. It’s only us here now.”

  “Fucker has a powerful kick on him, I can’t wait until we’re out of here. I’m going to peel his skin from his body while he’s still breathing, if Cas keeps a hold of his sister, I’ll make her fuckin’ watch.”

  “He’s definitely going to die, Sparks, we just don’t know when, let’s plan how.” I offer, trying to take his mind of his breathing.

  A sickly wheeze hits my ears with every breath he takes.

  “Do you remember when we were chasing the Raging Riders?” he asks.

  “How can I forget? It costs me dearly, and the club too much.”

  “We were frustrated all the time, it felt like we were chasing ghosts and when we got a sniff of a lead, it always turned to nothing.”

  “What are you getting at?”

  “This feels like that all over again,” he sighs, “we know he’s nothing, but underestimating him would be dangerous. I think we need to start treating him like he has potential to ruin our club.”

  I lean my head back against the wall and internally agree with him. Externally, I snort and shift an inch to try and relieve this numbness invading my body.

  “Don’t be going weak on me, Sparks. You have more to live for than I do, I’m relying on you now to stay the strong one. We both know I’m not making it far on my own and you can’t carry me and fight our way out.”

  “What happened to waiting it out, waiting for Cas?”

  “I need a fuckin’ drink, and when you want something, you’re best off gettin’ it yourself.”

  I keep back that I think it’s because we’re going to die here and at the hands of a man much lesser than we are. That shit is just too humiliating to admit. I have every faith Cas will take Danny out, I just don’t know if I believe it will be in time to save our lives.

  “Let’s get this shit done then.” He smirks.

  Chapter Thirty-Three


  Huge relief is lifted from my shoulders when the doc assures me he thinks I’m suffering from migraines brought on by stress.

  Alannah looks relieved over on the couch in my office and gets up and leaves me with the doc.

  “Are you sure there are no other symptoms you’re not telling me?” he asks, noting Alannah’s departure.

  “Only badass headaches and my hands shaking.”

  “I can give you these and when you feel it coming on, take one. If it keeps happening to the severity you’ve told me, get yourself to the centre in town. They’ll be able to check you over better than I can here.”

  The doc has been making trips out here to the club for years. He’s treated nearly everyone here at one time or another and knows how to handle us.

  Alannah comes back, closing the door behind her and hands me a glass of water.

  “Tell him he needs to get more sleep,” she says.

  Doc snorts as he packs his stuff away and it makes me smile.

  “Your man will sleep when he can, I’m not going to give the president of the Lost Souls a bed time.”

  “Asshole,” she moans, taking it light heartedly.

  “Yeah, I have one and now it needs paying so I can go home.”

  Laughing, I hand over the envelope of cash I had ready waiting for him. He nods once and is gone. He never hangs around long and never stays for a drink with us. He does his business and leaves.

  “I love that you care, babe. But, I can’t sleep when our family is missing. Today, I’m not going to stop until they are brought home where they belong. All I need to know is you’ll be here waiting for me without any aggro of what I may have to do. The longer they have them, the less chance they’ll come home with air in their lungs.”

  It’s blunt, but it’s the truth. A small tear falls from her eye and I catch it before another falls.

  “No one is invincible, please remember that.”

  She kisses me softly and walks out. I don’t need to remember it; I know it in my soul. The good men we’ve lost over the years prove it.

  Shoving the pills the doc gave me in my pocket, I head for the bar and find Melissa sat at one of the tables with Ricky for company.

  Joining them, I pull out my smokes and light one up much to the disgust of my leverage.

  “Has she eaten yet?” I ask, Ricky but keep my eyes on her.

  “She can talk for herself,” she snaps.

  I ignore her and wait for Ricky to reply.

  “She’s eaten.”

  “Good, it’s going to be a long day, I reckon.”

  While she’s here she will be treated as a guest, to prove to Lana that I’m not like Michael more than anything. Danny can believe what he likes is happening to her, she will only face violence if he forces my hand.

  “When am I going home? I really don’t have anything to do with my brother’s club.”

  Fuck, he’s been wearing the patch for a few days and people already believes he earned his place.

  “Do you know how he got himself the club?” I ask her.

  “Like I said, I don’t have anything to do with it.”

  “I’ll tell you, he killed sixteen good men. We found the bodies he left behind and saw what he did to them. Husbands and fathers, wiped out because your brother wanted a patch he can’t handle.”

  She shakes her head and looks away.

  “I don’t believe you.”

  Taking a deep pull on my cigarette, I stub it out in the ashtray and blow the smoke all around us.

  “What you believe doesn’t matter, it’s true and he has two of my men. I don’t give a flying fuck if you have anything to do with him or not, because of him your life now sits in his hands. Believe this though, if my brothers don’t walk back through that door, you will die and I will leave your body to rot where your family won’t be able to find it.”

  She lets out a small sob and I’m satisfied she now feels the seriousness of our situation.

  “Danny isn’t a killer,” she finally says, adamantly.

  “Oh, Danny is, sweetheart. It all boils down to see if he’s going to be the one who gets you killed now. Like I said, your life is in his hands now. Let’s hope he doesn’t force me to be the last one you see. I’m sure that’s not how you saw your life ending.”

  “Cas, trouble’s brewing outside.”

  I turn around in my seat to see Dex standing in the doorway. My hand immediately goes to my gun. I’ll be ready this time. When I walk outside, I don’t see a single Devil’s Bastard anywhere. What I do see, is Lana losing her patience with Bonnie.

  As if I need a cat fight right now. Taking long strides across to the main house, Bonnie is screaming in my wife’s face and I’m surprised Lana hasn’t dealt with it yet.

  “What the fuck is going on out here?” I demand to know.

  “She’s losing her damn mind, that’s what’s going on.”

??I need you to tell me what’s going on, Cas. You’re not saying anything and I can’t stand it,” Bonnie yells in my face, pushing her fists into my chest.

  I began losing patience with her when she gave Sparky grief for wanting to have her safe, my patience when she nagged him into leaving the clubhouse on errands completely evaporated, she’s no longer walking a fine line. Dragging her into the house, I don’t give a shit who sees it. If Sparky wants to land one on me for shutting his old lady up, I’ll stand and take it, I’ll just be happy he’s home to do it.

  Forcing her into the kitchen, she whirls around and flies at me, fists swinging everywhere. She doesn’t fucking stop.

  “He’s not just a Lost Soul, he’s my husband and JJ’s daddy. I have a right to know what’s going on,” she screams.

  A part of me doesn’t want to tell her fuck all now, actually, a big bloody part.

  “Shut your fuckin’ mouth, I’d be more inclined to talk to you if it wasn’t your fault he was gone in the first fuckin’ place,” I bellow, shutting her up.

  “Please, Cas, just tell me what’s going on,” she pleads, softening her tone.

  “When I have news, I’ll get word to you but if you keep creating scenes, Bon, I’ll make sure you know nothing.”

  She breaks down and sobs. I back up to the door and Alannah brushes past me going to support her friend.

  “I tried calming her down, she’s not handling this very well.”

  No shit she isn’t. I wish we could all breakdown but where would that get us?

  I think about what Sparky would do if I were taken and he had his Barbie to calm down, and I growl.

  Moving in front of Bonnie, Alannah steps away and I hold her face in my hands.

  “Stop crying, Bon,” I order her, I wait for her sobs to end and carry on, “Put a little faith in me to bring him home to all of us. I can’t do it if you’re kicking off every five minutes. I don’t want it and Sparks wouldn’t either. Look after his son and yourself, whatever he’s going through, it will make him feel better knowing you are safe here, okay?”

  Hallelujah, my soft tones and words work. She nods and I let her go.