Page 9 of Cara's Twelve

He nodded.

  “That's barbaric!”

  He laughed. “Trust me, I for one am glad that specific part of the ceremony has been outlawed. I like my throat in one piece.”

  She considered his words and frowned at what he implied. “You think that I would have denied your life?”

  He looked at her quizzically and didn't respond.

  Heat rose to her cheeks as she realized what she had suggested. “I didn't mean…I just meant…I wouldn't have killed you.”

  He sat up straight and looked at her with humor in his eyes, “And I would thank you for that.”

  She bent her head and let her hair fall across her face, feeling shy before him. “What's the yes? You said it was yes and no. So, what's the yes?”

  He looked up at the cloud covered sky and cleared his throat before answering. “The night of the moon festival, after you have performed the rituals, you and whichever consort is represented, will spend the night in a sanctuary.”


  His ears turned pink and he let out a nervous laugh. “Well, that's up to you.”

  “I don't understand.”

  Helfrich grimaced, and for the first time since they had started the conversation, he looked truly uncomfortable. “It's your choice if you want sanctify the union?”

  “To have sex with them?”

  She saw him cringe at her bluntness.

  “And if I choose not to?”

  He lifted his shoulders and shrugged. “That's your choice.”

  Cara frowned and looked down at her hands, as she contemplated his words.

  It was her choice. She could say yes or no, and no one could blame her either way. It was liberating in a way.

  “We have sworn to protect you. To force you would be a sin against Annul.” Helfrich's voice was soft and kind as it always was when he was explaining something important. “It will always be your choice.”

  “During the moon festival,” she said, trying to understand.

  He cleared his throat and his face turned bright red. “You are free to choose who want, whenever you want.”

  He threw himself back in the grass and flung an arm over his face in embarrassment.

  “Whenever?” she repeated as she understood his meaning, and her mind reeled at the possibilities.

  Helfrich groaned out loud, as if he would do anything for the conversation to end. “How did no one tell you all this?

  “I don't know, maybe because I wasn't supposed to be queen,” she remarked sarcastically.

  He turned to his side and lifted himself on one elbow. With his free hand he reached for her hand and held it gently.

  “Sorry. I know this whole scenario is stressful for you.” He brushed the pad of his thumb over the back of her hand. “You can ask me whatever you want, and I promise I will always tell you the honest truth.”

  She watched as his thumb traced the outline of her knuckles. She didn't pull away. She wouldn't do that to him. He had been more than kind to her, and if she was being honest with herself, she liked his touch. He didn't cause the same thrill of excitement that Finn did, but his touch was familiar and unthreatening.

  She looked up and caught his green eyes watching her.

  “Can I ask you one more thing?”

  “Of course.”

  “Do the other men know about this?”

  He grinned and brought her hand to his lips and pressed a quick kiss on each knuckle before releasing it. He sat up slowly and wrapped his arms around his knees.

  “Yes, they all know.

  Cara let out a shuddering breath. Finn had talked about rules. About waiting for her. He had known that she could choose him whenever she wanted.

  “It doesn't seem right.”

  “It's the way things are. There's no right or wrong in it.”

  Cara shook her head. She didn't believe that.

  She had more questions, but he had already given her more information then she could process at the moment.

  Studying him from the corner of her eye, she watched as a muscle twitched in his jaw, and she wondered what he was thinking.

  The time would come when they would be joined together in a moon ceremony. She would spend the night with him, and it would be her choice to accept or deny him.

  She hadn't thought of Helfrich in that way. He was her friend. She trusted him. Respected him. But for the first time she found herself wondering if there couldn't be more between them.

  As she watched him, she found herself drawn to his mouth, and wondered if his lips would feel the same as Finn's had.

  He said it was her choice.

  Why shouldn't she choose him?

  She found the thought both thrilling and terrifying.

  He was so different from Finn. And yet she found she had already come to care for both of them.

  Was it possible for her to have feelings for more than one man?

  She had to know.

  “Helfrich?” she said softly, and added quickly before she lost her nerve, “Will you kiss me?”

  He looked at her carefully. His green eyes searching her face for the longest moment.

  She couldn't breathe as she waited for him to respond.

  Thinking that he would deny her, she felt the prickles of embarrassment creep up her neck.

  Slowly he turned, his smile gone, his face serious as he moved towards her. Gently he cupped her face in his hands, still searching her eyes, and stroked the sides of her face with his thumbs.

  He touched his lips softly to hers. His kiss was like a feather against her mouth. His lips were softer, fuller than Finn's, and he used them expertly, slowly, teasing, and toying with her until she wanted more.

  She needed more.

  But he kept his kiss soft and playful, not willing to push harder than she was willing to give.

  Finally, she took what he didn't give her, and was satisfied by his response. He matched her pace, his mouth became more earnest and his breath labored. As he pulled her closer to him, she could feel his body responding to her own need.

  She pulled back and lifted her fingers to her swollen mouth. “I'm sorry,” she said breathlessly.

  His smile was reassuring, and taking her hands, he stood and helped her up. “Never be sorry. It's your choice to give and take whenever you want.”

  She shook her head and tried her best to mirror his smile.

  “They'll be sending a search party for us if we don't get back soon,” he said quietly, his eyes never leaving her face.

  Cara looked up at the sky. The sun had dipped further west than she had realized. Tomias would be expecting them to join them for the evening meal. She hesitated. It was easier to be in the company of Helfrich, or even Finn, and she felt overwhelmed when all the men were gathered together.

  Conceding she took Helfrich's hand and turned towards the large house.

  Cara stopped short and sucked in a sharp breath. Her heart sunk in her chest.

  Finn stood at the top of the hill watching from a distance.

  He stared down at them, his face unreadable. Raking a hand through his blond hair, she saw him take a deep breath before he abruptly turned and walked away.

  “Bloody hell,” she repeated for the second time that day.

  Chapter 9

  Finn clenched and unclenched his fists as he stomped through the courtyard towards the stables.

  He shouldn't be angry.

  It was her choice, and he had no right to deny her needs, or try to hinder her relationship with any of the other men.

  But it had taken all his strength not to charge down the hill and punch Helfrich square in the face.

  He wanted to rip the man apart, and the feeling scared the hell out him.

  What bothered him most, what he couldn't understand, was why Cara had run from him earlier.

  It was him, not Helfrich, she had looked at this morning with lust blazing in her russet eyes. Eyes both innocent and full of untapped passion. Her flawless skin begging to be touched.
  Finn didn't believe for one second that her feelings for him had changed, but by the grace of Annul, he couldn't understand why she had sought out the skinny orange haired bastard over him.

  He cursed, ran his hands through his hair, and tried to control his anger.

  Helfrich was his friend and Finn knew the rules. He knew he would be sharing her. She would be Queen of Elbia and he was only one of her twelve consorts. Cara would never truly be his. Even if she chose him to rule by her side as king, the other men would always be there.

  He had thought he would be able to handle it, but the more his feelings grew for her, the more the idea of sharing her pissed him off.

  He couldn't explain the hold she had on him. His attraction was deeper than lust. He felt the need to protect her. To cherish her. He wanted her body and soul. His heart was already hers.

  How many women had he denied his affections? What a fool he had been. Saving his heart for someone that wouldn't give hers in return. Not fully. Now, the only woman he wanted, the only woman he was allowed to have, would deny him. He hissed under his breath at the unfairness of it.

  “Get my horse ready,” he demanded, as he entered the stables.

  The groom gave him a wary look, before scurrying off to harness Finn's chestnut gelding.

  Finn slammed his fist repeatedly against a wooden beam and cursed again when he looked down at his bloodied hand.

  He wasn't thinking straight. He needed to ride. To clear his head.

  Placing his forehead against the beam, he closed his eyes and blew out a frustrated breath.

  Fine. If she wanted Helfrich she could have him.

  He was through pursuing her.

  The horse stomped and snorted when it saw Finn.

  Scratching its nuzzle, Finn took the reins from the groom, and led the horse outside. Nickering, it pushed at Finn's arm with its large head.

  “All right old boy. I'm fine.”

  Mounting the beast, he kicked his heels and forced the gelding into a full gallop as he crossed the open field and headed anywhere but there.

  Finn made a promise as he ducked his head and let the wind whip at his face.

  If she wanted him, she would have to make the next move.

  * * *

  Hidden in the shadows, Tahdaon shook his head as he watched Finn march angrily across the courtyard towards the stables.

  Tahdaon had witnessed the entire exchange.

  He had watched as Helfrich timidly kissed Cara. Watched as Cara had demanded more, finally pulling back with a look that betrayed her innocence.

  He had to admit the girl was full of surprises.

  What disturbed Tahdaon was Finn's reaction.

  The man was in a volatile state, and Tahdaon was glad he had directed his anger inward rather than take it out on the girl. The last thing he needed was to have to put the man down. Not that Tahdaon had any doubt he would be able to, but the less he got involved the better.

  Minutes later Tahdaon heard the angry hoof beats echoing over the hills.

  He sighed and leaned heavily against a tree. He hated to see a horse run too hard, but he was relieved Finn had taken his hissy fit elsewhere.

  Unlike Finn who had looked like he was ready to kill over the incident, Tahdaon had been impressed.

  She was beautiful. There was no denying it. If she offered herself to him he wouldn't refuse. He wasn't an idiot. And neither was Helfrich.

  He wasn't opposed to the rules that governed the Twelve. At least not the terms that governed their sexuality. Tahdaon had been raised with the knowledge that it was a man's responsibility to see that whatever woman was in his care was fully satiated. Women were sacred, their bodies temples that were to be honored and worshiped.

  There was no greater gratification than to bring pleasure to a woman in her most primal state.

  Tahdaon groaned as he envisioned Cara under him, her body slick with sweat, and her hips thrusting to meet his. He didn't want her bad, but he wasn't a fool. She wasn't the kind of woman that would take what he had to give, without the promise of more.

  And other than his body, he had nothing more to offer.

  Unlike him, Finn and Helfrich had allowed their hearts to get involved.

  It was foolish, especially considering their current situation.

  Tahdaon wouldn't have cared, accept that it made them weak, vulnerable, and it hindered their ability to protect her.

  Their focus was so engrossed on Cara that they had blinded themselves to the danger that lived within their small group.

  Edmund continued to threaten her right under their noses, yet neither one seemed to notice.

  Tahdaon was well aware of the threat Edmund presented. The man was a predator just like his father.

  Something had happened between him and Cara. He was certain of it. He didn't know why she hadn't said anything to the other men. Maybe she was scared or just plain stubborn. But she placed herself at greater risk by staying silent.

  Tahdaon spit, and watched as Helfrich and Cara climbed the hill and walked towards the house.

  “Fools,” he snorted.

  What did he care anyways? These people meant nothing to him. He had a family and a province to worry about. And yet he couldn't deny his vows. He was a Dalglieshan and they never broke their word. Not without bringing shame on their entire family.

  Finn cared nothing for their goddess, or their ceremonies and rituals, but his oath bound him to protect her. And at the moment Finn and Helfrich had their heads too far up their asses to see that she was in danger.

  Coming out of the shadows he met Hauk as he walked towards him.

  Tahdaon had arranged the meeting. He had separated himself long enough. If he had any hope of keeping Cara alive, he needed to form an alliance with someone who would see past her pretty face and focus on the threats that surrounded them.

  “Tahdaon,” Hauk said as he approached.

  Tahdaon nodded in acknowledgement at the older man and motioned for Hauk to follow him into the shadows of the trees.

  Of all the men, Tahdaon knew that Hauk, more than any, shared his hostility towards the current ruling system.

  Tahdaon had met Hauk twice, many years ago, once when his brothers had brought him to the central village of Northlew, seeking an alliance with the tribal people. Hauk had been Viceroy at the time, young and inexperienced, but willing to make sacrifices. He had sworn to stand with Dalgliesh if the Queen's army should attack, but he was unwilling to send his people into war unless they had reason.

  The people of Northlew had reason now, but they had lost their chance to fight while they still had strength.

  Northlew bordered the southwestern perimeter of Dalgliesh. It was a small province with inadequate land for farming. Primarily rocky territory, they had become successful in sheep husbandry and the production of wool. But the Queen took that livelihood from them when she decreed that all Elbian wool be produced primarily in the province of Hellstrom. Northlew was ordered by law to cease production or face the fine of two gold pieces for the sale of a single bale of wool.

  The decree had bankrupted the small province.

  Soon after, raiders had crossed the borders from Ashwater, Hellstrom, and even as far away as Bere Alstern, raping and pillaging what was left of the crippled province. By the time Tahdaon and his brothers had reached Northlew, the province had been decimated. The Viceroy's small estate had been burned to the ground, along with Hauk's wife and two young children.

  Hauk had renounced his title that day. Everything he cared about had been taken from him. Even now, nearly ten years later, Hauk's eyes reflected the despondency of a man whose life had ended years ago.

  Tahdaon rested his back against a giant oak and crossed his arms as he watched Hauk take a seat on a rotting log. His long black hair was free of the traditional beaded braids and feathers he usually wore, and now hung loose around his shoulders. Hauk had rolled the white linen shirt he wore to his elbows, and Tahdaon could see the dark
tribal markings etched like a second sleeve along his forearms. Symbols of his tribe. A tribe that was almost nonexistent. His beady eyes were the same dark obsidian as his hair, and they showed no emotion as he looked back at Tahdaon.

  “I assume you have a reason for this meeting,” Hauk said, his expression impassive.

  “I want to know where your head is at.”

  “On my shoulders the last I checked.”

  Tahdaon grunted at his comment.

  “I want to know if I can count on you to back me up when trouble comes.”

  Hauk cocked an eyebrow. “Funny, I thought trouble was already here.”

  Tahdaon blew out a frustrated breath. He wasn't in the mood for word games.

  “I'm referring to the Hellstrom whore and the two mongrels that follow him around licking his balls. Or aren't you worried that the sons of the people who raped your lands are living among us?”

  Hauk sighed and shook his head. “I have no quarrel with Edmund and even less with Theo and Arwel.”

  “How can you say that?” Tahdaon exclaimed. “Who do you think was responsible for sending in the raiding parties?”

  “I won't blame Edmund for what his father has done, just as I won't blame Maeve for her mother's actions. If you were wise you would do the same.”

  “He's filth just like his father,” Tahdaon spat.

  “And you, Tahdaon?” Hauk asked, studying him. “Are you just like your father?”

  Tahdaon snarled at the comment. Very few knew the circumstances of his birth. The only reason Hauk knew was because his father had been there when the tragedy occurred.

  “This isn't about me,” Tahdaon responded.

  “And it isn't about Edmund.”

  “He threatened Cara,” Tahdaon growled.

  “She told you that?”

  “No. But I've seen it in her face. She's frightened of him, and after the past few weeks we both know that girl doesn't frighten easily.”

  Hauk picked up a twig and studied it carefully. Finally he answered, “No, she doesn't.”

  “I'm not asking you to do anything that will compromise that moral compass of yours. I just want you to keep your eyes and ears open. I need to know you stand behind her, ready to pick up that rusted piece of trash you call a sword, should any harm befall her.”