“At night? When I can’t see the trees I am about to plummet into headfirst?” I asked jokingly.

  “I won’t let you run into a tree. I promise.” He put his hand around my waist, and his touch aroused me. “And I always keep my promises, unlike Ms. Larabee.”

  I was really hoping he would stop saying her name. That did not arouse me.

  Twenty minutes later, I was in the bathroom of the suite, squeezing my ass into the ski suit Hewitt had brought up with him for Larabee. She and I are about the same size, but I have ass for days and she has a pancake one. She keeps saying that she is going to get injections. I cannot picture getting silicon injected into any part of my body, but I would not put anything past her.

  I glanced at myself in the mirror. “Okay, Tanley. You can do this. You get to spend time with Hewitt, alone. That is the most important thing.”

  When I came out of the bathroom, he was waiting for me, looking sexy as hell in a red suit that matched the one I was wearing.

  “Tanley, I don’t think you can fit Larabee’s ski boots, so we’ll rent some.”

  “That’s fine,” I told him. “Are you sure this isn’t dangerous?”

  “Life is about taking risks.” He held out his hand to me. “Come get risky with me.”

  I would have preferred to stay in the suite and get frisky with him, but risky would just have to suffice, so I took his hand.

  Somehow we managed to make it to the top of one of the slopes. When we got on the ski lift, I started screaming and almost fell off. People were laughing their heads off at me. Hewitt calmed me down, and I held onto him for dear life the rest of the way up. Even though it was freezing outside, I could feel the warmth of his body through his suit. I could only imagine how warm he would be inside me. My mind was truly in the gutter.

  We skied for an hour and a half. Much to my surprise, I had the time of my life. It was so much fun, and I knew from the first time I glided down a hill, even though I fell on my ass twice, that I was hooked.

  Hewitt said that he wanted to show me his “special place.” It turned out to be a cave on the side of the mountain with icicles hanging from the rocky interior. It was completely deserted.

  “How did you find this place?” I inquired, completely in awe of its beauty. “This looks like something out of a movie.”

  “So do you.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “You look like something out of a movie.” He knocked my ski cap gently with his glove. “Any new roles coming your way?”

  Now that was something I really did not care to discuss. However, I was flattered that he was even interested.

  “No, not really. I went to a couple of auditions last month, but nothing really panned out. Larabee keeps me so busy that I have a hard time making a lot of the auditions.”

  He looked angry. “Just tell Larabee that you have to take the time off! She should be able to understand that. She wasn’t born a star.”

  I waved my finger in his face. “Superstar.”

  He chuckled. “Yeah, whatever.”

  “Hewitt, can I ask you a question?”


  “Before we kissed tonight, had you ever thought about me?”

  “Yes,” he replied quickly.


  “Tanley, you are an extremely attractive sister. I wouldn’t be human if I could spend so much time around you and not ponder the possibilities.”

  “What type of possibilities?”

  “You know. Just wondering what you are like sexually. What it would feel like to hold you.”

  I have never considered myself to be a backstabber, but after hearing those words flow out of Hewitt’s lips, I could not help myself. I moved closer to him and got lost in his eyes.

  “You know, Hewitt, I always told myself that if the opportunity ever arose to be alone with you, to be intimate with you, that I would not hesitate. Not even for a second.”

  I expected him to tell me to get a grip on reality and start professing his love for Larabee. He did not.

  He asked, “So what are you saying? Exactly?”

  “I’m saying that I want to be with you tonight. Just for tonight. No one ever has to know.” I removed my right glove and started caressing his dick. “I have often wondered about you, too. Today is your birthday, and it’s almost over, so what do you say? Let’s make tonight special.”

  If there was any hesitation in his eyes, I did not see it. Hewitt drew me into his arms and started tonguing the hell out of me. I gratefully reciprocated. It was freezing in the cave, but it instantly heated up as our passion grew. No man had ever kissed me with such conviction, and my mind wandered to Larabee for a brief second. What a fool!

  Hewitt unzipped my ski jacket and slowly pressed it over my shoulders, removing it and tossing it on the frozen ground. He palmed my breasts, broke the kiss, and pulled the edge of my turtleneck down so he could suck on my neck. I was in heaven.

  I maintained my pace, stroking his dick though his ski pants in rhythm. I winced in pleasure when he bit on my neck gently, undoubtedly leaving a mark that I would cherish until it disappeared a few days later. I pulled away for a second so I could gaze in his eyes; they were so mesmerizing.

  “Are you sure about this, Hewitt?” I asked, touching his cheek.

  Hewitt took my hand and kissed my fingertips. “I’ve never been surer.”

  “What about Larabee?”

  He sighed. “Larabee and I have been together for a long time. That’s common knowledge, but over time, she’s changed. She used to be this sweet, compassionate woman full of life and aspirations. While she still has aspirations, none of them seem to include me anymore. All she cares about is her career. She and I had major plans, but somewhere along the way, she forgot about them.”

  He was so sincere, and all I could manage to say was, “I understand.”

  “A man like me has needs also,” he continued. “Sure, it’s great being known as Larabee’s man most of the time. Every man in the free world is mad jealous, but they don’t see the flip side of what it’s like to date a star.”

  I waved my finger in his face and grinned.

  He chuckled. “I mean, superstar,” he said, correcting his mistake. “But, on the real tip, I have needs, and Larabee just isn’t fulfilling them right now. Not from where I’m standing.”

  “I don’t want to cause any friction.”

  He unzipped my ski overalls. “Well, I want to cause some friction. If you get my drift.”

  I bit my bottom lip. “Oh, yeah, I get your drift.”

  As far as I was concerned, we had discussed the issue at hand and both made an informed decision to continue with our little escapade. Like they say, one man’s garbage is another man’s treasure. Larabee didn’t appreciate Hewitt, but I adored and appreciated everything about him. For that reason alone, I wanted to give him something special that he would never forget.

  Don’t get me wrong. I was freezing my ass off in that cave, but I ended up in my birthday suit, ready to give Hewitt his birthday present. We made a pallet on the icy ground out of our suits and jackets and made beautiful love.

  The way Hewitt sucked on my nipples gave me an orgasm, and that was rather scary, because that had never happened to me before. Normally, I’m lucky if a man can even make me cum with his dick, but Hewitt worked his magic.

  After pushing my breasts together and partaking of them both at the same time, Hewitt licked a trail down the center of my stomach and landed it between my legs, which were eagerly spread and waiting. He traced the outside of my pussy lips and then the inside of them. I felt myself cumming all over again. Damn, I was going from a nonorgasmic sister to a multiorgasmic one in less than an hour.

  He flicked his tongue at my hardened clit, which made me moan with delight. I massaged the back of his head to encourage him to proceed. Damn, did he! The brother deserved a medal, plaque, or some sort of recognition for being so profound at eating coochie.

sp; Once I came for the third time, I screamed out, “I want you now!”

  Hewitt didn’t hesitate with giving me the dick. He was holding about seven inches of pure almond joy. I felt his dick enter my walls and push up toward my belly button.

  “Umm, it’s so damn good,” he whispered in my ear. “I’ve waited so long for this.”

  I gazed into his eyes. “Have you really?”

  “Yes, I have. It was just an awkward situation.”

  I snickered. It was still an awkward situation, but it was all good. Here I was, fucking my boss’s boyfriend after she asked me to deliver a present to him. Well, he did get her present, and now he was getting mine.

  He lifted my legs and placed them on his shoulders so he could go deeper. I grabbed onto his ass to aid him in his efforts. I wanted as much of him in me as I could possibly get. Even with him working his mojo on me, it wasn’t enough so…

  …I lowered my legs and flipped him over on his back. He shivered and let out a small scream when his back hit the ice beside our little pallet.

  “Want to move over?” I asked.

  He looked at me and then grinned. “No, actually, now that the initial shock is over, I’m kinda feeling this.”

  I picked up a small chunk of ice off the ground and rubbed it over his nipples. “Are you feeling this?”

  “Aw, yes!”

  My knees were so frozen that I could barely feel them as I tightened my pussy on his dick. “Are you feeling that?”

  “Umm, hmm. It feels fantastic. Are you about to take a little ride, Tanley?”

  “No,” I replied. “I’m about to take a big ride.”

  I grabbed onto his neck with my free hand and continued to rub the ice all over his chest with the other one. He reached for a piece of ice and started rubbing it all over my ass. That only enticed me more as I gripped his dick inside me and moved up and down with a vengeance. He rubbed the ice up and down my spine and then over my breasts. I could feel my cum trickling down onto him, and then I felt him explode inside me.

  After our bodies stopped shaking from the unified satisfaction, we tumbled back onto the pallet in laughter. We were totally spent, and it showed. We lay there for a good thirty minutes, buck-naked in the cave. Somehow, we managed to put our clothes back on with frozen fingers and make our way back down to the lodge.

  There, we made love for the rest of the night in the Jacuzzi. We went from the cold conditions of the cave to the steam of the Jacuzzi. How therapeutic!

  The next day Hewitt started guilt-tripping. I attempted to reassure him, letting him know that I had no intention of revealing our indiscretions to Larabee. After all that shit he talked the night before about her mistreating him, I knew he still loved her and would try to make it work.

  Now, a year later, he is still trying to make it work, and she is still treating him like something on the bottom of one of her two-hundred-dollar shoes. She didn’t even get the part that she gave up his birthday to audition for, much less win an Oscar for it. In fact, her career has started to go downhill—no one stays on top of their game forever. New young fresh meat comes along, and those women are just as willing to give up the ass to get parts. Studio executives get antsy for something different, and suddenly women who are on top end up as has-beens.

  As for me, I’m still her assistant, but not for long. I auditioned for a part last week and got a callback. It is a rather major role, and if it comes through, I will have enough to live comfortably for a few years. Even if I don’t get it, I have had enough. It is time to move on. I can’t stand to see Hewitt following behind Larabee like a lovesick puppy. Every now and then I catch him staring at me. I know that he remembers our night, and in another world, in another lifetime, he would have been mine. But we are in this world, in this lifetime, and I can’t wait around for him to get a wake-up call.

  I have my eye on this young brother, a fellow thespian, who I met waiting tables at a local jazz club. If I don’t get the role, maybe I’ll get a job there and see what kind of magic he and I might work up in the kitchen after hours. You never know!

  Gettin’ Buck Wild

  * * *

  There is something to be said for being freaky. Sure, you run certain risks by throwing it all out there and putting your ass on the line. However, life is short, and as they always say, “This isn’t a dress rehearsal.” That’s why I made a life-altering decision to get buck wild.

  “Buck wild” is a term that goes back a ways. I’m not quite sure when I heard someone say it for the first time, but it was definitely sometime during my youth. Since I’m thirty-five now, it was probably in the early eighties when my friend Keisha yelled it out at a party.

  It was a house party. Not many people have house parties these days, since people have become violent or drug addicts or both. The average person won’t just allow people to fall up in their crib to get their groove on. It simply isn’t safe. But back then house parties were the end-all and be-all. If someone popular was having one and you missed it for any reason (baby-sitting siblings, doing a term paper, sick as all hell), people talked junk about you the following Monday morning at school.

  Anyway, we were at this dude Aaron’s house up in the Palisades. His place was slamming, too. About 75 percent of the house was completely glass, and they had this indoor pool that was hittin’. The pool made the party ten times better than a normal party because it meant that sistahs could show what they were workin’ with in brand-spanking-new bikinis.

  My shit was tight. I had on this red number that my mother bought me after I begged and pleaded for damn near an hour. She was always such a stickler for money. Daddy made a grip. No, make that a grip and a half, but Mommy always pretended like we were dirt poor and digging in trash cans for dinner. Amazingly, she always came up with some cash when she spotted an expensive-ass outfit she wanted.

  The DJ was mixing his ass off that night at Aaron’s. Back then, Michael Jackson was still the shit, and Prince’s ass was still making sistahs give up the drawers with a quickness in parked cars. What sistah wouldn’t get horny if a dude started singing “Do Me Baby” into her ear?

  I must admit that sexy-ass music would make me give up some sex faster than just about any other thing a brotha could possibly throw at me back then. Candles and back rubs were one thing, but slow music, aka “fucking music,” would make me want to spread ’em.

  It was during such a song that night that Keisha yelled out, “Everybody, let’s get buck wild!”

  All the lights suddenly went out, and people started getting their freak on with whomever. I had the host in my arms at the moment, and Aaron was all that and a bag of chips. He had this rock-hard body, a six-pack stomach, and the prettiest eyes I’d ever seen on a man. He and I had been cool together but never really hung together outside of school. Still, with the music going, with the bomb-ass party in the bomb-ass house, I was feeling him something hard. And yes, something was hard. His big-ass dick was like a brick. I felt it rubbing up against my coochie, and instant thoughts of fucking flew through my head.

  “Essence, you’re so soft, Boo,” Aaron stated seductively over the music. “Damn, I’ve never felt anything this soft.”

  “Word?” I asked him, even though I knew it was true. I used more buffing soap, skin moisturizers, and body oil than any other sistah on the planet, hands down. I knew my shit was on.


  I couldn’t really see what everyone else was doing, but I heard a lot of splashing going on over in the pool, and there were a shitload of moans. Somebody was straight-up fucking up in that piece. I was determined to be next.

  “Aaron, why don’t you show me your bedroom?” I suggested.

  “What do you need to see my bedroom for?”

  Was he silly or what? “I want to see your bedroom because I want to fuck.” I decided to come on out with it. “You do know what fucking is, don’t you?”

  He laughed. “Oh, I know what fucking is. I know how to fuck a girl so hard that s
he sends my mother flowers the next day for giving birth to such a stud.”

  I laughed. “You’re a nut!”

  “Seriously though, bedrooms are for sleeping. Let’s do something different.”

  “Something like what?”

  He let go of me and disappeared in the darkness. I felt stupid just standing there. A minute later the lights were back on, and boy, what a sight! At least a dozen people were all over the room on chairs, on the floor, or in the pool screwing. I spotted Keisha over in the corner on her knees with a dick in her mouth.

  Aaron reappeared and took a position in the middle of the floor before making an announcement. “Hold up, peeps! Every weekend we hang out and do whatever. Tonight let’s make it different. Instead of everyone doing their own thing separately, let’s do like those white folks in the porn flicks and have an orgy.”

  Everyone grew silent. Everyone stopped fucking. Everyone was speechless.

  Aaron scanned the room for me. “Come here, Essence.”

  Maybe I was just feeling daring that night or had lost my common sense, but I went over to him and took his hand.

  “Essence and I are going to start it out, and then the rest of you just join in.”

  “Aaron, are you on something?” I asked, totally serious. “I never agreed to this.”

  “I know, but take a walk on the wild side. Let’s get buck wild!”

  That was it. The beginning of my “habit.”Aaron and I fucked right there in front of everyone, and gradually they all joined in—this time with the lights on. Before I knew it, I had fucked at least eight boys and two girls. The next day I was so ashamed. The day after that I decided that I wanted to do it again, and I did. Again and again. Aaron’s parents were out of town a lot, so most of the time we had the orgies at his place, especially since it was the most slamming house in the vicinity anyway.

  Now that I’m all grown up, my “habit” continues. I love having sex in the open. I love having sex with numerous partners. I love having sex, period.

  Last weekend, I had the ultimate experience. I let twenty-nine men run a train on me and starred in my first porno flick. By the tenth man, my pussy felt like it was on fire because the rubber from the condoms I made them wear was irritating me. I kept going, though. I had a goal, and I was determined to meet it. After five hours, I did, and the film will be out on DVD next month.