Keisha and I are still hanging tough. In about a month, we are going down to the islands to Sex Me Down Village and getting buck wild. I hear the shit is off the hook, and I can hardly wait. Of course, I hope my husband doesn’t find out.

  Yes, you heard me right. I’m married, and so is Keisha, but hey, our husbands are not laying the pipe the way we need it to be laid, so we handle our business in other ways. Besides, even if my husband Steve, who I love dearly, was fucking me right, I know he would never do it in public, and I need that from time to time. I’m not concerned about him seeing the porno because he doesn’t watch them. Some of his raunchy friends might, but they would never recognize me because I was wearing a wig and a mask.

  I often do disguises, and it works like a charm. Case in point, one time I fucked one of my husband’s closest friends, and he had no idea it was me. Chad was hanging out in this hip-hop club. I’m not too big on that type of music, but those clubs are wonderful for picking up young bucks who are young, dumb, and full of cum. The kind that don’t ask you silly questions like “Are you married?” or “Can I see you again?” They recognize a one-night stand for what it is.

  Anyway, Chad was getting his drink on and acting like the nasty whore that he is. I’ve never liked him because I always felt he might eventually be a negative influence on Steve. Now, I can cheat, but if I ever catch Steve cheating, hell hath no fury and all that jazz.

  I was wearing tinted glasses and a sandy blond wig that night. He was drunk as shit and probably wouldn’t have recognized me without the disguise. I don’t know what made me do it, other than the dangerous possibility of getting busted. I studied Chad for about twenty minutes until I could ascertain that he was definitely alone. Then I walked up behind him and whispered in his ear. “Wanna fuck?” I asked in an island accent that I had polished over the years.

  He turned around and drank me in with his eyes. The skintight black dress I had on was bangin’.

  “Don’t I know you?”

  “No, but you can get to know me.”

  “I’m not used to giving up the dick on demand to women I meet in clubs. Especially ones that don’t say hello first.”

  I smirked at him, knowing good and well he was a male whore and would fuck just about anything on two legs. “Your loss then, baby. I’ll just go find me a real man who can give me some real dick. I don’t have time for silly little games.”

  I started to walk away, but he grabbed my elbow. “Silly little games, huh?” He gripped my ass. “I’ve got your silly little games. If you don’t watch out, you won’t be able to walk tomorrow.”

  I faced him and pouted, then rubbed my thumb over my nipple. “Promises, promises.”

  Chad took my hand and headed for the exit. “Come with me, with your fine self.”

  We went outside and headed for the parking lot. It was late summer, and the heat was excruciating, which is why I didn’t have on much of anything. The wig and the glasses were making me sweat, though.

  I had no idea why I was out there with Chad. After all, I hated him.

  “Where are we going?” I asked, still utilizing the accent.

  “To my car. I’m going to teach you a very valuable lesson.”

  “Which is?”

  “Never talk shit to strangers.”

  If I didn’t know better, the tone in his voice would have made him come off as a potential serial killer. Chad has too good of a job and too much to lose for all that. We got to his ride, a 2002 Boxster, and he unlocked the doors.

  “I know you don’t think we’re fucking in this little thing.”

  “What’s wrong? You scared?”

  “No, I’m not scared. Just not about to be so confined.”

  “Well, we can go to a cheap motel then.”


  He glared at me. “Hey, look. I’m not trying to fall in love, so I don’t need to lavish you with jack shit. There won’t be any fancy hotels, expensive champagne, or flowers on this ride, honey. So are you down for this or not?”

  I started to take off my disguise and cuss his ass out. I decided to exact my revenge in another way instead.

  I bent over the hood and jacked up my skirt. “Just hit it from the back right here, baby.”

  He swung his neck from side to side, surveying the parking lot. “Right here in the open?”

  “Yeah. What’s wrong? Are you scared?”

  “Hell, no, I’m not afraid of a damn thing, including dying.”

  “Then prove it. Make good on all that shit you were talking in the club.” I reached into my handbag and pulled out a condom. I handed it over my shoulder to him. “No cover, no lover.”

  He pulled my red silk panties down, and I stepped out of them. “I’ll show you, you bitch!”

  I couldn’t believe he went there. Yes, I was going to fuck him and then fuck him over. A lightbulb went off in my head as he put on the condom. Part of me felt guilty for even thinking such nasty thoughts. Then I laughed as he shoved his dick in me from behind.

  “What’s so damn funny, bitch?”

  “You,” I replied, still laughing. Chad wasn’t holding much, and I wanted to make that point known, so I asked, “Is your dick in yet?”

  “Oh, you think you’re funny!” he lashed out at me, trying to position himself to get deeper. “You know good and damn well my dick is in you. You’ll feel it in your throat in a minute.”

  “I seriously doubt that,” I stated, talking mad shit and then yawning. “I must admit this is quite the disappointment, so can you just hurry it up so I can go back to the club and find me a real man with some real dick.”

  “I’ll give you a real man with some real dick.” Chad lost his breath while he tried to ram his dick higher into me. Both of us knew that wasn’t even a slight possibility because the front of his thighs were already slapping up against the back of mine.

  This continued for a few minutes. He almost freaked when a group of sisters exiting the club spotted us in the parking lot and started pointing and talking trash. I was used to public sex, and that was the single arousing factor of the entire episode.

  They went on about their business, got into two separate cars, and pulled out. Chad went back to work. At least, he thought he was working it. I yawned again.

  “Oh, you’re trying to say I’m boring you?” he asked with disdain. “You know you love this.”

  His ego was too much for me. What I was about to do was risky, but I said what the hell, reached inside my handbag once again, but not for a condom, and glanced over my shoulder to see if Chad was looking down at me. His eyes were glued to my ass. Good.

  I reached between my legs with my free hand and started caressing his balls. I wanted the exact position in my mind. Then I reached between them with my other hand.

  “I’m coming!” Chad yelled out. “I’m about to bust this nut all up in you.”

  “And I’m about to bust your nuts,” I said as I zapped his balls with my stun gun.

  His immediate reaction was shock. He looked like a deer caught in headlights. Then he let out the loudest wail I’d ever heard. I mean, it was a sight to see and hear. He fell down to the ground, grasping onto his balls, and his eyes rolled up into the back of his head.

  I could only laugh. I picked up my panties off the ground and then kicked him in the dick. “That’ll teach you to call women bitches!”

  I located my car, jumped in, and headed home. I took the wig and glasses off and hid them under my seat, their usual spot. When I arrived, Steve was watching the late-night news and reading the Evening Post.

  “Where you been, honey?”

  “I was just out with Keisha. We went to happy hour.”

  He glanced at his watch. It was after midnight. “Must’ve been a long happy hour.”

  “Well, we got to talking, and before we knew it, time had slipped away. You know how that goes.”


  I went over to the recliner where he was seated and kissed him on
the forehead. “I’m going to grab a shower. It’s been a long day.”

  “Nice dress. You didn’t wear that to work today, did you?”

  I hesitated. I had forgotten to change back into my suit. “No, I actually bought this after work. They were having a sale, and I thought it was cute. Do you like it?”

  He slapped me on the ass. “I love it.”

  I winked at him. “And I love you.”

  After my shower, I couldn’t wait to call Keisha and tell her what had happened. She laughed so hard that I thought she would choke.

  Chad called Steve the next morning, crying on the phone like a bitch. I listened in on the extension, and it was hilarious. I know I was wrong for what I did, but hey, when you get buck wild, anything is likely to happen. So men, you better come prepared or don’t come at all, because buck-wild honies like the kid take no prisoners.

  Back to the Dick

  * * *

  Wendy and I had been together for seven years. That’s a long-ass time. I loved her; I really did. But there was something missing. I needed the dick. Now I know it seems like I was a bit confused, and that is a serious understatement. For more than a decade, I had lived the life of a lesbian. There had been half a dozen women in my life before I met Wendy. When I spotted her in one of the clubs I frequented, it was lust at first sight. We barely made it back to my place that night before we were all over each other.

  The sex between Wendy and I was slamming. I couldn’t ask for a woman to give me anything more. She was passionate, attentive, and could go at it for hours. But there were times when I found myself masturbating and thinking about the men from long ago who had worked some magic of their own in the bedroom with me.

  The one I fantasized about the most was Henry. I called him “Oh Henry” because that was what I used to always yell out in bed when he hit the spot and made me cream all over myself, him, and the sheets. Henry was a great lover, but he left a lot to be desired in other departments. Namely, Henry was flat-out dumb. I mean, the Negro could barely add two plus two. It wasn’t that I needed a man who was highly intelligent, but it was hard not being able to discuss normal day-to-day situations with a man. Sex is only one part of a great relationship, and I needed something to stimulate my mind when the fucking was done.

  While Henry had to get “canceled” from my life, sometimes when Wendy was eating my pussy, there he would be like a ghost from the past. Wendy was livid one night when I called out Henry’s name in the heat of the moment. She wasted no time laying into me.

  “What the fuck did you just say?” she asked vehemently.

  “Huh?” was my typical reply when I didn’t want to answer someone.

  “You heard me, Meridith! Don’t play dumb! You just called out some mutha fucka’s name in our bed!”

  “Damn, my bad.” I sat up and tried to console her by rubbing her shoulders.

  She pushed my hand off. “Don’t even! I can’t believe your ass!”

  That was the end of the conversation and the sex. Wendy got up and stormed out the bedroom, opting to camp out on the sofa for the rest of the night. I lay in the bed and wondered what the hell I was doing. I was a lesbian, pure and simple, right? Not! The bottom line was that after all those years, I was feenin’ for some dick.

  I know some people will find that hard to believe. That all of a sudden I would go from being a pussy connoisseur to a rehabilitated dick fiend. I found it hard to believe myself, but before I knew it, I was trolling the streets for a man who I felt should be the one to reacclimatize me to the world of heterosexual sex.

  I was sitting in a diner, seeking shelter from a torrential rain, when I spotted him getting out of a tattered Ford across the busy street. He was of medium height, with a goatee and eyes that seemed to light up the dreary sky. He struggled to get an umbrella open—a lost cause, because he was soaked from the second he got out of the car.

  I saw his mouth forming curse words as he slammed the car door and made a mad dash for the entryway of a small apartment building. I forked some of my meatloaf into my mouth and waited, contemplating my next move or if there was even to be one.

  “Wendy’s going to kill me,” I whispered aloud to myself.

  More and more people piled into the diner looking for refuge, and I knew it was just a matter of time before someone would be stressing me about giving up the table for four I was occupying alone.

  My waitress came over and asked, “Would you like anything else?”

  “No, I’m cool. I’ll just take the check.”

  She cleared my plate from the table and pulled my tab out of her apron pocket.

  I took a twenty from my purse and dropped it on the table.

  The waitress picked it up and said, “Be right back.”

  “That’s okay. Keep the change.”

  I vacated the table and made my way through the crowded entrance to the door. I had a pocket-size umbrella in my purse and opened it before I went outside. The rain was still coming down hard, but the sun had started to break through the clouds. I debated about waiting it out in the alcove or trying to make it to my car without getting drenched.

  That’s when I saw a light go on in an apartment across the street. I glanced up to the third-floor window and saw him—the brother who had run inside. He sat down by the bay window and looked outside. Yes, he was definitely fine. His skin looked like cinnamon, and I wondered if it were just as sweet. He had dimples, a feature I couldn’t recall seeing on someone since high school.

  We looked about the same age. I had just turned thirty-six, and I think that was a part of my problem with homosexuality. My biological clock was ticking, and while I had lost total interest in sexing men down for more than a decade, I did love the thought of having a child one day. The mere thought that my body was capable of such a feat was intriguing.

  So there I was, staring at him staring out the window. Suddenly his eyes lowered and latched onto mine. He grinned, and I stood there nervous as all hell. Somehow I managed to slightly wave at him. He waved back.

  So now what, Meridith? I thought to myself. What I was contemplating was crazy. I didn’t know that man from Adam, but he was sitting there looking all good, and I started fantasizing about what would happen if I dared to actually go up there and knock on his door. That was risky at best. He could have been married, shacking up, or hell, even gay. After all, I was supposed to be gay my damn self. But I wanted some dick, and I wanted it bad.

  We stared at each other for a good five minutes before he motioned for me to come up. He stood up and started rubbing his crotch. Hmm, he was a straight-up freak. I guess he figured that he might as well try it and see what happened. That clarified one thing for me; he damn sure wasn’t strictly dickly.

  An elderly man came out of the diner and practically knocked me down. He apologized, but his accidental shove left me in the street getting wet. I thought about Wendy again for a second; all the things she had given me, and all the things that she never could. I thought about what the repercussions for my actions would be. Maybe I’ll tell Wendy, and maybe I won’t, I thought. That would depend on how good a time I had after making the choice to climb those steps across the street. There was only one way to find out.

  A few minutes later I was standing outside his door. He opened it before I could even knock.

  “I’m Gillian!” he announced with much pride while extending his hand.

  “Meridith,” I responded, proffering my own. “I know you must think this is crazy. My coming up here to your place out of the blue.”

  He moved aside so I could come in. “No, not at all. I’m glad you did. There’s nothing like being at home bored when the world is full of such excitement.”

  “True.” I giggled as I went inside. His place was modest and turned out to be an efficiency. He had a plaid living room set and a simple dinette group. The hightlight of the place was his bed; it was king-size, with a black laquer headboard, and he had mirrors strategically placed on the ceiling. “Nic
e place.”

  “So, Meridith, would you like something to drink?” He went over to the small fridge and took out a beer. “I have beer, wine coolers, and apple juice.”

  “Actually, I’ll take a wine cooler, if that’s cool.”

  “It’s all good.”

  He handed me the bottle and then sat down on the bed. He obviously wasn’t going to try to play games by sitting on the sofa. He wanted to fuck, and he wanted me to know it.

  I downed the entire wine cooler in three swigs.

  Gillian laughed. “Damn, baby, you might be able to drink me under the table.”

  I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand. “I seriously doubt that. I’m not a heavy drinker. I’m just trying to loosen up a little.”

  He patted the bed. “Come sit beside me and I’ll loosen you up a hell of a lot.”

  I laughed nervously. “Sounds interesting.”

  “Look, Meridith. We both know why you came up here. At least, I think we do.”

  “Yeah, I guess we do.”

  He came over to retrieve me from the center of the floor and led me to his bed. He pushed my coat off my shoulders and feasted his eyes on the tight red blouse I had on with a black miniskirt. “Meridith, you are some kind of fine.”

  “Thank you for the compliment.” He attempted to kiss me on the lips, but I resisted. “Umm, Gillian, there’s something I need to explain to you first.”

  He started caressing my left nipple. “Baby, there’s nothing you need to explain to me. Just take off your clothes and show big daddy what you’re working with. I’m going to make you feel so good.”

  I didn’t push his hand off my breast because it felt great and I could feel myself getting aroused. My panties were getting damp, and that is when I knew that I really did want to experience a man again.