Bethlehem Steel, 444
Bezkyd Mountains, 146–49
Bialystock, 255, 391
Biddle, Francis, 44, 447, 448
Bielsko, 147, 291
“Big Week,” 434
Bird, Kai, 445, 470, 590n
Birmingham, raid on, 53
Birobidzhan, 512–13
blacks, 55, 311, 406, 585n
Black Sea, 253, 424
blitzkriegs, 48–50, 220, 246, 286, 409
Blondi (Hitler’s dog), 204, 359, 360, 530
“blood for goods,” 166–67, 562n
Bloom, Sol, 384, 415–16
“Blueprint for Extermination” (memo), 329
Boettiger, Johnnie, 492
Bohlen, Charles, 520, 534, 545n, 549n, 552n
Yalta conference and, 512, 513, 600n
Bohr, Niels, 411
Bolshevism, 52, 251, 252–53, 287, 364, 365, 366
Bolton, Frances, 235
bombing, 255, 390
Allied, 5–11, 53, 128–29, 135–36, 173, 174, 183, 184, 185, 199, 203–4, 297–98, 324, 351, 375, 381, 393, 398, 400, 409, 434–35, 441, 458, 543n
atomic, 410–13, 509, 531, 585n
Auschwitz and, 135–36, 173, 174, 203, 441, 449–58, 460–62, 464, 466, 469–72, 497, 591n, 592n
D-Day and, 183, 184, 185, 199
German, 48–49, 52–54, 233, 235, 242, 245, 246–47, 255
Operation Jericho, 461–63, 469
of Pearl Harbor, see Pearl Harbor
Wolf’s Lair, 479–81
book burning, 372
Borah, William, 232
Bormann, Martin, 204
Boston, Mass., 28, 377, 482, 490–91
Bracht, Fritz, 296
Bradley, Omar, 188, 501, 523, 524, 565n
Brand, Joel, 167, 562n
Brandeis, Louis, 311
Brands, H. W., 590n
Braun, Eva, 204, 359–60, 530
Braunau am Inn, 360
Breaking the Silence (Laqueur and Breitman), 574n
breast cancer, 361, 362
Breckinridge, John C., 222
Breckinridge, Margaret Miller, 222
Breitman, Richard, 541n, 594n
Bremen, 204, 324
Bremen Wool Carding, 101
Brenner Pass, 357, 397
Breslau (Wroclaw), 282–84, 297, 305
bribery, 116, 118, 125, 459
Brinkley, David, 484, 597n
Britain, Battle of (1940), 53–54, 234, 245, 254, 543n, 551n
British Jews, 268
British Museum, 3
Bruenn, Howard, 86–89, 438, 483, 512, 556n
FDR’s death and, 520–21, 526, 527
at Hobcaw Barony, 140, 141, 156, 162
Brugioni, Dino, 591n
Bucharest, bishop of, 378
Buchenwald, 437, 454, 499, 518, 524–26, 536
Budapest, 116, 166, 167, 168, 449, 458
bombing of, 441, 458
Wallenberg in, 459–60
WRB airdrop over, 439
Bug River, 270, 434
“Building of the Ship, The” (Longfellow), 243
Bulgaria, 68, 246, 247, 269, 321, 384
Bulgarian Jews, 381, 436
Bulgarian proverb, 343
Bulge, Battle of the, 500–502, 500n, 501, 509
Bullitt, William, 45, 48
Buna, 295, 469
Burns, James MacGregor, 384, 475, 483, 551n, 585n, 596n, 597n–98n
burying alive, 259, 260, 263
business, Jewish, 210–14, 303
Butcher, Harry, 162, 189
Buttinger, Joseph, 227, 229
Byrnes, James, 56, 477
Cadca, 153–54
Caen, 181, 200
Cairo, 2, 3, 15, 71, 72, 167, 245, 335
Cairo conference (1943), xiv, 197, 392
Cairo West Airport, 16
California, 42
FDR in, 477, 478–79, 481
internment of Japanese Americans in, 442, 445, 446, 448
Calvocorressi, Peter, 592n
Camp David, see Shangri-La
Campobello Island, 24, 27, 40, 547n
Canada, 101, 117, 383
Overlord and, 185, 198, 199–200
“Canada,” 101, 117, 125, 128, 132, 503
cancer, 89, 361, 362
Canterbury, Archbishop of, 322–23, 376, 380, 440
carbon monoxide, 264, 265
British bases in, 235
FDR’s cruising in, 55, 103, 142, 237–38
Carthage, 197
Carville, James, 548n
Casablanca, 277, 338, 340, 341, 351
Casablanca conference (1943), 18, 65, 351–54, 391
Trident conference compared with, 392
unconditional surrender and, 354, 397
cash-and-carry plan, 47
Catholicism, Catholics, 28, 33, 92, 206, 218, 547n
FDR’s views on, 424
Hungarian, 439
Long’s view of, 223
see also Vatican
Caucasus, 252, 355
Celler, Emanuel, 417, 472
cemeteries, Jewish, 258–59
Century Group, 234
Chamberlain, Neville, 47, 332, 550n
Charleston News and Courier, 142
Charlottesville, Va., 174, 178, 231
Chelm, 271
Chelmno, 205, 265, 267, 271, 434
Chicago, Ill., 17, 42, 466, 477, 482, 490
Chicago, University of, Metallurgical Laboratory at, 411–12
Chicago Tribune, 244
British, 219, 221, 223
German, 102, 104, 105, 146
Lithuanian, 257
children, Jewish, 527, 593n
Anne Frank, 201–3, 484, 518, 566n
Auschwitz and, 91, 93, 95, 96, 98, 99, 108, 119, 120, 135, 139, 295, 326, 327, 498
drowning of, 261
Hungarian, 169, 171, 172, 562n
Kristallnacht and, 212
as refugees, 217, 218–19, 436
rescue plan for, 407–9
shooting of, 258, 259, 260
in Warsaw, 261, 389
China, 62, 481
Christian Century, 331, 598n
Christians, Christianity, 2–3, 218, 311, 326, 387
in administration of Palestine, 406
Jewish rescue and, 418
muscular, 25
see also specific sects
Christmas, 31, 73–74, 112, 280, 344, 418–19, 500, 546n
Christmas Carol, A (Dickens), 73, 418, 546n
Churchill, Randolph, 456, 516
Churchill, Sarah, 20, 69–70, 510, 516, 545n
Churchill, Winston, 10, 229–32, 373, 475, 502, 516
aid requests of, 234–37
at Algiers conference, 391
atomic bomb and, 411, 412
Battle of Britain and, 53, 54
at Cairo conference, xiv, 392
at Casablanca conference, 18, 65, 352–54, 391, 392
Chamberlain and, 47
despair of, 234, 247, 275, 574n
on Eastern front, 254
in Egypt, xiv, 3–5, 392
on FDR, 76, 85
FDR compared with, 90, 164, 229, 533, 534, 574n
FDR’s cable exchanges and letters with, 49, 50, 162–63, 234–37, 243, 246, 278, 583n
FDR’s relationship with, 5, 38, 44, 61, 71, 242, 246, 274, 353
health problems of, 162–63, 486, 510, 553n, 556n, 597n
on Hitler, 53, 68, 244
Hitler’s views on, 359
Holocaust and, 167, 203, 206, 301, 307, 456–58, 466, 526, 583n, 592n
on Jews, 261–62
Lend-Lease and, 239–40, 242, 243, 244
map pin of, 196
Mediterranean focus of, 61, 64, 273, 392–94, 534
1942 plans and, 272–76, 278, 573n
North Africa and, 344, 345
Overlord and, 174, 198, 203, 375
poison gas suggested b
y, 49, 550n
at Quebec conference, 410–12, 485–86, 597n
Reynaud’s call to, 50
at Shangri-La, 393–94
sightseeing of, xiv, 4–5
sixty-ninth birthday of, 69–70
Stalin’s goading of, 68–71
at Tehran conference, 15, 16, 20–21, 22, 61–72, 85, 392, 552n
at Trident conference, 391–94
U.S. differences with, 272–73
on VE Day, 531
Warsaw revolt and, 465–66, 467
World War I and, 38, 82, 273
at Yalta conference, 509–14
Civil War, U.S., 55, 59, 111, 113, 334, 528, 556n, 594n
Confederate flags captured in, 192
elections and, 473–74
Emancipation Proclamation and, 532–33
envisioning the end of, 580n
Gettysburg in, 83, 97, 106, 522
Grant and, 354, 580n
Lee in, 501, 522, 580n, 596n–97n
Lincoln as noncommital on, 570n–71n
Stowe and, 582n
surrender in, 531
Washington in, 349
Wilderness campaign in, 392
Clark, Mark W., 339, 447
Clauberg, Carl, 106
Clausewitz, Carl von, 465, 564n
Cleveland, Grover, 24, 545n
clothing, 101, 102, 212, 258
at Auschwitz, 108, 118, 119, 128, 129–30
drowning and, 160
for escapes, 128, 129–30, 145, 150, 152, 153
of Hitler, 361, 362
of Hungarian Jews, 169
of Karski, 403
Star of David on, 115, 460
of Vrba, 115, 116, 118, 129–30, 145
coal, synthetic, 271
coal mines, 262, 271, 291, 485
Coast Guard, U.S., 140, 141, 183
St. Louis episode and, 217–18, 568n
Cohen, Ben, 426
Cold War, 532
Columbia Law School, 30–31
Columbia University, 412
Committee to Defend America, 244
communications, 256
D-Day and, 181, 182, 184, 564n
Communists, 257, 369
in Poland, 514, 600n
see also Bolshevism
Company A, 186–87
Conant, James B., 412
concentration camps, 148, 213, 218, 228, 242, 291, 294, 345, 385, 488, 567n
code of, 116
cover up attempts and, 499–500, 502–3
Germans’ ignoring of, 372
Karski’s naming of, 404
Karski’s visits to, 403
liberation of, 503–4, 512, 522–28, 599n
see also specific camps
Confederacy, 222, 571n
Confederate flags, 192
Congress, U.S., 35, 44–47, 233–36, 242, 312, 332, 536, 601n
election of 1944 and, 492
FDR’s appearances before, 220, 350–51, 409, 517, 518–20
FDR’s bypassing of, 235, 238
fire hose authorized by, 570n
Holocaust and, 375–76, 379, 415–19, 427, 435–37
immigration and, 219, 314
Lend-Lease and, 56, 238, 239, 242, 243–44
war aid restricted by, 234, 235
see also House of Representatives, U.S.; Senate, U.S.
Conspiracy (movie), 572n
constitution, German, 368
Constitution, U.S., 16, 446, 447, 474, 589n
Coombs, Peter, 528
Cornell University, 420, 421
Coughlin, Father, 59
Cox, James, 39
Cox, Oscar, 320, 414, 415, 426
Cravath, Henderson, and de Gersdorff, 444
Crete, 246
Crimea, 252, 434, 511
criminal police units, Nazi, 136, 144
Crowley, Leo, 424, 427, 428
Cuba, 103, 216–17
Culbertson, Paul, 307, 309
cyanide, 390, 495, 530
Cyrenaica, 386
Czech army-in-exile, 116
Czech Jews, 119–21, 263
Czechoslovakia, 92, 147, 165
German takeover of, 232, 236, 260, 288, 332, 372
Dachau, 205, 371, 387, 437, 499, 518
Daimler-Benz, 289
Dallek, Robert, 590n
Dana, Frances, 28
Daniels, Josephus, 34, 35, 37, 39, 344
Dar-es-Saada villa, 351, 352
Darlan, Jean-François, 342–44, 397
Darlan deal, 342–43
Davis, Richard G., 594n
Day of Mourning and Prayer, 327
D-Day, 13, 72, 78, 90, 91, 114, 168, 173–203, 206, 439, 472, 534, 565n–66n
Allied presence by end of, 200
antiaircraft batteries and, 181, 182
care for the wounded on, 157, 187, 188, 198
climb up the bluffs on, 189
communications and, 181, 182, 184, 564n
date for, 174–78, 564n
Eisenhower’s reading of the orders for, 191
falling apart of plans on, 185, 187, 188
Frank family and, 201–3
H-hour on, 184, 189
location of landings for, 162
news about, 190–92
paratroopers and, 179–83, 190, 200, 564n
pockets of leadership on, 189
preparations for, 173, 174, 176, 178
seaborne armada and landings on, 183–89, 192, 198, 199, 200
U.S. marking of, 194–95
weather issues and, 15–78, 563n
death camps, 268, 270–71, 323, 332, 382
see also specific camps
defense spending, U.S., 50, 51
de Gaulle, Charles, 192, 343, 354, 391, 517, 600n
democracy, 59, 165, 216, 247, 278, 284, 302, 348, 353, 532, 534, 550n
British, 246
FDR’s views on, 241, 570n
German, 371
internment of Japanese Americans and, 443, 448
postwar, 514
U.S. generals and, 573n
Democratic National Committee, 34, 316, 474, 476–77
Democratic national conventions:
of 1912, 34
of 1920, 39
of 1924, 41
of 1932, 42
of 1940, 164–65, 375
Democrats, Democratic Party, 45, 242, 333, 513, 546n
in election of 1932, 17, 42–43
in election of 1940, 164–65, 233
in election of 1944, 474–79
FDR as, 32–36, 39–43
Irish Catholic, 33
Long as, 222
Pennsylvania, 45
“preparedness,” 35
Tammany Hall and, 36
Wise’s ties to, 312
Denman, William, 448
Denmark, Danes, 165, 232, 288
Department of Racial Purity, 213
deportation laws, 115
depression, economic, see Great Depression
depression, mental, 29, 33, 358
destroyers, 183, 184, 235
Churchill’s requests for, 230, 234
Detroit, Mich., 55
Devonshire, see Slapton Sands
Dewey, Thomas, 380, 475, 476, 484
in election of 1944, 486, 487–88, 491, 597n
DeWitt, John, 446
diamonds, 118, 125, 126
Dickens, Charles, 73, 418, 546n
Dickstein, Samuel, 387
Dieppe, 82, 177
divorce, 39
Dixie Clipper (plane), 18
doctors, Jewish, 154, 210
Dodds, Harold W., 384–85, 387
Doris (Jewish woman), 299
Douglas, Lewis, 423
Douglas, William O., 476, 477
Dresden State Theater, 113
drownings, 160–61, 185, 261
DuBois, Josiah, Jr., 225–26, 418–19, 425–26, 427, 435
Duisberg, 204, 324
Dulles, Allen, 450
Dunkirk, 49
, 125, 398, 551n
Dunn, James, 225
Durbrow, Elbridge, 307, 309–10
Düsseldorf, 204, 280–81, 324, 409
Dutchess County, 421–22
Dutch Jews, 11–12, 121–22, 139, 170, 201–3, 295, 304, 484
Early, Steve, 192, 476, 479
Easter, 364, 583n
eastern Europe, eastern Europeans, 223, 270, 300, 514
see also specific countries
Eastern front, 19, 251–64, 290, 344, 544n, 571n
advance on Moscow and, 255, 260, 262–63, 267, 301, 355
communications and, 256
Hitler’s contemplating of, 52, 54, 251, 253
Hitler’s opening of, 251–56, 555n
Jewish question and, 256–64
Overlord and, 64, 67
Red Army destruction on, 203, 274, 355, 434
slave labor on, 252, 256, 320
Stalingrad and, 60, 61, 324, 333, 335, 352, 355, 356, 357
stalling of war on, 262–63, 267
East Prussia, 264
E-boats, German, 159
economy, U.S., 43, 45, 333, 345, 424, 480
Eden, Anthony, 215, 330–31, 381–82, 391, 597n
bombing of Auschwitz and, 457–58, 460
education, of Jews, 115, 210
Egypt, xiv, 1–5, 81, 246, 275–76, 334, 406, 515
Eichmann, Adolf, 111, 114, 120, 526, 527
“blood for goods” and, 166–67, 562n
Final Solution and, 263, 267, 269
Fitzner’s meeting with, 289
in invasion of Hungary, 438
rescue effort stopped by, 409
Eighth Air Force, U.S., 434
Eighth Army, British, 276, 344, 356, 357
in Sicily, 395, 396
Eighty-Second Airborne Division, U.S., 157, 180, 183
Einsatzgruppen (mobile killing squads), 256, 257, 264, 268
Einstein, Albert, 410, 433–34
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 13, 44, 56, 78, 81, 174–79, 190, 197, 199, 227, 440, 530
Algiers conference and, 391
Battle of the Bulge and, 501–2
Bermuda conference and, 386
Casablanca conference and, 352, 353
concentration camps and, 523–26, 533, 601n
D-Day date and, 174–78, 564n
FDR’s views on, 178–79
1942 plans and, 573n
1942 war views of, 272–74, 276–78
orders read by, 191
Overlord command given to, 72–73, 553n
plans and, 185, 187, 189
Slapton Sands and, 158–59, 162
smoking of, 175, 189, 335
Torch and, 276–78, 335, 338–44, 352
Eisenhower, Milton, 447–48
El Alamein, 3, 97, 277, 290, 324, 335, 344
elections, German:
of 1928, 368
of 1932, 369
of 1933, 286, 287, 371
of 1938, 473
elections, U.S.:
of 1864, 473–74
of 1910, 32–33, 35
of 1912, 34–35
of 1916, 35–36, 222, 233, 238, 429, 492
of 1920, 39–40, 222, 548n
of 1924, 41
of 1928, 41, 312, 422
of 1932, 17, 42–43, 223, 233, 312, 422, 549n