of 1936, 44, 233, 312
of 1940, 51, 103, 164–65, 233–34, 235, 312–13, 375
of 1942, 333
of 1944, 448, 466, 472–79, 484, 486–92, 596n, 597n–98n
of 1948, 492
Eliot, Charles W., 26
Elting, Howard, Jr., 306
Emancipation Proclamation, 532–33
Emergency Committee, 402
Emergency Conference, 401–2, 414
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 509
emigration, territorial solution and, 262, 268
Enabling Act (1933), 371
England, 4, 13, 47, 49, 52, 173–78, 195, 261–62, 322–23
Balfour Declaration and, 311
bombing by, 5–10, 75, 297–98, 324, 351, 381, 400, 409, 543n
Egypt’s relations with, 2
Eleanor Roosevelt in, 29
FDR in, 38
Hitler’s views on, 359
Jewish refugees in, 216, 218
Slapton Sands in, 157–62, 561n
Tehran conference and, 12, 15, 16, 20–21, 22, 61–72, 552n
Willkie as emissary to, 243
see also Great Britain; London
English Channel, 49, 50, 52, 54, 158, 189, 252
Allied assault across, see Operation Overlord
fear of Nazi assault across, 245
1942 consideration of assault across, 272–76, 278
weather concerns and, 63–64, 82, 175, 176
Episcopalianism, 25, 546n
Erdheim, Stuart G., 594n
escapes from Auschwitz, 114, 118, 121–37, 142–56, 455, 496, 497
Allied bombing and, 135–36, 469
authorities notified of, 136, 144
clothes for, 128, 129–30, 145
essentials of, 124–25, 128, 145, 149
failures of, 121, 122–23, 127–28, 144, 147, 149, 495
inner vs. outer camps and, 123, 127
by Mordowicz and Rosin, 200–201
Polish help in, 128, 130, 145, 148–53
report request and, 136, 144
rumors about, 133–34
sand and, 142–43
security issues and, 123–24
SS elite park and, 146
by Vrba and Wetzler, 121–37, 139, 142–56
wooden planks with cavity and, 127–28, 130–37, 139
escapes from Treblinka, 389, 390
Estonia, 269, 434
Ethiopia, 223, 515
euthanasia, 264
evacuation, 262, 268, 319
Evans, Hugh E., 560n
Évian Conference, 214–15, 319
Executive Order 9066, 443, 447
Executive Order 9417, 429
Fala (FDR’s dog), 193, 488
Farley, James, 33
Farm Credit Administration, 423
Fascist Grand Council, 396
FBI, 446, 482
felt, 101
Fermi, Enrico, 410, 412
fertilizer, 100, 101, 319, 598n
Fettman, Eric, 556n
Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland, 40
Fifteenth Air Force, U.S., 452, 594n
Fifth Army, U.S., 398
“fifth column,” 445
Final Solution, 205–6, 209, 213, 262–72, 294–310, 313–28
construction of death camps and, 270–71
Jews wrestling with idea of, 301, 305–6, 404, 576n
as policy vs. process, 209
publicizing of, 326–27, 439
Riegner Telegram and, 304–10, 315–22, 331, 419, 497
Schulte and, 279, 280, 297–301, 303–5, 321, 322
secrecy of, 265, 269
SS on success of, 271–72
as territorial solution, 256–57, 262, 265–66
Wannsee conference and, 264–70, 412
see also Auschwitz; Holocaust
Finland, 72, 232, 290
fire hose analogy, 35–36, 238, 239
fires, 140, 159, 261, 496, 503, 544n, 560n
D-Day and, 184–85, 188
in synagogues, 211, 212, 215
in Warsaw ghetto, 390
fireside chats, 47, 55, 73, 165, 179, 220–21, 313, 330, 396–97, 507, 534, 570n
Lend-Lease and, 240–42
First Army, British, 336
First Army, French, 49
First Division, U.S., 185
fishing, 139, 140, 141, 237
Fishkill Farms, 421, 422
Fitzner, Otto, 289, 290–91
Five Forks, 192
Florida, 217–18
Foggia, 174, 398, 452, 469, 470
food, 61, 65, 68, 171, 199, 252, 275, 280, 327, 459, 503
at Auschwitz, 101, 107, 109, 112, 117, 119, 120, 124, 126, 296
Bermuda conference and, 384
death marches and, 517, 521
for escapes, 124, 128, 145, 148, 150, 151, 152
liberation of concentration camps and, 525, 527–28
New Year’s, 113
rationing of, 333
at Solahütte, 105
SS jokes about, 121–22
at Zilina Jewish Council, 154
see also starvation and malnutrition
Foreign Ministry, Soviet, 254
Foreign Office, British, 306, 315, 413, 415, 457
Foreign Policy Association, 489–90
Formosa, 481
Forrest, Nathan Bedford, 334
Fort Ethan Allen, 444
Fort Ontario, 437
Fort Sumter, 571n
Fortune, 423
Fourth Division, U.S., 185
Fourth Infantry Division, U.S., 158
Fox, George, 48
France, 62, 63, 235, 269, 271, 345, 435, 475
Allied 1942 invasion considered for, 272–73
Allied 1943 invasion considered for, 350, 352, 353
Allied bombing of, 434
anti-Semitism in, 302
Ardennes in, 468, 496, 500–502, 501, 509
Churchill’s views on, 65
Egypt’s relations with, 2
fall of, 47, 49–50, 52, 230–31, 232, 260, 288, 303, 341, 342, 551n
FDR in, 27, 38
German armistice with, 50
German defenses in, 81–83
Italy’s declaring war on, 231, 568n
liberation of, 471, 472, 484, 492–94, 493
Maginot Line in, 46, 83
postwar, 511, 514, 517
refugees and, 218, 228, 385
as route to Germany, 78
south of, 50, 341
Soviet Union compared with, 255–56
Stalin’s denunciation of, 65
U.S. arms for, 47
in World War I, 38, 49
Frank, Anne, 201–3, 484, 518, 566n
Frank, Hans, 213, 256, 263, 265–66
Frank, Margot, 518
Frank, Otto, 201–3, 484, 518, 566n
Frankfurter, Felix, 312, 319, 404, 434
Frankfurter Zeitung, 280
Franz Ferdinand, Archduke, 20
Frederick I, Holy Roman Emperor, 253
Frederick II of Prussia, 371
free French, 165, 343, 354
Free Synagogue of New York, 310–11
French Jews, 122, 170, 268, 297, 304, 342, 407, 436
French Resistance, 191, 495
Operation Jericho and, 461–63, 469
French Revolution, 257
Battle of the Bulge and, 500, 502
synthetic, 291
see also oil
Galicia, Polish, 271
Gallipoli, 82, 276
gas, 252, 261, 275, 299, 465
rationing of, 156, 333
gas chambers, 271, 293, 304, 320, 326, 390, 497
at Auschwitz, see Auschwitz, gas chambers at
gas masks, 187, 332, 349
Gaston, Herbert, 414
gas vans, 264, 265, 267
generals, German, 289, 573n
Hitler’s relations with, 251, 290, 571n
lack of professionalism o
f, 258, 572n
see also specific generals
Geneva, 302–3, 306
Genghis Khan, 334, 359
genocide, 210, 213, 256–58, 263, 294, 330
see also Holocaust
George VI, King of England, 192, 234, 333
Gerard, James, 35
Gerhardt, Harrison, 435, 451–52
German Americans, 445
German civilians, 409, 531
retaliation against, 301, 305, 404
German combat league, 292
German Earth and Stone Works factory, 112
German Equipment Company, 112
German Food Company, 112
German House, 112
German Jews, 267, 268, 322
census of, 213
deportation of, 263, 271, 304
exemptions for, 266
Kristallnacht and, 211–14, 216, 567n
Morgenthau family as, 419–20
as refugees, 214–22, 225, 317, 463, 567n
removal of rights of, 210–13, 567n
St. Louis episode and, 216–18, 567n–68n
German Red Cross, 120
German settlers, 102, 112
German Workers Party, 366
see also Nazi Party
Germany, Germans, 25, 27, 280–83, 364–69, 374
economic problems of, 281, 284
escapes from Auschwitz and, 145, 148–53
Great Depression in, 368–69
Morgenthau’s views on, 424
occupation of, 514
in postwar world, 66, 72, 328, 424–35, 485–86, 514, 597n
revolution in, 365
specialties of, 102
Stalin in, 66
in World War I, 36, 38, 49, 280, 282, 284, 292, 301, 364–65, 368, 485
Germany, Nazi, 3–12, 46–54, 73, 142, 164–74, 197–206, 230–36, 244–308, 369–75, 551n
Allied bombing of, 5–11, 75, 297–98, 324, 351, 375, 381, 393, 400, 409, 434–35, 543n
antiaircraft defenses of, 7–8
atomic bomb and, 410, 412
Auschwitz annexed by, 93
Auschwitz escape reported to, 136, 144
in Battle of Britain, 53–54
in Battle of the Bulge, 500–502, 501, 509
blitzkriegs of, 48–50, 220, 246, 286, 409
bombing by, 48–49, 52–54, 233, 235, 242, 245, 246–47, 255
cover-up efforts of, 499–500, 502–3
declaration of war against U.S. by, 267
demise and collapse of, 165, 195, 197, 203, 204, 323–24, 347, 350, 354–58, 374, 410, 434, 441, 452, 468, 492–94, 507, 594n
Eastern front of, see Eastern front
economy of, 285, 373
effects of Auschwitz bombing on, 454–55, 594n
in Egypt, 3–4
fall of France and, see France, fall of
French defenses of, 81–83
history of anti-Semitism in, 209–14, 220
Holocaust and, see Auschwitz; Final Solution; Holocaust
in Italy, 75–78, 179, 395–98, 493
Kristallnacht in, 211–14, 216, 288, 567n
Lend-Lease and, 240–41, 244
and liberation of France and Low Countries, 492–94, 493
limited successes of, 75
listening posts of, 158–59
Night of the Long Knives in, 284–85, 293, 373
in 1943, 347–48
in North Africa, 3, 197, 272, 275, 277, 290, 301, 324, 334–35, 339, 341, 344, 355, 356–57, 480, 579n
Overlord and, 78, 80–83, 158–60, 162, 173, 177, 180–91, 193–95, 197–200, 563n
propaganda of, 543n
in retreat from France, 484
secrecy in, 265, 269, 289, 300, 304, 345
Slapton Sands and, 158–60, 162
spies of, 220–21, 223, 226
surrender of, 354, 485, 513, 530–31
Tehran conference and, 21
territorial acquisitions of, 245–47, 249, 250, 252, 255–56, 260, 286, 288, 341, 354–55, 372, 424, 434–35
treachery in, 293
war-effort boosting of, 235–36
Warsaw ghetto uprising and, 388–91
Warsaw revolt and, 465–67, 484, 488, 597n
Yalta destroyed by, 510
Gestapo, 136, 144, 151, 152, 224, 325, 527
in Amsterdam, 484
Final Solution and, 267, 270
Karski captured by, 403
Night of the Long Knives and, 284–85
Schulte and, 290, 298
White Rose and, 473
Gettysburg, 83, 97, 186, 522
ghettos, 115, 119–20, 168, 261, 271, 409
Karski in, 403
transit, 268, 269, 403
see also Warsaw ghetto
Giesche, 282–83, 285, 287, 289, 291
Giesche Villa, 296
Gilbert, Martin, 598n
Gillette, Guy, 415, 418
Gillette-Rogers resolution, 415–18, 429
Giraud, Henri Honoré, 354, 391
Glackens, William, 105
gliders, 181–82, 199, 564n
Goebbels, Joseph, 111, 204, 214, 249, 251, 266, 323, 378, 409
on Battle of Berlin, 8, 10, 543n
Berlin speech of (1943), 347–48, 397
on Eastern front, 254, 257
on Hitler, 357, 370
Hitler’s relationship with, 359, 372
Hungarian policy and, 427
Kristallnacht and, 211, 212
on murder of Jews, 257, 258, 328
St. Louis episode and, 216–17
suicide of, 531
gold, 118, 125, 126, 236, 398
from Holocaust victims, 100, 101, 102, 524
Gold Beach, 185, 188, 189, 198, 199
Goldstein, Israel, 387
Goodwin, Doris Kearns, 401, 547n, 551n, 556n, 590n, 595n, 597n
Göring, Hermann, 10, 75, 204, 249, 358, 372, 567n
armistice attempt of, 530
banking and industrial leaders’ meeting hosted by, 286–87
Final Solution and, 263
Grant, Ulysses S., 354, 580n
Great Britain, 47–54, 139, 165, 234–48, 372, 381–87, 493, 504
atomic bomb and, 411, 412
attempt to force peace efforts on, 252, 253
Auschwitz warning given by, 498–99
Battle of the Bulge and, 500–502, 509
Bermuda conference and, 381, 383–87
bombing of Auschwitz and, 456–58, 460, 469
Brand interrogation and, 167
Casablanca conference and, 352–54, 391, 392
Eden’s warning in, 215
elections postponed in, 473
financial problems of, 235–36, 238, 570n
Geneva consul of, 306
German bombing of, 52–54, 233, 235, 242, 245, 246–47, 409
in Greece, 245–46
intelligence services of, 203
invasion of Italy and, 392–98
Lend-Lease policy and, 36, 55–56, 142, 238–44, 344
and liberation of concentration camps, 526, 527–28
in North Africa, 272, 273, 275, 278, 290, 334–38, 336–37, 344, 345, 352–53
in occupation of Germany, 514
Overlord and, 185, 190, 191, 192, 195, 198, 199, 200, 554n, 566n
Palestine and, 3, 18, 311, 314, 402, 406, 516
postwar world and, 62
refugee children from, 219, 221, 223
rescue of Jews and, 382–83, 426–27, 535
Riegner Telegram and, 306, 307, 315–16, 317
Schulte and, 290
Torch and, 278, 335, 336–37, 338, 342, 352–53
Trident conference and, 391–94
and UN declaration on the Jews, 330–31
U.S. arms for, 47, 230, 275–76
U.S. peace efforts and, 48
as Vrba’s goal, 116
war cabinet in, 328, 331
Warsaw revolt and, 465–66, 467
in World War I, 49, 51, 82, 273
r /> see also England; London
Great Depression, 23, 42–44, 51, 55, 58, 59, 90, 105, 373, 424, 428, 549n
in Germany, 368–69
immigration policy and, 224
Wise and, 312
Great Pyramid, 3
Greece, Greeks, 165, 232, 269, 405
German occupation of, 247, 345–46
Greek Jews, 96–97, 122
Grey, Sir Edward, 51
Gross-Rosen, 499
Groton, 25–29, 231, 316, 546n
Gryn, Hugo, 454
Guess Where II (plane), 17
Guillain-Barré syndrome, 40
Gunskirchen, 528
Haining, Jane, 459–60
hair, of Holocaust victims, 94, 100, 101, 295
Half-Moon (yacht), 28
Halifax, Lord, 381
Hamburg, 6–7, 409, 434, 527
Hanfstaengl, Ernst “Putzi,” 372
Hannibal, 197
Hapsburgs, 92, 363
Harding, Warren, 39–40, 548n
Harriman, Averell, 71–72, 248, 282
Harris, Arthur, 435
Harrison, Leland, 307, 310, 316, 320, 321–22
Hartenstein, Major, 136, 144
Harvard Crimson, 26, 546n
Harvard University, 26–27, 28, 30, 163, 231, 316
“Harvest Festival” (1943), 134–35, 498, 598n–99n
Hassett, William, 56, 85, 86, 163, 438, 483, 491, 519
FDR’s death and, 520–21, 527, 601n
on FDR’s health, 490, 598n
Hastings, Max, 564n
Hatikvah (The Hope), 11, 121
Havana, 216–17
Hawaii, 445, 478, 481–82
heart attacks and heart disease, 24–25, 27, 48, 87, 89, 138, 556n
Hedger, Harry, 524–26
Heimer, Ernst, 213
Helferinnen, SS, 106
Hemingway, Ernest, 237
Herald Tribune, 47
Herzl, Theodor, 311
Hess, Rudolf, 367, 504
Heydrich, Reinhard, 111, 263, 268–69
Higgins boats, 183–86
Himmler, Heinrich, 114, 211, 249, 288–97, 372
anti-Semitism of, 292, 293–94
armistice attempt of, 530
Auschwitz and, 93, 111, 144, 291, 294–97, 499, 575n
background of, 291–93
Eastern front and, 256
fateful party attended by, 288, 296, 297
as father, 293
Riga extermination camp and, 263, 266
Warsaw ghetto and, 389
Warsaw revolt and, 465, 597n
Wolf’s Lair bombing and, 480
Himmler, Margarete Boden, 292, 293
Hindenburg, Paul von, 369–72
Hirschmann, Ira, 562n
Hitler, Adolf, 47–54, 57, 75, 230–31, 244–56, 284–88, 318, 320, 323–25, 348, 354–76, 410, 571n
acting and theatricality of, 373–74
anti-Semitism of, 210–14, 220, 359, 362, 364–67, 370, 581n
appearance of, 204, 205, 357–58, 360, 361, 362, 370
Arabs and, 516
arrest and imprisonment of, 367–68
artistic ambitions of, 361, 362
assassination attempts against, 479–81