Page 17 of Marly's Choice

  He took a deep, harsh breath.

  “I love you,” he said again. “But the day will come, Marly, when I will need this. Do you understand that?”

  “And if I can’t?” Marly felt her heart breaking at the expression in his eyes.

  So much need, so much pain.

  “Then I will try to accept that,” he sighed, regret filling his expression. “It will be hard, Marly. But I’ll try.”

  “Can’t you tell me why?” She touched his cheek, hurting for him, wanting to ease the tortured expression from his face.

  “I can’t tell you why, baby. But I won’t lie about my needs. Just as I refuse to let you. And I don’t think you’re as outraged as you should be, Marly.” The painful intensity changed to arousal as he watched her.

  Marly’s face flushed. She refused to delve into what she was feeling. But she knew the thought of the three men she loved most loving her physically wasn’t as abhorrent as it should be.

  Cade’s eyes narrowed. His hands went to the buttons on his jeans and he began loosening them slowly. Her eyes widened, her lips parting in a gasp of shock as his cock came free from its confinement.

  “You said you wouldn’t.” She licked her lips at the hard flesh that rose from the material.

  “I said not for a while. I said I wouldn’t hurt you,” he denied. “But the look on your face is about to kill me, Marly. Why aren’t you shocked baby? Why aren’t you screaming?”

  “Screaming?” She avoided the other questions; she couldn’t face them just now. “I’m not screaming because you aren’t making me scream, Cade,” she reminded him suggestively. “Make me scream.”

  He moved, crowding her back along the couch until she was lying on her back, staring up at him with wide eyes.

  “I like submission, Marly,” he whispered hoarsely. “Whenever I want you, however I want you. I want you screaming for it, begging for it. I want your mouth wrapped around my cock, I want it buried deep inside your hot little body. I want to eat you like candy. I want it whenever I say I want it. Fight me in any area of our life that you want to, but not sexually. The rest, we’ll work out. But don’t deny me. I couldn’t stand it if you denied me.”

  He pushed her dress to her waist, groaning at the wet mark he glimpsed on the crotch of her panties. Marly watched his eyes lower, his face flushing. Lust pulsed in the air, in her bloodstream, in the hard cock rising from his pants.

  “Touch yourself for me,” he whispered. “Push your fingers into your panties and touch yourself. Make yourself cum for me.”

  Marly gasped as his hand gripped hers, pushing her fingers to her panties. He watched in agony as the slender hand disappeared beneath the material. Her fingers curved, then she cried out as they sank into her vagina. Cade groaned, watching in fascination as the material moved back, then followed as her fingers dipped. He could see the pale flesh from the side of the panties, her fingers disappearing into the glistening slit.

  “Make yourself cum,” he whispered again. “Let me watch you masturbate, Marly, and we’ll go to bed and go to sleep. I promise not to take you. Just give me this.”

  One hand stroked his own flesh as the other moved the material covering her to the side. He watched her finger sink into her vagina, the bare lips of her cunt parting around the flesh as small slurping sounds emanated from the slick channel. He licked his lips, knowing how good she would taste.

  “Yeah, there you go,” he whispered, leaning close, pushing her thighs further apart. “Just slow and easy, baby.”

  He watched her fingers move as she pleasured herself, hearing her gasping moans, watching her hips and thighs flex. It wouldn’t take her long. She didn’t yet understand the build up, the intense, sexual heat of waiting. He would teach her that later. First, he wanted her comfortable. He wanted her trust.

  Her fingers pulled back, the drenching moisture clinging to them as they moved to her clit. Cade didn’t protest, but he moved his fingers slowly, pushing one into the tight grip of her body as hers played with the knot of nerves he was dying to taste.

  She cried out then, shuddering. He pushed another finger inside her, watching her stretch around his fingers as he thrust shallowly inside her. He wanted her to come fast, knowing the build up scared her. He watched her fingers move faster on her clit, and knew it would be over long before he was satisfied. He allowed her this time, though. Encouraging her, his fingers thrusting inside her much slower than he wanted, he allowed her to throw herself over the edge at her own pace.

  She was gasping, groaning as her orgasm drenched his fingers, the muscles of her vagina clenching them. He grimaced with his own need, knowing the hours stretching ahead of him would be miserable. Finally, she collapsed back on the cushions, breathing roughly.

  Cade withdrew his fingers, ignoring his need to taste the soft cream she had spilled onto them as the hand at his cock stroked faster, finally bringing a small measure of release with his ejaculation.

  “Son of a bitch, you’ll kill me.” He leaned back against the couch, buttoning his jeans with an edge of anger after cleaning his hands with the napkins he had used for their drink glasses.

  “Come on, bed time.” She was soft and drowsy as he lifted her into his arms. Curling against him, her eyes drooping as sleep began to steal over her.

  Cade carried her to his room, undressed her and tucked her gently under the blankets before leaving the room. There was no way in hell he could sleep with her, he thought. His cock was like an unruly beast and it wanted nothing more than to plunder the tender vagina that gripped it so tight and hot. Besides, Brock and Sam were due back within the hour with their “guests”, the paid trackers that he prayed would remove the threat suddenly haunting them all.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Dressed in one of Cade’s shirts, and a pair of his socks, reasonably certain he would be out at work, Marly stumbled into the kitchen and made a beeline for the coffee the next morning. Her back was to the table, her eyesight bleary as she poured the hot liquid into a cup and sipped at it with a sigh of pleasure. Caffeine, pure and strong, slid slowly through her system, overriding the film of dazed unreality that came from the drinks she had consumed the night before.

  The soreness of her body was nearly gone, but her nervousness wasn’t. She was more than thankful Cade was gone—

  “Stay just like that.” His voice sounded behind her as a strong hand was laid on her upper back.

  Marly moved her hands from the coffee cup, trembling as she felt another hand lift the shirt, and move to push between her thighs. She was wet; the excretion of her self release earlier was still present.

  “Cade.” Her eyes closed as two fingers slid slowly inside her.

  “Don’t fucking move. Don’t say no, don’t say anything.” The shirt was lifted higher, her legs parted further and she felt his legs move between them. Then the broad, hot head of his cock was pushing past the soft folds of her silken labia.

  Cade’s groan was harsh as her cry shattered the morning. His hands gripped her hips and he plunged inside her, burying his length in the moist heat of her vagina.

  “Sam. Brock,” Marly gasped out in fear that they would be caught. Worried because it didn’t bother her as much as it should now. That the thought of what Cade needed wasn’t terrifying her.

  “Fuck ‘em,” he growled. “They know the facts of life.”

  His hands went to her breasts, his fingers tweaking her nipples as he began to move with slow, torturous movements inside her.

  “Oh, God. Cade.” Her head lowered to the counter as she felt the lightning begin to zip through her body.

  “Oh, Marly. You’re so tight,” he whispered at her ear. “So hot and tight I can barely stand it.”

  He plunged inside her, retreated, slid in slow and easy, retreated then plunged deeply once again. The alternate strokes had her gasping, the building pressure in her body had her fighting the sensations threatening to drown her.

  “Don’t, Marly,” Cade whispered at h
er ear. “Baby, please don’t fight it this time. Just let it go. Relax, sweetheart. I swear I’ll take care of you.”

  She bucked in his grip, her ragged breaths became soft cries as intense pleasure began to flood her body. Then she gasped as he lifted her, pulling free of her gripping flesh as he turned her, lifting her to the counter and pushing between her thighs to plunge home again.

  His lips came down on hers almost gently, far softer than she expected as his tongue pushed past hers to twine slowly, erotically with her own. He moved against her gently, drawing out on alternate soft, easy strokes, and harsh groaning plunges that had her ready to scream with the pleasure.

  “Get ready,” he growled against her lips, his teeth nipping at her as she sipped at his retreating lips. “Get ready, Marly.”

  He held her firm, driving his cock inside her, the sound of gripping friction, the slurp of suction filling the room as hot, hungry moans erupted from them both. Marly’s legs wrapped around his waist as she cried out, her head flung back, her hair cascading over the counter as she felt her climax rushing upon her. She could do nothing but trust Cade to hold her steady as the fire whipped through her body, plunging her headlong into sensation.

  When she exploded, she was only a second ahead of Cade. She felt the hot wash of his semen pulsing inside her as she screamed out her orgasm, heard his gasping groan of completion as he held her tightly to him. She shook and trembled in his arms, wondering if she would be able to retain consciousness this time.

  “It’s okay, baby,” he whispered at her ear as she spasmed again, then again, each time her distress rising. “Don’t be scared, just let it have you. I’ll hold you Marly.”

  It pulsed over her, making her blood sing through her veins and her heart race in time to the desperate release quaking through her body.

  “There you go.” He nuzzled her neck as the first violent tremors began to ease from her body. “There you go, baby. See, it’s just fine.”

  He petted and soothed her as she slowly eased from the terrifying grip of release. Pulling back slowly, he drew his cock from her flesh, but he didn’t release her from his arms. He laid his forehead gently atop hers and smiled slowly as he watched her gasp for breath.

  A harsh knock at the door between the kitchen and dining room had them both jumping in surprise.

  “If you two are done, I need my fucking coffee,” Sam griped from behind the portal. “Dammit, we have bedrooms for this.”

  Marly flushed furiously as her eyes widened in shocked embarrassment. Her gaze went to Cade as he moved back from her slowly.

  “Stop blushing, he’ll live through it.” He lifted her from the counter, then restored his jeans to proper order.

  “Do you think he came in?” She didn’t like the sharp bite of pleasure that idea brought.

  “Most likely.” Cade shrugged over her embarrassment. “At least he had the good sense to leave the room. I know other people who don’t.” He flashed her a wicked look, reminding her of the night she had caught him in the study and damned near de-manned him with her brush.

  “She was a slut,” Marly sniffed, hiding her face as Sam entered the kitchen.

  “Dammit, you two aren’t minks,” he muttered grumpily as he stalked to the coffeepot. “And the fucking counter wasn’t made for that shit.”

  He slammed a cup to the counter in question and poured his coffee. Marly’s eyes rounded in surprise at his ill mood.

  “I’ll be out in the barn when you wake up, Sam,” Cade told him, his smile slow and easy as he dropped a quick kiss on Marly’s lips. “Hurry up, we have work to do.”

  He lifted his hat from the hook on the wall and made his exit with a slow rolling rock that made Marly’s mouth water.

  “Stop eating him with your eyes,” Sam griped as he flung himself in a chair and watched her broodingly.

  “What’s with you?” Marly fought her blush and her embarrassment at being caught, at knowing a truth she didn’t want to face just yet. “You’re never this grouchy.”

  His expression became shuttered.

  “He’s not using rubbers,” Sam bit out. “I’m slow, but I’m not stupid.”

  Marly shrugged, knowing her face was beet red at his observation.

  “I’m on the pill.” She shrugged. “And I know for a fact that Cade’s careful. He bitches at you two too much not to be.”

  Sam’s eyes narrowed on her.

  “Cade know about the pill?” he asked her curiously.

  Marly rolled her eyes. “What business is this of yours?”

  “None.” He frowned darkly, turning his attention back to his coffee.

  Marly rose from the chair, retrieved her cup and after pouring out the cooling coffee, re-poured more. She took her cup and went to the back door, opening it and stepping out on the porch. Dawn was just a few hours past, and the mists of morning still lay on the ground. Spring was nearly over, and she knew summer was moving quickly forward.

  She sighed deeply. She was going to have to make a decision about school quickly. If she were going back, she would have to leave in just a few days. The lasts months before summer break were usually pretty intense.

  “He won’t let you leave now.” Sam stepped behind her, somehow in tune to her as he always was.

  It frightened her now, how she knew these men so well. How they knew her as they did. She was confused, how she should feel versus what she did feel, and it was rioting through her mind like a crowd out of control.

  She sighed deeply, staring out at the dew damp morning with a frown.

  “He’s not what I expected,” she whispered, knowing Sam would understand. Knowing he wouldn’t question her. He would wait, as he always did, for what she wanted.

  “And I know he warned you he wouldn’t be, Marly,” he told her softly. “You pushed him, we all did, and maybe we were wrong in that. “

  She hunched her shoulders against his reminder.

  “Cade’s not an easy man, none of us are. I know him, and I know what he’s like. He hasn’t had a woman since the night you caught him in the study with one of his floozies, and he has a lot of time to make up for.”

  Marly frowned as a metallic glint flashed in the distance, catching her attention.

  “Maybe I really am too inexperienced for him.” A sharp cracking sound heralded her words.

  Hard hands gripped her, throwing her back as Sam grunted painfully. They landed on the kitchen floor amid Marly’s hair and spilled coffee. Angrily, she turned to blast him, then screamed out in fear at the bloodstain blooming over his chest.

  “Sam!” She screamed, her shocked gaze going to his dazed one.

  He blinked up at her, his hand pressing to his chest weakly, then coming away, covered in blood as he stared in horrified fascination.

  “Son of a bitch,” he gasped his surprise at the blood coating the hand he had pressed to his chest. “God. Damn, Marly.”

  “Cade.” She jumped to her feet, her desperate scream followed by the sound of rushing feet, both through the house and on the porch. “Cade. Oh, God. Oh, God. Sam.” She jerked a dishtowel from the counter, pressing it to his chest as Cade threw himself into the house, slamming the door behind him.

  “Son of a bitch. He’s shooting fucking wild.” Cade yelled, rushing to Sam when he saw his brother lying prone on the floor.

  He slid to the floor as Marly pressed the towel to the bloody wound. Reaching out to touch his brother, he jerked his hands back, fists clenching as his eyes widened in horror.

  “Sam?” Marly heard the fear, the pain in that single word.

  “Damn, Cade, this shit hurts,” Sam gasped, staring up at him. “Fucking hurts.”

  Cade shook his head, his eyes going to Marly as she watched his expression fill with fury, with gut wrenching pain. She cried out at the sight, wondering why he hadn’t cried out himself.

  Suddenly Brock rushed into the room, followed by strangers, raised voices and flashing weapons. The room erupted into chaos, jerking Cade back
to reality. His eyes cleared, and Marly watched as all emotion, pain, fear and need was wiped away.

  “Brock, call the sheriff,” a female voice ordered as she knelt at Marly’s side. “Cade, get her out of the way. Rick, you have a sight on that son of a bitch yet?”

  The woman ripped Sam’s shirt straight down the middle, parting the edges as she pressed the towel against his chest.

  “Bastard’s on the run.” Marly looked up at the big male figure looking through the lens of a rifle’s telescope. “I can’t get a bead, son of a bitch is fucking gone.”

  He rushed to the door, throwing it open as he tried for another angle from the porch.

  “Bullet didn’t hit anything serious, but it’s a nasty damned wound,” the woman barked out. “He needs medical attention fucking now. Get an ambulance out here, Brock.”

  Cade dragged Marly back as Brock yelled into the phone. The voices were raised and demanding, as cowboys began to pour into the house, rifles and pistols waving, their faces hard masks of determination.

  “Cade, what’s going on?” Fear shook her body as he pulled her close, moving her along the floor to a corner of the room, out of the way.

  “Stay here, Marly. Don’t fucking move,” he bit out, staring down into her face, his expression savage. “Do you understand me? Do not fucking move from here.”

  She nodded shakily, her eyes widening at the fury she could see in his face.

  “Do not move.” He jerked one of the jackets hanging on a peg above them free. Wrapping it around her quickly, he stood to his feet, picking up the rifle he had dropped to the floor then rushing from the house.

  “Steady there, Sam.” The woman working over Sam was cool and collected, her pretty face concerned as she kept a steady pressure on the wound. Her eyes rose and collided with Marly’s. “He’s going to be okay.”

  Marly nodded, clutching Cade’s jacket to her as she watched the commotion going on around her, confused and frightened as her body shook from the cold that seemed to wrap around it.

  “You okay?” The woman asked her quickly.

  Marly nodded again, ignoring the nausea building in her stomach.