Page 24 of With the Band

  Coop looks disappointed. "No more bang-bang?"

  Kitt rolls his eyes. "No, no more bang-bang. Not until Mark gets his head around this. Or we're home. Or in a hotel."

  Basically, no more bus sex.

  "It'll be interesting, watching you two handle no shagging."

  "We have some control," I mutter defensively. Why does everyone think I'm a slut who can't help herself? I love Kitt. It's not as if he's some random guy. He's the guy I trust with my life.

  "Mmhmm," Cooper chants. "Well, first, it didn't look like you had much control on the big screen. And, second, now that you're having scratchy-back sex, you're gonna want it more and more. I mean, come on, how close are you to asking me to watch Mark's door like a hawk, so you two can get down to round two?"

  I fold my arms. "I'm not."

  Kitt smirks. "Bull. Unlike little Miss Liar over there, I would take her on this table in a heartbeat."

  "Thank you. Just what every girl loves to hear," I reply sarcastically even though my body heats up at the thought. I need to get out of here before I say or do something I'll regret. "Cooper, can you let me up? I'm suddenly tired."

  Again, Kitt smirks. "Your room is the first place he's going to check, Tex."

  "The only action you're getting tonight is from your hand." And with that, I leave the kitchen area and make my way to my smaller-than-a-prison-cell room. Arsehole.

  In the morning, everyone but Dad is out. Filthy Sound is in the arena, and I've no idea where the rest have been banished to.

  Dad puts two plates of eggs, bacon, and toast down on the table.

  We're about to have a serious conversation, one I've not had nearly enough coffee or sleep for.

  I sit down and purse my lips. This will be about Kitt, but I'm not sure if the making of breakfast means he's accepting our relationship or he wants to soften the blow.

  "Are you okay, Dad?"

  He turns around but ignores my question. He sets down two mugs and the pot of coffee. Dad doesn't cook, so this is making me nervous. Finally, when everything is on the table and he can't waste any more time, he sits and faces me.

  "This looks good," I say.

  His lips try to curve into a smile, but he can't quite manage it.

  "Are you going to start? Because there is obviously something you want to say."

  Picking up his cutlery, he clears his throat. "I understand the manner in which I deal with your news affects our relationship, so I want to get this right. Jimmy said to discuss it calmly with you. So, this is me, discussing it calmly."

  "Jimmy is wise. I didn't ever want to lie to you, Dad, I swear. I've liked--loved--Kitt for two years now. When I realised that he was starting to develop feelings for me, I felt like I'd won the lottery. I still do feel like that actually. But I knew you wouldn't like it, and I didn't want things to be tense and awkward for everyone here."

  I take a gulp of coffee. Don't stop now. You're doing great.

  "We were together for, what? Three weeks before you found out? And every day I lied to you, I was drowning in guilt. Kitt, too. He hated it as much as me. You're his hero and mine."

  Dad's eyes fill with tears. But he must have known that already, surely?

  "I love you, Daddy, and I'm so sorry I wasn't honest from the start."

  He swallows hard. "There is this huge part of your life I don't know about. You never even told me you liked him before. Why didn't I know this two years ago?"

  "Because you were working with him, and I didn't want my feelings to cloud your judgement. Kitt deserves everything good that's happening to him. Can you honestly say that you would have given him a fair shot if I'd told you how I felt?"

  "I thought--think a lot of Kitt, pumpkin."

  "That's not what I asked."

  "I don't know, is my honest answer."

  "You want to keep us apart, and we can't do that."

  "You've been together three weeks, Texas."

  I cut off a piece of egg. "I love him. I'm sorry that it's not been three months so that it's easier for you to understand. I didn't know there was a timeline for it, and even if there were, I don't care."

  "Always doing things your way. I suppose I should be glad that you don't follow the crowd."

  "You definitely should. You might not like all the choices I make, but at least you'll always know that, with the ones I make, I'm sure they are right for me."

  "The bus...that was the right choice?" He grips his cutlery harder.

  I swallow the food I'm about to choke on. "Oh, we are not going there. I wasn't slutting it up with some random. I was with my boyfriend."

  "Boyfriend," Dad scoffs like it's a dirty word.

  "I've had one before, and you liked Xander. Hell, you like Kitt more than him, and you know it. He's not the enemy, Dad. He wants the same thing as you."

  Okay, maybe not exactly the same. Kitt doesn't want me to be celibate until my wedding day.

  "Kitt is where I was when I was young and starting out."

  "No, Dad, not anymore. He's changed just like you changed when I came along."

  Wow, I'm one super cockblocker.

  "You think he's ready for a serious relationship? To settle down at this age?"

  "Yes, I do. I believe him. Anyone out there can sleep around. If he wanted, he could do it as a musician or a plumber. I trust him."

  "I want to believe him, Texas, but you love him, and...fuck." He puts his cutlery down, takes a deep breath, and rubs his eyes.

  Oh God, he's not crying, is he?

  "Dad?" I say slowly. My heart is thumping. I don't want to see him cry, not ever.

  "I'm okay. I don't know if I trust him with your heart."

  "Well, I do. I might not deserve your trust right now, but please have faith that I know what I'm doing. Kitt is who I want to spend my life with, and so help me, we will be happy."

  Dad laughs and blows out a held breath. "And you're sure you can deal with what will come next? The rumours? The time alone? The uncertainty?"

  "One, I don't care what people think. Two, I have plenty of things I can do while he's off rocking. Three, I'm certain, just like I was when I told you that getting highlights was a bad idea."

  He rolls his eyes. "I was young."

  "Not really though, were you?"

  "We're not discussing my hair, Texas."

  "It's not about the hair. It's about me being right. Dad, I'm sure about me and him. And I promise not to leave you out of the loop again. I want to be able to talk to you about it. I'm happy. Really happy."

  "That's all I want, Tex. But you don't ever hold anything back with me, even when he fucks up, yeah? I need to know, so I can set him straight. You're right when you said he won't hurt you."

  I arch my eyebrow and twist my mouth. "So, he messes up, and I set my daddy on him?"

  "Yes," he says, as if there's nothing weird about that.

  We both laugh.

  Good luck, Kitt.




  "You good, man?" Milo asks, handing me another beer.

  "Thanks," I reply. "I think so. Mark and Tex are cool, but he's still not said much to me."

  "You're banging his daughter. What do you expect?"

  "Really, Milo?"

  Chuckling darkly, he sits down. "You had to know this was going to happen though, mate."

  "Well, I was kind of hoping that when he found out, it would be because we'd sat down and told him. But no, I have to fuck her against a bus, and..." Groaning, I rub the dull throbbing behind my eyes. "I couldn't have done this worse if I'd tried. What the hell is wrong with me? This is Texas, not some random horny chick I'll never see again. The side of a bus, Milo."

  He grins. "Yeah, I saw the footage."

  Tightening my hand around the neck of the bottle, I glare. "Not helping, prick."

  "Hey," he says, holding his hand up, "I'm not trying to be a wanker here, Kitt. I've seen it, and it's plain to see that this
isn't some random screw. Everyone knows you two aren't just fucking. You've told Mark there's more with you and her, and you've not split up. He gets that. Let him get used to the idea of you being with his only child. You're overthinking. Give it some time. Besides, Mark can't just blame you. Texas was right there with you the whole way."

  Yeah, I remember how with me she was. I ache to be with her again. It's been too long. I hate that we're back to being careful. I hate that I can't wake up beside her.

  "If you have any great ideas on how I can fix this, please speak up."

  "I think you need to talk to him again. Explain that, although you're sorry about how he found out, you're not sorry you're with her."

  "Mark wants to rip my head off."

  "Maybe a little."

  "Has he said anything to you?"

  "Not directly."


  "It's not my place to say. Stop being a moron, and go and sort things out with Mark before it affects Texas. You told him you'd do anything for her, so prove it."

  I hop over the bench seat, slam my beer in front of him, and clap him on the back as I run past. He's right. "Where's Mark?"

  "His room. Good luck," Milo says, chuckling to himself.

  I run up the bus and make my way to Mark's room. Tex is in hers, and the pull to go there instead is strong. This needs to be sorted out first.

  I walk two doors past and knock for Mark.

  A gruff voice calls, "Come in."

  Pushing the handle down, I let the door swing open. "Can I have a word with you?"

  "There's no need, Kitt. I've spoken to Texas. I won't tell her how to live her life, but I want you to know that I'm watching you."

  Smiling, I give him a nod. "She's it, Mark. No slipups, no freak-outs. I'll make her happy."

  "Make sure you do. I'll still be watching."

  "I know. Want the door closed?"


  I back out and release a breath. That was easier than it should've been. Suspiciously easier. Though his watching-you warning pretty much said everything he needed to, and I've already told him I'm in this for keeps.

  Mark is okay--or as okay as we can hope for--about us, so I hover at Tex's door.

  Will he be this okay?

  Fuck it. She's mine.

  For all of one second, I consider knocking, but instead, I let myself in.

  She's lying on the bed, facing away from me, but she's not asleep. I know Texas when she's asleep, and right now, she's nowhere near peaceful enough.

  Closing the door to give us privacy, I step closer and say, "I know you're awake. I need to talk to you."

  Rolling onto her back, she smirks up at me. "Can't a girl take a nap?"

  I shake my head and walk deeper into the small room. "Nope, sorry. I want to spend time with my girl."

  "I love it when you call me that."

  "I know. I love you, Texas."

  Her eyes ignite. "Love you, too."

  Crawling onto the bed, I climb over her. She's impossibly beautiful. Her dark hair is fanned in waves around her on the pillow. Her lips are begging to be kissed. I close my eyes, picturing them swallowing me.

  Stop it. You'll get yourself frustrated, and you'll not be at a hotel for a couple of days.

  "What are you going to do with me?" She bites on that lip.

  "When we're in that suite, Texas, there isn't a thing I'm not going to do."

  Her mouth parts. I take advantage and dive in.

  Tex groans and grips ahold of my arm.

  "I have to go and change, but I'll see you downstairs in a minute, okay?" I whisper before kissing her forehead.

  She groans something that resembles, "All right," and pulls the covers over her head.

  I won't be seeing her for a good couple of hours.

  Feeling on top of the damn world, I quietly leave her room and go to mine to grab a change of clothes. No one is up yet because it's the arse crack of dawn, and they were all drunk last night.

  I shower and change, eager to get downstairs so that I can see Tex. If she's not up, I'm getting her up. We won't have a lot of time together before Mark gets up.

  When I get to the kitchen, Cooper is sitting at the table with his head in his hands, groaning like a caveman.

  "Hungover, bud?" I ask loudly.

  "Fuck off, bellend."

  I laugh and sit down. "What happened with the last girl?"

  His face is hidden, but I still see his smile.

  "From that smirk, I take it that it went well."

  "Oh, yeah, she was a beast. Milo won last night's bet though. His chick brought a friend."

  "Great." I really don't miss those bets.

  "How was your night? When I left with...Red, you were sobbing into a JD. 'Mark will never forgive me.'" His imitation of my voice is embarrassing.

  "I wasn't sobbing."

  He snorts and looks up. "You might as well have been. What's going on anyway?"

  "Me and Tex are great. Mark is okay about it. He's watching me apparently."

  He lifts his eyebrows. "So, Mark's cool?"

  Shifting in my seat, I shrug. "I'm still in one piece. He wants her happy, and she's happy with me--duh--so there's not a lot he's willing to do. He won't hurt her by ordering her away."

  "That was a close call. You're officially a dickhead for not telling me from the beginning. This could have affected me, too. Enigma could've pulled out of the tour."

  "We still would've killed it, Coop. But you're right, and I'm sorry."

  "Damn straight we would've. Don't sweat it, man. I've got your back--even if you think with your cock."

  "Because you don't?"

  "Not fucking arguing. I'm young and hot, and I can make women come just by looking at them."

  The fuck is in my band?

  "Yeah. Women like Peyton?"

  His face falls, but just as quickly, his spark is back. "Now, she's fun. The poor girl is determined to prove she doesn't want me."

  "Maybe she doesn't. Again."

  "Please. I'll give her time. I can play the waiting game."

  "Tex's best mate isn't a game, Coop."

  "Fuck me, you're whipped. Pey made it a game, and I have no intention of losing."

  "You're playing with fire."

  His lips kick up into a slow grin. "I know. And if I ever need advice on appearing victorious from the flames, I'll come to you."




  I step up onto the bus, and it's eerily quiet. I know Enigma is practicing, but I have no idea what Filthy Sound is up to. My educated guess is, they're at some bar. Although Ted is always with me, it's nice to have a few quiet minutes, so I'm not going to call Kitt for a while.

  Getting my MacBook Air out from under the storage seat, I sit down to finally catch up with some friends on Facebook. I use the term friend loosely because I've not known these people long enough to form a real connection to them, but we keep in touch.

  It hasn't been that long since I last sent out my catching-up messages, but I'm so unbelievably bored that I might as well get ahead. There is nothing else to do. It's quite nice, but I'm definitely not used to it, especially while on tour.

  Just as I lift the laptop lid, the bathroom door opens, and Kitt emerges--with only a towel around his waist.

  Sweet. Jesus.

  I didn't know he was still here.

  Now, I know I shouldn't stare, but his damp six-pack is begging for my hands and mouth to run over it. I want to drag my fingers between the muscles all the way down to--

  "Er, Tex?" Kitt says. He sounds amused.

  Why wouldn't he be? I can't stop eye-fucking him.

  "Texas!" Laughing, he clicks his fingers.

  I reluctantly flick my eyes up. His grin cannot get any wider.

  I blink, unashamed. "Yes?"

  "If you're finished, I'll go get dressed. Didn't know anyone else was here."

  And if I'm not finished?

nbsp; His eyebrow arches. "Unless of course..."

  "Unless of course, what?" I whisper. My body is on fire. I feel like pouring ice-cold water over myself to take away some of the heat.

  Ted is only upstairs in his room. He could easily come down.

  Kitt's eyes blister, and it's giving me heart palpitations. He slowly walks over to the table, getting closer to me. Working entirely on their own, my legs stand me up. It's like I've been taken over by a lust-filled hussy. I want him now--even on the table, for all I care--knowing anyone could walk in at any minute. I simply do not give a damn.

  He stops when he's an inch away from me. His chest quickly rises and falls, and his mouth is ever so slightly open. Reaching out, he brushes my hair behind my shoulder, dragging his fingertips over my neck as he goes. It makes my insides turn all squishy.

  I love it when he does that.

  "Unless of course, what, Kitt?" I repeat even though I have a pretty good idea what what is.

  He possessively kisses me, claiming me for his own, and I push him back and wrap myself around him.

  Damn towel. I love and hate it, but right now, it's in my way.

  Kitt catches my hand as my fingers curl over the edge of the towel. "Tex, I'm all up for spontaneous sex--in the inside of the bus this time--but..."

  I gasp, and my face heats. Dad could come back and catch us.

  "Upstairs, sweetheart. I want you laid out on my bed and ready."

  My dad is suddenly forgotten. Kitt's words have me throbbing with need.

  "Ready for, what?" I whisper breathlessly.

  The corner of his lips kicks up, and his eyes smile. "Before I sink into you, I'm going to make you come on my mouth."

  He doesn't need to ask me twice. I bound upstairs.

  Looks like our no-bus sex pact is over.

  Whatever. It was a stupid pact anyway.



  There are four people on the bus who aren't hungover--the drivers, Ted, and Hank. Milo is worse off than anyone. He drank the entire bar before rambling about something that had Kitt pulling him to the side. Then, he left with three women. Three! We're heading out of Norway towards Sweden.

  "Look at this!" Will says with a chuckle.

  My eyes widen. On the front page is a picture of me and Kitt outside the stadium as Filthy Sound made their way back to the bus. His arm is around my waist, holding me close.

  Then, I see why Milo is laughing.

  Kitt groans and shoves it away. "Really?"

  "Kexas! Are they serious?" I say in disgusted shock. That sucks. They'll mash anything together. "And, oh my God, why didn't they go with it the other way around?"