Page 12 of Incurable Hearts

  “Hey.” He said shyly.


  He joined me at the breakfast bar looking at all the food in front of him.

  “Rose lays on quite a spread doesn’t she.” He said kissing me lightly on the lips.

  “Stop that or your lunch will go cold.” I mocked. I really needed to eat.

  “You have impressed Rose, she likes you. I don’t know if I can say the same about George though.” I said.

  “Who the hell is George?” He asked tucking into the food.

  “The gardener.”

  “Of course he is, the flowers?” I nodded, “and of course Rose likes me what is not to like? She did say this morning to keep doing what I am doing, she likes to see you happy.” He said smiling that smile of his knowing the effect on me.

  “Yes, but I love the flowers so he can't do anything about it and don’t let your ego get too big.” I grinned.

  “Seems like I am getting it from all sides today then.” He said, his mood instantly dropping from happy to agitated.

  “What is the matter?”

  “Joe being a dirty bastard, you don’t need to know,” He said deliberately biting into his bacon roll so he couldn’t speak.

  “You can tell me, I am not made of glass, I won’t break.” I reminded him.

  I could probably guess. I assumed all the workers would know about us, for god sake he had left for work from my house this morning. Eventually he spoke again.

  “His words were ‘I hope she lightens up now your banging her’ amongst other things. I wish I could bang him upside of his head.” It made me laugh gaining a confused look from Christopher.

  “He is right. I have lightened up lately but it doesn’t extend to him. Don’t go getting yourself in trouble over me, I can defend myself.” I said.

  “I know you can but it doesn’t mean I have to like listening to it, and I won’t. The next time he says anything I will show him how much of a mistake he has made.”

  “No fighting, not because of me. Eat your food, you are going to need your stamina.” I said.

  “I am only meant to be eating Miss Collins,” He said flirting back with me.

  “I thought a sneak preview of what will be happening tonight will entice you back to me.”

  “Jasmine Collins you do not need to entice me back, you have me here whenever you want me here.”

  “In that case, this will be for my pleasure.” I said sitting on his lap and wrapping my legs round him, dropping my robe at the same time.

  He returned to work with a big grin stretched across his face moaning about his legs feeling like jelly. It turned me on even more seeing I had the same effect on him as he did on me.

  The following days passed and we settled into a routine quickly. He had stayed with me every night, after a couple of days he had Jase bring him a bag of fresh clothes in. I was getting used to having Jase around too. Rose would have our dinner ready for when Christopher finished work each day. We would sit and talk, watch films or random crap on telly like a normal couple. And of course the sex was amazing. We got to know each other again. What kind of music we liked, he told me in depth about his family and all the places he had visited around the world, mine outweighed his by far, his were more of lads holidays to the clubbing islands where as I visited the big cities of New York, Paris, etc. I never thought I would feel like this with anyone, I liked having him here, knowing he would be with me when he finished work. I had managed so far to hide when I was in pain or struggling with some part of my body, there had been a couple of times when he worried about me but I reassured him I was fine. Sometimes I thought he could see right through me and knew what I was keeping from him, but he would carry on as usual not pushing me for information.

  I was ordering Henrys plaque online when Christopher walked in.

  “Your early.” I said as he joined me on the sofa. I had spent more time in the living room since he had been staying with me. Joe had really been working them hard so they could be finished by my high demand timeline.

  “We can’t do no more for now, you will be pleased to know that we should be finished by the end of next week.” He said thinking he was pleasing me. He was but that meant he wouldn’t be working so close to me, maybe I should have something else built just to keep him close by? I would have to think about that.

  “When was the last time you left the house?” He asked.

  “The day I came home from hospital.” I answered wondering where he was going with this.

  It was the longest period of time I had stayed in this house and I had loved every moment of it. It was starting to feel like a home.

  “That was nearly a week ago Jas. I was wondering if you would like to meet my mother? She keeps asking why I haven’t been to see her and when I told her about you, she has not stopped nagging me to bring you round so she can meet you.”

  Ah, this was getting serious, meeting the mother. She definitely wouldn’t like me if she knew what her son was about to go through because I am too selfish to stay away from him. But before I could keep my mouth shut, I had agreed.

  “Great. I will have a quick shower and then we will go,” He said excitedly.

  “What now?” I said panicking.

  “Why not, the sooner you have met her the sooner she will leave me alone,” He shouted disappearing up the stairs before I could argue any longer.

  I finished ordering Henrys plaque and packed the laptop away. I grabbed the brush and ran it through my hair, I decided to wear it down, and I couldn’t believe I had let him railroad me into meeting his mother. A part of me was looking forward to it even though it meant we were getting serious. My selfishness won over and I was ready to go when he came back downstairs.

  “Henry has the day off today so you will have to drive.” I informed him handing him a set of car keys as we walked to the garages.

  I was nervous about letting him drive my Aston Martin but I couldn’t tell him I wasn’t allowed to drive because of my seizures.

  “Are you serious?” He asked stroking the bodywork. I understood his fascination with the car, I too fell in love it when I saw it.

  He was a good driver and he let it roar when we hit the open road. He told me a bit more about his mother so I had an idea of what to expect. Apparently she was loud, loved to have a laugh and more than anything she wanted Christopher and his younger brother married with children.

  “You will be fine Jas, she is going to love you,” He said.

  That was what I was worried about.

  “Do you see her much?” I asked.

  “I usually go round most Sundays and sometimes during the week, mainly for her cooking.” He chuckled.

  “Is she expecting me?” I asked hesitantly.


  “What have you told her about me?” I asked wanting to know if he had told her about how successful I was.

  “I told her that you are the funniest, craziest, brilliant and beautiful women in the world and that I really like you. She can’t wait to meet the first girl I have taken home to meet her,” He said proudly. No pressure then!

  “I hope I am good enough for her little boy then.” I teased.

  “Hey less of the little please.” He said slowing the car down in front of a row of council houses, I recognised this street because my mother lives two streets over.

  “Ready?” He asked.

  “Let’s do this.” I said taking a deep breath and releasing it loudly.

  “You’ll be fine,” He said giving me a soft kiss on my lips.

  “Sure,” I said getting out of the car, “It suits you.” I pointed to the car.

  “I wish.” He said taking my hand in his and leading me up the path to meet his mother. He didn’t get the chance to knock on the door as it opened before we walked up the steps by a woman I had seen before. She was the woman who worked behind the bar when I went to see my mother. She stood there smiling at us before ushering us through the door.

  “Mum this is
Jasmine Collins, Jas this is my mum Fiona Jenson.” He said introducing us. She pulled me into a tight hug and kissed my cheek.

  “It is nice to finally meet you Jasmine,” She said releasing me, I stepped back into Christopher’s shadow, “Cor, is that your car?” She asked when she saw it parked in her drive.

  “Yes.” I said.

  “You must be rich?” She said highly.

  “MUM!” Christopher raised his voice. He was embarrassed for his mum.

  “She is alright,” I said to him, “I have done well for myself.” I said to her when she had closed the door.

  “Let’s go into the kitchen, when you said you were coming I cooked your favourite, hope you like steak Jas?” She said walking away obviously feeling comfortable enough to shorten my name although it did make me feel welcome.

  I groaned silently, I didn’t like steak, it was never cooked the way I like it.

  “So far so good?” Christopher asked.

  “So far so good.” I agreed.

  Christopher pulled one of the chairs out from the table for me to sit at, he sat on the chair next to me, his mother gushing over her sons gentlemen’s tendencies.

  “It must be serious if you’re pulling out chairs.” A new voice mocked from the doorway.

  “Little bro, how are you?” Christopher said getting back up to greet this person.

  “I am good, so this is Jasmine?” He asked.

  “Jas this is my little brother Alex.” He said sitting back down.

  “Hi.” I said shaking his out stretched hand.

  “You don’t remember me do you?” His brother asked.

  I looked to Christopher for help but he was tight lipped, trying not to laugh.

  “We were in the same year at school, we had a few classes together.” He said trying to jog my memory.

  “Sorry I don’t remember.” I said frowning; surely I should be able to remember him?

  “Easily forgotten little bro.” Christopher said laughing.

  “CJ stop teasing your brother.” His mother said dishing up our meals – she obviously wasn’t asking me how I liked my steak.

  You only had to watch her with her sons to see how much she loved them. It was nice to see. She joined us at the table once we all had our meals.

  “CJ tells me you have known each other for years but lost touch, how did you meet again?” His mother asked.

  “We bumped into each other, literally, in the pub.” I said picking at the chunky chips on my plate.

  As soon as I said the word pub she looked like she had remembered something.

  “That is where I have seen you before, you are Lizzie Collins girl aren’t you?” She asked, “I thought I recognised you from somewhere, you came into the pub I work in about a month ago.”

  I immediately froze, the saying it is a small world had me feeling claustrophobic, I didn’t want my mother being involved with my life at all.

  “Um, yes that was me,” I said quietly. Christopher squeezed my thigh under the table for support.

  “She had a lot to say about you after you left, is it true you own the Jasmine make-up range?” She asked fishing for information.

  “Yes.” I said not going into much detail.

  “Well I hope you treat my CJ better than you do your mother,” She said.

  Christopher was about to say something but I got in there first.

  “With all due respect Mrs Jenson you don’t know anything about my relationship with my mother, if you remember correctly I wasn’t horrible to her. You only heard what she had to drunkenly ramble on about when I left, and I will bet it was along the lines of how I have left her with nothing, I am a letdown and I am no daughter of hers?” I said confidently.

  “Pretty much, I am sorry. I should have known better than to listen to a word she says,” She said.

  I didn’t say anything. I wanted to drop this line of conversation.

  Alex took the hint and began asking Christopher about work. Fiona kept smiling at me, throughout dinner I learned that was the way she was, she spoke her mind so I didn’t take her outburst personally. She asked loads of questions about me, wanting to get to know me better. Both his mother and brother had loads of stories about Christopher, as a child and growing up, his mothers were the funniest. I learned that she found him dressed in one of her dresses and high heels when he was six years old having a tea party with his action men toys. He got embarrassed many times and threatened her with no grandchildren ever if she didn’t stop; needless to say she shut up immediately. The night was fun; we were so carried away talking none of us noticed how late it had got until Christopher noticed me yawning.

  “I should get you home,” he said.

  “It is so late, where has the time gone?” Fiona asked not believing herself how quick the night had passed. We all got up. I helped Fiona clear the table while Christopher took Alex outside to show him the car.

  “I really am sorry for what I said about you and your mum. I can see you are nothing like she says.”

  “That is okay, she can be pretty believable sometimes.” I said.

  “I haven’t seen CJ like this before, he is very much taken with you. All I ask is that you don’t hurt him,” She asked seriously like any decent mother would.

  I couldn’t reassure her I wouldn’t because I knew I would. I had had such a good time here with him and his family tonight I had forgotten about my impending doom, it suddenly felt like it weighed heavy on my heart and was crushing in from the inside out.

  “Christopher means a lot to me Mrs Jenson, more than you would believe.” I said.

  “That is good to hear. I haven’t heard him called Christopher in a long time. Please call me Fiona.” She smiled at me and I smiled back.

  “Are you ready to go? And I like it when you call me Christopher but you already know that.” He said coming back into the kitchen and putting his arms around me, with his brother following behind.

  “Make sure you bring her back,” His mother warned him happily.

  “I promise,” He said walking over to give her a kiss goodbye, “I will let you know about tomorrow.” He said to Alex.

  “That went well, I like your mum.” I said caught in yet another yawn, wrapping his jacket tighter around myself.

  “She likes you too not as much as I do though,” He said kissing my hand.

  He drove in silence for a while, the hum of the car made me sleepy.

  “What are you going to let your brother know?” I asked suddenly remembering.

  “He wanted to know if I was still going to his football presentation due.”

  “Are you going to go?”

  “If you come with me, it is no big deal.”

  “Of course I will come.” I said smiling.

  “You have changed my life so much Christopher Jenson.”

  “As you have mine Miss Collins.”

  I hadn’t realised I had said it out loud. It was thrilling to be with him.

  Our relationship had a new feeling to it when we got back to the house. That night he made love to me and he was gentle and passionate. After he fell asleep, I cried silently into my pillow, never wanting to let him go. I wanted him forever.

  Part Two…Christopher

  I quickly turned my alarm off as not to wake Jas, quickly dressing to leave for work. I was still pissed at the information she had divulged to me last night but I had promised her I wouldn’t go looking for him so I decided to do the complete opposite and gathered a bunch of flowers from her garden. Rose found me a vase to put them in and a piece of paper to write her a note on.

  “Here,” She said sliding a plate of bacon and eggs over to me. “You need a proper breakfast if you are going to be working all day.” She smiled.

  I liked her instantly. She asked me a few questions about myself and I answered her honestly.

  “She works too hard, I like seeing her happy, keep doing what you are doing,” She said taking me by surprise.

  “Isn’t she normally
happy?” I asked.

  She knew instantly I was digging for information.

  “Yes but in a different way, she is always working and has little time for herself, you being here is a very big deal for her.”

  “What do you mean?” She definitely had my attention now.

  “You are the first person she has allowed in this house,” She said looking at me as if I knew this information.

  I knew Jas hasn’t had a relationship for years but she had had flings much to my annoyance which was crazy as my bed notch count wasn’t standing at zero. The thought of someone else having their hands on her body made my blood boil.


  “Like I said, keep doing what you are doing.” She reminded me taking my empty plate away.

  “I intend to, thank you Rose.” I said leaving for work.

  Joe saw me leaving the house and began laughing, he walked in the same direction as me to his office, and Jase was already sitting inside.

  “I hope you got some sleep last night CJ as you will both be working on the pool today.” Joe said sitting at his desk.

  I was in no mood to hear his opinions on Jas this morning even though I couldn’t stop smiling, every day I learnt more and more about her.

  “The smile on your face says you didn’t sleep at all.” Jase teased, see when he said things like that it didn’t bother me plus I knew he liked Jas, he wasn’t being rude about her.

  “I slept fine thank you.” I scoffed.

  “Well, she might lighten up now you are banging her.” Joe said.

  Jase jumped up when he saw me clench my fists, it was a good job Joe was reading his paperwork and missed the scene right before him.

  “Let’s get to work ay?” Jase said pushing me out of the door, “Calm down man.” He said looking around.