Page 3 of Incurable Hearts

  “Yes.” I reply and Christopher squeezes my hand showing his excitement.

  In no time at all we were in front of the Crown Plaza. Henry opened my door, he didn’t look too happy as Christopher never let go of my hand.

  “Your cases have already been bought over, call if you need me Miss Collins.” he said curtly and got back into the car.

  “What is his deal, and why does he call you Miss Collins all of the time?” Christopher asked as we walked into the hotel.

  “Because that is my name. He is my driver and overall go for things guy. Not that it is any of your business.” I said squeezing his hand this time. He looked hurt for a moment, I don’t care as he is here for sex, nothing else.

  “Good afternoon Miss Collins. Here is your key you are staying in your usual suite.”

  “Thank you Sandra, can you have some wine sent up please.” I said smiling at her. “Let’s get you upstairs.” I said to Christopher leading him to the lifts.

  Once we were in the lift I couldn’t contain myself any longer, I jumped on him wrapping my legs around his waist pushing my mouth onto his and finally biting his lip, not too hard that would scare him off. He quickly got over the shock of my forwardness and held onto my legs and pressed his mouth harder onto mine. The doors opened and he carried me through to my room, not letting me go until someone knocked on the door.

  “Expecting anyone else?” he asked out of breath.

  “Yes.” I replied, as he looked disappointed, “Room service.” I added reminding him, he visually relaxed.

  “You mind if I have a quick shower, I have been on site today?” he asked.

  “Sure, as long as that is all you are quick at.” I teased.

  “Oh you have no idea Miss Collins.” he smirked before disappearing into the bathroom.

  I could hear him mumbling something about me really being royalty, I laughed to myself. I quickly looked over the information on him again, he grew up in Cherry Hinton, and I didn’t know anyone from that area. He went to Coleridge Community College, maybe I knew him from there? That was the same secondary school I attended. There was nothing else I could figure out about him from this, I will have to ask Henry to do some more digging. I called Jenna to let her know that I was not to be disturbed until Monday morning. When I turned around he was standing there with a towel wrapped around his waist, his hair still damp from the shower. God, I hope he puts his muscled body to good use on me.

  “I didn’t see the point in getting dressed again,” he said walking towards me.

  “No point…” was all I managed to say before his lips were on mine again.

  I could feel his hard muscles under my touch, he must go to the gym to have a body like this. His lips moved down to my navel as he laid me on the bed, I can’t remember when my top was removed but I wasn’t wearing it now. He released his grip on my hands so he could remove my skirt, as he climbed back on top of me he trailed soft kisses up my inner thigh. His touch had me spiralling out of control, my sexual desire for this man had me on the verge on coming and he had yet to enter me.

  His lips found mine again, if he carried on this way I would be done for very soon. I wrapped my leg around his to give me the added strength to roll him over so I was on top. My bra hanging loosely, god knows when that got unclasped, Christopher pulled it off and it disappeared from sight.

  “You are perfect,” he murmured.

  “Shh” I said kissing him.

  Now wasn’t the time for talking. I could feel his readiness, it looked like he was here for a while so I decided to cut the foreplay and go straight for the main. His gasp as I took hold of his cock made me hungry for him. I was wet enough to slide straight down on him, his ecstasy as pure as mine as we shared the feeling of him being inside me. I began to move my hips, lifting up and down on him. It felt too good.

  I lay across his chest, panting.

  “That was…wow,” he said panting himself.

  “Hmm, wow.” I agreed, moving off of his chest to lie beside him. I didn’t want cuddles. He was only here for my pleasure.

  “Where are you going?” he asked wrapping his arms around me trying to keep me with him.

  “I am going for a shower, hopefully you will be ready again once I have finished.” I purred dropping the sheet to walk into the bathroom, naked, showing him exactly what he wanted, again.

  I was nearly finished in the shower when I felt his arms slide around my waist, pushing himself against me so I could feel his readiness. I smiled to myself before turning around to face him.

  “You’re up for round two then.” I said, it wasn’t a question.

  Part Two…Christopher

  Thank god it was Friday, this weekend couldn’t have come quick enough. Forty-eight hours of drunken antics with the strong possibility of hooking up with someone tomorrow night. It had been planned that we would meet at The Place nightclub in town. There would be loads of women there.

  Joe had dismissed everyone giving us the rest of the day off so we decided to start early and headed to the Regal in town, where we could get something to eat too.

  Jase was arguing with Anna on the phone when I got into the car, so I had to sit there waiting for him to finish before we could leave work. In the end he hung up on her and turned his phone off.

  “Don’t say anything,” he warned me, I held my hands up in defence and said nothing. “I think a nice slim blonde will take my mind off of her, what do you think?” he asked, his mood instantly changing for the better.

  “I think you are mad, Anna isn’t that bad but if it helps you, go for it,” I said laughing, “I am thinking a brunette will do nicely this weekend.” as soon as I said it I immediately thought of Jasmine. I got rid of the thought of her, I had seen her once in nearly thirteen years it wasn’t likely I would see her again.

  The guys followed behind us, I don’t know why Jase parks up in town, he wouldn’t be able to drive again for the rest of the weekend and it will cost him a fortune in parking tickets.

  “You got out of it last night but today it is your round first.” he said pushing me towards the bar. It was busy in here today; I stood there waiting to be served for ages. I let my eyes roam up and down the bar, there were a few potential hotties around but it was the women who had her head in her hands who held my attention. It was Jasmine. I had seen her once in so many years and I could recognise her without seeing her face. I moved up the bar so I was stood next to her, she didn’t lift her head. Her perfume was dark and sensual. I saw her hands were shaking. There was obviously something wrong but I decided not to mention it.

  “It seems I have quite an effect on you Miss Collins.” I whispered in her ear, her head flew out of her hands and looked up at me.

  “Would you like to think that is why? Especially when I didn’t know you were here, that would be quite an effect from such a long distance.” she said, she was definitely flirting with me now. Her confidence knocked me back; usually when I made the effort to speak to women they would stutter and give me short answers. I pulled myself back together so I didn’t look like an idiot in front of her.

  “This is twice in twenty-four hours that we have bumped into each other, I think someone is trying to tell us something.” I said, giving her my most dazzling smile.

  “What would that something be?” she asked.

  I was about to answer her when the barmen choose now to serve me. When I turned back to Jasmine she was looking over at Jase and the guys, maybe she would recognise him? I realised then that I wouldn’t like it if she did when she obviously didn’t remember me.

  “It seems we have an audience.” she said, the sound of her voice was driving me crazy, in a good way. I refrained from telling her that I knew her, I opted to see how long this would last.

  “So we do,” I smirked, “And something can be anything Miss Collins, what would you like it to be?” I asked her, she began to blush and fidget on her stool, I got the reaction I was looking for.

  “I know what
I would like it to be Mr Jenson but I don’t think you can be prized away from your friends.” she said. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing, this Jasmine was upfront nowadays. The way she said my name turned me on, she definitely had my attention. She stood up as if she was leaving, I grabbed her arm to stop her leaving and told her quickly it was her lucky day and took the order of drinks over to the lads.

  “Your not joining us are you?” Jase asked looking over to Jasmine who was on the phone.

  “Nope, I will talk to you soon.” I said leaving the lads, I walked back to Jasmine and took hold of her hand,

  “Ready Miss Collins?” I asked her, she looked confused at our hands entwined for a moment before composing herself. Holding hands was nothing compared to what I wanted to do to her.

  “The question is, are you ready for me?” my eyes widened at the possibilities for the rest of the day.

  Once we were outside, the bald headed guy from last night was holding the door open to the Bentley again, I whistled at the expensiveness of the interior, this car is probably worth more than my house.

  “Christ, are you royalty?” I joked. I knew she wasn’t. She must have won the Lottery because the last time I saw her there was no way she could have afford something as nice as this.

  “Something like that.” she mumbled, what the hell does she do now to own a car like this, being chauffer driven around? As she was talking to her driver I squeezed her hand slightly as her mood seemed to have dropped.

  It turned out the hotel she was staying at was around the corner from the Regal but because of the one-way system we had to go the long way, he dropped us of out front. The driver didn’t look happy but Jasmine ignored him and walked towards the hotel.

  “What is his deal and why does he call you Miss Collins all of the time?” I asked her trying to get an idea of who she was now.

  “Because that is my name, he is my driver and overall go for things guy. Not that it is any of your business.” she said. Her tone took me by surprise; this Jasmine had developed an attitude.

  She must stay here regularly as all the staff knew her by name. It really was like she was royalty. Once we were in the lift she jumped on me wrapping her legs around my waist, once again taking me by surprise. I soon joined her and took control of the kiss, the way she bit down on my lip on purpose had me ready to take her in the lift but the doors opened and I kept hold of her until we were in her suite. Her dress had edged up her thighs, they were just as soft as her hands. It was like she was out of this world. I was in heaven until someone knocked on the door.

  “Expecting anyone else?” I asked breaking the kiss breathlessly.

  “Yes.” she slid out of my arms and walked to the door. I couldn’t figure her out, “Room service.” she added, I couldn’t help laughing. I had forgot she had ordered wine on our way up. This was going to be fun and then I realised I needed a shower as I caught a whiff of myself.

  “Do you mind if I have a quick shower? I have been working on site today.”

  “Sure, as long as that is all you are quick at.” she teased.

  “Oh you have no idea Miss Collins,” I said before disappearing into the en-suite. It was massive, it was bigger than my bedroom at home.

  She still hadn’t recognised me yet I could remember her perfectly. She never used to ask any of us but we all looked out for her, her mother was a drunk who spent most of her time at the pub while Jasmine would hang about with us.

  I took the fastest shower I have ever had and wrapped a towel around my waist, as I walked back into main suite she was putting a folder away in her case.

  “I didn’t see the point in getting dressed again.” I told her as I walked towards her.

  “No point…” was all she could reply before I kissed her cutting her reply short.

  “That was…wow.” I said trying to catch my breath, never had I had sex that amazing before.

  “Hmm, wow.” she agreed moving of my chest; I pulled her back to me.

  “Where are you going?” I asked her.

  “I am going for a shower, hopefully you will be ready again once I have finished.” she said dropping the sheet to walk into the bathroom naked. Her body was perfect and she wanted to go again, I was beginning to think she was a figment of my imagination.

  It didn’t take long before I was ready again just thinking about her in the shower. I went into the en-suite, she was still in the shower, watching the water cascading down her back and over her ass nearly tipped me over the edge, I stepped in behind her showing her just how ready I was, she turned to face me smiling.

  “You’re up for round two then.” she said.


  Part One…Jasmine

  It was dark when I awoke. I looked at the time, three am. Wow, he must have worn me out, I haven’t slept that long in a while. I looked down at him and studied his face. He really was handsome, he had a strong defined jaw line and his chest was definitely defined, surely he goes to the gym because he showed he had stamina. I slipped out of bed and into my robe. I turned on the laptop to check my e-mails I had missed this afternoon while I had been entertained, I know it is my day off but this is what I normally do when I can't sleep, why change the habit of a lifetime? Let's face it, I haven’t got much of one left. E-mails checked and answered, I choose a dress for the ball tomorrow night, all three are black, and it is the only colour I wear to functions. I remembered he arrived here in his work clothes, I called down to reception after finding his sizes and made sure someone went out in the morning to get him fresh clothes. I slipped back into bed and lay beside Christopher careful not to wake him. Letting him stay isn’t my normal style, normally I would have asked him to leave but he looked so peaceful sleeping I didn’t want to wake him. He rolled round and pulled me closer, leaving his arm draped across my waist, I thought he had woken up but when I looked at him he was still asleep, he wanted to hold me and he didn’t do it consciously. Another first, I fell asleep again.

  When I woke this time it was to a knock at the door, it was morning and I was alone. I don’t know why I was expecting any less, hang on, this is what I wanted. To have sex with him then send him away. So why was I feeling gutted that he had left? When I sat up to put my robe on I noticed men’s work boots by the door, he must still be here. I answered the door to a man holding my requested shopping bags.

  “Put them over there please.” I said pointing to the bed.

  “Everything is in there as you requested Miss Collins.”

  “Thank you.” I replied, handing him a large tip.

  After he left I walked into the en-suite and there was Christopher in the shower. Standing there watching him I couldn’t figure out the effect he had on me and so quickly. I didn’t want him to leave. I had to pull myself together, I was about to leave when he turned around and saw me, his smile was radiant and stopped me in my tracks.

  “Good morning.” he said getting out of the shower, he wasn’t shy with no clothes on in front of me, “I didn’t wake you, did I?” he asked.

  “Actually quite the opposite Christopher.” I knew he wouldn’t understand what I meant, I was happy with that.

  “Is it worth me getting dressed?” he asked smirking at me, I began to blush. What? Blush? What the hell?

  “It depends on what you want for breakfast?” I said walking towards him undoing my robe at the same time. The way he made me feel so alive was scary and ironic as I am dying.

  “I think I am ready for breakfast now.” he said laughing, I liked the sound of his laugh, it was deep and throaty.

  “Me too, I can order up or we can go out for breakfast.”

  “I think it will be safer if we eat out.” he said looking around. Oh, he must be looking for his clothes.

  “Look in the bag.” I said pointing to the bags by the bed. He picked them up and pulled the garments out. He didn’t say anything for what felt like ages, I didn’t know if he liked them or not. I had only ever seen him in his work clothes or withou
t nothing on at all, I prefer the latter.

  “You brought me clothes?” he asked

  “Well I noticed you didn’t have any clean, if you don’t like them I can have them returned.” I said hoping that was the problem because he didn’t look happy.

  “How did you know my sizes and when did you do this?” he asked slipping into the jeans, at least he was going to wear them.

  “Look, it is no problem. It is not like I want everyone seeing you leave in the clothes you came here in. I called down in the night to have someone go and buy you them. Like I said, if you don’t like them I can have them returned.” I snapped, I didn’t like him questioning my actions. He looked up at me, he looked like he was trying to figure me out, good luck with that I thought.

  “It’s not that I don’t like them, I just haven’t had anyone buy me clothes to go home in after sex before.” he said, it felt like he had slapped me.

  I hadn’t thought that was how he would perceive it, how did I think it would be? I most certainly didn’t think I would feel like I was paying for sex with clothes. This was too much for me, this was why I never done small talk with people.

  I could feel my anger building up and taking deep breaths wasn’t going to calm me down anytime soon.

  “It is not payment or anything, if that is how it makes you feel you should leave. It was a simple gesture.” I said grabbing my clothes and walked into the bathroom.

  I immediately splashed cold water over my face trying to calm myself down or wake myself up from this dream of thinking there is something here with him that isn’t. I don’t want or need anything from him. Yesterday was what I needed after the week I had had, a means to an end. I couldn’t hear anything in the other room. He must of left. Means to an end Jasmine! I told myself. A day of shopping should fill the departure of the very hot Christopher Jenson, yes shopping. When I opened the door I was almost feeling myself again until I saw him sitting on the edge of the bed. He was still here.

  “I was shocked you thought to do that Miss Collins. I am sitting in over seven hundred pounds worth of designer clothes because you thought of me. I don’t want to leave, I have the whole weekend free and if you want we can have a few more repeat performances of last night?” he said. I suppose spending time with him for one weekend would be okay. Half of me felt out of my depth, I hadn’t spent this long with the same person for over ten years but let’s face it, I would have fun playing with him.