Page 4 of Incurable Hearts

  “I have a charity ball to attend tonight, if you would like to spend the weekend with me you would have to be my date for the evening” I said walking towards him, it would put those gay rumours to sleep.

  “I am sure I can accompany you Jasmine.” he said it with such confidence that was my first name. I stopped dead in my tracks. How the hell does he know my first name? I hadn’t told him. My head was screaming for air, I remembered to breath and slowly started to back away from him, he stood up and slowly walked towards me.

  “You think I don’t remember who you are? I knew who you were as soon as I saw you.” I knew that I knew him from somewhere, and he knows me. How? Where from?

  “Who are you?” I whispered.

  “You don’t remember who I am?” he sounded hurt. I shook my head slowly.

  “We used to hang around the estate when we were teenagers, we didn’t really speak to each other much although we did hook up once at a New Years Eve party.”

  It all came back to me, I do know who he is. He was the only guy at the time I wanted to have sex with and it lasted for all of two minutes. I remember feeling shy with him afterwards. That was the last time I spoke to him.

  He had so changed so much since then hence why I didn’t recognise him.

  “Why?” I asked him, I had always wanted to know why he didn’t talk to me after that night. He was careful with his words.

  “For starters, you didn’t talk to me either and you had a lot to drink I didn’t know if you remembered or not” I shuddered at the memory, “And secondly, don’t take offence but I thought you had slept with half of my mates, I didn’t think I was any different from them.” Offence definitely taken! He saw my expression and quickly carried on, “But shortly after that night I found out you hadn’t, they all thought you were a prick tease. I have regretted it ever since you disappeared.”

  I disappeared all right, I made my millions and never looked back, well, sometimes I did but I didn’t dwell on it for too long. This was so much to take in. Here standing in my hotel suite is the man who changed my life more than he would ever know, but he was most certainly making up for it. I had to say something it had been silent for too long.

  “Everyone used to call you CJ.” I said randomly, my memories I had spent years trying to repress were resurfacing rapidly.

  “They still do apart from you, you always called me Christopher and still do.” he smirked. Oh no this was dangerous territory, the emotions coursing through me were impossible to explain. I don’t want reminders of my past wrapped around me, I have fought myself for too long to keep detached from everyone I knew, and now here part of my past is standing before me dressed finely in Calvin Klein.

  “What is wrong Jas?” he asked. I flinched at hearing for the first time in years him call me Jas. Gain control Jasmine Collins, this isn’t how it was supposed to go.

  “Nothing is wrong. We will go and have breakfast, we will spend the weekend together and on Monday morning I will disappear again.” His face was a picture. Completely shocked at my words, he didn’t know what to say. I got my purse and motioned we should leave.

  “If you don’t mind I would like to buy you a Tux for tonight…unless you say no again.” I say sarcastically in the lift.

  “After the last twenty-four hours I can’t ever imagine saying no to you again.” he said, at least he had recovered from my bluntness and found his voice.

  “You won’t have the chance to after this weekend Mr Jenson.” I said taking hold of his hand this time and leading him out in the brisk morning sun.

  After a late breakfast in a side street café, I took him to the tailors where I have Henrys suits made. While he was choosing which one he wanted I used the time to call Henry and clarify I was taking a plus one tonight and to be ready to pick us up at seven-thirty. Once that was done, my thoughts returned to the gorgeous Christopher, I had Henry dig for information on him when it turned out I knew him all along. I kept reassuring myself it was only one weekend and then he would be gone from my life. Most of the time Christopher never took his eyes of me, which was beginning to worry me.

  “Mr Jenson has chosen well Miss Collins, will this be suitable?” David asked showing me the tux.

  “Yes.” I said handing him my card to pay, Christopher didn’t like that he had asked for my final opinion, that was tough luck, if he was going to be seen with me he had to be dressed the part.

  “He will also need a black mask, simple, no decorative pieces.” I instructed.

  “Certainly.” he said before scurrying away.

  “To your satisfaction? And you didn’t mention anything about masks.” Christopher said taking hold of my hand again.

  “Oh yes, it is a shame you have to wear anything at all but it is a masked ball we are attending.” I said flirting with him, flirting came naturally around him. As soon as we left the tailors one of his friends from yesterday came walking towards us. This friend always seemed to be around when I was with Christopher which was becoming annoying

  “Hey man, I would ask where you got to yesterday but I think I know.” he said winking at me. Really?

  “Jase this is Jasmine Collins, Jas this is my mate Jase Bent.” he introduced us in a way that he was trying to make me remember his friend too.

  His face didn’t ring any bells, none at all. He looked dumbfounded. My heart began to beat frantically again.

  “Jasmine Collins you have changed, I almost didn’t recognise you,” he said after kissing my cheek.

  “Like wise.” I muttered making it obvious I wasn’t comfortable here. Thankfully my phone started to ring, I held my hand up to say I was taking the call, I didn’t go far so I could still hear them talking.

  “Hey, are you still coming tonight?” Jase asked Christopher. I thought he didn’t have any plans this weekend?

  “I have got something else planned tonight, we might pop in after depending if we have time.”

  I very much doubt we would have time for anything if it involves people from my past. I hung up my call and walked back to Christopher who claimed my hand once again, the handholding was becoming instinctive.

  “Is everything okay?” he asked me.

  “It was Henry, my hair stylist will be arriving at the hotel shortly.” I lied. She wasn’t due till four o’clock but I wanted to leave.

  “Okay, I got to go Jase.” he said.

  “Okay, I will hopefully see you both later. Everyone is going to be shocked to see you again Jasmine,” he answered looking at me.

  What? No-no I wasn’t going there, I was getting rid of this tiny part of my past called Christopher on Monday, I don’t want anyone else in my life again.

  “You said you didn’t have any plans this weekend.” I challenged him as we began to walk back to the hotel.

  “I had nothing I couldn’t cancel at a moments notice,” he said.

  Obviously he did as he was still trying to make whatever him and Jase had planned possible.

  When I walked out of the en-suite with my hair loosely falling around my shoulders in soft curls, light makeup, wearing my skin-tight black floor length dress and black mask encrusted with diamonds Christopher turned and saw me.

  I knew what he was thinking I could see it all over his face. He was speechless. He was dressed in his tux, I felt like I was melting at the sight of him, he really did look like a god with his blonde hair setting the blackness of the tux off, he was holding his mask in his hand.

  “You don’t need to put that on until we get there.” I told him.

  “You look sensational,” he said holding me close to him, probably making sure I was real.

  “Thank you, you don’t look so bad yourself Mr Jenson.” I said stepping away from his embrace because if I stood that close to him for much longer we wouldn’t be going anywhere.

  “So, are you going to tell me what it is you do?” he asked.

  “I work in cosmetics.” was all I said, he didn’t need to know the ins and outs.

p; He looked like he didn’t believe me but I didn’t care if he didn’t. I received a text from Henry alerting me that he was here.

  “Ready?” I asked walking to the door.

  “What is tonight going to be like?” he asked.

  “Deathly boring but with you there it might not be so bad.” I smiled up at him. We rode in the lift in silence holding hands, it was strange how simply holding his hand made me feel so alive.

  “Does he always drive you?” he asked looking at Henry.

  “Yes, that is what I pay him for.”

  “Miss Collins, Mr Jenson.” Henry said nodding his head opening the door for us.

  “Thank you Henry, how long is the journey going to take?”

  “Fifteen minutes.”

  Christopher’s hair seemed to shine in the darkness of the car, he looked hot right now. He caught me staring at him and smiled, my body ached for him.

  “I think you do more than just work in cosmetics Jas.” he said after a while of driving in silence, immediately Henrys eyes were on me in the rear view mirror, this is the first time he has heard anyone call me by my first name too.

  “And what makes you think that?” I ask ignoring Henry. I must invest in some earplugs for him.

  “We are being chauffer driven to a ball in the middle of nowhere in a Bentley. Plus you spent over two grand on me today without breaking a sweat and from what I have seen so far everyone rallies round you like you are royalty.” he pointed out, maybe he had a point.

  “Does it matter?” I asked, he was silent for a moment,

  “No.” he murmured.

  “Well put your mask on, smile for the cameras and let's try to have fun because we are here.” I said. I saw him gulp when he saw the red carpet leading up to the big doors and the cameras waiting for us to get out of the car.

  “This is not what I was expecting Jas.” he whistled.

  “It never is.” I murmured getting out of the car.

  I had never been one to linger around having my picture taken, I made sure they got their photographs and swiftly guided Christopher to the doors to a party I am positive he has never been to before.

  I was immediately the centre of attention, people began to come over to say hello, even though they are wearing masks similar to mine I knew who they all were.

  “Nice to see you again Miss Collins.” William Stone said kissing my hand softly. I hope his son isn’t here, after our last time together it could make tonight awkward with Christopher here.

  “Good evening William, this is Christopher Jenson, my date for the evening.” I said as they shook hands.

  “We don’t normally see you with a fine looking man on your arm.” he joked. I had left out that William was gay, although Christopher had probably worked that out for himself looking at William near enough drooling after him.

  “Well, now you do.” I said raising my eyebrow, “If you will excuse us we have to find our table.”

  “Of course, another time.” he smiled at Christopher, who didn’t know what to say.

  “Don’t worry about him, he is harmless.” I told him as we were shown to our seats.

  “Sure, so what is going to happen tonight?” he asked taking in our surroundings.

  “There will be food, auctions and dancing. People will stop by the table to congratulate me on my last deal, they will say how amazed they are at the amount I donated last year and will want to know if I will be matching it this year.” I said as matter of fact. These kinds of events were so predictable.

  “How much did you donate last year?” he asked.

  “Five millions pounds.” I answered bluntly. The organisation helps young people in whatever art they partake in and opens doors for them to succeed. Christopher repeated the amount like he couldn’t or didn’t believe me.

  “Are you going to match it this year?” he obviously wanted to know before everyone else.

  “I haven’t made my mind up yet, we will see how much is raised by the end of the night.” I shrugged.

  “You really are a different person,” he said in shock.

  It wasn’t long before other guests came by the table to congratulate me, I gave a quick told-you-so look to Christopher. He was taking everything he heard about me in like a sponge. Nobody here knew too much about me so I wasn’t worried what he was finding out.

  “I saw Willis on the golf course last week, he said it was an amicable take over, but I heard through the grape vine that it was hostile.” John Carson said sitting opposite us at the table. He owns racehorses. His family is from old money and he likes to lord it over everyone he speaks to. He has made numerous advances towards me over the last few years all to no avail, which has pissed him off immensely. His voice oozed with cockiness.

  “There was nothing hostile about it John, if you spent more time playing golf than listening to gossip you may be a better player, that is what I heard through the grape vine.” I said smiling sweetly at him that shut him up. He turned back to his date, which I wouldn’t be surprised if she were from an agency and ignored me.

  “Was it hostile?” Christopher murmured close to me so no one else could hear.

  “I wanted his company, he didn’t want to sell it at first but the company is now mine. You can draw your own conclusions.” I said. He shook his head disbelieving me.

  We enjoyed our meal and when our dessert was served, that was when everyone seemed interested in who Christopher was.

  “Christopher, what is it you do?” William asked him.

  “I work in the construction business.” he replied shortly not interested in having conversations with these people. I knew how he felt. William must have noticed as he swiftly started a new conversation with John.

  “Don’t worry after the auction we will leave.” I assured him, he looked relieved.

  “How about we meet up with Jase?” he asked. I remembered him saying to him he would see if we had enough time.

  “Where?” I ask nervously.

  “They will be at The Place, it is a club in town.”

  Of course it was! How did it go from meeting Jase to they?

  “I am not sure.” I said absolutely hating the idea.

  “Why not?” he insisted. How could I explain I didn’t want anything to do with them? That being in crowded places were masses of people were in close proximity terrified me?

  “I don’t like being in crowded places.” I said not going into much detail.

  “You will be fine, plus I will be there with you the whole time.” he assured me. I pushed my dessert away suddenly losing my appetite. “We wouldn’t have to stay long, just show our faces and leave,” he urged.

  “Who would we be showing our faces too?” I asked dreading his reply.

  “My mates, you know some of them from the estate,” he said as if this was helping his pleas.

  “I don’t remember many people from back then, I…” before I could finish he interrupted me.

  “Don’t worry about that, I will help you out if you don’t remember their names.” It wasn’t their names that concerned me. He wasn’t letting this go.

  “Fine I will go but I am not staying long.” I warned him as he smiled his victory. The auctioneer saved him from me changing my mind again.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, if I could have your attention please the auction is about to begin.”

  Christopher was reading the sheet of items that were being auctioned, there was nothing of interest to me this year to bid on, and I decided a check would have to suffice.

  Apart from Christopher looking shocked at the amounts items were being sold for he looked bored.

  Slyly I ran my hand up his inner thigh stopping at the top and repeating it again, I had taken him by surprise as he jumped half out of his seat. He looked at me and I gave him my most flirtatious smile, he relaxed back in his chair and discreetly moved it closer to mine. After the first half of the auction I made our excuses and pulled Christopher towards the exit.

  “The auctio
n isn’t over yet,”

  “Having fun was you?” I said sarcastically,

  “Not really but the leg massage made it bearable.”

  “If you want me to go to this club, then we should go now so we can get back to the hotel as soon as possible.” I said hoping he would know what I was implying. Planting the seed of a promise to get me out of the club when I wanted. He began walking faster when he understood what I meant. Henry got out of the car when he saw us.

  “You are early Miss Collins,” he noted.

  “I couldn’t sit through anymore, can you see that a check is sent.” I asked him,

  “Certainly, how much will you be donating?” I looked at Christopher and saw he was interested to know to.

  “Let’s double last year’s, ten million.” I said, I could make it twenty and still not miss the money. A part of me was showing of, for some reason I wanted Christopher to see how far I had come since I last saw him all those years ago. I got into the car feeling powerful.

  He took his mask of and slipped it in his pocket when he got into the car.

  “That was…different.”

  “For me too.” I agreed although I mean it in a completely different context. I sat in the middle on the way back so I could rest my head on his shoulder. He smiled down at me and put his arm around my shoulder. He smelt extraordinary too, deep and dark.

  “Where to Miss Collins?” Henry asked from the front seat. I looked to Christopher who was smiling reassuringly at me.

  “The place night club in town please, then you may go home.” I said.

  “Are you sure?” he asked loaded with so many questions in one.

  “Yes.” I had been feeling good today. A slight headache at the ball but that could have been down to boredom. The tension uncoiled when I heard him make the phone call.