Page 11 of An Angel's Ascent

  “Oh. Yeah, he told me. So are you okay?”

  “I’m getting better , and I’m still going tonight. Would you like to come in for a minute?”

  He nodded and followed me. I hoped this didn't back fire.

  Aries must’ve known I was bringing him in because he stood up. He looked at me, Michael, and then held out his hand. He seemed unsure of what I wanted , and I felt spikes of jealousy and anger. Ah, hell… I could never get it right when it came to men.

  Michael looked back and forth between us, skepticism clearly all over his face. Denial, anger, jealousy and intense feelings of betrayal hit me from him. I nearly buckled. How was it like this? Well, that’s certainly men for you.

  “Hi Michael, I’m Aries, band leader of the Undead Ones.” Aries thankfully remembered his manners, although it was clearly obvious who he was. Aries was also in the same outfit as before so it was clear he had not been home.

  “Hi. So he stayed over?” he asked looking at me accusingly after only glancing in Aries direction. He looked confused and more than a little upset. I couldn’t blame him, much. It was not any of his business though, when it came down to it. I was an adult.

  “Don't worry, I’ve been a total gentleman,” he said holding his hands up as if to ward something off. Aries must have sensed some of the things I was from him.

  “Michael, I’m going to be honest, I like Aries a lot, and I don't know where our friendship may end up, and it is just friendship at the moment. He travels and I own a business. You're a great friend Michael, you’ve been a lot of help to me and I don't want to lose you. I can see that you feel more... But you’re just a friend to me…” emphasizing friend, and then an idea hit me.

  “Raven likes you that way, and you haven't really seen it because all you can see is me. It’s not fair to any of us if I don’t tell you this. Go downstairs and invite Raven with you tonight, give her the chance you and she deserve. I’ll close the store and pay her for the night. I guarantee you that both of you will have some fun. She needs a really great guy like you. You two could make each other really happy. She’s a great friend of mine and a fantastic woman, and I know if you give her a chance you will see it too.” She was so going to love me.

  Michael smiled at the part where I complimented him, men, but then it seemed realization hit him hard. He was barking up the wrong tree, as they say. Feelings of embarrassed pain, sorrow, and anger hit him, then humility, then dawned the intrigue and general amusement. Damn, the opposite sex had major emotional baggage. You could never tell it just from looking at them though, hard as stone. A little slow at times too it seemed.

  “Thank you Angel. I’m sorry I didn't see this before. Aries I’ll stomp your ass if you hurt her,” the last was said with a smile. Well, at least he was getting the bigger picture, like I said, good friend.

  Michael was strong, an athlete but Aries I knew could handle him easily. Not that I’d say anything of course.

  “No worries there kid. I couldn't hurt her if I tried. She's a miraculous woman , and I feel lucky just to know her. I know you know what I mean.” Know, know, and know… wow I would have been tongue tied.

  I walked my friend out, wondering what Aries was implying. He had met me roughly twenty-four hours ago and couldn't know much about me.

  After showing Michael out I returned to Aries who was now standing at the window.

  “So you like me a lot?” he asked as he turned. Amusement glinted from his eyes and the half grin. Was that confidence I sensed? He was being egotistical again.

  “Without question, but I think it has to do with fate, if I love someone I want to be the judge of that. So far I think I’d have felt these things anyways, maybe this magical whatever knows we are right for each other and takes feelings we’d have had anyways and just started us out this strongly with them. I hope that’s the case. I don’t want to be in love with some maniac, insane, evil person.”

  “I can assure you that I’m none of those things, I may be a monster though. I might be a protector of the innocent, but not evil. At least I don’t think I’m evil. I’m nowhere near good, though. I’ve sinned as any man does. I’ve committed acts of anger, violence, and murder. I’ve slept with quite a few women, while mortal, never married, and gambled and drank. I have coveted things that are not mine, like a normal life. I don’t think I’m the right person for you, even if you are this foretold warrior. I should be the last man you want, but if you want me then I’m here.

  “I’ll protect you with my life, provide anything you need or want, make you as happy as I can, think of you first, and be your hero but only IF you want me to. Not because we have no choice, not because your this warrior, and not because your innocent. Because your, well, you. I may not have known you long , but I’m an excellent judge of character. I see little things , and that’s enough for me. I don’t know who decides these things, but I’m glad they chose you.”

  I didn’t know what to say to all this. I walked up to him and standing on tip toes, wrapped my hands around his head bringing it down to my level. I looked into his eyes and tried to feel everything he felt. Something I’ve never tried to do before, to purposely try to read a person. I reached to the deepest part of him, his core and searched there. What he said, he believed. There weren’t any sly, greedy, or selfish feelings anywhere that I could tell. Only honest open concern, worry, and a small fear followed by a steady stream of love. It had to be.

  I don’t think anyone could fake that, no matter if they were human or not. They’d have other feelings along with those. I kissed his luscious mouth slowly, tenderly, and pulled away. I let go and stepped back. Our first kiss was amazing, but did not last as long as I would’ve liked. Aries looked like he wanted to drag me back.

  “That’s good enough for me I guess.”

  “So what time do you have to be back at the club tonight?” I asked.

  “Now, do you have anything you have to do?”

  “Close the store with Raven.”

  “You close up while I attempt to feed nearby. I can’t be around all those humans and be as hungry as I am.”

  I understood, even if I didn’t like it.

  He reached for me and pulled me tightly to his chest. I hugged back letting the emotions swirl through me. He was too good for me. I don’t care what he thought.

  “I think I can survive, as long as I know you’ll be back. That long anyways,” I told him, to hell with these feelings of desperation and neediness. I could survive without him, at least for thirty minutes or so.

  “I'll be back as soon as I find someone.”

  I hugged him and let him go. He left , and I gathered my keys, purse, and stuff so I could head downstairs.

  As soon as I sensed he was about a block away I panicked. I clutched my chest and melted to the floor. I held my legs to my body and rocked back and forth, some weird crying sounds began along with whimpers and tears. I realized that I was crying. Oh hell...

  Aries had moved faster than he ever had. He wasn’t sure he could handle the immense pain building. Insanity ripped at him. He could only move so fast with the humans nearby, but he managed a swift entrancement and got a few drops in. He felt like saying fuck it. It wasn’t worth it and not enough to sustain him. A knife was twisting in his heart , and he almost stumbled. Nothing had hurt this much since his death and rebirth.

  Aries quickly closed the mortals wrist wound and not caring if he seemed crazy or blurred he ran back. He needed her beyond anything, beyond the torture he’d endured before he learned to feed. He’d almost died again then, but this was worse, much more so. He’d have to do without feeding adequately, yet in the back of his mind he knew better than that. He’d be a danger to people. Maybe the guys could get bagged blood. They’d done that before. Bagged blood was not as healing as fresh because some of the cells began to die almost immediately after being donated. You had to drink three times as much , and it tasted stale.

  Inside his heart thudded, ripped in two before it
felt like it was crushed. He stumbled, fell to his knees, but was up and running again. Angel...Sorrow so immense it nearly incapacitated him, such that he had never known. At that moment all that mattered at all, was her, being with her, holding her. If he felt like this, then how was she, a mere mortal, handling it?

  If he had to crawl, he wouldn’t let anything stop him. The need for her was driving him to a speed that he thought nearly impossible, now beyond human sight. She was suffering , and he knew it, he was causing it.

  Aries would stop it. He was just about at her building now.

  When he reached the storefront, he forced himself to slow, so as to not panic the lady inside. Raven was her name he remembered, belatedly, and that fool Michael.

  Aries cursed himself for leaving Angel, hungry or not. He needed her now, needed to reassure himself she was okay, needed to feel her pressed to him.

  As he hurried past Raven, who smiled and was going to introduce herself , but she could see he was in a rush. Whatever the reason, it had to be painful because his brows were pulled down and he had a grimace on his sexy face, scary, like he had a hard on and nowhere to relieve himself. She laughed to herself and said it was about time. He probably needed condoms or something , and that was why he’d run out.

  Sex among adults was a wondrous thing to her. Raven’s parents had raised her in the open-minded way, thankfully.

  Michael only seemed curious, skeptical even. As a virgin the thought of Aries wanting sex was not an idea that had occurred to him. He was raised with semi-religious parents, and sex before marriage was bad, but sex within twenty-four hours of meeting a person was not just a sin but completely not within his realm of possibilities.

  When Aries reached the stairs, out of Raven’s and Michael’s sight, he flew up them and sailed through the door. He heard her fighting for her breath. He found her on the floor beside the bed and gasped. She was sitting, holding her knees, and staring into space, catatonically. She was completely beyond the pain. He noted the paleness, dark circles, and way she was gritting her teeth. He had done this to her; it was his fault...


  He picked her up from the floor and cradled her to his chest. Angel was so light in his arms. So brittle that he nearly dropped Angel for fear of hurting her more than she already was.

  I must have been that way for some time, because I heard an angels voice that brought me back to myself. My body was a little cramped.

  The angel I heard was whispering, at first urgently for me to wake up, and then it became Aries voice.


  I was no longer in pain or worse in a black void that was empty of everything. Sobs choked themselves off, as I pulled myself up.

  What had happened to me? I couldn’t remember at first.

  He pulled me into his arms and carried me to the bed.

  I clutched him to me. He made soothing sounds as he rubbed my back in circular motions.

  I pulled myself as close as I could to him, eager to wrap myself tightly around him.

  “I'm sorry Angel. I didn't think it would be this bad. I wouldn't have left you if I’d known. I barely made three blocks. It’s my fault, love. Forgive me.”

  Waves of anger at himself, torment, and misery welled up from him. I noticed he felt just as bad. So how had he stayed together? I could feel my sanity returning once more.

  “It’s not your fault. I’m okay.” I felt myself relax.

  Damn it to hell, I was a pathetic blubbering lunatic.

  We knew we needed to leave, but I couldn’t bring myself to untangle from him. We’d be late, not a good first impression.

  “Holy elfin hell, will it always be this way?” My idea of cussing did not appear to humor him at the moment. I had picked up the elfin word while reading a series , and it had just stuck with me.

  “I don’t know, Angel. I wish I did. I need to talk to the guys. If you think your ready, we’ll go ask them.”

  “Alright, I’m fine now. I’m sorry I went hysterical. I hate this.”

  Aries detached himself and waited for me.

  I stood and pulled my boots on quickly.

  Once more I grabbed my keys and glanced at Aries, who was pacing in front of my door with a self-induced guilty expression. I went to him and leaned against him for a moment. I felt angry that this had happened. I wanted to lash out at someone, anyone, and make them hurt too. Why us? His scent engulfed me , and it calmed my maddened state. He smelled so utterly mouthwatering. Like a fresh, manly, clean clothes smell and the new deodorant men were crazy for.

  Aries had his jacket slung over one arm ready for me. He walked out while I locked up my apartment. We hurried downstairs to find Michael lounging near Raven asking her a million questions. She was ecstatic and shot me a quizzical look. I smiled as I walked towards her, shrugging. Michael seemed embarrassed.

  “Raven I don’t know if Michael told you , but I want you guys to go to the club, I’m going to lock up. Have we had any business?”

  “Made a couple K's,” she replied, smiling ear to ear.

  “That’s good. Here’s your pay for today and yesterday.” I handed her two hundred, which was fifty more than usual.

  “Um this is...” Raven started, honest to her core. I just loved how she was so pure and good.

  “I know you did a great job. I’m in a generous mood anyways. I’ve been making more than usual. Alright well, you two go and we’ll see you guys in a bit.”

  They both left while I counted the register and dumped it in the safe.

  Within minutes, I was done and setting the alarm as I walked out, door locked. We walked at a brisk pace to the club. It was almost eight thirty by this time. My day had flown by. The guys were going to strangle him or me.

  The bouncer saw Aries and let us in. Frank waved us over. He looked worried.

  “The guys were upset about you taking her home and not coming back. I cooled them off for you though. They are in the back, the VIP room waiting on you while this garage band makes some noise between their sets. They tried calling your store Angel but some chick named Raven answered. She said she didn’t know where you were , but Angel was fine.”

  I thanked him and we walked to the back, me following Aries. I still had his hand and dropped it now thinking it might be better for him, first impressions and all. His friends would be mad as it was.

  “Aries!” they bellowed as he walked in the room. Several were just worried; two were angry, one was shocked as well.

  They jumped up and started bum rushing questions, some not so pleasant about me. They all looked me over. I felt like a prize steer at a country auction, more like third place.

  “We have to go on stage now, when we’re done we’ll talk, her too,” one of the guys said.

  I nodded and watched them leave. I thought about how needy I had become in the last twenty four hours. I was pitiful and had sworn I’d never depend on some man like this. Why me, yeah he was beyond gorgeous, but why all the mushy feelings and stuff. Couldn’t I just feel the need to be near him without passing out or going catatonic? I was becoming very antsy, and was unable to go to him. My body called to his.

  I waited impatiently for them to finish up for the night, which felt like forever.

  I figured I should go watch or something, but I honestly didn’t think that was a good idea, I was nearly hyperventilating and couldn’t speak. Every now and then a single sob or whimper would escape, making me feel three again. I wandered back out eventually though, out of sheer boredom or undeniable need. I had to see him.

  I found a table and realized that sitting was the problem. I needed to burn some energy and frustration, sore or not. I found a spot on the dance floor, looked up at him adoringly, reassured myself he was nearby and then eased into a rhythm. I threw in some martial art moves trying to be creative and unique while being sexy. The outcome was better than I planned. Somehow the rotating spotlight found me and made me nervous, I kept moving. I toned it down until the light moved on
, and tried not to look at the stage too much. I knew what would happen if I did.

  I felt like I was in some horror or sci-fi movie where the chick realizes the world is not as it seems and there is nothing she can do about it.

  I let the emotions I felt seep into me and found a single guy to dance with. It didn’t feel right in some ways, but I told myself I wasn’t doing anything wrong. The guy kept trying to get close and put his hands on me. I would just dance out of his reach. He never gave up, the stubborn fool.

  “Come on, baby, let me feel those bad ass curves...”

  “No touchy.” I said backing up some more out of his reach, already looking for another partner or Michael and Raven.

  “Your boyfriend going to hurt me?” he asked trying again...

  “No, I will.” I said, now at this point just standing there with my arms crossed.

  “I don’t bite, hard...” He told me biting at the air like some moron. My god, I thought I was pathetic. What woman would be turned on by this asshole?

  “I do though, jack ass!” Aries growled menacingly with his fangs flashing; he must have set this song out. Probably because I was dancing with guys, and I hadn’t even noticed, mentally occupied as I was... He could’ve seen us from the stage. He gave the guy a look that sent him slinking off.

  “Jealous?” I asked, kind of impressed. I already knew that answer though, hee hee.

  “And if I am?” Aries asked roughly, looking guilty, maybe a little ashamed. He inched toward me his arms barely restrained from reaching out to my body. I had to remind myself that he had not asked for this either and guys were not so good with the emotional roller coaster we women experienced daily.

  “Well I’ve only known you a day longer so. Most people would say any man had a right to a dance if I was willing,” I replied shrugging, and then wrapping my arms around his neck. I could not restrain myself either, but that was okay.