Page 12 of An Angel's Ascent

  “Yes, if you hadn’t asked him to keep his hands to himself more than once. I couldn’t allow him to touch you. I think I’d have torn him apart, and that just scares me.” Aries sighed lifting me up into his arms so that my feet left the floor and he could rest his forehead against mine. I felt my stomach drop away, tears fill my eyes, and an unnamable emotion hit me hard. I could not handle the feelings inside me. My throat constricted, my arms tightened around him and one single tear made its way slowly down my check, it‘s path headed for my neck.

  Aries was bursting with jealousy and anxiousness. The tension poured off him. He was uncertain, something that rarely happened I was sure, all because of me. I kissed his jaw and trailed my way to his neck eager to take away the uncertainty. I needed to feel him.

  Oh elfin hell, I thought to myself, feeling corny. When have I ever felt like this?

  We danced. Well he swayed and held me, until he had to go back. I sat down then and drank a few coolers. My mind wandered to the latest events, and I tried to make sense of it. What if I was in love with this man, and if I was this heroine, then what? I stop running my shop and go slaughter demons and whatever else was out there being bad? Would I have to give up being a witch? That was who I was, magic was a part of me, always was and always would be. That was something I refused to part with, to hell with whatever stood between me and my magic.

  Would I have to become a vampire too? Was there some way to get out of this and deep down did I want to? Wasn’t this what I always wanted? To find some vampire who would sweep me off my dainty feet. Who’d love me and make me feel wanted.

  Damn it, couldn’t someone just tell me hey, go this way, your meant to be like this and do it this way. Oh shit free will. There should be a manual or something. Here, are some guidelines to help with the chaos you call life. I rolled my eyes and took a deep drink of my wine cooler.

  It was near midnight when I headed back to the room unable to keep my hands off the next guy who groveled at my feet for a dance, and I don’t mean in a nice way. I was going to rip their filthy hands off and then knock out their teeth.

  The guys were already there, discussing me. I just walked in and sat next to Aries, reaching for him as he did for me. They were throwing remarks back and forth, about me.


  “She's the one,” Aries whispered interrupting their debate and with their preternatural hearing, even over the chaos, they still heard him.

  That shut them up, three words. They all sat down. Aries got back up and closed the door. After sitting he reached once more for my hand, pulling me closer to him so that we touched from shoulder to elbow and hip to knee.

  “I talked to her and between what I’ve seen, heard, and felt... she is... her.” He informed them haltingly with a deep distinction on her, and his head bowed. He raised his head once more and looked at each of them stopping long enough to look deep into their eyes.

  “Why are you holding her hand, and how come you didn't tell us this before you ran away with her?” the one with blond hair asked.

  “Arch, I think I’m her mate. I shouldn’t have these intense feelings if I was just to call her. We did what we were asked to do these last three hundred years. We found the one who’ll change the world,” he replied with a sigh.

  “We all feel something it’s true, at least I do but I can say it isn’t love or even lust, just a need to be with her. Be near her, watch her, maybe protect her but I have no impulse to hold her hand.”

  “It’s more like she has been a long lost sister, Aries. I believe you when you say she’s the goddess reincarnated. I’m sure the others do as well, but remember what she said?”

  The guys nodded.

  “I do, and Angel here has a good point guys. What if she wanted us to refrain simply because one of us was meant to be her mate? None us has had sex since we were changed, its true and I haven’t either. It’s been hell seeing all these women and not being able to bed them. Honestly after the first hundred years I stopped caring. It makes sense if you think about it.”

  They all looked at each other and shrugged.

  “Thorn, Switch, Cross, Arch, Madness, have I ever lied to you? Ever do anything to remotely lose your trust? I haven’t, and never will. Trust me when I say she’s my mate. Hell I can even walk in sunlight you guys can't. What more do we need? If you could feel what I do, then you’d have no doubt. It took us until dusk to figure it out. I tried to leave her, but we both ended up in pure agony. “Then this afternoon I went to feed, and it felt as if half my soul had been ripped out and left behind. It took everything I had to get a sip or two. I felt raw, like someone had burned me from the inside out. From fifteen minutes guys, tell me that doesn't seem like what she told us.”

  “I don’t know; it does sound familiar, Kali told us a lot of things, and it’s been so long.” Madness replied.

  I looked up as he spoke and for the first time really saw him. His long dark hair hid most of his face from view. He saw my curiousness and pushed his hair back, closing his eyes. He emitted a tortured feeling of despair, followed by bitterness, thinking I would judge him, as well. Which I did but not in a mean way, this man was truly beautiful, marred only by a jagged scar that ran from his left temple across his brow and eyelid down to his nose and upper lip, his nose and eyebrow on that side was pierced with studs. The scar was white against his smooth, tanned skin. I wanted to trace that scar, gently trying to ease some of the horror he felt for no just reason. No woman could hold it against him. He was truly beautiful, scar or no.

  “If she were reincarnated into Angel here, I would guess that she would possess her. I mean our Kali died hundreds of years ago. If we had grown old, I would have stopped believing. Hell, I tried to screw some chick right after Harden did, but it wouldn’t get up,” Madness added, now looking at me, seeing that I didn’t think him a monster, didn’t see him as some pitifully scarred man. He was no different to me than any of the others. For this, he was simply grateful, it was better than my original thought of sympathy which was something he didn’t want, it being too close to pity.

  “Wait, so some dead woman will possess me? I’m sorry, but this sounds ludicrous and just plain nonsense, scary even.” I couldn’t imagine being possessed. Now that I wasn’t so distracted I could reply to this conversation.

  “We may not have a choice. She said that if we had truly found her she would come to us if I remember correctly. Of her own free will. If Aries here is indeed her mate, than all that’s left is you two doing the deed, and her finding her sword and dagger,” Cross replied. He had short blond hair, spiked with blue dye throughout. His nose, eyebrow, and ear all pierced with several small silver hoops.

  “She has to have the baby,” Arch replied. His face was dark, almost evil looking, making me think of some angel of death. His pale ice blue eyes almost clear, his black hair long, straight, and silky. His angular face appearing almost inhuman in some angelic fashion, causing her to shudder, not with fear but awe. He had a tattoo on his neck, but from this angle, I could not see what it was.

  “Yeah but for Kali to come I think those two must screw, if they can, and her finding the weapons,” Cross stated. He said this like he still doubted us.

  “I don’t know about sleeping with Aries just yet, but I have an idea. You said that I’d need a sword and dagger?” I asked, thinking of the set at home and the curious connection when I touched the box.

  “Not just any, Kali’s weapons. They are extremely old, but look brand new. We have looked for them both but haven't found either.”

  “I know where they are.” I felt a strangled and panicky pressure around my ribs. Aries must have noticed a difference because he squeezed my hand.

  “Where?” Thorn, Switch, and Arch all asked at the same time. Thorn I realized was more different than the rest, having wavy hair, dark almost black eyes so intense he seemed inhuman. He was deadly looking, feral in some animalistic way. If she ever put a face to Satan it would be this one, gorgeou
s but powerfully evil looking.

  Switch’s looks spoke in louder volume, drawing the human eye. His demeanor grabbed your attention, as much as his dark and delicious good looks. He was a force to be reckoned with, as was his leader Aries. Those two together were unstoppable. She could sense the history between them, brothers it appeared to her. Switch could be Aries twin, not identical, it was something else. They had the same eyes, yet where Aries were ice blue, Switch’s was some kind of neon sea green. To see him was to see massive power and intelligence. She felt guilty all of sudden and looked towards Aries, who had noticed where her attention had been drawn.

  “My store, I’d found this set on the internet some time ago and had begged the man to let me buy it. He refuse, until very recently. A few days ago actually, and I felt weird each time I touched the box. I haven’t opened it yet,” I told them.

  “You and Aries go back and check it out. We have to get on stage. We do a set of three songs and the other band here does three. Midnight we can get away. Don’t leave her for any reason Aries. If she is indeed Kali, then we must all protect her. Kali said that if she dies we die. When we finish we will figure this all out, but for now let’s just see what happens...” Switch informed us.

  Aries nodded at them, and the guys went to get ready on stage.

  I stood up then and decided I’d waited long enough to see the set, that maybe if I just got this over and done with then I would truly know.

  We quickly headed back out, passing Raven and Michael on the dance floor. Michael seemed like he was having a little trouble keeping up with her dance moves. Raven was as good at dancing as I was. She had taken several classes and had the stamina of a freaking athlete.

  Raven smiled big and waved. Michael grimaced but nodded.

  Aries and I walked again, talking. We asked each other questions about little stuff. He learned I would be twenty-one soon.

  “How old were you when you died Aries?”

  I could sense he didn’t like talking about his death, but it was important to me. I wouldn’t have asked him, sparing him the memories, but I felt it was important that I ask him. See if he trusted me.

  “Twenty-five, it’s a long story that I might tell you sometime.” He evaded.

  Well at least he answered me.

  We talked about how he’d visited different countries, and by then we were on my block. I was quite annoyed to find something else was standing among my tables.

  Standing in front of my store was Nathanial. He was the guy who kept insisting I marry him. He was so annoying that I could only stand to be near him for barely minutes. He was cute, but I felt he was really wrong for me. I actually felt threatened by him.

  “Shit,” I said as we walked across the street. I had slowed, furiously thinking of some way to get Nathanial to leave.

  “Who is this guy?” Aries asked, sounding really, really irritated. Man hormones, great.

  “He thinks he’s my boyfriend and wants to be my husband. I can’t stand him. I kind of dated him in high school. Follow my lead...” I told him. I moved closer to Nathanial sensing Aries right behind me; I could’ve reached back and touched him.

  “Angel, where’ve you been? I’ve been calling all day... and who’s this guy?” Nathanial was agitated by something. It had been weeks since the last time he’d stalked me.

  “Nate this is Aries, the lead vocal and guitarist of the Undead Ones. He’s my boyfriend. Aries this is Nathanial, we went to school together.”

  “Hi Nathanial,” I could tell he was tense, and wanted to say more but was waiting for me like I asked which I was grateful for. I didn’t want them getting violent over me. As the tension rose though, I could tell that my wants in this were not top priority.

  “I’m her boyfriend maggot. I’ve dated her for several years now and not you, or anyone else is going to change that, celebrity or not. Angel get rid of this guy. I know we’ve had problems, but I can make you happy. You know I can,” He begged. He shuffled and glanced nervously behind me. His vibes were actually freaking me out. The reason I’d stopped dating him was not just because I didn’t want to be serious, but also because he tried to be controlling to the point of extreme violence. If I’d not been more skilled in different types of martial arts, he probably would have seriously hurt me.

  “Nate, I’ve told you hundreds of times I’m done with you. You’re too possessive, jealous, and controlling for me. I needed space, and you won't give me that. It’s stifling and abusive. I want you to leave, and not come back. Do I need a restraining order?” How many times would I have to say that, did I need to kick his ass to prove it? It’d only make him angrier. He hated that he couldn’t control me, like his ex.

  Nate went to grab my arm, I assume to drag me away from Aries, but one moment I was there and the next behind Aries with him choking Nathanial. I came around and tried to stop him, but I froze when I noticed his eyes. They were solid black with only a thin ice blue outline. The eye thing seriously distracted me. I lost control of my breathing.

  “DON'T. EVER. PUT. YOUR. HANDS. ON. HER… I will slowly remove your skin and make you choke on it until you beg the gods to save you!” Aries large hands wrapped so tightly, squeezing, I thought Nathan’s head would snap right off. His face was changing colors. I was beginning to believe Aries could be a very dangerous man when provoked, like now. He was feeling so many emotions at once I couldn’t keep up.

  “Aries, stop your killing him, I don’t think he intended to hurt me...” I said desperate. I in no way liked Nate, but I didn’t wish his death either. Okay, I might have fantasized about it once or twice. I had to make Aries stop though, if this man went to prison for murder, then I’d never get my answers.

  “Your mine Angel, not this bag of worthless, waste of flesh here,” he released Nathan and threw him into the brick wall so hard it shook the foundation. He was on him in the same instant, faster than my mind could contemplate it with both hands on either side of Nate’s head. This man was definitely not human.

  I knew I needed to step in; there were anger, jealousy, and hurt feelings from Aries, among others, and I felt only my reassurance that I was indeed his, and unhurt, would calm him. He was an immortal, so I knew physically I couldn’t stop him. He’d only been protecting me. My heart said hero... I had to calm this beautiful, scary beast of mine.

  “I'm alright, okay, I’m with you right now, not him. Hold me. I need you to hold me.”

  I had stepped into his way, ducking under his arm, and was putting my own arms around his waist. He looked down at me, and I saw his eyes slowly fade back to normal. I could totally thank whatever made his eyes so exotic and insanely gorgeous.

  “You’re not human, man!” Nathanial had just made his deathbed, out of jealousy and fear.

  “Nate just shut up and go home. You don’t know what you’re talking about; you’re just mad because he made you look so bad.”

  He gave me one sad puppy dog look which caused Aries to growl from within my arms; then Nate put his tail between his legs and left. He was hurt and confused, angry and scared. I think he would go home and play it off as a bad dream. He wouldn't ever call or see me again though, thank god.

  Aries had relaxed when Nathan moved off. Regret and worry replaced his earlier feelings. I assumed he was worried I’d be scared of him, now that he was calming down. Or that I wouldn’t care anymore. He felt confused by all of this, but unwilling to let me go. He finally released me after I told him to follow me.

  I unlocked and reset the alarm before I tugged him into the store, and took his hand leading him to my stock room. He followed soundlessly, staring into my eyes when he could, worried.

  I turned into him as we crossed the threshold and kissed his madly. He responded quickly. His lips found their way to my neck. I pulled back and looked at him. My own emotions threatened to spill. I was quickly becoming aroused. Emotions with Aries were overwhelming on such a drastic scale. I laid my head on his chest and sighed.

you for standing up to him and trying to protect me. I’m grateful you have my back whenever I need it. But I’ll rarely need it. Just knowing your there makes me feel safe. I can handle myself most of the time. So please let me try to handle situations like that.” I tried an approach that was not condescending or reproachful. I didn’t want him feeling tortured about this or worried I felt any different about him.

  “I understand,” he said looking down at his feet. This huge mystifying man never needed to hang his head before anyone, least of all me. I placed my hands on each side of his jaw and lifted his face, but also brought it down to where I was on my tip toes trying to kiss him. He realized my intentions and picked me up crushing me to him. I wanted to cry because of the feelings of self-doubt in him, feelings that had been there long before me, but more intense because of me. I wanted to hold him, but I was just too small. Physically he was undeniably impenetrable, emotionally he was broken. Such a strong man broken like this was inexcusable, completely wrong and made me sick.

  “The box is over here,” I said pushing myself off him. I didn’t want to let go, to leave him. Something pulled me away, as strong as the emotions that pulled me to him. I was torn, but my questions about all of this needed an answer.

  He followed me over to it. I began to get the same feelings as before while I pulled the wrappings off.

  I lifted the dagger, only to feel my knees buckle, my head being thrown back, and my sense of self being tossed into a dark corner of my mind. It was the most horrifying experience of my life, the sense of self-loss, the ripping of soul from body. I was an entity only now, my body possessed by something else, something so much greater than myself. I screamed my injustice at it, scared that it would turn the power that seeped from it in waves on me, making me feel helpless and empty. I was nothing, less than nothing compared to this being. A goddess!

  I was a mass of feelings and knowledge, nothing else. A soul perhaps, but bodiless all the same, and I felt weak and broken, in a very different way than Aries. Not even a tenth of a second had passed. I wanted to fight back with all my heart, but it was useless. What could I, little useless me, do against Her.